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  1. Tobey Maguire

    Low Resolution Fix

    So I downloaded the ZIP file of TiTs and extracted all the files and everything and when I opened the game the resolution was pretty low. Is it a problem with my computer or is the game just like that? I don't mind since it's not that bad but if there's a way to fix it then why not. EDIT: Just...
  2. Tobey Maguire

    Where to get Baldur's Gate?

    went ahead and bought BG enhanced edition and DOS2 on steam
  3. Tobey Maguire

    Where to get Baldur's Gate?

    It's 20 dollars on Steam and I wanted to get Baldur's Gate to get into the story but I'll probably try both now that you mentioned that. I was just asking if anyone knew how to get it for free to save myself a few bucks but it ain't that much.
  4. Tobey Maguire

    Where to get Baldur's Gate?

    So listening to some members talk about Baldur's Gate and after watching some gameplay for the third game I decided I wanted to try it out and see if I like the game. I'm aware of the remastered version on Steam but i figured the original would be free and I could save myself a couple buckaroos...
  5. Tobey Maguire

    Who is your favourite character, and why?

    Yeah I knew why they weren't mentioned im just stupid and say whatever :) But its not just the sex scenes the characters personality is also intriguing.
  6. Tobey Maguire

    Dumbest things you believed when you were a kid

    I don't remember my childhood. I can't even remember what I did a minute ago. But seriously I used to think Godzilla was real and I would freak the fuck out until I remembered I didn't live in Japan and realize he couldn't get to me.
  7. Tobey Maguire

    Who is your favourite character, and why?

    Damn not one mention of the Anna or the moth girl. Anna is probably my favorite due to the milking scenes with my cow girl character and I don't know why but I just find moth characters not "arousing" but I want to say pretty? beautiful? (Maybe its because I'm Spiderman?) Anyways whether it be...
  8. Tobey Maguire

    Did anyone else...

    who hurt you in real life?
  9. Tobey Maguire

    What content would you like added?

    cow-print hair/fur like Kavi for the PC
  10. Tobey Maguire

    About Kasyrra and what she said.

    No that's normal for the romantic route. We were just discussing potential endings or outcomes based on what Kas said. We were just talking about whether the child would be human or demon because she does state she doesn't want an imp.
  11. Tobey Maguire

    William's Wall

    Damn lewd bath is losing by one vote :(
  12. Tobey Maguire

    About Kasyrra and what she said.

    Okay that makes sense. I haven't played the WC scenes since they came out and I have shit memory.
  13. Tobey Maguire

    Kas Appearance

    Thank you
  14. Tobey Maguire

    Kas Appearance

    How tall is Kas? That is all.
  15. Tobey Maguire

    About Kasyrra and what she said.

    If I remember correctly Kas says she wants to have a normal uncorrupted child that she can care for and love. However, due to her being a demon she cannot produce anything but soulless creatures, or imps, which is what she is trying to change. What I believe is that Kas is actually falling in...
  16. Tobey Maguire

    WHY is the pc a ninja?

    Not I, Tobey Maguire, the best Spider-Man!!!
  17. Tobey Maguire

    William's Wall

    It can be if you make your Steele look like that. Except the freckles. I don't think you can get freckles in TiTS.
  18. Tobey Maguire

    WHY is the pc a ninja?

    what the fuck did I just read Spider-Man can't help you this time.
  19. Tobey Maguire

    William's Wall

    Thank you, I remembered Bianca being a widow and being single and then doubted it when I read that one part in the 'Family' talk scene.
  20. Tobey Maguire

    William's Wall

    So has Bianca remarried? I ask this because I came across a line when you talk to Bianca about her 'Family'. "But what about her daughter? Cecily. She has her still, right? And she’s still wearing a ring, too. Bianca looks at her finger and squints. “This isn’t the ring Dian gave me. I gave...