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  1. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Why so serious, really? After all, it's not like this discussion has any chances to have any actual consequences. Hiding controversional questions under carpet doesn't do any good, anyways. Because they still would be there, rotting and gaining ugly forms, even if they wan't initially.
  2. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    [pokes topic with a sharp stick] Eeeh, it's dead... Pass by, people, nothing to see here... Why I'm not a corrupt nine-tails to use dark powers to rise it as hideous undead abomination?
  3. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Reason? I was sane once, and don't liked it.
  4. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Is it bad?
  5. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    So, are you authority or no? Decide already >:(
  6. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    May be not good, but mature character has right to do not good things in concensual manner.
  7. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    And that is why we can't have nice things.
  8. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Fun thing that it is not. There are trend to make drawn characters illegal if they are "childlike". Which is definitely absurd, and it makes questionable whole current regulation system.
  9. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Dunno. It is general question. But even in TiTS... Actually, which age is legal for humans in TiTS? Is there finally some agreement, or it is still different everywhere?
  10. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    That's the problem with themes which has no real ground... And what age is it? I mean, it varies between 12 and 21 worldwide.
  11. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    And now we got another problem: where are the line.
  12. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Funny thing that this exactly argument is fully applicable for bimbo-like characters. Edit: looks like i'm not only one who sees double standards here...
  13. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Pedohysteria in many countries doesn't make 1000 year old character child disregards of character's appearance.
  14. Etis

    Intergalactic mining

    Overdose is subjective too.
  15. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    I'd say because it is an option, which is yours to take or not to take. Thought she really lacks content for those who don't want to be asshole overdriving her libido. Actually, debimbo potion is one of my favorite things in CoC. Dual standards everywhere... Because it happened and this...
  16. Etis

    Intergalactic mining

    It's subjective, I'll agree. Well, except objective horsecock overdose.
  17. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Actually, is there anyone who actually likes her? Well, I like her slut ray (as only non-lethal energy weapon), but otherwise... Thanks, Captain!
  18. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    He has short and slender build, but does this make character shota? Barely.
  19. Etis

    Intergalactic mining

    As was said many times, TF items are pain to write. Yes, he can. But all his characters have something in common, which makes them feel allmost the same.
  20. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Yes, I agree that no is bad. Except he is not. He is nearly 16 years old, which is age of consent in many countries.