Greetings! I want to present you alpha build of our upcoming hybrid of a VN and Rance series. We need your feedback to confirm our current vector. The main goal is - testing of the narrative part, but I’ll be happy to hear your thoughts on different aspects too!
Please, note that this build is still pretty far from the final version. You will encounter some placeholder images, interface elements and other raw materials. Also, it’s worth mentioning – current build is optimized (well, if I can use this word ><) for 16:9 and 16:10 types of display resolution.
So, to begin with just grab the game and give it a try. You can do it directly from our Patreon page
After this, feel free to post any thoughts you have! Don’t try to be polite. We know, this game has it’s problems. So, you just point them out! If you have trouble placing your impression into a more specific form, you can use my questions as a basic guideline:
Narrative part:
1) Napping in the process? No, srsly. How do feel about general style of our text blocks?
2) How difficult it was to read? The most weak moments in the narrative?
3) Was the story at least somewhat engaging? Do you want to know what’s next?
Art part:
1) How does the art feel? I know, it’s kinda strange compared to standard anime drawing, but we wanted to make it feel unique.
2) General thoughts on the characters like details, general appeal, etc.
3) What about the combat part?
Sound and music part:
1) Any thoughts on musical setting? Which tracks felt out of place?
2) Right atmosphere while reading means a lot. Was our music a distraction to you?
Well, or just throw some shaite at us! Either way,thanks a lot!
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