Full homo Kaithrit trap

Golden Brash

New Member
Dec 15, 2015
I want to write up a full homo Kaithrit trap, as the title suggests.

The twist is that the Kaithrit isn't some sort of mega space slut, can't be trained to be a mega space slut, can't be enslaved, etc.

He's literally just a Kaithrit that you can bump uglies with, and the content will be focused around developing the relationship and being loveydovey and cutey and there's gay sex.

Would this pique anyones interest, or are you all into slavery and megasluttery and poor morals?
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2016
This peaks my interest, but is there any way that you could have it so the player character installs a chip into his brain that kicks his libido into overdrive and also allows you to control his actions? Bonus points if he hates what he has become but is powerless to fight the chip's influence.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I want to write up a full homo Kaithrit trap, as the title suggests.

The twist is that the Kaithrit isn't some sort of mega space slut, can't be trained to be a mega space slut, can't be enslaved, etc.

He's literally just a Kaithrit that you can bump uglies with, and the content will be focused around developing the relationship and being loveydovey and cutey and there's gay sex.

Would this pique anyones interest, or are you all into slavery and megasluttery and poor morals?




Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's hard to consider this kinda of idea with TiTS context, considering the kaithrit race and how traps are done in TiTS.

By "full homo kaithrit trap" you mean "extremely feminine kaithrit with a dick that lusts for masculine pcs with a dick" or something else?

There are lots of feminine kaithrits, so the full homo thing is what would make this concept unique.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's hard to consider this kinda of idea with TiTS context, considering the kaithrit race and how traps are done in TiTS.

By "full homo kaithrit trap" you mean "extremely feminine kaithrit with a dick that lusts for masculine pcs with a dick" or something else?

There are lots of feminine kaithrits, so the full homo thing is what would make this concept unique.


If he would consider himself "he", would not be interested in becoming female/herm and would not be pure subby bottom it would make him hugely different from what we have now.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If he would consider himself "he", would not be interested in becoming female/herm and would not be pure subby bottom it would make him hugely different from what we have now.

Yes, a trap that does not identify as a she would be something new to TiTS


Aug 27, 2015
Yes, a trap that does not identify as a she would be something new to TiTS

Peck, Cameron and Able.

I want to write up a full homo Kaithrit trap, as the title suggests.

The twist is that the Kaithrit isn't some sort of mega space slut, can't be trained to be a mega space slut, can't be enslaved, etc.

He's literally just a Kaithrit that you can bump uglies with, and the content will be focused around developing the relationship and being loveydovey and cutey and there's gay sex.

Would this pique anyones interest, or are you all into slavery and megasluttery and poor morals?

Of course it would (and fuck your passive aggressiveness, buddy boy) but if by "full homo" you mean the kaithrit looks male, you'll have to make a point of the fact he's taken masculinifiers to get that way, as I did with Godi.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Peck and Able.

Of course it would (and fuck your passive aggressiveness, buddy boy) but if by "full homo" you mean the kaithrit looks male, you'll have to make a point of the fact he's taken masculinifiers to get that way, as I did with Godi.

I assume Able was an androgynous twink rather than a trap because in his introduction he's clearly identified as a male rather than confused for a female, like a trap usually is. I guess he's identified that way because of the wings.

I don't know who Peck is.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I assume Able was an androgynous twink rather than a trap because in his introduction he's clearly identified as a male rather than confused for a female, like a trap usually is. I guess he's identified that way because of the wings.

I don't know who Peck is.


Peck is gated behind treatment (had to search for this one). Able... He is typical Zil male, no?


Aug 27, 2015
I assume Able was an androgynous twink rather than a trap because in his introduction he's clearly identified as a male rather than confused for a female, like a trap usually is. I guess he's identified that way because of the wings.

I don't know who Peck is.

That's how I envisioned Able certainly, but the bust artist perceived him as a "boi", so it's ambiguous. "Ambiguous" being the key word here.

For Peck, you need to be male Treated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
That's how I envisioned Able certainly, but the bust artist perceived him as a "boi", so it's ambiguous. "Ambiguous" being the key word here.


Aren't only Zil males have wings? It makes his gender quite obvious.


