Let my pc be blase about the high class stuff but polite, and I am all over it.
As in, snobbery is fine if it doesn't go overboard and devolves into Mean Girls?
Let my pc be blase about the high class stuff but polite, and I am all over it.
The PC really does need more rich/high class people in their general sphere of interaction. By my memory we got the Dorna twins, the beach bimbo, the dude who runs the plantation, maybe Liriel but I don't fully recall their backstory about their family, and maybe Gil but I only ever read his doc ages ago. Everyone else is at most just well off or only wealthy and high class by the standards of their planet before first contact.
I welcome interacting with rich people in the game, but I couldn't care less about having Steele blinded by them. Heck, I couldn't care less about Steele, the company, the cousin and the wild goose chase. Then again, it's my fault for trying to overwite Steele's thoughts with minea lot of the stuff involving the rich and famous doesn't phase Steele one bit.
The monkey paw twitches and grants you both in the form of Dred Furst, nu-metal sensation. Remember, you asked for this.maybe a rock star and a space rapper
The monkey paw twitches and grants you both in the form of Dred Furst, nu-metal sensation. Remember, you asked for this.
He should have a show on network television where he discusses galactic politics: "Furst: World Problems"The monkey paw twitches and grants you both in the form of Dred Furst, nu-metal sensation. Remember, you asked for this.
I welcome interacting with rich people in the game, but I couldn't care less about having Steele blinded by them. Heck, I couldn't care less about Steele, the company, the cousin and the wild goose chase. Then again, it's my fault for trying to overwite Steele's thoughts with mine![]()
To be fair, Steele doesn't really have any reason to say that as they know they're only a minor celebrity outside of the business world. At least until they make it big, pay someone to write their story, then buy a movie studio to film the universe's first 10+ movie pornographic biography.He should have a show on network television where he discusses galactic politics: "Furst: World Problems"
To an extent, I'm the same. But for me it's more cringing at any scenario where you go "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"
He should have a show on network television where he discusses galactic politics: "Furst: World Problems"
To an extent, I'm the same. But for me it's more cringing at any scenario where you go "DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?"
Glad someone is. I'm kinda in love with the idea of a cute soldier girl you can show a good time.Definitely interested in 2 and 3
did you know Stella also has a degreeI am actually intrigued by 1. I like the idea of a bad ass buddy merc to help bust some skulls. Then turning that relationship into something more. Samus Aran like or otherwise. Sidenote: found and interacted with Stella for the first time and I love her, she is great.
sounds like fen shep2 sounds really good, especially when it entails growing acceptance of feminity. Badass military girl blushing furiously whilst wearing a pretty dress is A+ material.
As in the pc doesn't act like a snob or elitist, and interacts with everyone the same.As in, snobbery is fine if it doesn't go overboard and devolves into Mean Girls?
Yes, please report any bugs. There was a lot of content and coding. I tested a bunch but still will not be surprised if a bug or two are foundDeertaur is now in-gaem. Enjoy, and report any bugs you find! If you don't think she's got enough content, try giving her some Dumbfuck. Just be warned that'll lock you out of curing her.
yeah stella is actually pretty smart under that bimbo exteriorI did not.
yeah stella is actually pretty smart under that bimbo exterior
What is the degree in?
She's got a Bachelor's in Psychology! I think that's about it as far as academic achievement goes, but she's a smart girl when she wants to be.
Glad you like her. I'm not sure how complex I want to go with her cure stuff yet, but we'll see.Amber is adorable Wsan, you did a fantastic job writing her, I'm very happy to have her in my hare- my crew.
Most interested in 2 and 4 myself, I love badass women and she sounds like she could be incredibly adorable as well. De-tauring Amber also sounds nice, but I was wondering on the extent or if you could customize it, like if it's a complete reversal or you could remove most of her heat, make her a biped with deer legs and ears and remove the cock. I imagine having to write and code to accommodate that wouldn't be easy so I'd understand if that wasn't on the table.