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  1. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    A fair point towards the end but at the same time it's very hard to read tone via text and for all we know he just didn't want to get bogged down with people trying to beg him to stay, however well meaning. Maybe he was mad, maybe he was just trying to make as drama free a break as possible, we...
  2. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    Maybe but anything more than guessing on my part would be putting words on his keyboard. Yeah, there's "it needs a few things fleshed out" and then there's "Holy gods there's 3 novels worth of content going 'write me!' here."
  3. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    So do I but he didn't have to share the doc and at least he finished the core content for the characters he introduced and so on. Coc has a few characters who's writers fled before finishing (Dominique comes to mind)
  4. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    I mean, I write fanfiction as a hobby, but I recognize an unholy amount of man/woman hours worth of writing when I see it, so yeah, we got the core content for the characters and the X-packs shall remain sweet (literally in Embry's case) dreams.
  5. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    I took a look at the X-pack, I don't think it's even half finished and there would be another 100 pages needed at least. I can say without reservation I can understand his having to choose continuing his smut writing here or a writing career elsewhere.
  6. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    +1 Absolutely right.
  7. argenten

    JimThermic's Project List

    *shrug* I can't say I disagree, but better an amicable leaving like this rather than being driven away or such as can often be the case. Thank you Jim for sharing the docs for Emmy and the Vanae slaver, the gesture is appreciated as has all your work for the game.
  8. argenten

    Favourite Dorna Sibling

    Mine is proof cats and dogs can get along now.
  9. argenten

    Who do you prefer, Kara or Shade?

    Another good point, and I'll admit I did restart my game so I could help Kara where needed. It's a fine balancing act to be sure.
  10. argenten

    Favourite Dorna Sibling

    A valid question to be sure.
  11. argenten

    Who do you prefer, Kara or Shade?

    I hear you about Shade, Couch did sum it up pretty well for me, but as for Amara and Saen...I don't want to speak for the devs, but the impression I got for the BV pirates is a very feudal style setup in that each Dreadlord's affairs are primarily their own, so while they might "help out" if...
  12. argenten

    Who do you prefer, Kara or Shade?

    It's confirmed in the conversation with Shade if she lets you go in Karaquest that Amara is in the hospital. As for Amara's emotions about Steele being involved, I take the situation with the memories of the fact that Amara tends to understand most of Steele's reasons for helping Kara or at...
  13. argenten

    Favourite Dorna Sibling

    Very much so on Syri being one of the few Shemales that I really like, hence my being torn on the subject of reverting her. I am genuinely more attracted to women than herms or shemales but Syri manages to bypass that and be entirely fun and sweet in her own right. Would I enjoy a purely female...
  14. argenten

    Who do you prefer, Kara or Shade?

    This pretty much sums up why I end up going with Shade, I'll be honest and admit for awhile, I actually helped Shade capture Kara and started over to get the quest. While I don't dislike Kara and found some her scenes actually pretty cool, she didn't connect nearly as much and even after the end...
  15. argenten

    Favourite Dorna Sibling

    Ooooh, coool, I'll have to do that, as my save at the time had my Steele in the ship and within immediate glomping of an eager Anno...and it was always so hard to say no to her. I always imagined her with this sweetly eager face, her tail wagging hopefully behind her...I'm such a sucker for...
  16. argenten

    Pregnancy Content?

    Oh you're a coder? I didn't know, and to be frank I'm not a coder so I error on the side of caution when it comes to timetables.
  17. argenten

    Pregnancy Content?

    They have been working on it but there's so much to code and so little time to do it in, so I can grock their wanting to prioritize a lot of what goes in.
  18. argenten

    Pregnancy Content?

    True but too much unfettered preggo content can kill a story, so I'd rather the fetish content work with the game and not drag everything down so the wait isn't too bad for me.
  19. argenten

    Pregnancy Content?

    Oooh, I thought you meant in NT specifically as the 2 I mentioned both mention potentially being bred during their sex scenes.