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  1. Longbow

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    With the way things currently are, I'd probably just finish him off in whatever climactic battle occurs. No real sense in drawing this whole thing out, really. Maybe he will be in some kind of mech or something since I can't imagine him starting a fair fight... which is perfectly understandable...
  2. Longbow

    Embry, Space Princess (X-Pac Discussion)

    There's always the possibility that someone else could step up to write the sections that Eva isn't going to write. Adding more writers into the mix has its own set of problems, of course, but it's not unworkable. It's not perfect, but it is an option. With Jim no longer around to finish...
  3. Longbow

    JimThermic's Project List

    This is true. Both characters get a lot more content in terms of sheer word count for the sake of developing their characters. I understand not all characters need to be actual characters, as well. Sera, for example, is meant to serve as a way for players who like that kind of sexual content to...
  4. Longbow

    JimThermic's Project List

    Oh, I don't know. I think the attitude he brought to writing the characters was what distinguished them in TiTS. Characters like Ben/Bess and Embry are sweet, sure, but writing sweet characters is hardly a lost art. What really set them apart is that they were actual characters. They had...
  5. Longbow

    Combat 2.0 Balance Suggestions

    I think it would be kind of neat if the Attack Drone did things when you performed special attacks. Deploying its strobe to increase the blind chance of Volley or deploying its taser to turn Paralyzing Shock into an area attack, for example. It doesn't seem to synergize with much at the moment...
  6. Longbow

    Combat 2.0 Balance Suggestions

    Yes, I guess I shouldn't be ignoring the Secure MP. It was just my natural reaction to assume it would have a nerf bullseye painted on it for being unbalanced, so I tended not to include it when I talked about Rapid Fire. Alright, I concede. Your point makes sense to me. Power Strike could...
  7. Longbow

    Combat 2.0 Balance Suggestions

    You have a point, I think. I cut down parts of that particular post a lot so I wasn't able to elaborate on things that I might have, otherwise. I do think Power Strike should be buffed. Having it benefit from those abilities you mentioned is, I think, the best way to do it. I was just saying...
  8. Longbow

    Combat 2.0 Balance Suggestions

    I had noticed that with the Smuggler. I didn't know bows were exempt from that, though. In any case, thanks for the build advice.
  9. Longbow

    Combat 2.0 Balance Suggestions

    I can't speak for the Tech Specialist as I've never played one past the first few levels. In past builds I would say ranged Mercenary is at the top, while ranged Smuggler is second. Rapid Fire used to feel more reliable. Based on my runthrough of Kara's second quest with both of those classes...
  10. Longbow

    Combat 2.0 Balance Suggestions

    It lowers Aim and Reflexes, I believe. So it would have utility, but I think sunder would be more useful. Ah, I had actually missed the part where you suggested making it fully ranged. I should try to pay more attention in the future. If it's completely ranged then I wouldn't mind it getting...
  11. Longbow

    Combat 2.0 Balance Suggestions

    I took a look at it. Some of my feedback is more directed towards the original ideas from Savin and Fen, though. Sorry if this seems a little curt in places. My original post was getting much too long so I went back and really edited it down. I should have done that with my last post. EDIT: It...
  12. Longbow

    Combat 2.0 Balance Suggestions

    I played through the most recent public release as a Scoundrel Smuggler and figured I'd post my thoughts, some of which relate to the google doc. EDIT: Yeah, wow, this looks a lot longer than I would have liked. Sorry about that. The new group battles are great. Grenade is really useful now...