Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
You can't have access to the children of your slaves, and that's normal. The arcane makes you instantly recognize your own children, but not others', so they would just be typical muggers/prostitutes to you, even if they've been conceived by two of your slaves.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2018

I was recommended to create a post here about the game I'm making, so here it is!

Lilith's Throne

Lilith's throne is a text-based erotic RPG, in which you travel through a world filled with demons, magic, and lots of sex! The game has been developed solely by me, Innoxia, and is currently in a very early alpha.

Lilith's Throne is an RPG, and follows your character after they're transported into an alternate dimension, where demons, magic, and mythological creatures are considered normal! Some of the game's main features are:
  • An explorable, randomly-generated map.
  • Turn-based sex, which gives you a lot of control over how a sex scene plays out.
  • Randomised, persistent NPCs, who can be fully transformed!
  • Levelling systems for perks and fetishes. (Currently 30 fetishes, with plans for a lot more!)
  • Fully transformable bodies, allowing you to turn yourself into all sorts of different races!
  • A lot (currently 132) of clothing for you to customise your character with.
  • Options to set your personal preferences for NPC furryness, gender, and gender pronouns.
  • Lots of sex! ^^

More information

If you'd like some more information about the game, I'm active on my blog:

There's also a Lilith's Throne discord you're welcome to join:

I also have a Patreon if you'd like to support the game's development:

Current version: (15th April)

You can find all of the patch notes and download links in this post on my blog:

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the game!




Now I'm reply to this to ask a question because I can't find any other places to ask for help...but is it possible to transform in a demon/succubus in this? I've tried many different ways but I can't figure it out.....


New Member
Apr 27, 2018
Any idea where to find the spell books? Do they drop from enemies or do I have to find a hidden shop?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Any idea where to find the spell books? Do they drop from enemies or do I have to find a hidden shop?
Until tonight's fix, you can get them with the debug menu.


There are mulitple enchantments for it, any suggestions for the "Succubus" type or combination?

Actually, there's a trick. You only need 3 demon-related transformations to be considered a lesser succubus/incubus. From there, you can then go on your phone and use "Transform" to complete your transformation into a full fledged succubus/incubus !


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
I read the patch notes, started playing the game, totally forgot about the patch notes and spent an hour looking for the new spells LOL

Also: Where does Lilayla get the flames to pay for these maids, butlers, cooks, librarians and test subjects? My character is fairly rich at this point but would slowly go bankrupt if I had to bankroll that many servants.


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2018
Until tonight's fix, you can get them with the debug menu.

View attachment 6792

Actually, there's a trick. You only need 3 demon-related transformations to be considered a lesser succubus/incubus. From there, you can then go on your phone and use "Transform" to complete your transformation into a full fledged succubus/incubus !
ah great! thanks for the help <3


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2015
Holy crap, dumped like 300k+ on all the spells at Vicky's. Finally a money sink in the game :p


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2018
Well, 0.2.4 is now out for everyone anyway, so you might want to download that version which has the spell system finished and less buggy
ah thanks, speaking of updates, how recent is this game? cause I notice a lot of the "other areas" or some main quest progressors are closed off, like the imp palace and lilith's tower etc. I'm just wondering how much you can actually progress through the story right now


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Looking at the initial commit on Github, Innoxia has started developping the game back in July 2017


It is fairly recent, currently the main quest stops after
rescuing Arthur from Zaranix's house


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
Pretty sure Arcane weaver is still broken. Transformations and enchantments still cost the same to make.
I'll look into this, thank you for the report!

I'm just curious, but will there be like a threesome sandwich? To clarify what I am thinking, is that you could have a person on one end be penetrated and the one it the middle is also being penetrated.
I will add more positions (including this) later on. ^^

Also, thank you "TheDwarf" for all of your detailed feedback! I've gone through and added your points to my internal todo list. ^^

Version 0.2.4
I updated the game to 0.2.4 yesterday, which Nnxx has linked up above. ^^
You can find all of the download links and patch notes in that post on my blog (which is here, just to link it again). :3

If you'd rather just grab the download, here are the links:

Google Drive
Google Drive
32-bit .exe:
EDIT (30th April, 21:00 UTC):
There were some reports of the 32-bit .exe not working, so I've repackaged it, tested that it works properly on my end, and updated these links.
Google Drive

Here are the patch notes:

<b>Added:</b> Companion system. You can just take one slave around with you for now, and the interaction options are a little limited (post-combat sex options haven't been implemented yet), but this adds functionality for adding unique followers later on. (Contribution from Irbynx.)
<b>Added:</b> Clothing mod support. (Look in the mod folder for details.)
Updated personality types from being a set one-in-four, to having weights on five personality traits (Adventurousness, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion, and Neuroticism).
Added personality selection to the new character screen. (If you want to set it on your current character, just save the game in this new version, then open the save file and search for 'personality' under your character's entry. You can edit the values there.)
Added map of the Bat Caverns, along with bat-morph and slime encounters.

