How was your first Kara Quest 2 playthrough?


Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2016

Don't forget to include what you did with Shade before the quest and what happened afterwards.

Personally I started by flirting with Shade and banging her ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

During the quest:

I got fucked by the bunny girl

Didn't blow up Myrellion (Like most people who apparently don't read anything)

Beat up Shade

Kara blew up herself and Amara

Afterwards I lied to Shade and she left me

My shriveled black heart could't handle it and I almost cried.

Props to Savin for amazing writing and nearly reducing me to a child.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
Flirted with Shade, banged her, nabbed the probe, and told her she was my sister. 

Took Khan's arc caster and the LMG

Activated Nuke because I wasn't paying attention at the time.

Kara shot Amara's lust-beaten ass off the side of the helipad.

Myrellion didn't get blown up due to a glitch that was present at the time, but I later used Minerva to delete the Nuke activation.

I'm still not sure what I want to do with Shade on Uveto with that particular Steele though, but I'm leaning towards lover route should the need to dissuade her from defending Amara arise again.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2015
Flirted with Shade, had much MILFy loving and gave her 2 mods (milk and chocolate mmm), grabbed probe, came clean about siblingness.

Gave engineer the hentai mag, got Tamwolf upgraded, looted everything but the tank (and boy did i want to hehehe.) 

Didn't blow up Myrellion (too many waifus and potential goodies nukes are bad, very bad)

Kara shot down a horny Amara (gotta love them biowhips and goorevolvers :p  )

Had wild kathrit love with Kara afterwards (and got taunted by the "thoroughly bred" line when she took my copious seed. [curse you Savin :p  now I can't get pregnant Kara out of my libido even though I know it'd be like 4 quests to have her at a point where she could be remotely safe being pregnant and steady with Steele.])

And have a save right before I meet with Shade so I can have my cake and eat it too, both MILF and CILF flavored. (seriously, Astra, especially after Shou got done drawing her, is worthy of "I'm throwing money at the screen for Astra goodness.")


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Bumped uglies with MILF-kitty, grabbed everything on the station like a Magpie with an affinity for unique loot, didn't activate the nuke, sided with Kara over Amara because HONOUR! Got shagged by Kara on the return trip.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
I'm about to start the pirate quest and I read about this earlier so I'm not worried about spoilers... but my head hurts from reading descriptions of the outcomes. Is there any kind of summary of what the best Shade outcome or best Kara outcome, or best total outcome is? I play a cliched do-gooder that want to save lives and keep as many friends and lovers as possible. Though I'm leaning a bit toward finding Shade more attractive.


Aug 26, 2015
I'm about to start the pirate quest and I read about this earlier so I'm not worried about spoilers... but my head hurts from reading descriptions of the outcomes. Is there any kind of summary of what the best Shade outcome or best Kara outcome, or best total outcome is? I play a cliched do-gooder that want to save lives and keep as many friends and lovers as possible. Though I'm leaning a bit toward finding Shade more attractive.

Seduce Shade on the first encounter.

Now finish Taivra's Palace.  You must either subjugate or kill Taivra to get the probe for the next step.  Subjugate is the best option: talk to Seifyn outside, tell the queen you and Jill are rivals, fight her and don't break Dane out during the fight.

During the probe selling scene, tell Shade you're siblings, or don't, whatever.  This will matter later but it doesn't now.  Either way she goes to Uveto and thus doesn't show up at the pirate base.

Do the pirate base.  Don't hit the self-destruct or you'll blow up Myrellion, unless you want to do that.  This is the one time you get to bang Kara, so enjoy it.

Fly around and a milodan guy will give you a mini-quest to go to Uveto.  Chew Kara out if you want, it probably hurts your relationship status but you might think she deserves it.  If you haven't done the base yet then Kara doesn't show up in this event.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
It's not meant to be cut-and-dry good or bad. It's pretty much down to who you like more, rather than who's more good/evil than the other. For all we know, Kara could be one of the most evil bastards in the universe, whereas we know Shade is, pardon the pun, kinda shady with her connections to the Black Void.


Active Member
Aug 27, 2015
Thanks! Who knows what happens but in that case I'll do the above and stick with Shade for now :)
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
Chew Kara out if you want, it probably hurts your relationship status but you might think she deserves it.  If you haven't done the base yet then Kara doesn't show up in this event.

Will it? I chewed her out since that's the best way to have sex with her again if you do it right. (Plus you get paid extra money)


Jul 9, 2016
First time I sided with Kara, fought Shade and won, and then tried taking on KaraQuest2 at too low of a level without back up saves, got myself stuck and gave up, lost to Amara and let them have Kara.


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Didn't grab the power armor or meet the mechanic (Dr. Lash is over in the corner laughing at me)

Beat Khan through health, denied him.  Took AC

Didn't blow up Myrellion

No Shade encounter

Amara through health.  Smugglers ftw.  

I didn't fully appriciate how difficult this quest was supposed to be until i went through on a Tech Specalist.  


Active Member
Jun 25, 2016
I took the armor and kiked mechanic ass.
Beat Khan, raped him(male MC)
Didn't blow up Myrellion(hundreds of millions of credits for ST+fuckbuddies)
No Shade encounter(Shade is a lover on Uveto, insest is fine too.)
Amara died like a horny doggie.
Fucked pussy's pussy. 
P.S. I know that I'm asking for impossible, but beating this shitty Watson with the help of Hand So would be quite a cool thing. 

