valkyr42 Apr 6, 2022 transed my gender (exclusively online and in private); my (bisexual) husband was very supportive for exactly eight months and just now got mad. ??? Tell me shit like that before I get comfortable, please. Now I'm pissed.
transed my gender (exclusively online and in private); my (bisexual) husband was very supportive for exactly eight months and just now got mad. ??? Tell me shit like that before I get comfortable, please. Now I'm pissed.
valkyr42 Apr 20, 2020 I was a homestuck at a formative age and that explains basically all my fetishes, sorry.
valkyr42 Jul 8, 2019 Might actually talk to people on here some more now instead of gobbling up Patreon docs
valkyr42 May 7, 2018 There is some goodass shit hidden in the code but unimplemented and i am like :thinkingemoji: