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  1. SheepPun

    Trials in Tainted Space Hallowiener Spunktacular Submission Thread

    Got it done on time! It's a sheep costume for Poe A.
  2. SheepPun

    [Finished] Sheep Costume, Halloween Submission

    Added woolly perk. Cousin's wedding went without a hitch thank heavens, but now I'm hella burnt out. But I got the herm scene done and started the first vagina scene. I'll be forcing myself to finish this tomorrow.
  3. SheepPun

    [Finished] Sheep Costume, Halloween Submission

    Finished the sex scenes involving the D, cheesed the foreplay scenes, and only got three sex scenes left to do. Hopefully I can finish that stuff up during the cool down period of this trip. Also never forget your wallet when going to the airport. It makes getting through security a nightmare.
  4. SheepPun

    Hi I'm Upcast Drake the Programming Simian

    Granted having one baby can fuck you up in a number of ways. But this is porn, no need for the reality that human/humanoid bodies were not built for baby birthing. Also thank you Upcast Drake for more preg content. And not dieing to the code
  5. SheepPun

    [Finished] Sheep Costume, Halloween Submission

    Changed the willpower loss to only 60% and the intelligence loss to 40% compared to the old loss to 20% for both. Hopefully that has less of a sting to it. Depending on feedback I may just remove the willpower loss, while no matter what I intend to keep an intelligence loss since let's face it...
  6. SheepPun

    [Finished] Sheep Costume, Halloween Submission

    Hmm true. I'll probably reduce the hit to willpower or straight up remove it then.
  7. SheepPun

    SheepPun's Art-thread-thing

    another quick sketch 'cause that's all I mentally can handle drawing haha
  8. SheepPun

    SheepPun's Art-thread-thing

    Random Kui-tan character idea, but not sure if people would like the idea /shrugs
  9. SheepPun

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I just want more sexable male npcs in general. I do want to write up a couple cuntboys and maleherms in the future, in fact I already have a couple ideas(peacock raptors and tropical fish men anyone?), but I gotta focus on the projects I'm working on right now.
  10. SheepPun

    [Finished] Sheep Costume, Halloween Submission

    Gdoc Of course I'd write something sheep related for the contest. I'm posting it here now since I feel it's a little too scattered in many ways right now and I'm not sure how to fully reign it in. Or least reign it in enough that I feel comfortable enough to continue writing at a pace beyond...
  11. SheepPun

    SheepPun's Art-thread-thing

    Dumps this off as I work on writing projects
  12. SheepPun

    if anyone was interested in playing twins

    This is more of a 'never going to happen' problem than a coding problem. As cool as it sounds the amount of effort it'd take to essentially rewrite and recode the whole game would not equal the payoff.
  13. SheepPun

    Chinchilla DILF

    I'm aware. They're mostly found natively in Chile. While probably not the most correct term to use Spanish(even though Spanish is Chile's 'official' language) in hindsight, I selected the names from common names from Chile.
  14. SheepPun

    Chinchilla DILF

    Blatant self bump, Finished talk scenes and started date scenes. Been slow due to health failing on me again. Changed names from Jakob to Vicente, Yuna to Anabel, and Scout to Camila. Again, names still filler but now they share a theme, they're ~Spanish~ ~Chilean~ themed
  15. SheepPun

    Chinchilla DILF

    Their names are pretty much all filler for now. I'll keep having there be a linking origin for names in mind Oh that's what I forgot; the TF. I do intend to make a chinchilla tf alongside him.
  16. SheepPun

    Chinchilla DILF

    Got another character idea; spawned from the fact we have too little husbandos. IDK I wanted a dude who wasn't a femboy or the manliest man that ever manned, so Jakob is just an older gentleman who'll take you on dates and then fuck you tenderly into a mattress if you so consent. Again the...
  17. SheepPun

    SheepPun's Art-thread-thing

    Had to go through my old laptop; decided to check my old save files on TiTS. Found my old Steele, Myr Zil combo
  18. SheepPun

    Kashima Incident

    To my knowledge, it's finished and yes, you can spoof the date check by altering your computers clock.
  19. SheepPun

    SheepPun's Art-thread-thing

    Here's Chinchilla man; now with a name; Jakob Perez. Oh, and I finally made a heavily wip gdoc for him. Still plan to finish the Sheep costume first though. Speaking of which, here's some random quick sketches of the costume;
  20. SheepPun

    SheepPun's Art-thread-thing

    Aw yee. In that concept, the gloves and boots are part of the costume. The exact form is still a work in progress. In silly mode, probably! Outta silly mode though its a pink bow with that bell. --- I don't plan of the costume being a huge project; Just tf into a feminine sheep morph, bump...