Full homo Kaithrit trap


Aug 27, 2015
I don't get the desire to trap others in the first place, personally. It just seems manipulative and... almost malicious. Because what to you do when the person you've tricked is caught off-guard by your actual gender? Like, you get to that point by being purposefully misleading and anything but forthright, and then you purposefully create awkward situations for other people. That's it. If they're not attracted to males, trying to bait them by playing up effeminate physical characteristics isn't going to change their preferences. It'll just make them confused and maybe even angry. I'm talking more "real world" here as opposed to the TiTSverse where preferences hardly exist and anyone will fuck anything at any time, but still.

It is the thrill of "passing" in the first place. I don't know any transexuals or cross-dressers who express a desire to trick men into bed with them; that tends to be a fantasy men themselves entertain.

The slang word trap originated from guys attempting to "trap" other guys into fapping to images before they were able to realise what they were looking at was technically another guy. It's pretty offensive in reality and I certainly wouldn't use it outside the internet.


Aug 27, 2015
I've never heard it outside of the internet (not that I even socialize all the much outside the internet), and honestly I don't even see it often aside from a certain chan that's absolutely obsessed with "traps" and "cucks."

I suppose if it's just the mischievous nature of the quick "gotcha!" and the self-awareness that one can pass as female at first glance, I can see some of the appeal. As long as it's not straying into serious emotional manipulation or anything like that.

We all conceal parts of our identity to the wider world. If you identify as a female, or feel more comfortable in female clothes, what's the harm done to people on the street? If you mislead someone you are or intend to be intimate with that's different, but it's certainly not the norm where trans/CD-ers are concerned.

And yes, it's worth disregarding anything you see or hear from the internet's hazardous waste disposal site.

Golden Brash

New Member
Dec 15, 2015

Woah, lot more replies than I thought were gonna come up. Time to do some CLARIFICATIONS!

First of all, I will be JUST DOing IT! I was just getting opinions first; I was always going to write this up. If not for you folks, than for a story somewhere down the line for someone else.

It's hard to consider this kinda of idea with TiTS context, considering the kaithrit race and how traps are done in TiTS.

By "full homo kaithrit trap" you mean "extremely feminine kaithrit with a dick that lusts for masculine pcs with a dick" or something else?

There are lots of feminine kaithrits, so the full homo thing is what would make this concept unique.

This is exactly what I mean. Feminine kaithrit with a dick that lusts solely for masculine PCs with a dick. A homosexual trap Kaithrit! Unfortunately I wasn't the clearest I could have been, and certainly not as clear as I could have been, which resulted in stuff like this:

Peck, Cameron and Able.

Of course it would (and fuck your passive aggressiveness, buddy boy) but if by "full homo" you mean the kaithrit looks male, you'll have to make a point of the fact he's taken masculinifiers to get that way, as I did with Godi.

First of all, FUCK... me, actually, yeah. Reading back over my post, it didn't come across AT ALL how I wanted it to. I was more going for the *wink wink nudge nudge* kind of stuff, but I just ended up looking absolutely terrible. I don't mean to go about making anyone feel bad for what he or she gets off to. In my time I've wrote some stuff I've not fetishised myself, but that's YOUR FETISH. It has nothing to do with me, and I have no intentions of making you feel bad for it. If my post made you feel like a bad person, that's because it was worded terribly. We're all into what we're into!

Second of all, here's an example of the confusion. The "full homo" was also supposed to be a bit of a joke, but it's a purely biological homosexuality. The Kaithrit looks feminine, as most do, and has a penis, and wants the penis. Ideally he'd want a masculine looking PC too, but that's gating off trap, shemale, etc. PCs with a dick too, so I'll probably write up some stuff for anyone with just a dick.

That would be ridiculous.

I will almost certainly never interact with this character, but why should you give a shit what gets me going?  That's not how this works.  Does it turn you on enough to put in the time and effort to write it?  Then write the fucking character.

You can get all the positive responses you want here, but in two months when you're trying to finish the assfucking scene, all these people will have abandoned you for the next new hotness.  At best they'll comment in your doc thread with a "Yay!".  At worst they'll do shit like:

Which is actively harmful to your ability to get anything done.

Don't do any project for us.  Do it for you, because you're the only one who'll be there for you when the going gets rough.

That's quite the inspirational message, actually. As I mentioned in this reply earlier (obviously you won't have seen it yet so I'm not going to act like you should have known), I was always going to write up this character. I can't get off to my own work, though, so it's really not about whether or not I like it. That said, since I'm writing it up anyway, doesn't matter if anyone likes it! I was really just here to display "look here's my thing", but again; I'm awful at wording stuff that's not smut. Apologies!

1. Welcome to the forums.

2. I'd probably caution against backhanded kink shaming, just saying. Kinda mean.  :eek:hdear:

3. I can guarantee some people would want this. I can also guarantee more people could care less.  That's not really all that important, though. Do you want it and can you write it? If so, go for it. Post in Event Submissions when you have something you deem worth showing. Don't forget to read the writing rules and guidelines if you haven't already. Have fun!

