CoC: Unofficially Expanded Edition (v1.4.19 for CoC 1.0.2)


Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
I've been thinking of a couple races that may be interesting to make transformatives for. I'm only suggesting these because they seem fairly simple to add in.

Orcs: They aren't much different than goblins. I imagine if a transformative existed for them it would work much the same as Goblin Ale, except it would raise the consumer's height to a maximum of 10 ft. rather than lower it. It could also give the user tusks which would enable a special bite attack similar to the ones used by sharks. Although, that's admittedly more work than necessary. I figure this transformative would take the form of a type of alcohol the player could obtain from either Ro'Gar or The Black Cock (food tent.)

Bunny-Morphs: A transformative for these technically already exists, the Neon-Pink Egg; but it doesn't turn the consumer into a full anthropomorphic rabbit. It more accurately turns them into a half-rabbit or a Playboy bunny, which is fine, but seems odd considering no other animal-based transformative does this. (Other than of course the one for Kitsunes. But fox berries still exist.) I think a simple fix would be to add a Large Neon Pink Egg. It would work exactly the same as the normal one, except in addition it would have a chance to cover the user entirely in fur along with giving them a complete rabbit face.

Any thoughts on these?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I've been thinking of a couple races that may be interesting to make transformatives for. I'm only suggesting these because they seem fairly simple to add in.

Orcs: They aren't much different than goblins. I imagine if a transformative existed for them it would work much the same as Goblin Ale, except it would raise the consumer's height to a maximum of 10 ft. rather than lower it. It could also give the user tusks which would enable a special bite attack similar to the ones used by sharks. Although, that's admittedly more work than necessary. I figure this transformative would take the form of a type of alcohol the player could obtain from either Ro'Gar or The Black Cock (food tent.)

Bunny-Morphs: A transformative for these technically already exists, the Neon-Pink Egg; but it doesn't turn the consumer into a full anthropomorphic rabbit. It more accurately turns them into a half-rabbit or a Playboy bunny, which is fine, but seems odd considering no other animal-based transformative does this. (Other than of course the one for Kitsunes. But fox berries still exist.) I think a simple fix would be to add a Large Neon Pink Egg. It would work exactly the same as the normal one, except in addition it would have a chance to cover the user entirely in fur along with giving them a complete rabbit face.

Any thoughts on these?

I'm on board with this! Would love to be able to turn into a big bunny boy!


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016

Sorry for bothering you with this but:
Currently I'm working on implementing claw tones for a couple of non-human claw types.
While playing around with EmberScene:emberTFs() i've stumble over the part at the very end of that method, where you go into heat/rut (See the comments I've added there:

public function emberTFs(drakesHeart:Boolean = false):void
// [...]
if (player.dragonScore() >= 4 && rand(3) == 0 && player.gender > 0) {
// [...]
if (player.hasCock() && (flags[kFLAGS.EMBER_GENDER] >= 2 || drakesHeart) && (rand(2) == 0 || !player.hasVagina())) { //If hermaphrodite, the chance is 50/50.

changes++; // is this really worth incrementing the changes? It even ignores the changeLimit
else {

changes++; // is this really worth incrementing the changes? It even ignores the changeLimit
flags[kFLAGS.TIMES_TRANSFORMED] += changes;

I tend to remove changes++; there. Your opinion?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Minor exploit alert: It you can get a 2nd Marae's Lethicite if you kill her after already stealing it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
Since I grew tired of juggling around with nagaScore(), lizardScore(), dragonScore(), salamanderScore(), whateverScore() in PlayerEvents I'm adding the following snippet to every single TF (excluding those, that don't effect body-parts except sexual organs 'n stuff):

if (rand(5) == 0) updateOvipositionPerk(tfSource);


  • I'm doing this in my Dragon Mod first, so I have enough time to test this, before I file a PR for this.
  • This is also in preparation for my Dragonfire-revamp -> if (rand(4) == 0) updateDragonfire(tfSource);
  • Note, that lizans are the only race, that gain it. All others keep it or lose it
  • I'll do all the work adding it to the TFs in and I'll test it.
  • tfSource always contains the method name.
  • I'll apply this to classes.Items.Consumables.* too
  • "Why in hell am I doing this sh*t? Oh yeah: Better do it late, than never!"

