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  1. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Hm... So shota is ok 9_9
  2. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    Jailbate race... You mean race with childlike appearance? It would be shot down because any race in TiiTS can only be accepted if it has huge breasts, desirable on both genders.
  3. Etis

    How many of you actually stay human?

    Kitsune is literally translated as "fox". Because all foxes are considered magic creatures in Japanese mythology. So difference between young kitsune and fox-morph is literally non-existant. So the only real difference between one-tailed kitsune and general fox-morph is magical potential.
  4. Etis

    What type of content is blacklisted?

    This one is sort of vague. Underage line is very different for different humman cultures, all the more so with aliens with different biology and psychology. We have Vanae Maidens and Aurora, all within 12-14 years old but Aurora is considered child (and this is touchy theme here) and Vanae are...
  5. Etis

    What kind of Champion are you?!

    Why not? Though my character is chaotic good, not lawful good.
  6. Etis

    How many of you actually stay human?

    Depends on type of kitsune... For me kitsune is first of all fox-morph.
  7. Etis

    Intergalactic mining

    I thought it is because this is because it is monstergirl game o.O It is justifying why there are no really alien TFs, not why there are no really alien NPCs.
  8. Etis

    [WIP] Uveto; Lenore's Junkers.

    Why not? Something like churchwarden pipe seems to fit.
  9. Etis

    [WIP] Uveto; Lenore's Junkers.

    Well. sort of possible, but I don't sure how split point should work. Boneless tails version is easier to imagine. Though I'm not biologist too.
  10. Etis

    How many of you actually stay human?

    Humans are boring. Though I did few pure human runs in CoC.
  11. Etis

    [WIP] Uveto; Lenore's Junkers.

    They are vertebrae. So kitsune tails should be actually furred tentacles rather than tails to work... Kaithrit as well.
  12. Etis

    CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)

    Yep, Tyrael, former Archangel of Justice in person.
  13. Etis

    Your favourite husbando in TiTS

    Definitely a lot. Too much, as for me, even if betrayal is not in the list.
  14. Etis

    PC vaginal options

    You are likely pure male, check appearance.
  15. Etis

    Intergalactic mining

    And if you remember who is such a diligent creator of mindbreak and bimbo related content here... Asteroids are not a huge fuckton of resources collected in one place. Despite common image from games and other media, asteroid belt is mostly empty space. You'll have to find and catch asteroid...
  16. Etis

    Your favourite husbando in TiTS

    Kiro? Well, I agree about first, sort of agree about second, but third... [iterating over TiTS characters in doubt] Can't say that there are fully male characters I really can emotionally invest into. Geoff, maybe? Tanis has too little content to decide something (and I'm not sure if I'm...
  17. Etis

    Intersex pc

    You want to be character with high femininity but still be referred with male pronouns, right?
  18. Etis

    best way to rising stats?

    Ah, yes, in vanilla it lacks else case: if (statPercent < 30) change++; else if (statPercent < 40) change += .9; else if (statPercent < 50) change += .8; else if (statPercent < 60) change += .7; else if (statPercent < 65) change += .6; else if (statPercent < 70) change...