TiTs in your D&D


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
So for about a month now I have been playing a Nyrea in D&D. Before I decide to put it on http://www.dandwiki.com. I have decided to consult you all before making them a permanent fixture.




Males range in height from 5'5 to 5'10; females, the larger of the species, from 5'8 to 6'2.

Hair: Nyrea have thin, wispy spine-like growths in most places humans might have hair. These vestigial barbs were once the species' primary means of defense against larger predators, but have long since evolved to be soft to the touch and harmless, usually cut short or styled in intricate braids and designs.


Nyrea have two mono-colored eyes, each with a small pupil in its center. Due to their almost exclusively subterranean existence, their eyesight is very poor, especially at longer ranges. For the same reason, their eyes are exceptionally sensitive to bright lights, and they can easily be blinded or stunned by sudden flashes.


Offsetting their poor eyesight, nyrea have exceptional hearing. They possess two large, tapered ears which can easily grow out to a foot or more from their heads. A nyrea's ears are sensitive to a wide range of sounds over great distances, and serve as their primary means of hunting. According to some daring adventurers, they are also a primary erogenous zone.


Nyrea are predators who subsist on large cave creatures, occasionally foraying up to the surface for nocturnal hunts. They are naturally armored thanks to a chitinous carapace which covers their limbs and most of the torso in a corset-like configuration; the breasts and groin are usually covered with material armor, such as chain or leather. The nyrea are equipped with natural weapons in the form of sharp, sturdy fangs which inject a paralytic venom into their victims. Despite this, the nyrea are capable of crafting weapons, and indeed seem to prefer their use over biting: the favorite armament of the nyrean hunter appears to be the spear or javelin.

Environs Typically Inhabited

Natives of Underdark, nyrea make their abodes in deep subterranean caves. Nyrean tunnels tend to be damp and roomy, often leading to and between vast open underground caverns. Cave systems inhabited by the race do show signs of manual excavation, and are frequently decorated with artwork and writing, in addition to housing carefully harvested and cultivated crops of luminescent cave fungus.


Nyrean reproduction is an extreme oddity in the planes, especially among sapient creatures. Effectively, the genitalia of the two sexes is reversed: females possess a long, thick, penis-like tube with a blunted, softly-barbed head and an almost-canid knot at the base; males possess a genital slit which leads to a large abdominal cavern filled with several "sperm sacs." Much as in a female mammal's reproductive system, these sperm sacs are regularly moved to a "ready" position at the back of the genital opening where they can be penetrated by the female's pseudo-penis barbs, whereupon the sperm is extracted.

Reproduction amongst the nyrea is almost universally female-driven. Lone females will attempt to capture or envenom solitary males, while stronger "alpha" females will often accumulate harems of males and females to provide semen and incubation for their eggs. Once a male is secured, the female will penetrate his genital slit (and the sperm sac readied behind it) with her pseudo-penis and extract the semen through her own genitalia. This process is long and draining, especially for the male, and it can take several hours to fully drain a sperm sac through the incision made by the female. The knot at the base of the female's pseudo-penis ensures minimal leakage during copulation, and can keep a pair of particularly unlucky nyrea together for up to half a day.

Female nyrea, upon extraction of sperm from a mate, will fertilize between six and ten large eggs. Eggs are deposited via the pseudo-penis, which is by necessity very elastic and hollow. Nyrean females have a remarkable versatility when it comes to laying eggs, and individuals show marked variance in response to impregnation. Some will bear the eggs inside themselves until nearly time to hatch, while others will oviposit the eggs into the male that fertilized them, much as in Terran seahorses (this indeed seems to be the most common method, and the male genital slit and reproductive cavity seem remarkably well-adapted to this role). Some "alpha" females will attempt to dominate other, weaker nyrean females and deposit their eggs inside the defeated female (either anally or via the beaten female's own pseudo-penis). Regardless of method, it is believed that the eggs must remain inside a warm-bodied host until nearly ready to hatch.

Once hatched, newborn nyrea are helpless for a period of a few days, weeks at most, and must be nursed. Particularly confusing to off-worlders, both nyrean sexes possess large (by humans standards, averaging between a D and F cup) breasts, and are capable of lactating a thick, highly nutritious "milk." Males and females are both capable of rearing children, as either or both may be called upon to bear their eggs, either independently or with a mate's assistance.

Culture & Society

The nyrea are not what you would traditionally label as social creatures. It is clear that they evolved from solitary predator insects, but over time have formed small settlements out of need for easy breeding and mutual protection. The settlements can range in size from a dominant female and her harem to towns of a few thousand individuals, but due to the non-agrarian habits of the nyrean race, gatherings rarely grow beyond that size.