Aug 27, 2015
I knew it was a bad idea to wade into a debate involving you two.

YES, he has wings so if you know your zil lore you can assume he's male. He can STILL look fairly effeminate in appearance, and may identify as female regardless of what his physicality is, which was the crux of this issue.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
I knew it was a bad idea to wade into a debate involving you two.

YES, he has wings so if you know your zil lore you can assume he's male. He can STILL look fairly effeminate in appearance, and may identify as female regardless of what his physicality is, which was the crux of this issue.


Complications of being trans when having apparent gender dimorphism is interesting topic :)

BTW, what is "homo" in the TiTSverse? Would fellow trap be a fitting pair, or he would like only a masculine character? Does cuntboy/maleherm/shemale count?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That's how I envisioned Able certainly, but the bust artist perceived him as a "boi", so it's ambiguous. "Ambiguous" being the key word here.

Like how Cameron was supposed to be a trap and came off as twink in the bust?

Aren't only Zil males have wings? It makes his gender quite obvious.

The difference between Able's Bust and regular Zil Male busts are significant.

I chalk it up to Adjatha artstyle having the tendency to feminize male characters.
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Aug 27, 2015
BTW, what is "homo" in the TiTSverse?

I would assume somebody who is only into male PCs.

I chalk it up to Adjatha artstyle having the tendency to feminize male characters.

Not quite the whole story - he can produce masculine guys, but they are always muscle beasts a la Quenton. What he can't do is produce slim, regular or slightly ambiguous dudes.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well since TF stuff is quite common it won't be wierd if Able was feed with some "experimental stuuf" that made him gain female zils characteristic trait (abdomen) while looing his gender trait (wings) while still been between his legs male.


Aug 26, 2015
Well since TF stuff is quite common it won't be wierd if Able was feed with some "experimental stuuf" that made him gain female zils characteristic trait (abdomen) while looing his gender trait (wings) while still been between his legs male.

That would be ridiculous.

Would this pique anyones interest, or are you all into slavery and megasluttery and poor morals?

I will almost certainly never interact with this character, but why should you give a shit what gets me going?  That's not how this works.  Does it turn you on enough to put in the time and effort to write it?  Then write the fucking character.

You can get all the positive responses you want here, but in two months when you're trying to finish the assfucking scene, all these people will have abandoned you for the next new hotness.  At best they'll comment in your doc thread with a "Yay!".  At worst they'll do shit like:

This peaks my interest, but is there any way that you could have it so the player character installs a chip into his brain that kicks his libido into overdrive and also allows you to control his actions? Bonus points if he hates what he has become but is powerless to fight the chip's influence.

Which is actively harmful to your ability to get anything done.

Don't do any project for us.  Do it for you, because you're the only one who'll be there for you when the going gets rough.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Not quite the whole story - he can produce masculine guys, but they are always muscle beasts a la Quenton. What he can't do is produce slim, regular or slightly ambiguous dudes.


I'm assuming that hyper fans are getting confused having nothing to exaggerate with slim characters.

I would assume somebody who is only into male PCs.


"Male" definition is quite ambiguous in genderfluid society.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
@Couch I guess Lashcharge isn't real then. Go figure...

@Etis  Негоже так. 'Художника обидеть может каждый' и далее по тексту. Even though your point possibly has some merit and made me smile a little bit.

As for boundaries of that hypotetical character's homosexuality I'd guess that it would be closer to androphilia then to the strictly genital check. Something directly opposite to Lieve.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
That would be ridiculous.

I don't think is so unreal. In game more than few npc that are natives are modded already so that mean in like 2-4 weeks of rush some of them somehow managed to get needed TF items to change. As for now none of worlds we visit seems to have their own TF items bank to use for it members then all those cases we seen so far are I suppose due to rushers influence.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Негоже так. 'Художника обидеть может каждый' и далее по тексту. Even though your point possibly has some merit and made me smile a little bit.

As for boundaries of that hypotetical character's homosexuality I'd guess that it would be closer to androphilia then to the strictly genital check. Something directly opposite to Lieve.


А если это художник от слова "худо"? Если вовсе не от "хуй". Well, if they can exaggerate genitals, why can't I exaggerate my annoyance by it? Seems fair to me. Though I honestly consider most busts as trustworthy boner killer.