Updated all clothing to have correct concealments, and added appropriate tooltip information to let you know what clothing is responsible. (e.g. Panties being worn beneath a skirt will be hidden to you until you unequip or pull up the skirt.)
<b>Added:</b> Enforcer's miniskirt (Feminine, Leg slot). Candi now wears this instead of shorts.
Updated Enforcer clothing to use a third colour for buttons, and the frontal-zip dress to use a customisable colour for the zip.

<b>Added:</b> Groundwork for the new companion system. (Irbynx)
Fixed harpy nest entrance background colour. (Master of Puppets)
Typo fix. (Master of Puppets)
Fixed strange behaviour when having sex with NPCs in stocks, where if it was banned for them to receive a certain type of sex, you would be banned from performing related sex actions as well. (Master of Puppets)
Changed sex actions so the only ones that reduce arousal are now ones related to denial. Resisting pace/actions no longer cause arousal to drop, and instead, arousal increases are zero on non-erogenous zone actions, and low on others. Having the non-con fetish sets these arousal increases to high. (Master of Puppets)
Restricted use of 'calm down' action to only be available when you're the dom, or when you have the same amount of control as the dom. (Master of Puppets)
Added tooltips to the phone's map page. (Master of Puppets)
Changed the code so that the 'new addiction' dialog only shows if the ingesting character isn't already addicted to the fluid, and otherwise shows the 'satisfied craving' dialog if the ingesting character is addicted. (AlacoGit)
Tidied up the game's version checking method. (lehardo)
Fixed some instances of incorrect cum parsing. (ltpatch)
Fixed issue with harpies not respecting your gender preferences. (Master of Puppets)
Added folder checking on startup. (Bukkyo256)
Fixed Lilaya's Submissive Geisha scene immediately ending. (TadUnlikely)
Fixed Vixen's Virility returning incorrect descriptions. (ltpatch)

Added ChattyNeko's artwork for Nyan.
Moved the 'Explore' action from button 6 to 1. (I originally put it on 6 so that when you were spamming it to explore, you wouldn't accidentally skip the encounter dialogue. Now that 'Explore' always results in an encounter on the first press, there's no need for it to be so out of place.)
Added throat wetness, capacity, elasticity, and plasticity to the 'Body Stats' phone dialogue page, and added more throat descriptions to the selfie/character view page, as well as improving the coloured parts of all body description text.
Added formatting to essence counter, and made the formatting specific to locale. (So now it really should use a comma, period, or space depending on your computer's locale.)
Fixed gloves blocking you from wearing rings.
Non-slave NPCs which do not have the exhibitionist fetish should now properly replace their clothing after you leave them alone.
Removed hard-coded sealing effects from all BDSM set gear, and made them have the 'sealing' enchantment by default instead.
The 'cattle' clothing set is now sold by Finch, instead of Nyan.
Reorganised Nyan's trading menus.
Added support in the code for adding custom artwork for the PlayerCharacter (follow the instructions in 'res -> images -> characters -> modding.txt' to add artwork).
Changed Dobermann subspecies name from the clunky 'Dobermann-morph' to just 'Dobermann'.

Fixed (that annoying) bug where the game's tooltips could get stuck on your screen when alt-tabbing/changing window focus.
Typo fixes.
Fixed bug in vixen's virility pill effect description.
Fixed incorrect Katherine and Kelly descriptions.
Fixed Zaranix getting stuck in his lounge.
Fixed enchanting UI not showing correct cost reduction from 'Arcane Weaver' perk.
Fixed some bugs in the way clothing concealment was working.
Fixed several clothing displacements being erroneously available through other clothing.
Fixed bug where looking for trouble in the harpy nests would never return a harpy fight encounter.
(Hopefully) fixed that annoying bug where slave's stats would get stuck to the right of your screen.
Fixed bug where public sex would stop being counted as public as soon as you switched position.



