Woah, lot more replies than I thought were gonna come up. Time to do some
First of all, I will be JUST DOing IT! I was just getting opinions first; I was always going to write this up. If not for you folks, than for a story somewhere down the line for someone else.
It's hard to consider this kinda of idea with TiTS context, considering the kaithrit race and how traps are done in TiTS.
By "full homo kaithrit trap" you mean "extremely feminine kaithrit with a dick that lusts for masculine pcs with a dick" or something else?
There are lots of feminine kaithrits, so the full homo thing is what would make this concept unique.
This is exactly what I mean. Feminine kaithrit with a dick that lusts solely for masculine PCs with a dick. A homosexual trap Kaithrit! Unfortunately I wasn't the clearest I could have been, and certainly not as clear as I could have been, which resulted in stuff like this:
Peck, Cameron and Able.
Of course it would (and fuck your passive aggressiveness, buddy boy) but if by "full homo" you mean the kaithrit looks male, you'll have to make a point of the fact he's taken masculinifiers to get that way, as I did with Godi.
First of all, FUCK... me, actually, yeah. Reading back over my post, it didn't come across AT ALL how I wanted it to. I was more going for the *wink wink nudge nudge* kind of stuff, but I just ended up looking absolutely terrible. I don't mean to go about making anyone feel bad for what he or she gets off to. In my time I've wrote some stuff I've not fetishised myself, but that's YOUR FETISH. It has nothing to do with me, and I have no intentions of making you feel bad for it. If my post made you feel like a bad person, that's because it was worded terribly. We're all into what we're into!
Second of all, here's an example of the confusion. The "full homo" was also supposed to be a bit of a joke, but it's a purely biological homosexuality. The Kaithrit looks feminine, as most do, and has a penis, and wants the penis. Ideally he'd want a masculine looking PC too, but that's gating off trap, shemale, etc. PCs with a dick too, so I'll probably write up some stuff for anyone with just a dick.
That would be ridiculous.
I will almost certainly never interact with this character, but why should you give a shit what gets me going? That's not how this works. Does it turn you on enough to put in the time and effort to write it? Then write the fucking character.
You can get all the positive responses you want here, but in two months when you're trying to finish the assfucking scene, all these people will have abandoned you for the next new hotness. At best they'll comment in your doc thread with a "Yay!". At worst they'll do shit like:
Which is actively harmful to your ability to get anything done.
Don't do any project for us. Do it for you, because you're the only one who'll be there for you when the going gets rough.
That's quite the inspirational message, actually. As I mentioned in this reply earlier (obviously you won't have seen it yet so I'm not going to act like you should have known), I was always going to write up this character. I can't get off to my own work, though, so it's really not about whether or not I like it. That said, since I'm writing it up anyway, doesn't matter if anyone likes it! I was really just here to display "look here's my thing", but again; I'm awful at wording stuff that's not smut. Apologies!
1. Welcome to the forums.
2. I'd probably caution against backhanded kink shaming, just saying. Kinda mean.
3. I can guarantee some people would want this. I can also guarantee more people could care less. That's not really all that important, though. Do
you want it and can
you write it? If so, go for it. Post in Event Submissions when you have something you deem worth showing. Don't forget to read the writing rules and guidelines if you haven't already. Have fun!
1. Thank you!
2. This is the post that made me look back at my original post, actually. Thanks for making me see I was kind of a butt! (Not even the good kind)
3. It's gonna get put into words, just wanted to see what people thought. I haven't anything else to do and I like writing the porns!
As one last clarification, if your PC looks male but has solely a vagina, this character will obviously not get mad at you for "trapping" them or anything, because we live in a world where you can identify as what you want, and so do the characters in game! He'll be a bit disappointed, but he won't begrudge you for it, obviously. Only butts would do that, and even I'm not that much of a butt.
Thanks for all the feedback and stuff! I'll try to be less of a huge ass (once again, not the good kind) next time I post anything. Have a good day, and I'll be here still to answer anything you have!