[Finished] Sheep Costume, Halloween Submission


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2016

Of course I'd write something sheep related for the contest.

I'm posting it here now since I feel it's a little too scattered in many ways right now and I'm not sure how to fully reign it in. Or least reign it in enough that I feel comfortable enough to continue writing at a pace beyond a snail's crawl.

I'll work on more later today I just need a well deserved nap right now.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
That Willpower hit is going to be a right bitch to fix, considering there is no way to raise willpower outside of leveling. That alone might make a lot of folks avoid the costume altogether, I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to be stuck with low willpower for the rest of the game if I decided to wear that costume while already at max level.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2016
That Willpower hit is going to be a right bitch to fix, considering there is no way to raise willpower outside of leveling. That alone might make a lot of folks avoid the costume altogether, I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to be stuck with low willpower for the rest of the game if I decided to wear that costume while already at max level.
Hmm true. I'll probably reduce the hit to willpower or straight up remove it then.


Well-Known Member
Nov 1, 2016
That Willpower hit is going to be a right bitch to fix, considering there is no way to raise willpower outside of leveling. That alone might make a lot of folks avoid the costume altogether, I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to be stuck with low willpower for the rest of the game if I decided to wear that costume while already at max level.
Mirrin raises willpower with her training scenes. I'd say keep the will hit in there, plenty of TFs have stat effects like that.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Mirrin raises willpower with her training scenes. I'd say keep the will hit in there, plenty of TFs have stat effects like that.

Oh right she does raise it, I completely forgot since it's been well drilled into my head that there were no will raising methods in the game since for a very long time there really wasn't. Still, training with Mirrin to raise willpower probably takes ages due to the sore mechanic. Not worth losing so much will for a costume, but maybe someone who is still in the earlier stages of the game would find it a worthwhile investment.


Active Member
Mar 25, 2016
So cute! Really hope it makes it into the game, but I agree, I would drop the stat loses or make them very small.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2016
Changed the willpower loss to only 60% and the intelligence loss to 40% compared to the old loss to 20% for both. Hopefully that has less of a sting to it. Depending on feedback I may just remove the willpower loss, while no matter what I intend to keep an intelligence loss since let's face it; sheep are kinda dumb animals.

I hope to get a sex scene or two done today since I'll be gone for two or three days to attend my cousin's wedding. Call me prudish, but I'm prioritizing family over porn.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
You can keep the intelligence loss just fine, since of all stats that's the easiest to raise so it doesn't hurt to lose it all that much. The nerf to Will loss will definitely help make it easier to swallow the costs to wear the outfit.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2016
Finished the sex scenes involving the D, cheesed the foreplay scenes, and only got three sex scenes left to do.

Hopefully I can finish that stuff up during the cool down period of this trip.

Also never forget your wallet when going to the airport. It makes getting through security a nightmare.


Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2016
Added woolly perk.

Cousin's wedding went without a hitch thank heavens, but now I'm hella burnt out. But I got the herm scene done and started the first vagina scene. I'll be forcing myself to finish this tomorrow.