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  1. Longbow

    Any good single player game recommendations for pc?

    I might have a few suggestions, depending on how liberal you are with those requirements of yours. Really, it sounds like you're asking for a bit of an ideal game, so I'm not sure I can give you that. One Way Heroics - It's a turn-based, roguelike-esque game where you're constantly on the run...
  2. Longbow

    Dark Souls III Hype

    Demon's Souls is still probably the best out of all of them, in my opinion. They're both pretty excellent games, but I'm sentimental so DaS just can't replace DeS for me. DaS was merely an extension of the things that DeS did to make me love it. That's not to say it didn't have its fair share of...
  3. Longbow

    Favorite Visual Novels?

    Let's see... Bible Black was my first visual novel, so I have fond memories of that one. Sei Shoujo really is quite a good storyteller, with a wonderful knack for building dread. Discipline is similarly good. MGQ is a pretty good one, as well. Tons of CGs and a charming, unpretentious story...
  4. Longbow

    just a question....

    What you say is true, but I'd like to say that with the style of development TiTS uses there's a distinct advantage to laying down the groundwork for content earlier, rather than later. In a more traditional development cycle the order in which certain elements of your game are designed can be...
  5. Longbow

    Least Favourite TiTS Character.

    After taking a look on the wiki, I can't seem to find any TF items that will actually remove a penis other than Bovinium. Condensol will remove extra penises, but only extras. There are quite a few transformatives, though, so I may have overlooked one or two. Both Uthra Sap and Condensol will...
  6. Longbow

    Least Favourite TiTS Character.

    Ahhh yes, Embry wanted to turn into a female, not a male. I would do well to remember the most basic facts of the characters I'm talking about. Estrobloom seems to be the primary feminizing TF, but it's not free. Not terrible expensive, either, but the prices of items in TiTS seem to be informed...
  7. Longbow

    Least Favourite TiTS Character.

    Ah, yes. I see what you're saying now, it seems I was the one who didn't understand you. I agree. Perhaps JimT did not consider that. At the time, were there any other characters beyond Reaha who were in debt due to transformatives? Hmm, was Penny is debt due to that as well, or was she just...
  8. Longbow

    Least Favourite TiTS Character.

    Ah, there appears to be a bit of confusion here. I was stating that her TF resistance is important to her story, so removing it wouldn't be a simple matter. I intended this as a mark against her, as her situation is both contrived and a central component of both her general arc and how you...
  9. Longbow

    Least Favourite TiTS Character.

    I wouldn't call ballsack beanbags contrived. Both the technology to achieve them and the idea that certain races may have extreme endowments already existed in the TiTS universe. A reasonable argument could be made that the treatment is contrived, I agree. It's clearly in defiance of core world...
  10. Longbow

    Least Favourite TiTS Character.

    Hmmm... my least favorite... my least favorite... I might have to go with Embry on this one, as well, for the same reasons already stated. She's a fine character, but I don't think it was necessary to design her around a problem that does not exist for anything else in the TiTS universe. JimT...
  11. Longbow

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Nothing like a little conflict between party members to make things more interesting. I like this angle. A sadist with a soft spot for her lover... yes, I like this angle quite a bit. A trained assassin for an evil demon lord should have a bit of an edge to them, afterall. I would be...
  12. Longbow

    Monstergirls in FoE?

    Images omitted by me for convenience. I like this idea, and I'd prefer it over the other choices given to us. The dynamic is a lot more interesting than simply meeting a monster girl and romancing them normally. I also like the doll/construct maid idea. Doll monster girls never seem to get much...
  13. Longbow

    NPC gender identity in TiTS

    Interesting. I admit, I did not catch that part of the codex entry, as I was more concerned with the 'Society' section of that particular entry. Beyond this, though, I maintain that none of this is properly conveyed in the game itself, least of all through Aliss' own dialogue. The game doesn't...
  14. Longbow

    NPC gender identity in TiTS

    Yet they explicitly refer to Aliss as a male, anyways. I believe your answer might very well be the correct one, but I think it's simply inelegant to have not designed her as a female with a dick from the ground up if that's what the writer truly wanted. I think most of us know he wanted Aliss...
  15. Longbow

    NPC gender identity in TiTS

    This is a possibility, but it doesn't (in my opinion) seem to be supported by anything in his dialogue. Aliss never seems to refer to himself as female, either explicitly or implicitly. He brings up his sex twice: once during the conversation about the Ovir, and again before the first time...
  16. Longbow

    NPC gender identity in TiTS

    Perhaps, at some point, Aliss' pronouns were meant to change after you learned that 'she' was a male. Aliss doesn't tell you this right away, afterall. You need to ask about the Ovir species. As it stands now, the sexual dimorphism of the Ovirs is brought up and promptly ignored in the very same...
  17. Longbow

    TiTs in your D&D

    I see. So the speed is standard in the ruleset you play. My mistake. In that case, the +4 natural armor seems fine. I agree that it shouldn't stack. I'm not sure I agree with you about DMs, though. Sometimes it's better to build the players up... and then kill them. I'd rather die to...
  18. Longbow

    Tits Cruelty Potential

    It seems to provide no benefit, at least not at the moment. The intended context is that Steele is destroying the base to spite the pirates. Hard characters don't have to choose this option, it's simply available to them. It may be a rather wicked choice, but it does have, at least, some...
  19. Longbow

    Tits Cruelty Potential

    I just went back and tested it and it appears that the option doesn't show for kind characters. I know for a fact it appears for hard characters, and I think it might appear for mischievous ones. I couldn't remember if the mischievous character I used to test it was actually mischievous or not...
  20. Longbow

    Tits Cruelty Potential

    At a certain point in KaraQuest 2 you're given the option to activate the pirate base's self-destruct mechanism. The game warns you of the consequences of this when you choose the option, then asks you to confirm the choice. Sometime later after the quest is finished you'll get a scene of...