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  1. argenten

    Who your wife

    *give's pat on the shoulder* I can relate, I've a couple stories I've been meaning to get to for awhile now. Btw, nice job with the Anno and Huskar's scene. veddy smutty. That being said, I wish you the best in being able to finally finish SyriQuest. 
  2. argenten

    [WIP]The Huline: Totally Not Space Kitsune(Race + NPC ideas) /Hichiko's Back For Real Now Edition

    Good luck on the road and thanks for the update. As for the last, I think the various pervs on here will have some ideas if you're running out :P
  3. argenten

    The Nursery

    The debate is going in circles at this point, either you aren't willing to accept that there isn't going to be an easy 'skip it solution' to you not wanting to deal with pregnancy. As for the "Forcing people to get a earlier save(which they might not have) is not a solution to be unintentionally...
  4. argenten

    The Nursery

    +1 this. Would I like some scenes with Steele getting to play with the kids, yes. Unfortunately TiTS isn't geared for that and knowing that they are safe and well cared for will have to be enough for me.  Also +1 this but at the same time Couch sums up the issues with that pretty well. I...
  5. argenten

    The Nursery

    And you're missing the point that post-pregnancy content is going to be bare-minimum if there at all so far, so focusing on a method that only supports that is just as invalid as your claim about the pregnancy content. Vat wombs defeat the purpose of Steele being pregnant in pretty much every...
  6. argenten

    The Nursery

    *shrugs again* Not worried either way. It's a solid idea that works with what the devs want to happen but will also allow for flexibility needed with a lot of the desires of preggo fans like myself.  If they don't like it, fair enough, otherwise, looking forward to other more detailed opinions.
  7. argenten

    The Nursery

    *shrug* Vat womb got shot down, maybe this won't. 
  8. argenten

    The Nursery

    I'm down for the Birget-cest, but then again with fiction I tend to not care about that anyway and just focus on the hot, intimate, or (insert adjective here) smut, so that's not really a surprise. I had an idea of how to get the best of both worlds with the time-skip as well as "Tech should...
  9. argenten

    Who your wife

    Oooh, I forgot to check there, sorry. Thanks for the link and sharing, I thought it was well done. Short and sweet but still a good way to expand on her character as portrayed by you.  Gotta admit I'm jonesing for eventual Syriquest, even if Savin's been bogged down with other stuff for...
  10. argenten

    How was your first Kara Quest 2 playthrough?

    Flirted with Shade, had much MILFy loving and gave her 2 mods (milk and chocolate mmm), grabbed probe, came clean about siblingness. Gave engineer the hentai mag, got Tamwolf upgraded, looted everything but the tank (and boy did i want to hehehe.)  Didn't blow up Myrellion (too many waifus...
  11. argenten

    Who your wife

    Waaait, I remember that, you posted it on the Jack/Jill thread about how Jill/Jack and Steele grew up together and (s)he has this long time crush on Steele that (s)he has never spoken of and can't because of daddy dearest...Can I read that fic cause I actually thought it was a cool potential...
  12. argenten

    The Nursery

    This. But back to the thread topic, I actually think Aurora could work with the cousin as crew...but that's because I don't hate Jack/Jill, they're at best a nuisance and to be frank, if I was in their position (evil uncle or no) I'd be doing the same damn thing to get the keys to the...
  13. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 019

    Exactly, last thing you do in any adventure is leave loot untended or avenues unchecked. We rushed with the Black queen as I said and while the option that ended up being taken has more pros than cons, if we'd explored first we could have either gotten a better deal or maybe stacked things more...
  14. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 019

    Pretty much, and I'm getting the distinct impression they're choosing it to move the story along faster.  Either way, it's a very one-sided situation. I'm curious whether or not there even is anything else for Remi to find, but odds are once Remi charges/sneaks in, no one will get to
  15. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 019

    Yeah, because it's one thing to vote, that's important, ,but those commenting are those actually investing thought, care, and input into the CYOA/RP. 
  16. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 019

    I'd like to treat this as a legit RP/adventure, that means I'd prefer the party make it through who says good ends can't be just as smutty and lewd?
  17. argenten

    Why we love to Fall.

    One, nice new portrait and 2, I loved the outlaw content, really helped center the forest as a place my MC would go to regularly. The characters were very well written and fleshed out, the history fit  the world and added to the immersion, and it also provides a very plausible and flexible...
  18. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 019

    I'd like to at the very least do some exploring to see what else is there. Last thing Remi needs to reach a bad end thanks to something that 10 minutes of searching could have found not being in her inventory. I also would like to back this > More allies is always good, plus a harpy can count...
  19. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 018 (LEWD)

    I tend to use the Palladium books alignment system, but I can get behind this...and Remi :P  I wouldn't count her a total sub though, but she is a strongly inclined switch.  "I regret nothing!" How would Sylvia take Remi making sure she's safe and comfortable while Remi explores?
  20. argenten

    Savin's CYOA: 018 (LEWD)

    I'd say get Sylvia comfortable and then explore, that way the time that it takes for her to recover isn't spent in one place and Remi can learn more about the area and recover herself. (losing one's virginity is a tiring experience after all.) She'll still owe Remi one and Remi can give her both...