I'm still not sure what I want to do with Shade on Uveto with that particular Steele though, but I'm leaning towards lover route should the need to dissuade her from defending Amara arise again.

For now it's only old talk and sex scenes. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015

-Sided with Kara on the bar.

-Got fucked (willingly) by the lapinara.

-Blew the door with a tank

-Defeated and executed Shade (Two caesars are one too many)

-Defeated Khan and looted the area

-Didn't nuke Myrellion

-Currently, I think that after the Shade/Amara/Saendra's friend incident, I'm pretty much at war with the Black Void.

My only problem is that the Stormguard entry on my codex will be permanently locked.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
The Caesar comparison is apt.

You're a soulless monster, is what I'm saying. :p

Not Caesar, Gaius Octavius Ceasar, better known as Augustus. Murdered most, if not all of his uncle's friends, his lover, and in the end, even his son (and Octavius's cousin) Caesarion to get all of his uncle's power and heirloom.

I've guessed, that if Shade knew the thruth, she could reclaim part of the heirloom, and I didn't felt in the mood to share. That and the fact that her tail creeps me out. Cousin Jack is in a dangerous position, too, but he's one of the few males, a more distant relative and hasn't and ugly tail, yet.

But now, how can I unlock the Stormguard entry!!!!
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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2016
Not Caesar, Gaius Octavius Ceasar, better known as August. Murdered most, if not all of his uncle's friends, his lover, and in the end, even his son (and Octavius's cousin) Caesarion to get all of his uncle's power and heirloom.

I've guessed, that if Shade knew the thruth, she could reclaim part of the heirloom, and I didn't felt in the mood to share. That and the fact that her tail creeps me out. Cousin Jack is in a dangerous position, too, but he's one of the few males, a more distant relative and hasn't and ugly tail, yet.

But now, how can I unlock the Stormguard entry!!!!

I was referring to Caesar from FONV. Either way, it was just a friendly jibe. You play your way, and I'll play mine.

...Just please, please don't murder Anno, Embry, or Saendra.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I was referring to Caesar from FONV. Either way, it was just a friendly jibe. You play your way, and I'll play mine.

...Just please, please don't murder Anno, Embry, or Saendra.

As long they don't get a creepy tail or decide to rival me, he, he. Except Embry, she can rival me anytime.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2015
The Caesar comparison is apt.

You're a soulless monster, is what I'm saying. :p




I actually just went back with a Minerva-hardened Kara and killed Shade just to further distinguished my characters' story paths.

I've guessed, that if Shade knew the thruth, she could reclaim part of the heirloom, and I didn't felt in the mood to share. That and the fact that her tail creeps me out. Cousin Jack is in a dangerous position, too, but he's one of the few males, a more distant relative and hasn't and ugly tail, yet. 



If Savin keeps making more characters out of Victor's illegitimate children, you're gonna have a lot of work to do.

I'm actually trying to write one of those myself, but I can't quite nail down the perfect dialogue.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Shade are the only NPC that I've actually killed, since the Tarkus Grey Goo doesn't count since they're...mindless

After the excruciating battle with Amara (stunlock hax), I would've liked to end her, but sadly she survived to fight another day. When factions are implemented, since I'll surely be in open war against the Black Void, I'll probably end her and Miriam ??? , Saendra's enemy. Tought, I feel a bit sad for Shade's daughter, but, judging by the life that her mother was living, it was matter of time for someone to come to the door with the bad news.

In the end, Kara did the dirty work for me. My hands are clean...more or less

I didn't kill Taivra, mostly for...pragmatic reasona. As Shade, she had a creepy tenctacle-thing tail, but subjugating her would grant me a power position. And, seing the scenario that I'd fail to reclaim the heirloom, I'll could still live as the king of the Nyrea. So, Taivra survived because she was more useful for me alive.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Flirted with and banged the hot kitty MILF six ways til' Sunday.

Got to level 8 first so that I could unlock the quest, because you can do that now, and thus saved my game two times in different files (Two files of the same character, but going different routes with Shade in each, in one I nabbed the probe before doing Karaquest so that it included the sister reveal, and in the other I didn't and did the quest first for the betrayal route, waited a while so that Shade would move to Uveto, THEN got the probe so that I didn't have to reveal anything and keep her as a lover).

Fixed up Tam-Wolf, so now he ain't broke no more. Currently keeping the robo dog around until something better comes along.

Bribed the cute little engineer bunny girl and got fucked by her.

Literally steamrolled almost EVERYONE early in the base and kicked lots of pirate ass.

Kicked Dr. Khan's ass with my flash grenade/aimed shot combo and fucked said ass as well, looted his stuff. I doubt he'll miss his Arc Caster anyways.. huehue.

Didn't blow up Myrellion despite the option being there because of my PC's mischievous personality, hell I didn't even KNOW mischievous could unlock it as well, I thought it was locked behind Hard at first, but then I checked the wiki itself and went "Oh.". >3<
But I'm not psychotic to even dare make my Steele do that. My boy ain't blowing up any planets.

Tried to beat Amara with my flash grenade/aimed shot combo, didn't work out too well because DAMN THAT BITCH WITH HER STUN LOCKS AND SHIT.... Sooo I whipped out my Biowhip and Goozooka and beat her by lust instead.

Fucked Kara's pussy in the end because I ain't passing that up.
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