@Savin: Sup with manders? Keep it or loose it?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016

Shall Manders keep the Oviposition Perk, if they have it or shall they lose it?
Manders are mammals, right? Well, I guess, I'll just let them lose it. Makes more sense to me.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
@Stadler SO far only races that had oviposition stuff involved was quite a bit insectlike so bee and spiders/driders (and if we count Xianxia mantises). All rest races will be giving live birth unless someone make some hybryd using one of those meantioned insect races and set it up that they can have oviposition stuff too.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
@Stadler SO far only races that had oviposition stuff involved was quite a bit insectlike so bee and spiders/driders (and if we count Xianxia mantises). All rest races will be giving live birth unless someone make some hybryd using one of those meantioned insect races and set it up that they can have oviposition stuff too.

Those race have an ovipositor, thing to laid egg on other living beings. 

Oviparous races, instead, are simply those that laid eggs, insead of living birth, such as the lizans, dragons, harpies...and that "frog" from the bog.

Ovipositon, if I understood well, refers to the egg-putting itself, not the fact of ovipositing them on another beings.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
@Ormael: I guess, you're mixing things up again. The Oviposition Perk is the perk you'll gain from Reptilum only. Lizans and nagas may keep it in CoC Revamp and I guess CoC Vanilla, too, while others lose it.
In short: The Perk called "Oviposition" is for Reptiles only. ;)

Heres the commit for my mod:
Take a look at the changes in (excluding the nlScore + player.dragonScore() part, that I've added in my mod only) and in
Note, that I've added more and more body parts to lizans (predator arms, snake-like tongue, reptile eyes ... did I miss anything?) giving them more and more points.
I tried to balance this in but gave up, since this is IMHO just a horrible workaround and everytime you modify nagaScore(), lizardScore() and dragonScore() (<-- in my mod only for now) you have to balance that part again and again.

Actually it was broken by design from the moment I've added the predator arms.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Yeah, that true Stadler.

Well balancing racial scores also isn't easy thing. ANd looking at this lizan changes I feel I gonna 'steal' some of it in future :D


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
I made a femboy character and the description is referring to him as a "Dickgirl".

Is there a way to disable that? It's kinda pissing me off. Not trying to be hostile I just do not care for that terminology.

Mr. Sandman

New Member
Jul 20, 2016
I made a femboy character and the description is referring to him as a "Dickgirl".

Is there a way to disable that? It's kinda pissing me off. Not trying to be hostile I just do not care for that terminology.




You cannot disable this to my knowledge, I think it has something to do with your femininity meaning the more girly you look it's going to say that. So the more masculine you are the more you will be referred to as male. You can go to the salon in the mountains to help with aligning this how you want. Feel free to correct me if I have all this wrong. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
You cannot disable this to my knowledge, I think it has something to do with your femininity meaning the more girly you look it's going to say that. So the more masculine you are the more you will be referred to as male. You can go to the salon in the mountains to help with aligning this how you want. Feel free to correct me if I have all this wrong. 

That's the problem. I like playing as a femboy but I absolutely hate that word.

If it can't be disabled then would it be possible to mod the game myself and just remove that part?

If so how would I go about doing that?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
All that aren't simple male, female or herm making game going slight derpy. It could help adjusting code to take more things into account when chosing how to call PC. And I think there could be a possibility to make game not show meantioning what "gender" PC have for some special situation. Not that I'm sure it won;t make something else broken. So all in all this situation need someone to look at this part of code and trying to do something with it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
New release of my Dragon Mod: CoC-Mod 1.4-dev Dragon Mod 0.9.7 RC7

Oh and BTW: I have an idea related to my updateOvipositionPerk()-implementation:
How about adding it to the harpy Womb too? Meaning: If you gain a Harpy Womb: You'll get Oviposition, too. If you have one, you won't lose Oviposition. And if you lose the Harpy Womb, you'll lose Oviposition along with it. Implementing this would be easy-peasy. As for implementing it in CoC Revamp: I'll file a separate PR later.

[Edit:] Ok, nevermind. Harpy Womb is permanent once you get it. No need to fiddle around more with Oviposition.
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Active Member
Sep 12, 2015
The game seems to determine whether or not to label a male character as a "dickgirl" solely by their femininity score. If it's 75 or higher then they get the label. If the player also has breasts of any size then they will only require a 56 femininity score to be considered a dickgirl. Nothing else seems to affect this.

I don't agree with the system, personally. In my opinion, the term "dickgirl" refers to a character who has male genitalia in addition to breasts and an overall feminine appearance, but lacks a vagina preventing them from being labeled as a "futanari" or "hermaphrodite." A feminine appearance alone, however, should never classify someone as a dickgirl. The presence of breasts should really be the deciding factor; otherwise, they should simply be referred to as male.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
The game seems to determine whether or not to label a male character as a "dickgirl" solely by their femininity score. If it's 75 or higher then they get the label. If the player also has breasts of any size then they will only require a 56 femininity score to be considered a dickgirl. Nothing else seems to affect this.

I don't agree with the system, personally. In my opinion, the term "dickgirl" refers to a character who has male genitalia in addition to breasts and an overall feminine appearance, but lacks a vagina preventing them from being labeled as a "futanari" or "hermaphrodite." A feminine appearance alone, however, should never classify someone as a dickgirl. The presence of breasts should really be the deciding factor; otherwise, they should simply be referred to as male.

I definately agree. It's almost a dealbreaker honestly since I love reading the character description after working really hard on getting my parts to just the right size. If someone called me a "dickgirl" in real life I'd go to jail for assault and battery.

I have three ideas for a proper update, take it or leave it. I don't want to tell you what to do because I'm offended I'm just trying to make suggestions that could improve it overall for other players. If I can mod it myself I'll implement idea one into a version for personal use.

  • Change "Dickgirl" to "Femboy".

Overall femboy is a less offensive term, there are a couple of people that might find it offensive but people will be offended regardless of what you do. In the grand scheme of things though the general consensus is that femboy is not offensive and is used by the majority of people in that community. In fact in the vanilla game if you have the proper femininity score, a penis, and no vagina, then Uma will refer to you as a "femboy" and agree to sex despite your gender. 

  • Make them toggleable.

It's the trickiest option but I feel it would cover the most ground.

  • Remove it.

Self explanatory.

  • Have "dickgirl" require breasts of D-cup or larger.

I say larger than be due to femboys often having small breasts from use of estrogen. You also start with A-cup tits if you pick "girly", D-cup is well beyond the average size a femboy has.

I don't know how to mod whatsoever but I will at least try. I'll just try to change the word and maybe post the modded version with Kitteh's consent.

Again, I'm not mad at anybody for putting it in but I honestly think it's somewhat harmful to the game's enjoyment.


Holy fuck it worked! Uhh... I mean. Of course it was going to work.

Still I'm not going to upload it unless/until Kitteh explicitly says I can.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
 In my opinion, the term "dickgirl" refers to a character who has male genitalia in addition to breasts and an overall feminine appearance, but lacks a vagina

In my opinion, that'd be a shemale. "Dickgirl" would be the "Western" tern for a "futanari".

Change "Dickgirl" to "Femboy".

As far as I know, "femboy" is another term for a twink or even a "dude looks like a lady" trap.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I definately agree. It's almost a dealbreaker honestly since I love reading the character description after working really hard on getting my parts to just the right size. If someone called me a "dickgirl" in real life I'd go to jail for assault and battery.

I have three ideas for a proper update, take it or leave it. I don't want to tell you what to do because I'm offended I'm just trying to make suggestions that could improve it overall for other players. If I can mod it myself I'll implement idea one into a version for personal use.

  • Change "Dickgirl" to "Femboy".

Overall femboy is a less offensive term, there are a couple of people that might find it offensive but people will be offended regardless of what you do. In the grand scheme of things though the general consensus is that femboy is not offensive and is used by the majority of people in that community. In fact in the vanilla game if you have the proper femininity score, a penis, and no vagina, then Uma will refer to you as a "femboy" and agree to sex despite your gender.

