[WIP] Hematopods


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
I know that vampires aren't allowed. I don't know if that also applies to vampiric animal.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I know that vampires aren't allowed. I don't know if that also applies to vampiric animal.

I... can't imagine why it wouldn't be allowed. There's a scene where Kara can blast Shade's brains out. I'll PM the Sav's.


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016
I... can't imagine why it wouldn't be allowed. There's a scene where Kara can blast Shade's brains out. I'll PM the Sav's.

Savage stuff is fine as far as I'm concerned. The forbidden vampires are mean to be of the sexual kind, as in no blood during sex (I think?).


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
AFAIK it's undead stuff is banned. So hematophagous species should be ok.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
I... can't imagine why it wouldn't be allowed. There's a scene where Kara can blast Shade's brains out. I'll PM the Sav's.

Why isn't there a sexy girl attached to this. Come on man, Queen of the Deep it up. More crabwaifus!

but seriously that's fine just don't get too descriptive with the blood-sucking part.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Since this seems to give it a go, I'll throw some suggestions:

  • Give it in an appropriate name that sounds alien.
  • Avoid calling it a crab or a crustacean in the introduction. Instead try to reinforce the similarities and use snow crab as the common, but not official name.
  • Since this is an animal that can be killed, make it drop some valuables. Like it flesh that can be cooked for bonus or parts of their shell that can be sold for money.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
If Trogdors decides to go the flesh route, wouldn't a tie in with Yammi be appropriate?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Why isn't there a sexy girl attached to this. Come on man, Queen of the Deep it up. More crabwaifus!

but seriously that's fine just don't get too descriptive with the blood-sucking part.

In the interest of keeping the project small (No dialogue to write) and there already being at least two? native sentient races planned for Uveto already, I figured adding a prey species would both help balance things out and substantiate the presence of native life on an iceball. Can't very well have the Milodans and...whatever the primitive huskar people I saw busts for are called... without food to eat. Not like they're growing anything on a frozen moon.

Since this seems to give it a go, I'll throw some suggestions:

  • Give it in an appropriate name that sounds alien.
  • Avoid calling it a crab or a crustacean in the introduction. Instead try to reinforce the similarities and use snow crab as the common, but not official name.
  • Since this is an animal that can be killed, make it drop some valuables. Like it flesh that can be cooked for bonus or parts of their shell that can be sold for money.
  • I'm open to suggestions. The best I've come up with so far is Crabsquitoes. That's kind of dumb, but remember that many of the critters in this game have obvious/intuitive names. Cockvines, Cuntsnakes, Varmints,

    Craboscis? (Crab + Proboscis). Also dumb because plural would be Craboscises or something.
  • Blood Crawlers? Ice Tunnelers? Iceclaws?
  • Stabby Crabbies? :p
    Side note: Silly mode content where you can visit the planet's watery core and meet Space Spongebob for some Stabby Krabby Patties.

[*]It's difficult to pick a name that describes what it is without calling it a crab or crustacean in some manner and also doesn't sound really dumb.

[*]It doesn't necessarily have to be killable. Like I said, they are interested in getting a drink and then getting out of dodge. Once defeated or a specified number of turns goes by, they can slink back into the safety of their nearby tunnel. Chasing it down its hole is probably more trouble than it's worth, given this isn't a creature that wants to cause permanent harm to you.

Side note: Possible silly-mode content to visit the planet's watery core and meet spongebob for some Stabby Krabby Patties.

If Trogdors decides to go the flesh route, wouldn't a tie in with Yammi be appropriate?

The crabs don't necessarily have to be killable. However, this could still be done via some interaction with one of the native races... imo Yammi is already something of a miracle chef given the probably tiny kitchen area she has to work with, but that won't always be the case so whatever.

In addition to coming up with a good name, any suggestions you guys have for coming up with attacks, status effects, or anything really, would be great.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2015
The crabs don't necessarily have to be killable. However, this could still be done via some interaction with one of the native races... imo Yammi is already something of a miracle chef given the probably tiny kitchen area she has to work with, but that won't always be the case so whatever.

