Characters,Favourite and Not?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
If you loved them as much as you claim you'd know they are the Dorna twins, you plebian! this is a joke

I am indeed a cad and a bounder for making such an error, and I got the joke :p  

From my persistent lurking, and anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I've noticed that a big problem with a lot of pregophiles is that they want pregnancy without consequences/story impact. While this is a smut game and a scifi one at that, this really doesn't work with Major or even a lot of minor NPCs, and unfortunately those are usually the breeder targets. Anno is a big one, whle yes her having scenes with her being gloriously pregnant with a litter would be awesome...but I literally cannot see it working on so many levels. Besides her being benignly puppysluttish, she's really a good example of a career driven person who loves her job and wants to pursue it as long as she can. (the slump Victor found her in due to the accident and not a sign of falling out of love with her work.) Kids would destroy her old life, primarily in terms of priorities and ability to travel, and she'd have to stop traveling with Steele. Very simplistic look at the example but I hope justice is being done.


Ethereal Dragon

Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
If you loved them as much as you claim you'd know they are the Dorna twins, you plebian! this is a joke

Wow I haven't seen that word used in a while at least not since Kaizer was around here before he left in a huff like he did.

Really hard to decide who my fav is really. Still deciding if I have someone here in the game that I don't like. *shrug*
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Hey Shade has a daughter, isn't she a Savintorinian character as well? 


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
Hey Shade has a daughter, isn't she a Savintorinian character as well? 

To add upon Etis' point: Shade's work allows for long periods of leisure after every big contract while doing SCIENCE! and shopkeeping, for example, are both full-time things.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I feel you though; ignoring the negatives is normal in fetish fiction. Hell even things as vanilla as anal (can't really do it spontaneously).

In the meantime I'll just imagine the puppysluts in wedding dresses and naked aprons.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
From my persistent lurking, and anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I've noticed that a big problem with a lot of pregophiles is that they want pregnancy without consequences/story impact. While this is a smut game and a scifi one at that, this really doesn't work with Major or even a lot of minor NPCs, and unfortunately those are usually the breeder targets. Anno is a big one, whle yes her having scenes with her being gloriously pregnant with a litter would be awesome...but I literally cannot see it working on so many levels. Besides her being benignly puppysluttish, she's really a good example of a career driven person who loves her job and wants to pursue it as long as she can. (the slump Victor found her in due to the accident and not a sign of falling out of love with her work.) Kids would destroy her old life, primarily in terms of priorities and ability to travel, and she'd have to stop traveling with Steele. Very simplistic look at the example but I hope justice is being done.


If the PC gets her preggo.... Then naw it wont effect her work much... Look at the list of things to be implemented

  • The Nursery (51%, 1,272 Votes)

So after birth the baby goes to the Nursery, and she continues her work with the occasional visit to say hi. If she wants to continue working on science stuff, then sure when Steele comes back to the station they drop in to see the kid, and then go back to business. As for shopkeeper, well the station needs more people to run shops, so just bring em over then they can enjoy the munchkin and their job.

EDIT - Forgot to add my likes and dislikes.

Likes - Lieve, Shade, Nehzara, Embry, Inessa, Saendra, Queen of the deep, and the Ovir girl from the whore house on Tavros (Prob others, but thats what I am remembering)

Dislikes - Gold queens, red generals, Sera, Fyn, Alex, Badger, and Lash, Hand so, Kandar, Lyralla and Kuro.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
I'm a submissive with a overpowering TF fetish and a thing for corruption. So it really shouldn't come as a surprise who I like most... being also that I am that minority that plays the game from my characters point of view and not my own (or rather make myself as my character) , and that I believe a characters point of view can be altered and indeed corrupted is really should come as no wonder that I adore (dun dun DUUUUUUN) Dr. Badger. Also great fondness for Sera and Holiday. Basically any character that through plot choice enforces a transformation versus using a random dropped item through your inventory. 

Honestly a little pressed to come up with a "least" favorite character. The doctor from Mhen'ga who has you capture Zil is kinda a tool. Not a huge fan of the vast majority of male characters in fact but to say I hate them would be strong. Dane annoys me because of extra arm envy. Probably least would have to be Dr. Lash. He just doesn't do anything for me whatsoever. Only time I even bother to duck into his clinic is for testicle removal. I kinda hate talking to him. Also again.. extra arm envy. I am also not especially fond of that one smuggler dick you meet on your way to Uveto. I keep praying for a shove him out the airlock option. 


If the PC gets her preggo.... Then naw it wont effect her work much... Look at the list of things to be implemented

I think Anno (when she wanted to be one) would invest her whole time into motherhood, not just ship the baby off to the nursery as soon as it's born, although I guess she can give it to her parents.. Besides in the last few months of pregnancy she would not be able to easily run a shop or do dangerous things in space or with science. Then there's the recovery afterwards. 
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Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
We reviving this thread? Oh boy.

Favorites: Hmmm.... narrowing it down to top three... Sera, Renvra, and Tannis.

Sera is awesome, being a dom that doesn't put off horrible rape vibes, gives you discounts for really nice TFs, and is probably one of the better 'mistresses' in the game. Plus, during her quest line, you get to help her out, and she's genuinely thankful for it, showing she thinks of you more than just a cock holster.

Renvra is basically just a character that hits the right spots for me. Big tits, big hips, big dick, big balls... mmmm. Just a combination of traits that I find really attractive. Also, you can deny her and make her balls swell, and then she'll fill you character with the backup. That is just plain HOT. Plus, she's also aware that her race is pretty fucked up, which I like.

And Tannis is just a bro. He gives you Bow training, a sweet stun arrow special, and a badass bow that can carry you to planet three with ease. Wish there was more to do with him, but what we've got is pretty great.

Everyone else falls into varying layers of likeability, though there are a few at the top of that layer. Most of the games Herms are solid characters (too many to list), Gene is neat, even if his scene is better written when your a ditz (which I hate being...), want more content for Dane and Captain Khorgan (follower recruitment for both when?), and Burt is pretty good, wish there was more to him.

Those that I hate are pretty simple: Juro, Lane, and Kat (The Brothel Mistress)

Lane is basically the opposite of Sera. She offers a service, gets you hooked, and then fucks with your brain while you're under. I actually haven't completed her quest path to see if the payoff is any good, since I hit max level and want able to increase my willpower to more than 80% so I didn't get re-hypnotized. Also, she treats you like a thing, both when interacting with you and during sex. Her dialogue at least made it seem like she was uncertain about abusing her power over you (she looks guilty, is nervous, etc), but then by the end you're just a fuckstick that's paying her every day. Fuck Lane.

Kat annoys me because she's completely unscrupulous. There's her treatment of Reaha (which is beyond fucked), the fact she sleeps on the job, forces you to pleasure her at the end of each whoring session and then takes money (feel it should be an option. Fuck her/lick her and keep your earnings, otherwise she takes a cut), and then she gives you a bad end for signing on to a contract in the hopes of making more money. Yes, yes, I know that it says there may be implications, but its still a shitty thing to do. Fuck Kat.

And Juro. Juro is a dick, he thinks with his dick, and it's honestly pretty disturbing that he's the one in charge of helping to resolve the conflict. For starters, he's boning the Gold Myr representative, which means he's not impartial. Second, he wants to 'help' the Gold Myr by using them to start a Kui-tan colony. I think I heard it phrased best on another page "turn the Gold Myr into Kui-tan cocksleves". Yeesh. I don't even WANT to fuck Juro.
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Favourite. Anno or Shade. Although I really enjoy the new Anno scenes, but the moment where shade says she'd rather have moments with you as a lover than an eternity with you as a sister (or something like that)

Dislike: Dr Badger. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2016
Hmmm, I think this is slightly trickier question than it first appears. Cause on one level my favourite characters are simply the ones that appeal to my particular interests and my least favourite are simply the ones that don't appeal. But is that really a reasonable criteria? I mean, if we look at non-smut fiction, I think that Gollum is a fantastic character despite generally disapproving of theft, murder and cannibalism :p

To pick on a specific example who has the advantage of being a non-smut option, I'd agree that Juro is doing a lousy job of being a responsible, impartial authority figure. But in a lot of ways that makes him a more three dimensional character. From his point of view, everything makes perfect sense. He's a diplomat defending an innocent peace-loving nation from their militaristic conqueror of a neighbour. And he can even see a way to help out his own people at the same time. It might be a little improper for him to be in a relationship with a fellow ambassador, but doesn't that just go to show how the Golds are going to make wonderful upstanding UGC members, unlike those horrible Reds? Everyone would win if the UGC just came in and enforced a fair peace treaty that forced the Reds to give up all their conquered land.

All makes perfect sense if you ignore certain uncomfortable little details. But people are really, really good at ignoring uncomfortable details when it suits them.


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2016
Hmmm, I think this is slightly trickier question than it first appears. Cause on one level my favourite characters are simply the ones that appeal to my particular interests and my least favourite are simply the ones that don't appeal. But is that really a reasonable criteria? I mean, if we look at non-smut fiction, I think that Gollum is a fantastic character despite generally disapproving of theft, murder and cannibalism :p

To pick on a specific example who has the advantage of being a non-smut option, I'd agree that Juro is doing a lousy job of being a responsible, impartial authority figure. But in a lot of ways that makes him a more three dimensional character. From his point of view, everything makes perfect sense. He's a diplomat defending an innocent peace-loving nation from their militaristic conqueror of a neighbour. And he can even see a way to help out his own people at the same time. It might be a little improper for him to be in a relationship with a fellow ambassador, but doesn't that just go to show how the Golds are going to make wonderful upstanding UGC members, unlike those horrible Reds? Everyone would win if the UGC just came in and enforced a fair peace treaty that forced the Reds to give up all their conquered land.

All makes perfect sense if you ignore certain uncomfortable little details. But people are really, really good at ignoring uncomfortable details when it suits them.

You make a fair point. Juro can be considered to have levels of depth. He has motivations and goals, and he's even in love. He has a great DEPTH character. I just don't think he's a GOOD character. Frankly, the fact that I think he's a dick is largely thanks to the characteristics that give him depth in the first place: he's being biased, his priorities are not on even representation of the two species he's supposed to be helping, and he's letting his groin think for him instead of his brain.

That said, he's not the worst character in the game. He's simply one I don't like. Worse characters are ones that are little more than three buttons. Characters in a vacuum, no story, no depth, nothing. Anon's bar is filled with 'em, unfortunately, and the need much love.

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
One day Savin will finish Nerrasa.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
Besides in the last few months of pregnancy she would not be able to easily run a shop or do dangerous things in space or with science. Then there's the recovery afterwards. 

Just kinda curious about 1 thing with your statement. Why would this 1 particular character have a recovery time in the game... I mean in 1 of my games I let the queen of the deep impregnate Steele, and my char was running around until the day of birth, and the day after with no change in stats, I dont remember seeing a lose of time or days due to the pregnancy. As far as I know there is no other female or male that can get preggo that needs a recovery time. I mean if you look at it from a realistic POV then yeah I agree girls need to recover after giving birth... But then ALL the NPC's and the PC need to be treated the same way. Not just a favorite, or someone that your emotionally tied to. 


Just kinda curious about 1 thing with your statement. Why would this 1 particular character have a recovery time in the game... I mean in 1 of my games I let the queen of the deep impregnate Steele, and my char was running around until the day of birth, and the day after with no change in stats, I dont remember seeing a lose of time or days due to the pregnancy. As far as I know there is no other female or male that can get preggo that needs a recovery time. I mean if you look at it from a realistic POV then yeah I agree girls need to recover after giving birth... But then ALL the NPC's and the PC need to be treated the same way. Not just a favorite, or someone that your emotionally tied to. 

I just went with a realistic POV seeing as Anno won't get preg content. I mean obviously you can't do that to steele as that would be boring and not fun. 
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Some realism is good, too much can be bad. Otherwise Steele would have to have broken bones, immense pain from having body transformed and all that.

Just happy to have preg content as repercussion from sexing all the creatures and nursery as a way to interact with them and be less of a no-show parent.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
Because the PC is the one that's playing the game.

