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  1. argenten

    Pregnancy Content?

    And those would be Millie and Ellie right?
  2. argenten

    Pregnancy Content?

    There are a lot of characters I would like to fill with babies, but at the same time a lot of them wouldn't work with that from the story's perspective, so I'll wait til the nursery is up before worrying about which Named characters I want to knock up.
  3. argenten

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    I know! She'd be a great companion along with Ramis, one could talk shop about the weapons and what tweaks to make to get the best performance out of them...the other would talk about how they kicked ass once said max potential was achieved!  But again, all depends on the devs, *cue puppy eyes...
  4. argenten

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    And while I would LOVE to make babies with Emmy as I did with Urta, I have no idea if that's going to be a thing and will wait until the chickens are hatched. But yes, Emmy babies would be THE most adorable balls of fluff in TiTS.  Emmy is right up there with well, this list here and pretty...
  5. argenten

    Reaha patch addiction

    I think the best decision they made was making the plot progression "treasure hunt" based, allowing for immense flexibility.
  6. argenten

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    She's so fluffy! Part of her appeal for me is that she actually requires wooing and that makes getting her affection and scenes much more satisfying. Plus she reminds me of Urta who was one of my favs from CoC.
  7. argenten

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    Am I the only one looking forward to nuzzling with this lusty hardware handler?
  8. argenten

    Reaha patch addiction

    And I actually respect the devs for being able to put so many different takes and fetishes in this game and not only making it work, but have a viable story as well.
  9. argenten

    River and the Circle of the Six

    I gotta admit, I'm really liking the way the highlands are being fleshed out, from Isla and the spring to all the lore being written here and there, it's a lot of fun to read.
  10. argenten

    Reaha patch addiction

    That's actually more appealing than I first thought, and their reactions on finding out might be sweet or teasing depending on their mood. I like the way you think. As for her wondering, I think it'd be less wondering and more, "So angel, who else have you managed to ensare around your little...
  11. argenten

    Reaha patch addiction

    +1 This would be hysterical, especially if Kiro happened to walk up behind Steele to give a great big kiss and go "And you have no idea what (he/she) had to do to get them...but I'm sure you can guess."
  12. argenten

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    I figured she was packing this size from the descriptions and it's about the same size as Kiro I think in terms of length if not thickness. But even then, love the pictures and I think they did an amazing job capturing the character. She's one of the ones that's rapidly grown on me the more her...
  13. argenten

    Nidhyaln crew member *repost*

    Np, and I say that with the fact that I got so fed up with what I saw as mistakes and piss-poor storytelling in the later 2 ME games that I am basically working on an AU I've been told is borderline original (isn't because it is firmly established in ME universe) complete with 8 new races with...
  14. argenten

    Reaha patch addiction

    *blink* *blink* I wasn't actually expecting to get a response from the Devs on that one, but I certainly ain't gonna complain with one of my wishful thinking posts actually becomes a possibility.  Thanks.
  15. argenten

    Reaha patch addiction

    True, but I thought there was a plan for her to be on the ship for a bit...until she got happily knocked up that is.
  16. argenten

    Nidhyaln crew member *repost*

    I am seriously impressed with the lore and the background to the race and character. Looking forward to more.
  17. argenten

    Reaha patch addiction

    Same here, would be nice to be able to get Kaede's if I'm going to be honest. Could share them with Anno if she was pining for Kaede's scent.
  18. argenten

    [WIP]The Huline: Totally Not Space Kitsune(Race + NPC ideas) /Hichiko's Back For Real Now Edition

    I just want to say that I am very impressed with how this character and everything surrounding her has grown and really look forward to her being in the game. She hits a lot of my hot points: Smart, sexy, baby rabies, good with tech, and I'll admit I have a thing for hot fox girls. Plus there's...
  19. argenten

    Reaha patch addiction

    I just found myself missing Penny as she originally that's when I went to the old save and all was well :D
  20. argenten

    Reaha patch addiction

    I actually got Penny in her cumslut form and after a few scenes i ended up deleting that save because it felt...wrong, like I had ruined a good woman for no other reason than curiosity and panties. I won't knock those who enjoy that fetish, to each their own after all, but that's simply not how...