CoC Xianxia Mod (0.8w-z for CoC 1.0.2)


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
Enchanter perks mainly focus on casting spells at the start of combat without taking fatigue or a turn.  There are perks to autocast charged weapon, charged armor(!!!), might and blink upon start of combat.  If your lust is within specifications, of course, but any mage worth their salt gets their min lust to the black magic threshold and lots of lust resistance eventually. 
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May 7, 2016
Hmm...  Is there any chance we could get a full perk list eventually?  Its kinda difficult to figure out how to get to all the really good perks, or even if there are any must haves you are simply failing to notice due to it being a perk or two down a different path.  

In any case, i made an unhindered spellsword kitsune, hopefully ascension update will be out by the time i finish the first life.  Also, hoping that there will be another non-staff spellcasting weapon down the line.   The sorcerer spellblade dosn't have the same infinity-1 feel as the beautiful sword, scarred blade, big fucking sword and pheonix queen's staff. 
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Aug 27, 2015
Job: Enchanter is actualy needed in Xianxia to get those 4 perks to autocast spells at the fight start. But only turn is not wasted on casting them as fatigue costs are still taked from PC fatigue bar so if PC not have good regen of fatigue pool to keep up using them eventuly PC run into situation when those perks will not autocast spells. Also I in recent days futher nerfed charge armor spell. Now it would be only giving half effect compared to it orginal first version. I not rule out another reducing it effects power if it prove still way too strong and making fight too easy.

@Zevos After I got my mind off worring about 0.7c and move on to working on 0.7d I would make full list of perks from Xianxia mod. There should be 2 new perks to work with unhindered in 0.7c that may interest you: Slutty Simplicity and Naked Truth.

Also I could say...that this list I would probably start doing in next 24 to 36 hours ^^

@Shade of Zurn Enchanter here meant to make selfbuffing spells PC have stronger and unlocking perks to make them autocaster at the each fight start as long PC have enough fatigue to cast them. For upgrading armors/weapons woud be option added in the future. I not yet know when as for now I 99% sure what will be added in next two builds after 0.7c. All rest ideas are set as somewhere after those two build will come out.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Oh that's cool its just a side idea that I had thinking that perhaps it might be needed giving the rather huge scale of revamping this mod seems to do.
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Aug 27, 2015
Well I would later on allow PC to make their gear somewher elike +4 to +6 with some perks been added at higher lvl of upgrade. So copared to Revamp this mod would be much more evolution in mechanics plus I not intend to forget that some more juicy sex scnees are needed. Just that I not good at writing as workin magic behind the scnes I letting other people write and so far it wasn't bad thing.
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Aug 27, 2015
@Zevos You would prefer this perk tree in some sort text file added to post or in some other way see full perk tree with all prereq. for them?

Of other stuff I think since 0.7b release passed some time so let make game to a slight higher level.

Changelog for 0.7c is long and...I lil tired to almost technically repost it that I writing down each time in ingame changelog. So let try be quite short here:

Ascension have been changed (not made all changes I wanted so I ended calling it as part 1 of ascension rework). PC will be now reverting to lvl 1 after ascending. Since anything held in any storage beside Sky Poison Pearl and directly inventory will be lost I kindly advise to get Pearl if someone want to take some times to next game (default 3 inventory slots may be too little). Someone would ask now probably: what Sky Poison Pearl you mean? Well surprise it's a new items that need to be used like any consumable to work. PC can find it while radomly exploring and having at least lvl 3. Ohh did I mentioned after fully unlocking Pearl potential it will provide 98 slots? Well that spacious storage will req. PC lvl up all the way to lvl 36+. And after ascension only first section of Pearl with 14 slots will be unlocked (so another advice...put most needed items at early game in first weapon, armor, some TF and etc.). Similar to items PC will forget any learnbefore spells's abother good thing to keep few spare books in pearl to fast re-learn them.

