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  1. argenten

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    A mere detail, I wanted to use "Cousincest" in a sentence and took it. Either way, I'd be more than happy to restart the game however many times it'd take to woo Astra the heart slayer.
  2. argenten

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    If this is sarcasm I apologize for bugging about a well-worn topic, if not, whoohoo! She really presses a lot of my buttons in a good way. Smart, gorgeous, capable fighter, and yet still adorkable and flusterable. 
  3. argenten

    What Content Would You Like Added?

    I just hope, key word being 'hope', that Astra gets some content down the line. Otherwise I'm already satisfied with everything coming down the content line. 
  4. argenten

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    I swear, she looks like she can kick ass but also looks like a freaking goddess of fertility as well, 2 buttons of mine hit for the price of one amazing woman.
  5. argenten

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    Wow. I think I can sincerely say cousincest has never looked hotter. I am so glad I have a save file prior to making the choice with Shade. I can have my cakes and eat them too...often and vigorously. Her face is amazingly detailed and the look is as tempting as her figure. You really outdid...
  6. argenten

    Embry, Space Princess (X-Pac Discussion)

    More than happy to offer w/e services I can provide, I am not surprised that the Embry pregnancy content will most likely remain cut as it requires a very large if not massive amount of story support and follow up with. Best wishes to Jim on his non smut writing to those who can contact him.
  7. argenten

    Embry, Space Princess (X-Pac Discussion)

    genuflects in assumed direction of Jim and chanting we are not worthy...we are not worthy...we are not worthy.
  8. argenten

    Characters,Favourite and Not?

    I am indeed a cad and a bounder for making such an error, and I got the joke :P   From my persistent lurking, and anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, I've noticed that a big problem with a lot of pregophiles is that they want pregnancy without consequences/story impact. While this is...
  9. argenten

    Characters,Favourite and Not?

    I'm with The Observer here, major pregophile but I love the Dorna sisters as my list on fav characters can attest, hence why I'm really not going to make another 15+ person list like i did before. I think the last one made my point :P
  10. argenten

    [WIP] Hematopods

    Fair enough, how about Arctic Piercers?
  11. argenten

    [IMPLEMENTED] Inessa's relationship expansion

    Good luck, and I echo earlier sentiments, take your time and don't push. As a writer myself I can tell you that there is a marked difference between something you care about writing and something you do out of obligation.
  12. argenten

    [WIP] Hematopods

    Potential name for the beasties: Creeches, a portmanteau of Crab and Leeches. Sounds alien/creepy, gives a hint as to what they do, and easy to remember.
  13. argenten

    [WIP]The Huline: Totally Not Space Kitsune(Race + NPC ideas) /Hichiko's Back For Real Now Edition

    Glad to hear one of my fav non-dev projects is still in the works, can't blame you for being busy at all and good luck on your other work. Is this just a general reassurance posting or have you been able to jab at the project a bit?
  14. argenten

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    I gotta admit, I certainly wouldn't mind if this got followed up on, as the character is rather endearing in an...exuberant way.
  15. argenten

    Nidhyaln crew member *repost*

    Will how you save her affect the starting situation with the Nihyaln? For example would using abilities be more impressive since it shows off one's "Experience" as it were, or would it just show her Steele plays around too much?
  16. argenten

    Nidhyaln crew member *repost*

    Sorry to hear about the Hard drive going blargh on  you. Hope by this time you've gotten word that it's ok or will soon.  Loved the boss fight and glad to see the nidhyaln isn't giving up inside the beastie (seriously, give her a name :P ) 
  17. argenten

    Ouroboros (Complete!)

    Great game with a lot of philosophical and satirical tones to it...and is also a fun romp of silliness. The characters are the big draw of the game and they are fleshed out beautifully. Makes you think a lot more than you would expect coming in, especially mid to late game. Worth every penny of...
  18. argenten

    Sera's Feet.

    I'd say her being able to change them at will makes sense story wise, but if I had to choose, human feet. 
  19. argenten

    A very gravid situation. (Pregnancy fan and talk thread)

    Ooh? Do tell :D  I have to admit Moira hit a lot  of my highpoints as it did for EmperorG, so the idea of another character like her if not more so is a really awesome one. Does she have a doc or has she lived primarily in the forums? Now that sounds like there's potential but if it involves...
  20. argenten

    A very gravid situation. (Pregnancy fan and talk thread)

    Then verily thou art the avatar of Aphrodite, goddess of rhetoric (among other things), and thanks to thee we shall have overflowing milky goodness in our game henceforth. (I actually managed to type that with a straight face.) Still, gotta say I'm loving the different perspectives and takes...