Nidhyaln crew member *repost*


Active Member
Sep 3, 2015
Hello guys and gals, Hybridwolf here.

So a new forum and a repost of the old thread :p  As the whole site has received a revamp I have to re-upload the links to files which is fine, I get that it was needed and I still have the files so no skin off my back :D  Plus with the revamp I can now just include the race idea and crew member in the same post.

Anyway to reintroduce the idea and setting a bit This is a creation/idea post I had for a race and crew member of the race. The Nidhyaln are, short story first, wolf people with a few scales and horns that are currently in a big war between two factions with other skirmishes between most of the other inhabitants of the planet. The other species of the planet are usually quite aggressive and their society and growth accommodated to it. More info will be found in the doc links below. I got a bit into the crew member herself and had started to do the first quest line to get her a part of the crew but hadn't had a chance to finish it yet. If it piques your interest give the docs a browse and offer some tips, tricks or just general improvements that you can see to the idea and documents themselves to make this a good first try at making something for TiTs :D

Nidhyaln Solar System information:
Nidhyaln Crew member: 
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Aight well, went through it. organized a bit, look over this for how to organize and this for Parser cells
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Active Member
Sep 3, 2015
Cool thanks for the heads up. Already looked at most of your suggestions and accepted most. Haven't finished looking through yet though.


Active Member
Sep 3, 2015
Long overdue update:

- Done Cafeteria fight scene
- filled out some of the room descriptions and scenes
- added in a random encounter enemy


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
I am seriously impressed with the lore and the background to the race and character. Looking forward to more.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Wow thanks Argenten :D  I'll be sure to live up to your expectations ^.^

Np, and I say that with the fact that I got so fed up with what I saw as mistakes and piss-poor storytelling in the later 2 ME games that I am basically working on an AU I've been told is borderline original (isn't because it is firmly established in ME universe) complete with 8 new races with at least the level of effort put into them that you did here. So I mean it when I say I love what you've done with the details/history and anticipate it making it into the game. My first thought upon reading their biology/basic form was "holy shit, dire-wolf morphs...YES!" The only thing that would be cooler for me would be bear morphs.

Small request I'll put in the docs later when I go over them again, option to be territorial over Penny with the puppy sherrif. Nothing nasty or hateful just a positive and possessive "mine". if the MC has won her as a mate. plus, I think Penny would enjoy the display but that's just my read on the character.


Active Member
Sep 3, 2015

- Filled in a few more room descriptions
- added in mercenary item
- Began combat conversion with code from "How not to make Gedan hate you"

So here is another update. I am starting to add in combat parsers and stuff but I still need to figure out where the list of flags, types and things like that are. i have seen teh parser document but it doesn't tell me what the lines are. For example human hair is it GLOBAL.HAIR_TYPE_HUMAN, and how do i do an enemy that has a dick? The guide only shows a female combatant. I'll still be looking around to see if I can find it but let me know if any of you  guys know :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
how do i do an enemy that has a dick? The guide only shows a female combatant. I'll still be looking around to see if I can find it but let me know if any of you  guys know :p

this.cocks = []; // remove existing, just failsafe
this.createCock(12, 1); // 12 inch long human, x1 thickness multiplier
this.shiftCock(0, GLOBAL.TYPE_CANINE); // shift to other type, autosets standart flags for type
this.cocks[0].addFlag(GLOBAL.FLAG_NUBBY); // add flag


Just found this typo "Penny’s the only one still at the station and she needs to say there.” Loving this so far though.

I'll keep a eye out for more typos and errors ok?


Active Member
Sep 3, 2015
Oh cool, thanks for that. I believe that it should be fine to include her then, I just have to try and stay true to the character. I'm think Fen or one of the other 'big ones' will pipe up, when I submit the first part, about Penny whether I need to change anything or something.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Sounds fair, do your best and I think you'll be safe. Considering the nature of her addition, figure she'll be in professional mode for the most part, with the option to go to her typical talk menu to allow the proper segue.


Active Member
Sep 3, 2015

- Added in Xenobiological lab area scene and intro to boss fight
- Added Stats to list

Well first off I'm sorry that I haven't updated in awhile. A lot has been going on that took me away from working on this much. Mainly my Hard drive went kaput on me, I am currently waiting for news about it and whether it has been fixed or I have lost everything. That's including a few notes I had that helped outline what i was going to do with the plot. I remember most of it but obviously without being able to check it is kinda annoying. Hopefully it will be fixed soon so I can get all my stuff back.

