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  1. Ravelordnito

    Class specific content

    Hmm must have missed that in my smuggler play through (never got a merc Steele past early Tarkus). Anyways for OP's question some minor events and extra dialog options are different, the vast majority are cosmetic while others have fairly minor gameplay options (smugglers and techies can sneak...
  2. Ravelordnito

    How do you get fur?

    There are a ton of items for furred tfs, Jade on tavros sells panda and horse tfs. Naleen nip found in the jungle (may also turn you into a naga). I'm also fairly certian that the Kaithrait, Ausar, and Kui-tan tf items can give you fur. Also dr Badger, but dr Badger... As for breasts, urtha sap...
  3. Ravelordnito

    What do you like the most about TiTS?

    Sleak interface and the best puppysluts this side of the universe.
  4. Ravelordnito

    ios version help

    Is your device jailbroken?
  5. Ravelordnito

    Favorite Scene of All Time?

    Favorite non-sex scenes: cuddle wih anno, because it's fucking adorable, and pretty much anything that comes out of colenso's mouth is pure gold. For sex-scenes it's a tie between anno petplay, female raskvel anal, naleen huntress, and sub!Bess blowjob.
  6. Ravelordnito

    Emmy's Flower

    Thankfully. I'll still likely harbor some (at this point irrational) dislike for Emmy though. 
  7. Ravelordnito

    What kind of Captain are you?

    I try to play with a neutral personality,  taking both kind and hard options depending on what I think is best. I never understood people that play 100% good or 100% bad unless its a specific rp character or if there is content locked behind morality/personality.
  8. Ravelordnito

    Emmy's Flower

    As I've said, I picked the "you" option as I expected the other options to lead to a sex scene which wasn't interested in, so I didn't need to get the flower. My concern is that it's not clear enough (for players who are going through on their first playthrough that haven't looked it up on the...
  9. Ravelordnito

    Question about Venus Pitchers

    I've run into a venus pitcher elder before a young, this and last version. I'm fairly certain I ran into the elder through the fairly rare random event in the light jungle, before I ran into a young pitcher in the deep jungle.
  10. Ravelordnito

    Emmy's Flower

    Fucking thank you, I can't stand when people jump to personal attacks just because I dislike a part of their favorite character's story or personalty. Finally someone who can be reasonable. I don't know maybe I was a little to rough on Emmy's,  but I'm not  suddenly entitled asshole for not...
  11. Ravelordnito

    anyone want kai to get u pregnant?

    and I thought I was the worst poster on these forums.
  12. Ravelordnito

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    excactly, the "threat" of red venom is grossly exagerated, hardly something that required a red myr genocide or species-wide forced genemoding. Numerous species in tits have lust inducing venoms\pheromones that are only slightly weaker than red myr (leithian/zil pheromones) though are...
  13. Ravelordnito

    Emmy's Flower

    except she is clearly flirting with you and by the time you learn how she feels you are locked into the flower path. I actually did the non flower path, still its very unintuative for new player that they can get locked into a path with major consequences without  knowing about it...
  14. Ravelordnito

    Emmy's Flower

    The waifu isn't worth it. I'm not going to bang someone who sends mixed signals and then sends me off to go find some rare flower that I need to get (mind control)raped to obtain.
  15. Ravelordnito

    Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)

    I know lot of people (with the exception of purists) would savescum if you could get totally shafted by the RNG when the stakes are an entire planet. Still it could work if there was a sliding scale between which side is favored by the deal, with at least 5 or 6 options and if you didn't do...
  16. Ravelordnito

    [6.7] What's the most efficent way to lose a few inches?

    Approximately how much condensol would i need to go from 17 to 12 inches? I suppose I could just do a ton of it and savescum if i shrink my donger too much but it would be great to have a decent approximation.
  17. Ravelordnito

    [6.7] What's the most efficent way to lose a few inches?

    I'd completly forgotten about the sap! Thanks a lot, it should be such cheaper than regrowing my genitals with dr lash and throbb.
  18. Ravelordnito

    [6.7] What's the most efficent way to lose a few inches?

     So after a little bit of late night sexventuring on tarkus I accidentlly used an equine phallus while trying to micro manage my ships storage and my last backup save at the start of tarkus (plus im not into savescuming except for bugs). Now I had planned on going futanari with this steele...