Due to the exclusive dominance of the female sex, and the power-play between females in close proximity, nyrean settlements almost always come under the rule of an "alpha" female who, depending on the size of her domain, either treats all nyrea living under her as her harem, or selects the most attractive and virile to serve her. In the latter case, "beta" females will share the remaining males between them, treating them at best as second-class citizens to be used at-will, or in some more tyrannical tribes, as little more than cattle and breeding stock.

Racial Traits

  • +2 strength, + 2 Endurance, +1 Dextarity, -2 Intelegence, -1 Cherisma

  • Medium: Nyrea have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

  • Nyrea base land speed is 40 feet

  • Dark Vision: You can see without light at a range of up to 120 feet

  • Nightsighed: Add 10 feet to the range of your dark-vision. You take a -1 penalty on Spot checks when in areas of bright light.

  • Armored Carapace : Natural armor and Fortitude +4

  • Automatic Languages: Under common, Insectoid, Bonus Languages: Any

  • Favored Class: Ranger, Barbarian. They can also make good druids and spirit shamans.

  • Level Adjustment: +2

  • Weapon Proficiency Nyrea: You gain proficiency with spears, pole-arms, javelins, natural weapon bite.

Racial skill

Attack option: Paralyzing Bite.

Casting time:

1 standard action







Saving Throw:

Fortitude partial

Spell Resistance:


Once a day The Nyrea attacks with its mouth, dealing piercing, slashing, and bludgeoning damage. Does 1d6 of damage and is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Apply STR bonuses.

[Forgotten realm Expansion]

Reaction to other races

Nyrea sworn enemy is the Drow, there is a constant war between their species. No one is sure how the hatred has started. They reflect this hatred In all elves who they call spider tainted. The Nyrea find humans to be weak and subject to be receptacles for laying eggs in. the Nyrea admire strenght in others, the Druger, Giants and Orcs are considered friends in many instance.


Magic is rare among the Nyrea. Those who do magic is consider tainted by the spiders, and are driving out of the hive. Still there are those who learn and practice in secret. They take on the skills of nature appose to the arcane. This seams to only occur in the males, perhaps driving to gain power among there females. It is not to say females cannot learn these art either


Nyrea follow a God Queen she is worshiped as a god. the Queen is chosen through power, intelligence and skill, and this elevates her to the highs point of the hive. Many Nyrea have taken to the following of the goddess Bralm, this is common place among those who have left hives to live among other races. They take on the roles of being hard working and industrious. Very few take to worship to the Lolth as the Drow are the sworn enemy to the Nyrea. This is a death sentence in their society.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
*claps* perfect mate.

Why thank you Evil sir.

I don't think I have ever played a more powerful barbarian before.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
In case you haven't noticed their primitive and not very sociable. Charisma is not physical beauty its communication. if I don't add some negatives I have to increase LA. Their bite already makes them OP as fuck.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
LA+2 is a bit of an overkill. It does not offer enough "edge" to qualify for this heavy an experience burden. LA+1 is quite enough to offside the stats and racial perks.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
One question do you play in person or over the great Information Super Highway?

In person. Never let that "stick-in-the-mud Rinnosuke be DM. Regardless of how cute he looks in a collar he does not have a sexual bone in his body.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Moscow, RF
In case you haven't noticed their primitive and not very sociable. Charisma is not physical beauty its communication. if I don't add some negatives I have to increase LA. Their bite already makes them OP as fuck.

1) TiTS's Nyrea live in societies that range from arguably primitive small-ish tribes you encounter in NML and Deep Caves to huge enclaves that posses roughly the same technological level as Scarlet Federation. Even if that would 't have been the case, how should TL be indicative of race's actual level of intelligence? Compare them to any other D&D race (like poor orcs and goblins) that has Int penalty and you'll see that it's not applicable.

Charisma racial modifiers are one big messy pile of BS in D&D in general, and the stat itself is ill defined. Still, Nyrea aren't anywhere near as ugly/antisocial as other races that have a Charisma racial penalty.

2) Why do they have that bite attack in the first place? Also +4 to Natural Armor and Fortitude is way too much.


GURPS racial template/point based purchasing systems is the way to go. You almost never can convert other things to D&D properly.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
1) TiTS's Nyrea live in societies that range from arguably primitive small-ish tribes you encounter in NML and Deep Caves to huge enclaves that posses roughly the same technological level as Scarlet Federation. Even if that would 't have been the case, how should TL be indicative of race's actual level of intelligence? Compare them to any other D&D race (like poor orcs and goblins) that has Int penalty and you'll see that it's not applicable.

Charisma racial modifiers are one big messy pile of BS in D&D in general, and the stat itself is ill defined. Still, Nyrea aren't anywhere near as ugly/antisocial as other races that have a Charisma racial penalty.

2) Why do they have that bite attack in the first place? Also +4 to Natural Armor and Fortitude is way too much.


GURPS racial template/point based purchasing systems is the way to go. You almost never can convert other things to D&D properly.

Codex states: "The nyrea are not what you would traditionally label as social creatures" This equals negative Charisma, because charisma is social interaction not beauty.

