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  1. SheepPun

    SheepPun's Art-thread-thing

    EDIT: I have a patreon now! Seeing all these great artist here makes me kinda insecure about my sketchier style but I feel like it's a good idea to make an art thread anyway. First off is Mia, who I'm writing up as a bar encounter; And there's Dahlia who I intend to be my next project in a...
  2. SheepPun

    Vanae-Morph Bar Encounter

    Ahh okay. I'm kicking myself for forgetting these details haha. I think the best course of action is to say she phoned in a favor from a connection to get some Sky Sap treated with nanomachines which will be mentioned in her 'Mods' convo. Gotta say thanks for pointing out that plot hole.
  3. SheepPun

    Vanae-Morph Bar Encounter

    Well shoot that's a plot hole. While I could completely hand wave it, I don't know how well that would go over. Only other idea I have that could make sense is that Mia herself is or comes from a rich family that could afford nanomachines effective enough to allow her to be transformed by Sky...
  4. SheepPun

    Vanae-Morph Bar Encounter

    It's been awhile hasn't it! I've been writing a whole lot more lately despite the fact my dyslexia has been acting up pretty damn hard. This is a project I started awhile ago and quickly abandoned. Coming back to it, like, a year later I decided to just trash all I wrote for it but keep the...
  5. SheepPun

    Planet wishlist

    Still even adding a biome sounds like a task not for the weak willed, but definitely easier and less crazy then a full blown planet. All this talk of a water biome and the Sacae makes me want to take another shot at my fruity-tooty fish men encounter project I started back when Jim was still here
  6. SheepPun

    [Implemented] Mjerin, the Qilin-morph!/Dragony horsey thingy!

    I like how she's turning out! From my understanding the difference between the bodybuilder type and the world's strongest man type is a) how they build their muscles and b) good ol fat. I do know that fat is on top of the muscle and thus hides/protects them. Professional bodybuilders try to get...
  7. SheepPun

    [Implemented] Ovinium - A sheep TF item

    A quick bump to this thread since, at least I think, the tf is almost finished. Specifically I'd love some feedback on the appearance blurbs because I feel like I forgot/didn't take account for some things
  8. SheepPun

    [Implemented] Ovinium - A sheep TF item

    /shakes fist curses! In all seriousness I do like what I see! And I did see the message you sent me!
  9. SheepPun

    Sheep TF - Suffolk Caramel

    Got some more writing done. Thanks so far for the support!
  10. SheepPun

    Sheep TF - Suffolk Caramel

    That sorta makes me want to write up a shopkeep for food based tf items. Ahh but I should focusing on making this sheep tf the best of my ability. That can be a later project
  11. SheepPun

    Sheep TF - Suffolk Caramel

    I'm not sure if I should boo or cheer at that pun. Maybe both? I might just do that as I can see that happening too! Thanks for the suggestion.
  12. SheepPun

    Sheep TF - Suffolk Caramel

    Time to put on my big girl pants and might as well get to making this thread now even though this idea is still pretty bare bones. Basically this is just a Sheep tf item! Something simpler then trying to jump into a character. To be honest this is just practice, get my finger bones used to...
  13. SheepPun

    Art Dump Thread Because Why Not

    I'll just sorta drop whatever CoC/TiTS art I make here. Even though I don't draw more "sexual" art a whole lot but nevermind that here's a Naleen I put way too much time in; More to come and feel free to shoot me some suggestions of characters you want to see me take a shot at  /rolls off