Back to this though I should be able to do bits and pieces for this while I wait for that, I will probably try and at least finish the 1st quest. I will also try and fill out Officer Bright some more as well. And then once everything is all done I can finally send off this last piece and see what Fen has to say. 

Before that though I need to somehow figure out how to do the boss fight. As it doesn't really use anything I can think of that exists. It doesn't have a penis or vagina, it has tentacles and its body which it can use to attack and seduce with. So i need ot find out what flags i need to sue and if I need any sort of special coding for that. Also I am making the boss fight a game over fight if you lose. Cuz we all like a little danger in our games :p  If anyone knows anything that can help please let me know and I'll see about getting it in :D  


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Sorry to hear about the Hard drive going blargh on  you. Hope by this time you've gotten word that it's ok or will soon. 

Loved the boss fight and glad to see the nidhyaln isn't giving up inside the beastie (seriously, give her a name :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ohh a gdoc I not seen so far (or was it too loing ago). Interesting thing to include in exploring that place iem for each class to got (at start I was worried only techs will get item ^^).

On that part about controled personel or boss itself fights and constant lust. Is that due to this liquid that each of them got unchangable lust value? I taking it was meant to make them impossible to beat using tease dmg, right?


Active Member
Sep 3, 2015
Argenten still not heard about the drive yet. The last I heard was that the guy I gave it too had to use 4 different programs before he could access the drive, and that was over a period of a week and a half. Since then I haven't heard anything but he did say it could take a while as it is a 2TB hard drive. And I did have a name ready for her...but its on the other drive T-T and I can't remember what it was i decided to go with. dammit. On the good side tho I'm glad you like the boss.

Ormael welcome to the gdoc :p  Yea I wanted something for each class to make it a little special for each one :D. As for the constant lust I was basing it off the people they were controlling, this worked more for the Controlled personnel enemy as it was a person being controlled being constantly aroused. So they would be in a sort of lucid state and not really be paying attention to someone trying to seduce them. For the boss it is mainly the liquid you are fighting and it doesn't really see things as lust or sensual. It just wants to feed. So yea now that I think about it this does mean it's impossible to beat them with tease damage. I actually don't know if that's a first or not but hey there ye go :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
It's nice (well looking at recent talks about psionic class it may turn actualy as fourth class so...jsut saying you may reconsider planning place for getting 4th item just for pionics :) ). On enemies...ok lust resistant enemies are welcome addition some along the way game going. Maybe I biased as I would love tech item with some bonus to shields not ttake it that I not like current one you wrote. And that comments to priceless ^^

About 50 lust for enemies you could (but not need actualy I suppose) change it to note saying for coder that lust value is unchangable and coder can on it own decide how much lust will each enemy should have rather then setting it all arbitaly at 50 (but that really something I suppose just can't so easy get over so not bother with this fact too hard - it just me been over sensitive on this small detail -_-').


Active Member
Sep 3, 2015
huh good point about the psionic stuff I will make a note of it....hmm maybe something that increases willpower as I remember reading that is the primary stat for psionics once it starts to get introduced into the system. And that coder idea is pretty neat, I'll add that in as an option so if they want to set it to anything they can or just go with the default I put.


Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Will how you save her affect the starting situation with the Nihyaln? For example would using abilities be more impressive since it shows off one's "Experience" as it were, or would it just show her Steele plays around too much?


Active Member
Sep 3, 2015
That might be going a bit too far for the situation. She wouldn't be noticing too much as she's busy resisting the Geas to pay too much attention to the player. She just wants to get the heck out of it, regardless of how they do it :p


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
huh good point about the psionic stuff I will make a note of it....hmm maybe something that increases willpower as I remember reading that is the primary stat for psionics once it starts to get introduced into the system. And that coder idea is pretty neat, I'll add that in as an option so if they want to set it to anything they can or just go with the default I put.

We got so far only bits of info how will psionics turns out in the end so maybe better if you jsut make somewhere not about adding in X place item for psionic class without leaving any more detailed specification on what it would be. Like not sure if it was common thing or not but since few weeks ago max that fen said he plaaned almsot from the start to make psionics as 4th starting class I always thought it would be some kind of subclass or replacement or even secondary class but not another primary one. So oafter this I more caution about making assumption about psionic stuff (but willpower part about it been base state for psionics is I think 100% sure - well PC creation already points that this stat is importnt for all psionics).