Adventures in Mareth


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
"thank you" He kisses her while driving her to orgasm, his fingers moving in and out of her pussy like a piston till she finally cums soaking his fingers in her juices, only pulling them out as she stops cumming "You did good I may fuck you later if you keep like that" He smiles patting her head and searches the leader.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
Gareth's eyes open to the sight of the ceiling. His head was throbbing and he was horny. "Fuck me that poison is some powerful shit" he thinks to himself as he sits up and surveys the room. He sees two gobalins tied up, the wolf man talking to the conscious one, the necromancer standing around looking smug, and the other member of the group standing around as well. "Well, I have woken up in worse situations" he says as he slowly stands.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The leader has two health potions on her and a vial of antitoxin. She also wears a gold signet ring, her armor and three keys.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir smiles "wonderful" he takes everything drinking one of the potions and passing the other two to Garenth "here, this should help also anyone can check this ring ?" he shows the rings and put it on the floor for whoever want to check at it.
The wolf morph then goes tieing all the other goblins and put them in a pile "there" he smiles and pets the head of the one that was conscious "you think you will be ok for a bit till I come back?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"So this pathetic monarch was overthrown by force? Then it stands to..."

Iona splutters as Zahir plucks up the goblin and casually starts to grope at her. "What are you doing?!" the girl half-chokes, clasping a hand to her breast in shock. She's unprepared for the goblin actually enjoying this kind of crude attention, which prompts the Necromantic Noble to clap her hands over her face and turn away! "What are you doing?!" she splutters, yet this time her accusation is upon the goblin! "You can't do that!"

Indeed, for one used to a land of cold, mists and bloodshed, such things were drastically alien to the aristocratic one. "Dolum?! Gareth! Do something!" she commands as she looks to the idle demon-man and the groggy man on the floor. By the time she looks around again, Gareth has awoken and the goblins are all tied up in a pile. The sounds of the goblin's panting and squealing won't easily leave her though.

The Necromancer taps Gareth with the top of her high heeled shoe. "A stirring battle, yet our work is not done yet." she adds, wagging a finger. "I" her ruby eyes look over to the wolf, then down to the ring he places on the floor. "Er..perhaps you should wash your hands before handling such treasures.." she mutters, shooting Zahir an awkward glance, before squatting down to examine the ring. "Hmm...."

(Arcana check! 1d20=11+3 int+2 prof = 16)


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
"Thanks" Gareth says to the wolf man as he is handed a potion and the bottle.of antitoxin. He quickly downs the antitoxin first and then the health potion. "Remind me never to get close enough for a gobalin to blow poison in my face again" Gareth says as he slowly gets to his feet. "Yah yah, I know." He grumbles as the necromancer taps him with her shoe.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The ring has no magical properties but thanks to her time among the rich she knows that if sold it would be worth 20 gp. Also the guard is wearing a pair of silver earrings set with moonstones, her knocked out friend is wearing a matching necklace.

(The ones that drink the health potions gain 2d4+2 health back. Also I will remind you that theirs a chest in the room~)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
"I see that there is some value to these baubles." she clicks her fingers. "Gentlemen, such riches are soiled in the hands of subhuman creatures like these. I shall repurpose them for our own needs." Iona plucks up the ring before approaching the fallen goblins. With slender, skilled hands, she gently unfastens the earrings and the necklace, before slipping them into her small satchel. "When we return to the city, may we sell them off and be rewarded thusly."

Her ruby eyes track the nearby chest and curiosity draws her towards the bulky case. "" she leans over and tries to open it. "What is in here?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
She pulls. She pushes! She thumps her fist atop it! Iona mutters under her breath before composing herself.