1. Thank you!

2. This is the post that made me look back at my original post, actually. Thanks for making me see I was kind of a butt! (Not even the good kind)

3. It's gonna get put into words, just wanted to see what people thought. I haven't anything else to do and I like writing the porns!

As one last clarification, if your PC looks male but has solely a vagina, this character will obviously not get mad at you for "trapping" them or anything, because we live in a world where you can identify as what you want, and so do the characters in game! He'll be a bit disappointed, but he won't begrudge you for it, obviously. Only butts would do that, and even I'm not that much of a butt.

Thanks for all the feedback and stuff! I'll try to be less of a huge ass (once again, not the good kind) next time I post anything. Have a good day, and I'll be here still to answer anything you have!


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
As one last clarification, if your PC looks male but has solely a vagina, this character will obviously not get mad at you for "trapping" them or anything, because we live in a world where you can identify as what you want, and so do the characters in game! He'll be a bit disappointed, but he won't begrudge you for it, obviously. Only butts would do that, and even I'm not that much of a butt.

If you would find a place to naturally integrate it into the dialogue/interactions between your character and PC, having an option to premptively dispel possible confusion might be a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
This is exactly what I mean. Feminine kaithrit with a dick that lusts solely for masculine PCs with a dick. A homosexual trap Kaithrit! Unfortunately I wasn't the clearest I could have been, and certainly not as clear as I could have been, which resulted in stuff like this:

Second of all, here's an example of the confusion. The "full homo" was also supposed to be a bit of a joke, but it's a purely biological homosexuality. The Kaithrit looks feminine, as most do, and has a penis, and wants the penis. Ideally he'd want a masculine looking PC too, but that's gating off trap, shemale, etc. PCs with a dick too, so I'll probably write up some stuff for anyone with just a dick.

As one last clarification, if your PC looks male but has solely a vagina, this character will obviously not get mad at you for "trapping" them or anything, because we live in a world where you can identify as what you want, and so do the characters in game! He'll be a bit disappointed, but he won't begrudge you for it, obviously. Only butts would do that, and even I'm not that much of a butt.




"Trap" is usually used when a character is a crossdresser who is intentionally hiding his actual gender, BTW. Is it what you are planning to do, or you are just want to say that he is girly like all kaithrits? If yes, this is promising a great opportunity for a funny scene with a cuntboy PC...

It is good not to gate out players unnecessarily by their extras, even if it is a bit out of character for NPC since a lot of players are going for the full package exactly for a reason of having access to everything.

Golden Brash

New Member
Dec 15, 2015
If you would find a place to naturally integrate it into the dialogue/interactions between your character and PC, having an option to premptively dispel possible confusion might be a good idea.

I will most certainly try. As most writers do, I want my porn to be as not jarring as I can make it, so players don't just get smacked in the face with a "DENIED" wall.

"Trap" is usually used when a character is a crossdresser who is intentionally hiding his actual gender, BTW. Is it what you are planning to do, or you are just want to say that he is girly like all kaithrits? If yes, this is promising a great opportunity for a funny scene with a cuntboy PC...

It is good not to gate out players unnecessarily by their extras, even if it is a bit out of character for NPC since a lot of players are going for the full package exactly for a reason of having access to everything.

I still mentally hold on to an old version of the word, which is like... just someone who really could be either, that you can't really guess without seeing some naughty bits, or asking them outright. That being said, the character will be a crossdresser, but he won't be intentionally hiding his gender. He just likes crossdressing because he looks damned cute in a skirt! :D

That ALSO being said, he won't bring up his gender unless you try to initiate sexy times, so a scene between cuntboy players and the character can be made in which some disappointing discoveries are made! He will make it pretty clear that he's only into the dicks though, so if you get that scene, you'll have to either ignore his dialogue, or purposefully get the scene.

I'll try to write scenes for hermaphrodites/anyone that has both sets, certainly, but the character will make it expressly clear that the only genitals being used in his sexy gay sex things will be the male kind. No player gets left behind! Except those without dicks. Sorry, those players.

It's fine! Tone is hard to convey purely through text, especially playful and sarcastic tones. At least without using our bomb-ass emotes. :p  <-- Put that after everything. It works for me.  :D  

Or  ;)

Or  :smugdog:

You get the idea. Anyways, I wish you luck in your writing endeavors!



I'm going to try to go out of my way to use :smugdog: wherever appropriate.



Jun 24, 2016
I've got all the character basics I need down, and tomorrow I'm gonna start actually writing up the sex scenes. Tomorrow you'll get the something, I promise!
sexy cute submissive traps? wow is it getting hot in here...

Let this die. Guy hasn't been in since the 20th of June. It's dead.