Next Planet: Uveto VII


Aug 27, 2015
Hi Everyone, I'm just wondering if I could please have some help writing the sex scenes for the Stormguard Champions. I will finish up all other aspects of them but when it comes to the sex scenes I have no idea what to do.

I'm glad lessons were learned from Tarkus, and someone with no experience of producing stuff for TiTS was not allowed to theory-craft a substantial aspect of this planet before sitting on it for a year or more with thumb firmly wedged up arse. Do not ever start writing something for TiTS if you've never tried to do a sex scene. This should be the first thing that occurs to prospective writers. For some reason it's usually the last.

Throw it onto the Bounty Board as you intended Savin.
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Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
Better throw out my Aurora adoption x-pack, then.

Ft. Chris Hansen Bad End.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Don't k know if this is the right place for it, but after skimming the googledoc am I correct in assuming that Uveto needs more monsters created for its zones?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Sweet--in terms of submitting, do you guys prefer the submission being as close to "ready to code" as possible before submitting, or do you rather an author just write them out without fully coding them and include just the appropriate tags where they belong?

For example: a submission where the combat mechanics and sex scene mechanics are all fully ready to just be copy-pasted into the game code versus a submission that just has sections like (this combat mechanic works like this, plz code it for me)?


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Sweet--in terms of submitting, do you guys prefer the submission being as close to "ready to code" as possible before submitting, or do you rather an author just write them out without fully coding them and include just the appropriate tags where they belong?

For example: a submission where the combat mechanics and sex scene mechanics are all fully ready to just be copy-pasted into the game code versus a submission that just has sections like (this combat mechanic works like this, plz code it for me)?

The latter, unless you've got a good bit of experience working with the TiTS code.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
The latter, unless you've got a good bit of experience working with the TiTS code.

(If this would better be taken to direct message, please let me know!)

So, how difficult--for you guys--is it to correct submissions that just have tags for stuff like "Player skindesc," "cocksdesc," etc etc? Would you recommend just avoiding adding that stuff altogether?


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
(If this would better be taken to direct message, please let me know!)

So, how difficult--for you guys--is it to correct submissions that just have tags for stuff like "Player skindesc," "cocksdesc," etc etc? Would you recommend just avoiding adding that stuff altogether?

It's not that hard if you put it in a google doc, but it would depend on other specifics.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Okay, I finished checking through the GDoc again, and I've got some questions before I start trying to come up with a combat encounter for Uveto (or anywhere else, for that matter.)

1) Of the two combat zones--Ice Plains and Glacial Rift--only one has any kind of mention of being near water ("coastal tiles" in the Glacial Rift area), but there's no mention of the player ever being above the water frozen beneath much of the planet's surface. Does this mean there aren't places on the in-game where, say...a hypothetical combat encounter could occur from something ambushing the player by breaking through the thin ice they're walking over?

2) All combat encounters with anything "vaguely humanoid," have to have the creature hold (at least as a bare minimum) something approaching adult human levels of sentience? For example: all of the truly "animal / feral" combat encounters in-game are either of parasitic creatures that eventually become part of the player, or non-sentient plants like the cockvine. So, would creating a "feral species" with a sub-human or just animal intelligence for the player to encounter and boink be off the table? Like, is writing that too close to bestiality?

3) Does one need to take a hard-science approach to justify biological stuff for species? Or can explanations just come off the cuff, explain why so and so species has ten prehensile tentacle cocks, you just have to justify it with something like: "Once upon a time, Z species neared extinction due to the violent mating habits of its members. Over time, however--and perhaps with a bit of illegal off-world conservation efforts--males of the species evolved to sport several penises to circumvent the voracious appetites of their female partners. Where once a mating ball of Z species would end in the assembled females devouring the male, this predatory practice has given way to males of the species constructing harems out of would-be mates." Or, do the why's of their biology have to be more believable?

4) Similarly, does one have to go the hard-science route to explain why a particular race/species/etc is encountered where it's encountered? Being a very cold planet, obviously most--if not all--of Uveto's encounters should reflect either how they evolved to adapt to the harsh conditions, or how they're using science to adapt; so the things you fight there have to reflect the overall theme, yeah? But, how in-depth does an author have to go to justify Z or Q physical or social aspect of a species in regards to this? (Like: obviously a cold-blooded species on Uveto evolved to adapt to the planet, so should their physical appearance, culture, and Codex entry reflect that realistically...or can most of it just be hand-waved as "A Space Wizard Did It"?)