There are a lot of ways in which the PC and NPC's are treated differently, and pregnancy content is hardly an exception. The PC should have a post-birth recovery period. The PC should suffer massive penalties to physique, aim, and reflexes past the midpoint of a pregnancy. The PC should suffer terrible complications if they squat down and give birth alone in a fucking monster-infested jungle.

If we're being absolutely realistic, any kind of combat would have to do horrible things to the PC's baby. It's uncomfortable to think about. It's why some people here don't think pregnancy works very well in TiTS at all. Because it's wildly unrealistic and brings up uncomfortable continuity errors with no real solution other than accepting gross parental negligence on the part of the player and conveniently preventing anything truly terrible from happening to their poor children with the magic of handwaving.

That didn't last long.


Honestly I just wanted an explanation, you gave it. I am good. My best friend is 28 weeks along atm, and she needs help with most things, and her doc doesnt want her walking at all. (Not sure why, shes healthy and all, but meh I'm not a female so I dont WANT to know why). 

I agree that pregnancy should do horrible things to stats, and combat should NOT be allowed if preggo, I swear my point was more towards Kryhn who said that Anno would need a recovery time, because no one else needed one.

For me I just think that most things if not all should be equal. If A gets treated in 1 way, then so should everyone else. At the most I would expect PC gets treated one way, and all NPC's to get treated another way. That way there is a standard across the board, and as far as I know in game, that is how it currently is.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
It won't be. There aren't any significant examples of non-generic NPC pregnancy at the moment. Literally just Briha, and she has a lot of problems with the way she was handled, in my opinion. But she's super outdated and I can't fault Jim for working with what he had at the time. The only other things you can get pregnant right now are various cunt tails and a few generic mobs, which currently handle almost everything off-screen and without many specifics.

There is no pregnancy standard set right now. It's coming, though, and the PC is probably going to end up the odd one out. As with most things.

Ok thanks for clearing that up MysteriousPerson. I'm ok with a standard that hits NPC's and the PC differently. Thanks for taking the time to answer. Now I will stop cluttering up the chat with talk about things other than liked and hated characters.

 Edit - Just remembered something from Tarkus I think it is, the second world you go to for a Probe.

Cant you get one of the random females there preggo as well? I think I remember walking in on someone giving birth to a baby of mine once. 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Eh, I don't think my opinions have changed much since my last post. Still dislike bimbo and addiction-related characters (With the notable exception of Briha and Anzhela.), and I still like pretty much all the vanilla content. I know, I'm boring as all hell.


Cant you get one of the random females there preggo as well? I think I remember walking in on someone giving birth to a baby of mine once. 

Yes. You can get the Female Raskvel pregnant that wants you to pay her if you do it with her enough times.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2016
Thats what it was thanks man.

Also love the reaper gif. If only the damn council had listened.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I swear every thread like this turns into a meta discussion about the TITS universe...Oh well, nothing I can do about it!

In terms favorites: Saendra. Call me basic as fuck but she reminds of Helia so much its not even funny. Sure, so somehow manages to be even MORE grossly irresponsible that Helia ever was, but that's part of the majesty, y'know? Her blurb about play testing space D&D whatever that game was ignites the shitposting I always do about WH40k, That and her sex scenes are really fucking good too (good ole classic Savin quality). Lerris/Embry are the cutest fucking traps I've seen thus far, so that's an A+ my book. it's rare when I trap makes me want to fuck him/her. Special mention goes out to all the puppysluts (Anno, Syri, Kaede, Shade). Everything I like about them has been said to death already. Kaede is fucking bae tho. Best Girl. (imo. Put down the pitchforks). I still like Lieve, even if she's kinda dodgy based on conventional morality, but then again, Myrellion is Moral Ambiguity: The Planet. Shout out to Canada & Rhea, the only New Texan girsl I like. Also Ren, for being the only dragon girl in TITS right now.

Fuck New Texas and everyone on it (except Canada). Again, the reasons have been said to death and I don't wanna open that can of worms again. Most of Gold Myrs are pretty meh. Dr. Badger for being another special snowflake OC in a FenCo. game. Other than that, everyone else is alright.