Search results

  1. Ravelordnito

    What kinds of armors/clothing would you like to start seeing in TiTS?

    I demand Armour fit to purge xenos scum with!
  2. Ravelordnito

    Fallout 4

    yes it wa Obsidian.
  3. Ravelordnito

    Fallout 4

    Frankly I'm really disappointed,  mechanics (rip in pizza skills) seem dumbed down and the upgrade/weapon mod system is much less deep than I thought, the settlement building feels tacked on and the dialogue ranges from passable to cringe inducing.  not going to say anything about the main...
  4. Ravelordnito

    The Treatment

    Have you tried, I dont know... reading your codex entry? 
  5. Ravelordnito

    Dr. Lash fighting guide (still needs editing/rewriting to be up to date)

    wouldnt it make more sence to nerf it after more enemies that use burning damage are added? Right now it feels like this nerf is specifically intended to cripple tech specialists ability to fight lash at all.
  6. Ravelordnito

    Dr. Lash fighting guide (still needs editing/rewriting to be up to date)

    Rest in pizza salamander duster you were only useful for one fight and got nerfed.
  7. Ravelordnito

    So I've been thinking...

    well considering that bows, swords, and conventional firearms all do nnon-lethal damage I'm not sure the lethality of he laser was even considered in development. TITS demands some serious suspension of disbelief to justify STEELE shooting people a half dozen times in the chest with a ZK rifle...
  8. Ravelordnito

    Gray Goo Melee Weapon Idea

    It could easily be a myrellion weapon, afterall anno says that it will take a while for R&D to make anything useful from the goo.
  9. Ravelordnito

    Whats up with Queensguard?

    Queensguard has 90% resistance to laser weapons, pretty much anything BUT the salamander rifle is super effective.  When a monster takes little to no damage from something thats a sign that you should try your other options (tease attacks or get a phys gun or a melee weapon), the tutorial...
  10. Ravelordnito

    Funny Happening

    I really don't see the problem with int training not having a cooldown at the current moment in time, all the other stats are maxable with only moderately higher investment you just need to buy a life pass at gym and hotkey dance yourself between your ship and the gym a dozen times, The...
  11. Ravelordnito

    Stuck with the main quest

    Congratulations you have finished the mainquest as it is in the current version. you'll need to wait for the next planet to be added.
  12. Ravelordnito

    Bess vs Gianna?

    A good thread derail is a sign of a great forum. Reminds of of that time the bay12 forums had a thread about killing wagons evolved into the creation of a mod that allowed the ability to turn living things into wagons then got derailed again into a multi-page long argument on the etymology of...
  13. Ravelordnito

    The Tek`rayn

    Nobody is stopping OP from writing a planet. Just sending a warning that it will end in disappointment, especially as their first major project. If it takes more than half a year for a full design team to make a planet then there is little chance single person can do it, without...
  14. Ravelordnito

    What did you name Bess/Ben?

    Keeping her named Bess for now until i can think of a better name. I'm still working out how I want my Bess to be, right now I've settled with her being a sub who calls me mistress, and wears either a schoolgirl outfit or the maid outfit.
  15. Ravelordnito

    Age Filter for site?

    We really dont need any more extra clicks that just end up annoying people. Its not like anyone has ever clicked 'no' on one of those.
  16. Ravelordnito

    New "player" Looking for help on how to get Credits in TiTS

    One you get to tarkus you prett much end up drowning in money so ill focus on easy stuff on the first planet. The first easy credit source is the Capture zil quest for dr haswell at the xenogen office you need to beat a male and female zil and you get 2k credits for it. You can also sell zil...
  17. Ravelordnito


    No, why are you doing this.
  18. Ravelordnito

    [6.7] What's the most efficent way to lose a few inches?

    yeh thats basically what it is. Reloading the game to change something (either making up for bad luck or bad desision making).
  19. Ravelordnito

    Metalhead Anno

    Ausar metal is actually just 80's terran pop music with more screaming.