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  1. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 014

    That's what I meant, with the mask as it's starting to be cemented the scent attack wouldn't hit Remi and force her to make a (CON) or (WILL) right off the bat. 
  2. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 014

    My example was potpourri or w/e they were called but actually the Plague Doctor masks work even better. The set you describe seems very easy for Remi to make with limited resources plus I think it might confuse the minotaurs in the manner of "How am I supposed to get her hooked if...
  3. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 014

    Basically, nobles in many eras had scent holders who's names I honestly forget that allowed them to smell perfume instead of their own stink or the smell of wherever they were...but yeah I set myself up for that one. Well played :P
  4. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 014

    Or something that could stuff up her nose like a cold or at least causes her nose to react like that. The goal would be increased mucus production. Still, woodsmoke seems like the most plausible for her to be able to do considering her race and class. Maybe she can enchant something to have that...
  5. argenten

    The Nursery

    maybe, there's been some backtreading there yes. But it'll be awhile before I stop feeling like I'm considered somehow unclean for wanting it in game based on the reactions there. 
  6. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 014

    Is it possible to make a crude gas mask? At the risk of being disgusting, urine soaked rags have been effective in dealing with some gas attacks, but idk if ammonia would do the same for pheromones.
  7. argenten

    Why we love to Fall.

    Yw, it's a great game and we wish you the best :D I thought it was a great bit btw, dry mannerisms and humor really hit the spot for me if done well.
  8. argenten

    The Nursery

    Considering the 'revelations' that have happened on the preggomom thread, what's the point of the Nursery to begin with? It'll either never be used or Steele and the players that do use it will have such onus and contempt thrown at them that the kinkshame will drive them away?
  9. argenten

    The Nursery

    jaw drops in horrified awe The longest any of my saves in TiTS have run is 150 or so days...and that's because I did the bulking out at the gym after finding and finishing Bess' character arc. Why would they do that? That being said, Glad to hear the nursery is going to be a regular project...
  10. argenten


    It's also why I started the thread here, to allow us to show the devs for FoE we still enjoy the game and care, but also do so in a way that isn't harrassing them to start it up again. The main goal is to show support, else what...
  11. argenten


    Pretty much, the fact that he put the patreon on "charge by update" instead of pulling a Breeding Season, shows more respect than many in the industry would. Not going to lie and say I don't hope that he is able to come back soon...but better an honest hiatus than a false hope never fulfilled.
  12. argenten

    Adding to Existing Sex Scenes

    So the gist, from what I've gathered, is thus: Reach out to the dev in question about the character/scene in question, work out a feasible plan, write it up within framework provided, and if it appeals it'll be coded in. Oh and mentioning the mod is like calling Tonks Nymphadora, very...
  13. argenten

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Read it, solid scene for female or herm Steeles. The build up for Steele begging to be bred was interesting, as Steele is still very articulate and reasoned which is a change from the usual 'breeding has wiped out the higher brain functions' breeders to be. It makes me curious as to what it'll...
  14. argenten

    Congratulations, it's a fanfic crossover.

    I know, the author makes a serious effort to keep true to the characters that were transported but also works so that the world of Mareth is still relatable to the fans while still being...lustfully fantastical. 
  15. argenten

    Why we love to Fall.

    Mission successful! Really appreciate all the support for the game and the variety of answers given here. Looks like a lot of love has been garnered by the characters,approach to world building, party system, and especially the story. That these as well as others really show that FoE really...
  16. argenten

    Why we love to Fall.

    Hey there everyone, in the interest of showing the support for the game hasn't faded and to just babble on about what we like: What is it about FoE that you all like? For me, I like that the characters are enjoyable to interact with even if some of them have limited interactions, flexible...
  17. argenten

    Shou's TiTS Busts

    Great work but Astra is still one of my favs.
  18. argenten

    [Implemented] Paige, the Yoga Instructor

    Read through her entire doc and I love it well written, detailed, and with excellent connection between current character and a fleshed out background. Not to mention she's a femdom that I look forward to getting involved with in game, and those are incredibly rare for me. Will there be any...
  19. argenten

    Random Anno Bar Scenes

    Here's an idea for something about Anno that's kinda fallen by the wayside: How about some pet play for the "naughty pupplyslut" when Steele catches her in the bar? Can take her back to the ship for some more involved play or stay in the bar to tease and torment her. Can add more to the idea...
  20. argenten

    Nonesuch's Catalogue of Smut

    Depends on how much it costs, but I can easily put in $100. And it's one you do a good job of walking, throughout her path, I always got the impression Steele was being tested as much as Steele is trying to conquer Sera. Cool to know it'll be percolating even while Ramis is getting worked...