Search results

  1. Etis

    Strangest Scenes?

    [takes out can-o-worms] Why, they are so delightfully gross! [looks at Ted] Okay, okay. Not gonna open it... Yet... [puts them back]
  2. Etis

    Transformation limits

    There always would be at least two eyes, since there are many hardcoded plural mentions. Multiple eyes... Why not?
  3. Etis

    Strangest Scenes?

    Shouldra. Just... Shouldra.
  4. Etis

    Intersex pc

    Well, it is oftenly considered that anything with vagina is a woman. it requires support in the scenes, not only in game code.
  5. Etis

    What build do you run in TiTs?

    Tech for life, always. Shield booster (oftenly save editing to get attack drone too, even it is actually vanity for me), Volley (overcharge is good, but energy only and requires shields off, which doesn't work good with lust weapons), Deflector Regeneration, Gravidic Disruptor (meh choise, both...
  6. Etis

    How do I precisely get Kiai to open up for anal sex scenes ?

    Am I only pervert here who want plot development in porn game? o.O
  7. Etis

    [WIP] Uveto; Lenore's Junkers.

    Still sound very like one who would find you anything for the sufficient price. Also, shiny vessel which looks like it is factory issued should be quite popular...
  8. Etis

    [TiTS+CoC] Lucid Dreams (1.1.10 for TiTS 0.6.92)

    Nope. Had once update with a bit messed up backwards compatibility, but not backer build updates. And don't worry, it's not dead. Next build would be quite big one - Urta and Katherine quests, Amily, Shouldra, Scylla, Dominika, some npc impregnation (Urta, Edryn, Cotton). Yeh, I'm doing waifus...
  9. Etis

    Please lower racial requirements

    Doesn't seems to be a problem, technically. Just another handler for statusTick.
  10. Etis

    If you lived in the universe of TiTs what would your life be like?

    Hm... Closest character I had to this was actually dragonne. While I'm usually not isto scalies, it was interesting image. But my most "macho" character is likley a chakat, if feminine futa can be macho :)
  11. Etis

    If you lived in the universe of TiTs what would your life be like?

    Emmm... What is wrong with this one? It's other one where we have shitstorm. No, there are nothing wrong with femboys... For some extent. There are options between "macho" and "hopeless sub", after all.
  12. Etis

    If you lived in the universe of TiTs what would your life be like?

    Well, cat-morphs are my second favorite after kitsunes, and I like femmeboy appearance, but whole subby thing... Nope.
  13. Etis

    Revert Help (General)

    You should better think before either putting strange things in your mouth or putting your cock into strange things, i.e. demons and demonic tainted items. You can try ectoplasm, but it have other effects...
  14. Etis

    If you lived in the universe of TiTs what would your life be like?

    Initially a boy. And, considering known lore, typical one. Yes, but there always are details...
  15. Etis

    If you lived in the universe of TiTs what would your life be like?

    There aren't many catgirls, actually, but it is stated ingame that kaithrits boys are subby, while females are larger, stronger and more dominant. And from actual characters... We have badass female Shade, badass herm Kara and total sissy Lerris.
  16. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    So, having it ingame is good, but bringing it up in discussion is bad? Okay. Since I'm definitely not going to quote Bender here, I'll just leave it be. Sort of funny, actually, how american people forgotten a most famous quote from a $100 banknote guy.
  17. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Except they don't. Basically, question of the thread is "what underage is". Because it clearly has nothing to actual age, since there are enough content with characters who are quite young, especially in CoC. As well as question what is bestiality, since there are content with clearly mindless...