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  1. Longbow

    Tits Cruelty Potential

    The scene you get of Myrellion being destroyed mentions various ships evacuating the planet, so characters like Emmy and Embry may have survived. Also, despite what the wiki says, it's not the UGC fleet that glasses the planet. The fleet actually retreats and the reds and golds nuke themselves...
  2. Longbow

    Tits Cruelty Potential

    The surface does. You can still land near Taivra's palace, although you might have to be on good terms with her to do that, I'm not sure. You cannot leave the caves that the palace resides in, however.
  3. Longbow

    Tits Cruelty Potential

    Ah, I'm referring to the pirate base that you invade in KaraQuest 2. Sorry for the confusion. That one in particular is on Myrellion.
  4. Longbow

    Tits Cruelty Potential

    I believe you already can. If you activate the self-destruct in the pirate base then sometime later you should get a scene of Myrellion's nuclear annihilation as you're traveling through space. The scene doesn't play instantly, but it does play eventually.
  5. Longbow

    Dark Souls III Hype

    It was rather poor. To be fair, though, a game on the PC expecting you to play it with something other than the mouse and keyboard isn't exactly new. The Wing Commander games generally expected you to play with a flight stick, for example. Not wanting to buy something so specialized and...
  6. Longbow

    Muscle tone start options?

    I would also like something like this.
  7. Longbow

    Dark Souls III Hype

    I'm looking forward to the archery changes. It hasn't really been viable since Demon's Souls, so I'm glad to see it getting some love in DaS 3.
  8. Longbow

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    Tone is difficult to read over the internet. If you feel someone made an incorrect assumption, then all you have to do is clarify. I don't think you're unjustified in being a little upset, but I don't think you should take it too personally, either. If we're all here talking about porn games...
  9. Longbow

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    I believe he's talking about this post: I could see how Salaeren might interpret it as being a tad salty.
  10. Longbow

    In what order do you currently want new content added to TiTS?

    I would like to see this, as well. It's going to need to get in eventually and the sooner it does, then the sooner the writers get another avenue for expanding the game's content. Getting it in sooner rather than later also means it can be integrated with other parts of the game more easily...
  11. Longbow

    Cosmetic Contact Lenses

    I couldn't say for certain whether they would get in or not, but small cosmetic odds and ends do tend to find their way into TiTS from time to time, usually having been written by some third party. You have a fair argument, but Fen and his team have set aside time to code in these kinds of...
  12. Longbow

    Cosmetic Contact Lenses

    Oh, I don't know. Cheap and effective solutions tend to last. Even swords have managed to stick around in TiTS. If certain NPCs and their stories of debt and vanity are anything to go by, gene mods can be rather expensive.
  13. Longbow

    Artificial Academy 2

    I'm sure people would appreciate it. Buying it if you're in the west is actually quite difficult, since Illusion is skittish after that Rapelay incident, so procuring a free copy is far easier than just buying it. I imagine these days they have easy installers with the translation and patches...
  14. Longbow

    Artificial Academy 2

    Ah, AA2. It takes a special kind of game to run worse on the lower settings than on the higher ones. Still had hours of fun with it. OC classes, video game character classes, Touhou classes... man, it was a pain customizing all their uniforms to match their outfits. Making the characters might...
  15. Longbow

    TiTs in your D&D

    Is this a necro? I hope not. Either way, though, I admit this is a little late. EDIT: I just realized that I'm not entirely certain which edition you're playing. I immediately assumed 5th edition which is where my comparisons in this post come from. If that isn't the case, I apologize. A...
  16. Longbow

    Any idea when the level 8 cap will be raised?

    I didn't think the Goovolver would be effective against Amara, honestly. Her power armor could defeat actual real bullets, so I didn't think goo would do all that much. Not to mention that the other pirates in the base didn't seem to care for lust attacks, so I figured that extended to the...
  17. Longbow

    KaraQuest 1 and 2

    I tried fighting Shade in the bar and killing Taivra, but I didn't get Shade to show up in the pirate base, either. The wiki page for the pirate base says one of the requirements for KaraQuest 2 is that the player must have "successfully located the probe in Queen Taivra's Palace (any result)."...
  18. Longbow

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    Maybe so. I just figured there's no real safe way to shoot at someone. Suppressing fire is still dangerous. However, if you apply action movie logic to it then I suppose it is 'safe', so maybe I am holding it against him a little too much. I admit, I am more interested in seeing where this...
  19. Longbow

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    Patience is one of my few virtues, fortunately. In any case, I hope we all get what we want... within reason, of course. I can see the appeal in reconciliation.
  20. Longbow

    So what would you do with Jack/Jill in the event you got him/her all to yourself, sexual or otherwis

    I suppose so. I wouldn't actively initiate reconciliation in situations where it isn't reasonable, but I'm aware of the fact that Jack's (or Jill's) story and character haven't been fully revealed to us yet, so my opinion could change. I'm not exactly racing to deep six them or anything, it just...