In addition to coming up with a good name, any suggestions you guys have for coming up with attacks, status effects, or anything really, would be great.

I imagine that space magic tech levels help out in the cooking department.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I imagine that space magic tech levels help out in the cooking department.

She comes up with giant sandwiches, giant steaks, giant smoothies in four-foot tall glasses or whatever.. and then she stores what she doesn't use for later... plus she has an entire separate room to keep her slave "rescued servant" in... when the ship is described as "having barely adequate space for you and your crew". Meh. Like I said, it won't always be that way, and maybe this can be addressed in the future once such upgrades are possible.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Back on topic: I fleshed out some attacks and described their appearance in more detail. Reformatted the outline a bit.

Question: Is blocking at all functional? I think I remember seeing something about blocking in the code. Could I have a crab block/parry a melee attack with its claws?


Jan 8, 2016
Back on topic: I fleshed out some attacks and described their appearance in more detail. Reformatted the outline a bit.

Question: Is blocking at all functional? I think I remember seeing something about blocking in the code. Could I have a crab block/parry a melee attack with its claws?

Isn't that covered under custom dodges? I can't remember the document, but IIRC the Nyrea's spear-pirouette-block is written as a custom dodge or something.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I'll look into it.

Another question: Is the PC going to be taking cold damage on each turn of combat like if they were walking between outdoor cells?

Can I also apply this cold damage to the crabs?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Potential name for the beasties: Creeches, a portmanteau of Crab and Leeches. Sounds alien/creepy, gives a hint as to what they do, and easy to remember.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Mrrm, don't really like the sound of it - doesn't sound any better than Crabsquitoes. They're not slimy worms like leeches, they're attacking you on land... Also, they don't stick around like leeches - they try to get what they want from you and then run away. I just don't think it works. Thanks, though!
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Started defining attacks for the Male.Think I'm done for tonight. Am I making this too complex?


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Mrrm, don't really like the sound of it - doesn't sound any better than Crabsquitoes. They're not slimy worms like leeches, they're attacking you on land... Also, they don't stick around like leeches - they try to get what they want from you and then run away. I just don't think it works. Thanks, though!

Fair enough, how about Arctic Piercers?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
I think I'm going to go with Hematopods, at least for now. A mix of Hematophagy and Arthropod.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Can someone explain to me how grapples work? I'm looking at the Vanae fight and seeing

private function vanaeGrapple(target:Creature):void
// Effect: Grapple chance. Failure leads to nothing, success/don't struggle leads to target grappled and consecutive "lubricate" attacks until the pin is broken or victory occurs.

if (!target.hasStatusEffect("Grappled"))
output("Sliding up to you as you are incapacitated, you feel her");
if (this is MaidenVanae) output(" short");
output(" tentacle skirt begin to");
if (this is MaidenVanae) output(" awkwardly");
output(" wrap around your waist");
if (!(this is MaidenVanae)) output(" and lower body");
output(". You can feel her suckers begin to stick to your skin - she's trying to pin you down!");

// [Failure]:
if (combatMiss(this, target)) output(" You forcibly shake her off of you; it's a close call. If she'd pinned you, who knows what would have happened!");
// [Success/Don't Struggle]:
output(" You can't shake her off you as she wraps around your lower body and [pc.hips], pulling herself flush against your [pc.skin]. Her [enemy.breasts] are rubbing against you, coating you in her [enemy.milk]...");

output("\n\nYou can feel your cheeks begin to flush. All of a sudden you start to lose the ability to move your limbs, but not the ability to feel what's happening to them. And what is happening feels <i>good</i>...");

target.createStatusEffect("Grappled", 0, 30, 0, 0, false, "Constrict", "You're pinned in a grapple.", true, 0);
applyDamage(new TypeCollection( { tease: 8 + rand(8) } ), this, target, "minimal");
output("You are helpless as the vanae huntress rubs her [enemy.breasts] up and down your body, smearing her wonderful breast milk all over your body. You feel like you're being lubed up by her");
if (this is MaidenVanae) output(" meager");
else output(" sizable");
output(" mounds, your [pc.groin] burning with arousal.");
applyDamage(new TypeCollection( { tease: 8 + rand(8) } ), this, target, "minimal");

but I'm not seeing the breakout mechanics defined anywhere. So what gives? Does the pc's combat otpions have a different 'struggle' option with different mechanics for every fight that uses a grapple? Or does it just play a generic function with a generic 'you break out of the grapple'?