The codex is clear on the bite once again "The nyrea are equipped with natural weapons in the form of sharp, sturdy fangs which inject a paralytic venom into their victims."

Orcs have -2 int, and so does the nyrea because in the translation they have kept their "primitive" descriptor. they are primitive compared to humans in space, then their are primitive to humans in DnD.

The chitin carapace trait is clear +4, hence the high LA.

That said I agree, I played a goblin character who was raised as a human and demanded the INT to be increased to those levels. Charisma, intelligence and Wisdom are not physical attributes, so their based on upbringing not the race. Its importaint to remember, those are the roles of DnD. If you don't like it don't play Dn'D


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2015
Lol love it! Way to go Neet, this is pretty inspiring to say the least. Kinda wanna see more of the TiTs races translated into a D&D template. Now just need enough free time to run a perverse D&D game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
added a [Forgotten Realm Expansion]

now if only I can get them a SFW pic.



Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
Is this a necro? I hope not. Either way, though, I admit this is a little late.

EDIT: I just realized that I'm not entirely certain which edition you're playing. I immediately assumed 5th edition which is where my comparisons in this post come from. If that isn't the case, I apologize.

A few particular problem points stood out to me here. What first caught my eye was the Nyrean's speed of 40. Two-legged humanoid races (of average size) tend to have a speed of 30, so 40 seemed like a little too much without, at least, a reasonable justification.

I also have a problem with Armored Carapace. I can't say for sure whether or not the +4 natural armor is too good because that depends on how the DM plays it. Some DMs might not let it stack with worn armor, and it's a popular interpretation that Unarmored Defense replaces default AC calculations rather than adds to them, in which case natural armor wouldn't stack with that, either. If allowed to stack, however, a free +4 AC is far, far too good. +4 to Fortitude saves seems a little too much, as well.

I also noticed how you have sunlight penalties rolled into Nightsighted. Your Nyreans only have basic Dark Vision (unlike the Drow) but I did notice you trying to slink around having to give them Sunlight Sensitivity. I suppose I can understand that, since rolling disadvantage on attack rolls in direct sunlight is quite a pain.

I can see why you have to get Mannosuke to DM for you, because Patchy would never let you into her games with these issues. EDIT: Obviously Patchy would never play 5e. Not complex enough.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Is this a necro? I hope not. Either way, though, I admit this is a little late.

EDIT: I just realized that I'm not entirely certain which edition you're playing. I immediately assumed 5th edition which is where my comparisons in this post come from. If that isn't the case, I apologize.

A few particular problem points stood out to me here. What first caught my eye was the Nyrean's speed of 40. Two-legged humanoid races (of average size) tend to have a speed of 30, so 40 seemed like a little too much without, at least, a reasonable justification.

I also have a problem with Armored Carapace. I can't say for sure whether or not the +4 natural armor is too good because that depends on how the DM plays it. Some DMs might not let it stack with worn armor, and it's a popular interpretation that Unarmored Defense replaces default AC calculations rather than adds to them, in which case natural armor wouldn't stack with that, either. If allowed to stack, however, a free +4 AC is far, far too good. +4 to Fortitude saves seems a little too much, as well.

I also noticed how you have sunlight penalties rolled into Nightsighted. Your Nyreans only have basic Dark Vision (unlike the Drow) but I did notice you trying to slink around having to give them Sunlight Sensitivity. I suppose I can understand that, since rolling disadvantage on attack rolls in direct sunlight is quite a pain.

I can see why you have to get Mannosuke to DM for you, because Patchy would never let you into her games with these issues. EDIT: Obviously Patchy would never play 5e. Not complex enough.

3.5 with Pathfinder character sheet. 5e, who do you take me for?

40 is average land speed for a LA 2 race. Land speed is highly effected by Armor light armor reduces it to 30. Agreed about the dark vision to better equal the Drow 120 should do. I add the light sensitivity to Drows in my games any ways. All of the under dark races should have it.

Armor rating never stacks. Only pussy ass DM make it stack. damn it people its the DM job to kill the players as soon as possible.

Oh and patchy is into gurps.


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2016
40 is average land speed for a LA 2 race. Land speed is highly effected by Armor light armor reduces it to 30. Agreed about the dark vision to better equal the Drow 120 should do. I add the light sensitivity to Drows in my games any ways. All of the under dark races should have it.

I see. So the speed is standard in the ruleset you play. My mistake.

Armor rating never stacks. Only pussy ass DM make it stack. damn it people its the DM job to kill the players as soon as possible.

In that case, the +4 natural armor seems fine. I agree that it shouldn't stack. I'm not sure I agree with you about DMs, though. Sometimes it's better to build the players up... and then kill them. I'd rather die to something interesting than a mob at low levels, certainly.

Oh and patchy is into gurps.

Makes sense. Probably has it all memorized.