Hm... Kaithrit males are effeminate enough to make this idea ambiguous. Well, unless he is into other races only.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
А если это художник от слова "худо"? Если вовсе не от "хуй". Well, if they can exaggerate genitals, why can't I exaggerate my annoyance by it? Seems fair to me. Though I honestly consider most busts as trustworthy boner killer.

Hm... Kaithrit males are effeminate enough to make this idea ambiguous. Well, unless he is into other races only.

Нихуясе предъява. Не любить стиль это одно но огульно обвинять художника в бездарности? Мде. 

Apples and oranges. One is an artistic style and other amounts to being kind of an asshole. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Нихуясе предъява? Не любить стиль это одно но огульно обьвинять художника в бездарности. Мде. 

Apples and oranges. One is an artistic style and other amounts to being kind of an asshole. 



Таки да. Стиль - это одно, но когда художник инвариантно срывается в специфичный (пусть и довольно популярный) фетиш вместо того, чтобы адекватно изобразить персонажа, то независимо от художественой ценности результата он фейлится как профессионал. Потому что вместо персонажа пллучается шарж на него.

There are differences between artistic style nd inappropriate stylization, which turns a portrait into grotesque caricature.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
1. Welcome to the forums.

2. I'd probably caution against backhanded kink shaming, just saying. Kinda mean. :eek:hdear:

3. I can guarantee some people would want this. I can also guarantee more people could care less. That's not really all that important, though. Do you want it and can you write it? If so, go for it. Post in Event Submissions when you have something you deem worth showing. Don't forget to read the writing rules and guidelines if you haven't already. Have fun!

Y u hef to be so nice all the tiem, MP? Make us feel bad about our snark and vitriol and stuff.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2016
I actually tried playing a character like this yesterday. At some point, the game decided I was a female with a dick and no vagina... and I gave up on that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I actually tried playing a character like this yesterday. At some point, the game decided I was a female with a dick and no vagina... and I gave up on that.

The option to forcibly set a gender identity for PC exists for that very reason. It creates a problem of not being able to 'trap' properly (i.e. be convincingly feminine on the outside and confuse people) since they all become automatically aware of the gender you have set.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The option to forcibly set a gender identity for PC exists for that very reason. It creates a problem of not being able to 'trap' properly (i.e. be convincingly feminine on the outside and confuse people) since they all become automatically aware of the gender you have set.

If the game used flags to track this stuff it could be done, but that's at least 2 flags for each character not counting all the gender and junk arrangements.

Example, first flag would be something like "hasn't seen PC junk" and judges based on femininity score. This flag is then superceded by "has seen PC junk" by either exhibitionism or sexy scenes. May need writers to come up with quick alternative blurbs for mini-junk characters for grope moments, either passing over or surprise.

It's a lot of work for a little pay, though.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2015
I'd very much apprechiate that. Go write it already. Just as most people here said, do not bother too much about our opinions, if you want to write it, then go ahead and write it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
I don't get the desire to trap others in the first place, personally. It just seems manipulative and... almost malicious. Because what to you do when the person you've tricked is caught off-guard by your actual gender? Like, you get to that point by being purposefully misleading and anything but forthright, and then you purposefully create awkward situations for other people. That's it. If they're not attracted to males, trying to bait them by playing up effeminate physical characteristics isn't going to change their preferences. It'll just make them confused and maybe even angry. I'm talking more "real world" here as opposed to the TiTSverse where preferences hardly exist and anyone will fuck anything at any time, but still.

It just strikes me as mean, I guess. I dunno.

I imagine that only the most irresponsible, and as you said malicious, people would go that far. The thrill of deceiving strangers in non-intimate situations, or harmlessly leading on potential partners up to a point is what supposedly gets their rocks off.

It also apparently the only thing besides fapping that is worth doing in the face of imminent gender bender shennanigans: https://www.tsumino.com/Book/Info/5415/1/10-things-to-do-while-im-still-a-guy-10

I'm probably talking out of my ass, though. The people I know enough to ask or care about stuff like that are for the most part hetero or plain old homosexual.
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