--Sorry for the all the text, I just really want to make sure I know what I'm specifically getting into before throwing myself into writing for the game.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
2) All combat encounters with anything "vaguely humanoid," have to have the creature hold (at least as a bare minimum) something approaching adult human levels of sentience? For example: all of the truly "animal / feral" combat encounters in-game are either of parasitic creatures that eventually become part of the player, or non-sentient plants like the cockvine. So, would creating a "feral species" with a sub-human or just animal intelligence for the player to encounter and boink be off the table? Like, is writing that too close to bestiality?

Bestiality (which is a no go unless Fen's whims waver) is only a thing when it's both feral looking and incapable of giving consent. Looks mean nothing, intelligence/sapience and communication is key.


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Okay, I finished checking through the GDoc again, and I've got some questions before I start trying to come up with a combat encounter for Uveto (or anywhere else, for that matter.)

1. Uveto's surface is largely ice over a sub-surface ocean, so shit could totally break through the ice. There's also a large "ice lake" in the plains that they PC can get fairly close to.

2. If you want to boink it, it needs to be of human intelligence-ish. Weird sex-parasites apparently get a free pass in Fenoxo's mind but something like a giant space dog would not.

3. Nobody actually cares about science, this is a space fantasy. Just make it so the average layman wouldn't have to think too deep and you're good.

4. Uveto is an ice world, so things on Uveto should probably be adapted through evolution (ie native species) or science (settlers) to live there.


1. Uveto's surface is largely ice over a sub-surface ocean, so shit could totally break through the ice. There's also a large "ice lake" in the plains that they PC can get fairly close to.

So if it was terraformed , would it be mainly an ocean world with a few islands?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2016
Hey, I posted the following to the Idea section and I'd love to try and get more eyes on it, since I'm trying to finish it for Uveto VII.

"The Sahuagthys (name may change in the future) are the combat encounter that I'm going to finish for submission for Uveto VII. They're a race of violent coastal raiders who act like you've crossed the worst parts of a Betta fish with the overall power and aesthetics of a shark. The above link is a rough draft of their Codex entry that I took most of today to bang out, so any offers of constructive criticism are highly appreciated. I don't know if I assumed too much in what I wrote, or if the species won't work in TiTs itself; but it was still a ton of fun to write!:

Dragonman firebane

Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
2. If you want to boink it, it needs to be of human intelligence-ish. Weird sex-parasites apparently get a free pass in Fenoxo's mind but something like a giant space dog would not.

Question would a caveman like intelligence fit the bill of boinking it?  


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
no I mean straight up cavemen, all I've see so far is native Indians intelligence not 'just evolved intelligence'

And here we have a problem with evaluation... Borderline cases are always problem. Especially when it is a border between "totally ok" and "hell no". People are trying not to think about them, because it endangers their good-evil perception templates.

Dragonman firebane

Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
And here we have a problem with evaluation... Borderline cases are always problem. Especially when it is a border between "totally ok" and "hell no". People are trying not to think about them, because it endangers their good-evil perception templates.

well guess I mean scared of fire and possibility of worshiping your power sort of intellect no directly on the fence but some where close to the border but on the still ok  side. that and maybe not having a fully cobbled together language. 
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Aug 26, 2015
If you're not sure, err on the side of not doing it.  Use the CoC minotaurs as a reference point for low intelligence.

Dragonman firebane

Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
If you're not sure, err on the side of not doing it.  Use the CoC minotaurs as a reference point for low intelligence.

Thanks for the advice I wanted to know so I could try to write (if I get off my lazy ass long enough to do) a planet the player crash lands on filled with dino girls. It mite not happen but hey at least it is good to know before hand right? 


Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Thanks for the advice I wanted to know so I could try to write (if I get off my lazy ass long enough to do) a planet the player crash lands on filled with dino girls. It mite not happen but hey at least it is good to know before hand right? 

It will assuredly not happen. A planet takes many months of combined effort from the entire dev staff.

Try writing an encounter for an existing world, of just some scenes for existing mobs/NPCs, to get your feet wet first, eh? 

Dragonman firebane

Active Member
Sep 4, 2015
It will assuredly not happen. A planet takes many months of combined effort from the entire dev staff.

Try writing an encounter for an existing world, of just some scenes for existing mobs/NPCs, to get your feet wet first, eh? 

alright sure
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Champion Cocksucker
Feb 21, 2016
2. If you want to boink it, it needs to be of human intelligence-ish. Weird sex-parasites apparently get a free pass in Fenoxo's mind but something like a giant space dog would not.

Awww, there go my plans for space-dog-sex.