As for ascension menu itself it was slight rebuilded too. Added few new options, added few new perks. Some of current existing perks will have limits of attainable rank compared to current NG for ex. perk to rise max HP will be possible to reach only rank 5 of 20 at first ascension, then 10 of 20 on second ascension and so on till it naturally reach 20 rank. For those who likes to get high stats I would point on 5th perk in first row (it function similar to previous +25 to 4 main stats). I know that all this new options may cost some ascension perk points so...I changed slightly way to earn them. Now instead of getting 1 pint per 2 levles PC will be getting point at each lvl. And speaking of levels...I heard Revamp had max 120 lvl, right? But I shall pass and say: go for the 150 Buu...I mean PC ^^

For those who may been making new PC will notice that there is new history perk to choice: scout. I heard plea about not getting one of job perks to unlock major perk trees so now 6 of history perks will unlock respective job perk. For other history choices PC will get free perk point to spend freely on whatever player want. Another surprise should be that at ascension spending 5 ascension perk points those History Perks can be converted into Past Life perks. Probably will not say anything suspiring but...that mean after few ascensions PC can gather effects from few different history perks.

Ascnesion related stuff that makes most of this update should be in general covered so now time for others less in spotlight stuff.

I added two new areas: Beach and Ocean (I know the text for Beach discovery mentioning Deep Sea but this place will be unlockable in some later build). Each of this location comes naturally with it own achiev for exploring enough times...and one enemy encounter too.

Speaking of new enemies...we got new monster in beach - gorgon (think about her as stronger naga with petrify(stun) ability added), Sea Anemone (buffed anemone form Lake) and Winter Wolf (quite new enemy found at Glacial Rift...that love to play cannonball games with not too tall PC's... ofc cannonball in this case IS pc itself ;) ). So when PC successfully beat out shit of poor puppy it can drop Chilly Pepper. And that is natural new TF added in this build allowing PC to get more wolfy with all needed parts (even brand new wolfy cock  is included in package ^^).

Time to slowly wrap this post so three last things: almost all enemies save those weakest ones had their stats and levels slightly rised so it may be slight shocking at start to get used to new stronger enemies (naturally I will be always ready to listen to feedback and if needed adjust again some particular enemies). Exp for all of them was also slight standardize with special ones enemies (those with perks of giant type or boss type or group type) giving slight more not be surprised if some lil tougher enemies for their levle will give suspiring more exp :D That WAS intended.

Another worthy to mention thing is few new perks that are connected mostly to libido/lust and perk Unhindered.

And for truly end of the post...Xianxia difficult setting. If someone would ever complain that Brutal Hardcore difficulty is still too easy go try Xianxia one difficulty. Should be give some new thrill of feeling not so OP.TYPE or PASTE your text here...
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
text file is fine for the perk tree.  maybe just leave a download for it and folks can look at it when they want to.  New ascension stuff looks cool, i'll try and get the current life finished soon and try the reworked ascension system.  
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
text file is fine for the perk tree.  maybe just leave a download for it and folks can look at it when they want to.  New ascension stuff looks cool, i'll try and get the current life finished soon and try the reworked ascension system.  

I would make file to download but I got now some wicked idea. Well maybe not much since had similar for longer time. As you probably remember there is changelog ingame accesable that is always most detailed list of changes. So what about making similar thing for perks accesable direclty ingame without need to opening new window to check stuff. It would make game file slight heavier but would be saving time for people. Plus by then would also move changelog out of Soulforce menu so both things would be accesable by jsut having playing not picking some specific perks.

Much larger scale like Revamp. Why not make Fallout Coc? That would be fucking sweet 

Well for such larger scale you would need some coder with spare time and person or two to write text unless you can feel you can wirte all needed texts. And I admit Fallout CoC could be interesting idea. It's jsut I already got my hands full with Xianxia :( I can't figure out how to colone myslef yet to make more work faster.

It's still calling my femboy a "dickgirl".

Ouch I admit in all new stuff I forgot about this one :shepicide:

I would make this change and few other ones then release some small update in next 1-2 weeks I promise (will be still named 0.7d but will not have all planned for that version stuff which will be moved in large part to 0.7e).