Holy fuck it worked! Uhh... I mean. Of course it was going to work.

Still I'm not going to upload it unless/until Kitteh explicitly says I can.


What the problem with the term, actually? It's literally descriptive "girl with a dick". The mirrored "cuntboy" is widely used and I've never seen anyone complaining. But if it is such a big deal - you probably should create a pull request on git. Set it to use "femboy" for flat-chested (A-cup included) and androgynous and "shemale" for more busty or feminine.


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
What the problem with the term, actually? It's literally descriptive "girl with a dick". The mirrored "cuntboy" is widely used and I've never seen anyone complaining. But if it is such a big deal - you probably should create a pull request on git. Set it to use "femboy" for flat-chested (A-cup included) and androgynous and "shemale" for more busty or feminine.

"Cuntboy" is an overused term for F2M trans people and it's disgusting.

Most femboys identify as femboys. What's more is that after some digging I found out dickgirl is another word for "herm.

"Dickgirl" is extremely demeaning in its use and femboy is more popular to begin with. If you go looking for femboys/traps you'd find it pretty difficult to find one that calls themself a "dickgirl."

The thing is that it's like the word "slut". Some people self-indentify as sluts as both a term for self deprecation and a form of empowerment. But "slut" is still a slur. It's okay to call yourself a slut, obviously. But if someone doesn't self identify as a slut and you call them that it makes you a terrible person and a bully.

"Femboy" is a widely accepted term while "dickgirl" doesn't have anything to do with femboys to begin with and is derogatory. Not to mentions CoC straight up has femboy characters. Rubi, Joey, and Princess Gwynne are all femboy characters. Rubi and Joey are specifically referred to in that way.

Having a possible "femboy" description is something that belongs in CoC to begin with. "Dickgirl" is derogatory, inaccurate, and just plain stupid.

I'm sorry to go off on a tyraid like that. I'm trying to make a point and I apologize if I sound angry. Believe me I'm not.

I already have a modified version for myself, I just advocate that "dickgirl" be at least changed to "femboy"in the officiaI version. Failing that I'd at least like to post my version with the single word changed. I didn't change anything else or even put my name in the credits. It's just one word.

But to put my argument into simpler terms: The word "dickgirl" doesn't fit in the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015

Cultural connotations... Sometimes they make me wonder.  I think that most people just don't care for one reason or another. But if you improve detection function (shemale and femboy are obvious enchancements and maybe you can think for more) it's unlikely that anyone would have any problems with this change. After all, it was me who 've changed maleherm detection to take femininity into account to prevent flat girls to be considered as ones.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
I just filed yet another PR: PR #287 Claw tones for certain claw types.

About the lizard skin colors I mentioned in that PR: I've got the NYI ones from the following picture:

Please note, that these colors may never be implemented. They are handled in updateClaws() just in case.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2015
I also found that NPCs refer to my character as female.

But I guess you could just chalk that up to them mistaking me for a girl.

Which makes teasing a bit funnier.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2016
Maybe a vote to see which terms to go with? I always thought dickgirl was another term for a futa which seems to be hermaphrodite, but I guess it would make it seem more PC. I could see femboy/trap being added if A cup or flat with no vagina and at least a dick,  shemale for B or larger cup size with a dick and no vagina, dickgirl/hermaphrodite for both sets. Anyone wish to weigh in that hasn't?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I think feminine terms including she pronouns, as well as dickgirl/harmaphrodite should be gated behind a cup side of b+ & positive femininity. 


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2016
With PR #287 accepted I've just filed PR #289: Move Oviposition perk checks out of
Took me a lot of cherry-picking, finetuning and testing, but it works fine now. Please read my description, before you start asking questions about it. Took me some time to write it ^^

I think feminine terms including she pronouns, as well as dickgirl/harmaphrodite should be gated behind a cup side of b+ & positive femininity. 

As long as I could choose between this, I'd be fine with it. I know, that TITS has such an option, so why not CoC, too? :)
See this screenshot:
TITS preferred gender.png
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