"Gentlemen, there is a locked chest here, no doubt full of treasure plundered by these fiends. Perhaps our Door Opener may liberate them?" She gestures to Zahir, who so easily smashed his way through the many locked doors that goblins had placed in their way.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir still continued blocking any action or word from Iona . After petting the goblin and making sure they were tied one more time he walks over to chest with the keys he gathered from the goblin leader in hand, he tries each of the three keys in the chest till it finally unlocks then opens it to check its contents.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The wolf grabs the 231 gp and gems and put it in a pouch "Don't worry I will share equally to everyone ,I just think it will be easier to divide everything once we are done" He gets up and looks at the hole in the middle of the room then to the others " The Fruit should be down there ... anyone have some rope ?"


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona huffs slightly as Zahir gives her the cold shoulder. "Ugh, mongrel.." she grumbles as she watches him pocket all the coins and goods. "None the less, shall we..." she is interrupted by Meepo's squeaking protests.

"Hush now, scaled one." Iona utters. "We have not forgotten our task, we shall strike forth and reclaim your dragon from these wretches." She casts her eyes over her allies, most are still recovering from the battle. "Let us rest some, then the hunt will start anew." Iona sits down upon the chest, sighing happily as she manages to get a little bit of rest. The ache in her shoulder was dull now, but the shock of such a hit was still with her.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
Gareth is feeling a lot better after drinking the potions. He watches as Iona tries in vain to open the chest. He chuckles as Zahir opens the chest with the keys he got off the leader. As Iona suggests resting he nods "Sounds like a plan to me."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona sniffs, crossing one smooth thigh over the other as she uses the chest as a seat. "If we are to catch our breath, should we perhaps barricade the room?" she ponders, looking over to the door. "I exerted a lot of my magical might and I still ache from that blow one of those vermin struck upon me." she grimaces as her fingers touch her shoulder.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He smiles looking at the kobold "I know my friend, don't worry, I know" He pets the kobold's head "We are going to get your dragon but we also have another quest of our own and it is right in front of us" he looks down the hole " Let me just grab it then we will go free your dragon right after, promise" he leans kissing the kobold's forehead.
He pulls out some rope from his backpack, ties one end to the throne and throws the rest down the hole "It will be quick he says going down the hole using the rope.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
As the wolf climbs down the 80 foot long shaft he sees the new room. Luminescent fungus, shedding violet light, clings to the walls and ceiling of this wide cavern. The air is damp, chilly, and redolent with the odors of loam and decay. A layer of earth, mixed with rotting vegetation and the remains of cave animals, covers the floor. Several varieties of mushrooms and fungi grow on the detritus as well as a few saplings. The wolf can see two robed figures tending to the garden.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Stricken by curiosity, Iona squats at the edge of the hole, squinting down into the darkness as she tries to spy what is going on down there. "Pray tell, if you need assistance, call for us, wolfblood!" she calls down into the darkness!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
He looks a bit surprised by Iona's apparent care for his wellbeing "Ok ,I will just grab the tree and fruits then go back up" as he descends he looks surprised at the figures, something here was very wrong they were normal sized not small like a goblin ,he was still pretty hurt from the previous fight . He climbs back up hoping the figures didn't notice him .
He sighs as he gets to the top "there is someone there and they aren't goblins ..." he looks at the conscious goblin "who is taking care of the garden down there?"


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
She shrugs. "I know the boss sends down a few down there but the druid runs the show down there."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
The goblin feels Iona's high heel press painfully into her side. Seems the nobleborn necromancer had moved away from the hole as Zahir clambered back up to turn her attentions on the bound greenskin.

"Perverse cur." she begins. "You will inform us all you know about these druids, the dragon and your so called 'boss!'" she wrinkles her nose. "If you do not comply, then I shall instruct the good gentlemen here to beat you as a retard would a drum." Iona sweeps her arm over to Zahir, Dolus and Gareth nearby.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
The goblin moans. "Boss is the girl you knocked out, the druid was here first, I told you where the dragon was!" She looks at Iona. "Harder mommy~"


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona splutters at the goblin's mewling even as the high heel digs into her! "You slovenly wretch!" She lifts off her foot and promptly swings the point of her shoe into the goblin's arse. "You stupid thing!" A kick! "You are being punished!" Another kick! "This is not pleasurable for you!" Yet another kick! "You do not order me, nor am I your mother! Your parents would be ashamed to look upon you! Ugh!" She gives one last kick to the lewd pear-person before stamping her heel on the ground in an irate huff!