EDIT: So first I assume quite rough and unpolished Perk List for CoC Xianxia is here: View attachment Perk Tree.txt

All of perks there are the ones gained thou perk points gained at lvl-up. Some of name perks that may not sound familiar (especialy those next to names of some of ingame races are perks gained by using race TF and will be gained after PC will have high enough race score (some ofc need to wait in camp for hours to trigger notify about gaining it)). If there is wish for me to include other types of perks turning this file into all possible types of perks attainable ingame list or other requests about list make a post telling me what new additions/changes you want to be made to the perk list in this text file.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Ouch I not suspect it would be spotted so soon... I humbly apologise for forgetting put numbers for superior self control perk req in lib and int.

This one file got it right: View attachment Perk Tree.txt

I also want to note that in cases if there will be something put in ( ) that mean it's changes I made after yesterday release so it will be true when 0.7d would come out.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Currently having issues with Phoenix Tower; the Phoenix battle keeps bringing my lust up way too fast. Built as a spellcaster any suggestions? Already have all the Max Lust stuff... and Sheep milk just isn't good enough. On Normal difficulty; Wizard's Staff; Dragon-Shell Shield, Dragonscale armor... level 29. Completely human with 105 Str 110 Toughness 105 Speed 125 Intelligence. Edit:Oh and I have not gotten into soul cultivation yet.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
If you got 2 spare perk points, lerned Arouse spell and at least 50 libido you could take perks Job: Eromancer and Transference (if your PC not have yet any of them). This way you could use transfer special to move lust from PC to enemy. That fast solution I can give.

About Phoenix Platoon lust attack been too painful noted and will make it weaker. Orginaly it was and well still is 40 lust but now that this enemy is treated as group it have much more Hp so beating it this way or by maxing their lust (aslo due to been group got higher max lust compared to similar lvl enemies) is now harder. No worry will for fix build that would come in a few days make it less punishing when PC get hit by their lust attack.

EDIT: Not just for Shadow msg but all rest too - If you see that due to new version some enemies are too hard to beat not be shy and say that. Best scenatrion would be say which enemy (name that game show for it) and what most annoying you (like too hard hitting, too hard hitting with lust attacks, etc.).
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
I tried taking and using Transference.  Its useless.  It dosn't shift enough lust to qualify taking up a turn, particularly when fighting enemies that have lust over time debuffs like Lethice. 

I finished my first life, ascended...  Lots of fun stuff on the ascension screen, and 92 points to spend on stuff.   One note of constructive criticism, it would be really nice if history: Scholar and past life: scholar allowed you to start with spells.  Its a bit tedious to have to go back to the previous life,  grind spellbooks to go into the pearl, THEN ascend.  Again.   Also, in general, starting a mage character is really tedious until you get access to Whitefire.  Meh.  I noticed that the enlightened nine tails is up for keeps, now i'm going to need to collect them both.  Then maybe i'll try and collect other stuff.  Meh.  Maybe my second life will be corruptish, and i'll grab Akbal perks and hellfire alongside corrupted hellfire.  I've never done a euromancer/seducer run, might be fun. 

On a somewhat unrellated note, i couldn't trigger the Lethice purification ending.  With the statue's lethicite.  Can you check to see if anythings not working?  I really don't want to demonize that roo to get the good ending. 
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May 7, 2016
Beat Lethice, and you're officially done with the first life.  Thats it.  If you want to get as many ascencion perks as possible, recruit all the followers/lovers/slaves as you can, finish Marble and Minerva's purification quests, and defeat Merae (you need to corrupt her or have lv30 & Lethice defeated to challenge her.  She is hard, but easier then Lethice).   I grinded on the volcanic crag during the first life while waiting on Hel and Holly stuffs.  By the time i was finished with all the waiting game content i had 72k xp stored up and that boosted me to lv50.  In particular, phoenixes start roaming the crag once you finish pheonix tower.  They're buckets of xp and weak to ice. 

