More Tone and Thickness blurbs.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
The Appearance tab could use more descriptors for tone and thickness since as far as I know their currently underused. Maybe some simple body descriptions at the beginning like in CoC?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Well Slab from NT Gym supposed to give people option to go above 100 thicknes or tone values. And this would for sure need at least some new ways to describe tone and thickness. So cobra you may look toward NT Gym thread. Maybe you both came wirh some solution or even desc for different tone/thickness values that would extend current narrow choice of words.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Well Slab from NT Gym supposed to give people option to go above 100 thicknes or tone values. And this would for sure need at least some new ways to describe tone and thickness. So cobra you may look toward NT Gym thread. Maybe you both came wirh some solution or even desc for different tone/thickness values that would extend current narrow choice of words.

Well Slab from NT Gym supposed to give people option to go above 100 thicknes or tone values. And this would for sure need at least some new ways to describe tone and thickness. So cobra you may look toward NT Gym thread. Maybe you both came wirh some solution or even desc for different tone/thickness values that would extend current narrow choice of words.

Well it defiantly looks like something to look foreword too. As for descriptions as much as I like bodybuilder content I suck at describing anatomy.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Hehe looks then we could try talk to Slab about writing some new descriptions for tone and thickness. Then we would try bribe Jac to code it and viola...profit *muahahahahahahahaha*

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Whatcha talking about? My PC has boringly average values of 50 tone and thickness and pretty big endowments and the appearance screen is like bro you're curvy with abs.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
The Appearance tab could use more descriptors for tone and thickness since as far as I know their currently underused. Maybe some simple body descriptions at the beginning like in CoC?

Point me at the ones from CoC and I'll see what I can do.

I myself would kill for more ultra-low-thickness description, but I'm also into waifs, which I don't think is super popular in TiTS. On the flipside, I like above-average tone on gals, too, so that'd be a plus. I don't see this as a huge priority, but maybe if someone is bored they could throw something like this together in an afternoon. I don't think the Appearance tab is super complicated to expand.

I'm assuming the desc. for these is kept in either or on the gitHub; do you know which of the entries from the Tone versus Thickness chart on smutosaur have unique descriptions already written in-game?


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
Point me at the ones from CoC and I'll see what I can do

Tone- Thickness:

0-0:  with a waif-thin body, and soft, forgiving flesh

50-0: a lithe body and only a little bit of muscle definition

75-0: a very thin body that has a good bit of muscle definition

100-0: a lithe body covered in highly visible muscles

0-25: a fairly thin form and soft, cuddle-able flesh

0-50: an average frame and soft, untoned flesh with a tendency for jiggle

0-75: a wide, cushiony body and plenty of jiggle on your curves.

0-100: a thick, voluptuous body and plush, jiggly curves

25-25: a fairly thin form and soft, cuddle-able flesh

25-50: a moderately thin body, soft curves, and only a little bit of muscle

25-75: a somewhat narrow body and a decent amount of visible muscle

25-100: a fit, somewhat thin body and rippling muscles all over

50-25: a moderately thin body, soft curves, and only a little bit of muscle

50-50:  an average body and soft, unremarkable flesh

50-75: a wide-set body, some soft, forgiving flesh, and a hint of muscle underneath it

50-100: a very wide body, lots of curvy jiggles, and hints of muscle underneath

75-25: a somewhat narrow body and a decent amount of visible muscle

75-50: a normal waistline and decently visible muscles

75-75: a solid, thick frame and a decent amount of muscles

75-100: an extremely substantial frame packing a decent amount of muscle

100-25: a fit, somewhat thin body and rippling muscles all over

100-50: average thickness and a bevy of perfectly defined muscles

100-75:  a thickset frame that gives you the appearance of a wall of muscle

100-100: an extremely thickset frame and so much muscle others would find you harder to move than a huge boulder
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
In TiTS, 50-50 is hourglass curvy with abs, lol.

Then again my PC also has large endowments and high Physique, not sure if that's relevant.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If we want to see hope for perks from NT gym seen it would be include desc when tone or thicness goes over 100 all way up to 200.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
In TiTS, 50-50 is hourglass curvy with abs, lol.

Then again my PC also has large endowments and high Physique, not sure if that's relevant.

This is actually humanly possible without futuristic gene mods, so I'm not sure what your beef is. (eample 1 // 2 // 3, though I know they don't specifically have 6-packs; I'm saying the overall shape is possible.) Also, 50 Muscle Tone = defined muscles, while 50 Thickness is smack in the middle of somewhat thin (40) and Average (60). 


Anyway, here are some thoughts:

1) First, I think the over-all "shape," of your PC should also be defined by their highest physical stat between Physique and Reflexes, if possible. The former would give your character descriptions tending more to those belonging to a body-builder, while the latter gives your character descriptions tending more to those belonging to martial artists. 

2) Right now, the issue that I'm looking at in terms of adding more "overall" body descriptions would be where to put them, as TiTs itself already accounts for how your: Ass, Hips, Butt, and Abs all look like, with "Abs" being the last part the appearance screen describes before jumping to your array of breasts. My options are either: 1) taking the easy out and just adding anything that describes your body's over-all shape at the end of that long-ass paragraph, or 2) comb through the game code to find where all the descriptors are for Ass, Hips, Butt, and Abs, write them down, then expand on them to include different descriptions for different body-types before sitting down to write the matching overall descriptions for them.

So, def. not an afternoon's worth of work, heh.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
...I don't have beef? I was just commenting on cobra's post. I also think it'd be nice if stat blurbs were present.