"Let us consolidate." She begins, raising a finger as she catches her breath from her rousing session of kick the gobbo. "Shall we contest those who lurk within the environs below?" She casts her ruby eyes to the pit. "Or shall we quickly reclaim the dragon for our scaled allies? I do remember the trollop mentioning it being within a hall with pillars, the last door on the right." she gestures to the door they came from.

"Or we can rest a little?" she adds, rolling her aching shoulder. "I personally do not need long, but if we are to face off against more possible foes, I would prefer to have some of my thaumaturgical might at hand."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2016
Solum openly laughs at Iona's spluttering in response to the goblin's moans before quickly clamping a hand over his mouth and hoping the sorceress was distracted enough by the flurry of kicks she was unleashing upon the goblin to not hear the outburst.

"The fruit of the tree down there may be our main reason for being here, but reclaiming this dragon would probably earn us quite some favour with the kobolds, not to mention it would certainly put Meepo here at much ease I'm sure." Solum says as he glances at their kobold companion.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2017
"I'm thinking we go down and grab the fruit before getting the dragon. The fruit is right down there and we have a basic idea of what we would find, while we have no clue what is in the chamber they are keeping the dragon in" Gareth says as he looks down the hole. He flashes a cheeky grin at Iona as he says "Oh yah, and her mother would be proud of her. Getting so much attention from not only men but a woman as well."


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Zahir sighs seeing Iona kick the goblin multiple time and waits for her to finish before saying anything.
"First , Iona .You clearly don't know anything about goblins nor of my world so please stop acting like you know what you are doing, you only made her more excited" he sighs "Second, she is just a guard the amount of information we can get from her very limited, so probably wasn't lying about everything she told us so far" He pets the head of the now moaning goblin
"Third as of what we should do now ,I think we should free the dragon first" he smiles to the kobold "While it is true our main goal is down there I sense that in the state we are we can't take much more than just goblins, if we save the dragon we can easily ask to rest with the kobolds."


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2016
Iona peers at Solum, quietly suspecting him of some sort of..mockery? Her ruby eyes narrow, but no words come forth as her attention then switched to Gareth. "Her mother would be proud of this kind of attention?!" She points down to her splendid, shiny shoe. An expensive and masterfully crafted specimen that certainly was not intended to be booting goblin behinds. Perhaps this is the reason why Iona is squirming her foot against the ground in an attempt to soothe her aching toes. "Bring them to me and I will discipline them as well! What boorish, craven things!"

She looks to Zahir as the wolf-man speaks, before considering all that had been said. "More excited? I will throw her and her pathetic allies into that pit nearby, so that the kobolds may punish them duly! Let us see how excited they are when they are put upon the rack!" she huffs, folding her arms tightly across the grey of her blouse.

"I agree with the motion of dragon freeing." she nods curtly. "With such an ally upon our side and winning the hearts of the kobold people, we will be able to defeat these greenskins properly." she paces around her allies, quietly sizing them up.

"Gareth. I see you too possess the gift of supernatural might." She clicks her fingers. "I would encourage you to foster it, so that you may seize power within this world."
She looks over to Dolum, pursing her lips in thought. "...Dolum. When I first spied you, I assumed you were an enemy, such is your fearsome visage. Are you truly a monster who seeks to do good in the world?
Finally her eyes rest upon Zahir. "A beastman. You showed mercy to the goblins when I expected you to run them through with your blade and have their flesh upon your tongue." she smirks slightly at the thought of it. "Your compassion is as alien as it is pleasing to see."

Her thoughts over, she nods to the others. "So! Dragon saving? I am ready to lead you all when you are ready to depart." she concludes, dipping her head slightly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
(So at a 2 for dragon, one for fruit and one for either one guess we go for dragon) As the party heads back the way they came nothing happens and soon they're at the twin wooden locked doors. They can hear some muffled sounds coming from within.