For some reason, i can't load files into Xianxia.  I have the end of my first life saved to a folder in case i want to return to this point in the future, or on a different machine.  I can load TiTS savefiles into TiTS fine tho. I really hope this gets fixed with the next build...    Also, history perks with jobs attached seem to be granting said jobs twice.  And past life: sorcerer dosn't seem to be granting job:sorcerer. 
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
:p   Stop accepting levelups at mid 20s or so.  Stockpile xp until you burn out, cuz afterwords nothing in your first life will grant any. 
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Well it seems I done fine doing it the hard way. :p Oh well I got to level 45 I am happy with that. Now to work on getting the last lovers and doing the infertility quest before finishing off the stronghold.

Edit: Only getting the Maybe Later option for Urta when trying to do the Infertility Quest.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Well there goes two points. -_-  Well time to kill Lethice and then grind more off Ice Giants until I can purify Marble.
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Sep 19, 2015
I'm running into a weird glitch. I got Fenrir's collar but every time I wait he says "How dare you throw away my gift...", then my stats caps drop and I get the text that appeared when I transformed the first time.

You wait four hours...

The bone chilling voice of Fenrir ring in the back of your mind.

“How dare you throw away my gift...”

The collar power suddenly forcefully surge through your body transforming you back.“Your back is now covered with sharp ice spike constantly cooling the air around you. (Gained Frozen Waste and Cold Mastery perks)”
The bone chilling voice of Fenrir ring in the back of your mind.

“How dare you throw away my gift...”

The collar power suddenly forcefully surge through your body transforming you back.“Your back is now covered with sharp ice spike constantly cooling the air around you. (Gained Frozen Waste and Cold Mastery perks)”
The bone chilling voice of Fenrir ring in the back of your mind.

“How dare you throw away my gift...”

The collar power suddenly forcefully surge through your body transforming you back.“Your back is now covered with sharp ice spike constantly cooling the air around you. (Gained Frozen Waste and Cold Mastery perks)”
The bone chilling voice of Fenrir ring in the back of your mind.

“How dare you throw away my gift...”

The collar power suddenly forcefully surge through your body transforming you back.“Your back is now covered with sharp ice spike constantly cooling the air around you. (Gained Frozen Waste and Cold Mastery perks)”

It also says in the description than I'm a Winter Wolf. In other words Fenrir's gift just randomly vanishes.
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Shade of Zurn

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Okay just ascended My current hp was not reset... and I came with Job: Guardian perk twice... on the other hand I had 92 A. Points and I spent em all. xD  Wisdom is maxed out; Past Life my original history; permed Purity Blessing. I got Underdog, Unlocked Potential, and Hero's Heritage. Desires 5 ranks, Mysticality 1 rank, Soul Purity 5 ranks, Spiritual Enlightenment 3 ranks, and Transhumanism 5. Gems were carried over... and so far no issues. Edit: Other than Guardian times 2... well time to get to work on my second life. :p
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2016
What does the Sky poison pearl do?

Its a container that you can access from your inventory.  It gains capacity as you level, and around 36 it peaks to having more capacity then pretty much all your other storage put togethor.  It is also the only storage that isn't lost during ascencion. 


Kinda/sorta small bug.  When ascending with BOTH Nine tails perks perm'd, i get the message that without the nine tails, the power dwindles yadda yadda yadda.  I'll play around with this tomorrow.  If i loose my tails perk no matter what, i'm gona wait for it to be fixed before i move onto life 3.  If i can get away with it, i'll probably try and take the lizan racial perk and reincarnate with enlightened nine tails and lizan regeneration, and ignore corrupted ninetails until things get fixed.  We'll see. 

I grinded xp at the volcanic crag at lv24 while waiting on pregs, Trying to get brood mother, hoping to perm it.  Turns out, it can't be perm'd.  Got around 150k xp, raised me up to lv60.  Lethice didn't stand a chance. 

I had a lot of time on my hands today. 
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2015
Alright, I did say I would play the mod eventually.

And I believe that it has enough new stuff to mess around with.

So I'm diving in now since I can't sleep.

Wish me luck! :)