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  1. Tobey Maguire

    Date with Rindo?

    probably the phrase mentioning the sexual satisfaction of our "daughter"
  2. Tobey Maguire

    Date with Rindo?

    Oh I know lol I'm just saying I imagine the fact that we can do as good and probably out perform him with his own fox wife would piss him off considering he sees the PC as a barbarian and despises us.
  3. Tobey Maguire

    Tail Customization Question

    So I probably should have mentioned this earlier but my character is a goo-morph and like a dummy I didn't see the "Revert Tail" option on the alterations for goo bods so I finally got the tail I wanted.
  4. Tobey Maguire

    Date with Rindo?

    Maybe they don't mind sharing? Since it seems Rindo will go with someone besides the champ I believe this will be the case seeing as the devs don't like locking sexual content away from the player. BUT WHO KNOWS!? If Rindo does choose someone else besides the champ and we are forced to share (I...
  5. Tobey Maguire

    Dislike Buttons

    @Paradox01 so this is unrelated to this "debate" but whatever happened with that upgradable glove project? Are you still working on it? I'm just curious on what happened with that lol
  6. Tobey Maguire

    Dislike Buttons

    Why are people bringing history into this debate? It's a simple little post on the 'General Bullshit' forum it's not that serious. Also dislike button please!
  7. Tobey Maguire

    Tail Customization Question

    I just want a tail with NO genitals but after seeing that GIF i might settle lol
  8. Tobey Maguire

    Tail Customization Question

    So terran treat just completely removes tails not just the scales.
  9. Tobey Maguire

    Tail Customization Question

    I was thinking about that but I don't want a genital attached to my tail, at least not yet
  10. Tobey Maguire

    Tail Customization Question

    I assumed terran treats would completely remove tails but I'll give it a try thanks.
  11. Tobey Maguire

    Tail Customization Question

    I was thinking Ovir but the wiki said it it was scaled so I thought it would describe it as that but i'll try it. Thanks
  12. Tobey Maguire

    Tail Customization Question

    Is there a way to get a big fleshy tail without it being scaled? I thought a demonic tail would fit but according to the description it's a thin small tail. While there are big tails like the dragon and lizard tails they are scaled. Basically what I'm looking for is a big smooth tail like the...
  13. Tobey Maguire

    What content would you like added?

    Yes, I imagine Brint wouldn't mind "death by snu snu"
  14. Tobey Maguire

    What content would you like added?

    Something I've always wanted was for your PC to have pelvic crushing scenes. As far as I know some NPCs can crush you to death while riding the character like Magna and I think Brienne (I'm too brain dead right now to remember) but the PC has none. I always thought it would be a pretty good...
  15. Tobey Maguire

    NPC Body Stats

    I was aware of minor NPCs not having them I was just asking in the case that they did have some it would make it easier to get the body especially since I try to go off the descriptions given in the smut scenes. So thanks for helping me out. Now my Lupine can also have strong head crushing...
  16. Tobey Maguire

    NPC Body Stats

    I'm not a backer so I don't know if this is in a exclusive file or if it's just not available but I wanted to know certain NPC body stats. For example, I created a new female Lupine character and I wanted her to have Magna's body, but we don't know her thickness or tone level so it's hard to get...
  17. Tobey Maguire

    Looking for Name Suggestions

    "Rod Sukar" for a male character
  18. Tobey Maguire

    What brought you here?

    I'm just interested on what brought you to the website. Where you looking for games like this? Did someone tell you? Or like me who has shit memory and can't remember? I honestly cannot remember why or how I got here, but I do remember finding CoC about 4-5 years ago and with that I started to...
  19. Tobey Maguire

    Leg Thickness Questions

    Just wanted to ask on what affects the PCs leg thickness. Is it the butt size, hip size, or just general thickness?