I did the basic pinch attack and did some reformatting to help make some of what I'd already written easier to read and follow. Started to write the grab attack but can't finish it until I know how to write the player-breaking-out part. Can someone point me to where the pc's 'struggle' function lives?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Hmm.. So, how do I go about ending a fight early?

For example, in this struggle section,

if(target.hasPerk("Escape Artist"))
if(target.reflexes() + rand(20) + 6 + latexBonus + target.statusEffectv1("Naleen Coiled") * 5 > 24) {
output("You display a remarkable amount of flexibility as you twist and writhe through the coils to freedom.");
target.removeStatusEffect("Naleen Coiled");
if(target.physique() + rand(20) + 1 + latexBonus + target.statusEffectv1("Naleen Coiled") * 5 > 24) {
output("With a mighty heave, you tear your way out of the coils and onto your [pc.feet].");
target.removeStatusEffect("Naleen Coiled");
//Fail to escape:
if(target.hasStatusEffect("Naleen Coiled"))
if(CombatManager.hasEnemyOfClass(Naleen)) output("You groan in pain, struggling madly to escape the brutal confines of the naleen’s coils. She grins down at you with a feral look in her eyes....");
else output("You groan in pain, struggling madly to escape the brutal confines of the naleen’s coils. He grins down at you with a predatory glint in his eye, baring his fangs....");
target.addStatusValue("Naleen Coiled",1,1);

it handles the 'fail to escape' right there. If the PC's armor is insufficient to protect them from being stabbed while grappled, could I CombatManager.genericLoss(); here, even though this is CombatContainer.as, rather than where the rest of the creature's combat AI is defined?

Also, if I wanted to have the PC Medivac'd because the stab attack drained them down to 0 health, how would I go about doing that? And how could I abort combat without a 'loss' (Crab got successful blood-suck attack off, but PC health is still > 0)?

Hmm. I will have to think about what the crab would do if the PC succumbs to damage, particularly if it happens whilst grappled. When do temporary status effects like Grapple get removed? Are they still present during CombatManager.lossScene() such that I could modify the loss scene text to reflect whether the PC was grappled at the time health reached 0?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Got some work done. Finished the grapple attack to the best of my ability. Did the victory scene (Sav said no taking the crab apart for meat and stuff, so Steele just lets it go) as well as the description (though I'm not 100% sure of what I'm doing there; I may have made it too resistant, and I don't know exactly how the sydian armor flag will affect it). Also not sure which of the sex-related features need to be defined, since this creature isn't ever going to be involved in any sex scenes.


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Got more work done. Started writing the encounter. More work was done in terms of my understanding of how things fit together than actual words written, but I need to stop now before my brain melts and leaks out my ears.

If someone could please answer the questions I asked a couple weeks ago and/or give the document a once-over for gratuitous errors (in particular, the description, which I basically ripped from mimbranes and edited and don't really understand why, for example, something with no butt needs a butt rating...) That'd be great.

Is it grammatically correct to refer to space crabs as "crustaceo-analogues"?


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2016
Buhhhhhhhhhhhhh okay, the first male encounter variant is mostly done. I need to ask Savin to either change the falltocolddamage rescue scene to be crab-battle friendly, or ask him to write a variant of the scene that works for the pc being rescued from fainting after other sources of damage (surely there are any number of other non-combat hazards that could damage the player. Falls, avalanches, and so on.) I also need to figure out how to make status effects.

Next up, however, is probably writing the other variant of the male encounter, where the male busts through a wall like the kool-aid man. OH YEAHHH!