Characters,Favourite and Not?


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The wiki can, should, and for the most part does, reference the gender pronouns and presentation a character uses to their "gender." If a character is referred to by the PC in-game as "she," then she's a she. Kindly don't go through the entire wiki dicking with pronouns or gender tags; it's annoying to have to mass roll back pages when people do that.

Lerris is kind of an edge case, specifically. As one blog commentor pointed out, she's not really (intended to be) trans per se; more like genderfluid, presenting feminine (and now I sound like I'm from Tumblr).

Apologies that's the way my post read. I meant only, like you said, if they are referred to a certain way the wiki should probably follow. I'll not do anything. But there should be some discussion how the wiki does and should present characters.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Meh really I think after all this hate for Reds I feel I like them only cuz of the reason below :p

I don't hate the Reds?

The reason they would act the way they do, is because of the society they were raised into.

It is the same for everybody around the world.

Of course it would be great if you could mend a red's views on how things should be.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The reason they would act the way they do, is because of the society they were raised into.

Meh, not really. Most of the shady crap they get hate from was only implemented once the war started. Unless the majority of their forces are under 7 years old, this is not something they simply grew up with.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
It's been a while since I've had time to play, so I haven't experienced most of the Myrellian content not any of the Uveto items. So my answers will likely change later.

Favorite: Syri, Anno, and Penny. All three rub me the right way. Of the three, probably Syri would be my top pick.

Hated: I haven't seen the new content on Mhenga and I avoided Badger like the plague, so I'd have to say Big T. It's kinda hard to say why, though. He just rubs me wrong somehow.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Favorites: Subby characters, characters that make you a big part of their world. 

Absolute dislikes: Dom characters, characters that only treat you like a sex toy and probably call you "Bitch, slave, pet" or more specifically Sera. 

Kinda dislike: Any character with a connection to PC's father (Besides Shade)


Jun 10, 2016
Saendra is best! 

And i really hope she is getting new content down the line. :p
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Active Member
Jun 13, 2016
Leive makes me really uncomfortable, mainly because of the whole sexual slavery aspect. Like, what's going to happen to those girls if/when the wars over? They can't go back to a normal life because they're addicted to red venom. The hate goes for the rest of the slavers as well, so Bragga. Amara, Beth. Shade pisses me off because literally how is having a mass murdering pirate around, who also sells people into sexual slavery, good for your kid? 

As for favourite characters, I'm not sure. Anno and Seandra are great, obviously. I like Kiro as well, mainly for her Robin Hood thing she has going on. I like Sera because she's really passionate about her job, and consensual domination is my thing.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Except it isn't. Personality is depending on many factors. That's why every society has dissidents.

Sorry, meant something else entirely.

A lot of people in a society that is mostly based around war, and military action tend to adapt to the situation.

Thus they act in a way that is beneficial to their society.

But in some cases, like in TiTs where you meet Liliana at the bar.

They tend to either fight with the system, or run away from it.

I hope this clarifies a bit what I meant..?

I'm terrible at expressing my thoughts.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I hope you like femdom and puppysluts.

Been weeks since I saw her .as file, Fen/Geddy should really stop teasing like that. :c ...Or was it you?!

Only two characters in the whole game associated with walkies, both are Savintorinian Puppysluts, and one of them you can't do it with after a certain point. :T
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I like both. Someone has to give birth to Steele Jr. Jr. though.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Nerrasa coos as you approach, reaching across the counter to stroke your hair. “Ready for your walkies? Or did you just wanna buy something?"



Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Yeah, Anzhela is really the only Red worth a damn.


The Red shopkeeper is okay. Her wife isn't a trench wife and she seems at least somewhat regretful of her role in the war (given she won't talk about it).

Also the Red bather, because I don't think we learn anything about her at all.

Why team Nyrea? I'd rather #teammyrfungus. The Nyrea are barbarians with tits.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The Red shopkeeper is okay. Her wife isn't a trench wife and she seems at least somewhat regretful of her role in the war (given she won't talk about it).

Also the Red bather, because I don't think we learn anything about her at all.

Why team Nyrea? I'd rather #teammyrfungus. The Nyrea are barbarians with tits.


Looks like a lot of people consider having tits as excuse for anything.


Active Member
Jun 13, 2016
The Red shopkeeper is okay. Her wife isn't a trench wife and she seems at least somewhat regretful of her role in the war (given she won't talk about it).

Also the Red bather, because I don't think we learn anything about her at all.

Why team Nyrea? I'd rather #teammyrfungus. The Nyrea are barbarians with tits.

Amazonian insect ladies with egg-laying dicks. Plus none of them seem especially evil- you submit to the alpha Nyrea in the bad-end out of choice, not because she made you. That's why I can't really reconcile her with being Tavris-when you meet her in the palace she's a spoilt brat, but Wsan wrote her as being quite cool and collected. They seem like completely different people


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
The Red shopkeeper is okay. Her wife isn't a trench wife and she seems at least somewhat regretful of her role in the war (given she won't talk about it).

I didn't read that as regretful, I read that as bad memories concerning loosing her leg.

Also the Red bather, because I don't think we learn anything about her at all.

We know she keeps trench wives. Which is pretty much the main red evil. 

Yeah, Anzhela is really the only Red worth a damn.


And apparently Briha is pretty cool, besides beating you up and stealing from you if you're too weak. Maybe I should go clobber her some more so I can actually see what she's all about. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
We know she keeps trench wives. Which is pretty much the main red evil. 

I must have missed that. I'll look later.

Edit: It's only mentioned in a version of the scene that plays if the PC doesn't have a cock.

Hmm. It's Bioshock Infinite all over again. If Steele never grows a cock, the Red Myr bather turns evil!. xD
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
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