Added: Final version of the spell system, along with 16 new & reworked spells (Arcane school spells aren't finished yet).
Changed: Spells are now learned through spell books, or by being taught to you by someone else. You gain spell upgrade points by reading appropriate scrolls, which can then be spent to upgrade your spells.
Added: Support for elemental companions. (I still need to add in a lot of unique dialogue for them, including unique sex actions. I also need to finish off their body descriptions, as a lot of it is incorrect at the moment...)
Added dodge chance, miss chance, unarmed damage, melee weapon damage, and ranged weapon damage as attributes. Removed spell resistance (to fit in with resistances being focused on countering damage types, not attack types).
All damage and resistance attributes have had value ranges changed from '0 to 100' to '-100 to 100'.

Added Jam's artwork of Zaranix.
Added ChattyNeko's artwork of Scarlett.

Expanded BodyMaterial to add noun and adjective support for all types of body features. Also added relevant parser commands. (tukaima)

Lore books are no longer removed from your inventory after use.
In combat, if all enemies are stunned, escape chance is now 100%.
Added ability to self-target and target allies in combat. (Yes, you can punch yourself or your allies... Please don't do this...)
Rebalanced the passive buffs from high level arcane and physique status effects.
Condensed the character UI panels a little, by removing traits from the shown status effects, and only showing non-timed or combat-related SEs while in combat.
NPCs are now properly able to use spells in combat.
Made the 'Calm Down' sex action available in all scenes again.

Fixed Candi wearing a normal, non-enforcer mini-skirt, and made her uniform pink.
Fixed personality attributes not being saved/loaded correctly.
Fixed bug where modded clothing icons wouldn't load on linux.
Critically casting beneficial spells will no longer apply arcane weakness.
Fixed bug where NPCs would continuously spawn clothing to cover themselves.
Fixed bug where NPC clothing displacements would not be saved.
Fixed demon TF menu options showing incorrect button labels.
Fixed being able to remove companion and manage their inventory when not in a neutral dialogue.
Fixed status effect rendering order.
Fixed bug where DoT effects in combat would tick twice in the turn that they were applied.
Fixed bug where Karl & Wolfgang's fight wouldn't remove your companions.
Fixed bug where Controlled Aggression perk would sometimes not work.
Fixed bugs where your companions would be marked as slaves for sale/use in slaver alley's stocks and auction block. Also fixed similar bugs in Angel's Kiss.
Fixed bug where you could transform Rose in her special scene.
Fixed minor UI bug where the save button would be under the load column.



Vicky now sells spell books and scrolls. This is temporary until the spell shop is added. (She deliberately doesn't sell spell books for Cleanse, Steal, Soothing Water, Teleport, and Lilith's Command, as these are all planned to be quest-related. If you want to try them out, use the debug menu.)
Finished adding effects for all 8 of the Arcane spells.
Random attackers now spawn with random items in their inventory.
Added variable point costs for spell upgrades.
Added mechanics for spell school unique abilities. (Dye without needing dye-brushes for Earth, fluid enchantments free for Water, Energy & aura regeneration doubled for Air, deal 2 extra fire damage in melee for Fire, know time until next storm for Arcane.)
Added support for clicking on the phone's map to teleport (if you have the 'Teleport' spell).
Added a little passage in the prologue where Lilaya gives you the spell book for 'Ice Shard'. (You will find this spell book in your room when you load into this version.)
Added in crystals and feathers granting you spells/attribute boosts again.
Added elemental encyclopedia lore entries (unlocked when reading the elemental spell book).
Removed Witch's Seal and Witch's Charm spell books. (These were accidentally added in

Buffed Witch's Seal to last for 3 turns, and increased costs of Witch's Charm and Witch's Seal to 40 and 80, respectively.
Random succubi attackers in the dark alley tiles now spawn knowing the spells 'Arcane Arousal' and 'Telepathic Communication'.
Increased spell book and spell scroll values.

<b>Added:</b> Hoop earrings (feminine, ear-piercing slot). Candi and Brandi now wear hoop earrings.
Dresses no longer block the leg slot.

Added support for recolouring sclera (the white part of the eye).
Added lots of tongue colours and patterns.
Added 'Reset spells' to debug options.
Renamed 'Seduction' damage/resistance to 'Lust' damage/resistance.
Offensive spells can now only be cast on enemies.

Fixed inventory scaling bug that was present in Java 10 and more recent versions of Java 8.
Fixed potion name generation.
Fixed numerous minor bugs related to elementals (incorrect status effects, summoning costs, descriptions).
Fixed some items of clothing (such as the overbust corset) concealing their own inventory slot.
Fixed clients in Angel's Kiss not being attracted to you.
Fixed bug where safety goggles would get equipped onto you during the prologue.
Fixed bug where female characters could start the game having already lost their penile virginity.
Fixed humans being referred to such things as 'a masculine man male', or 'a feminine woman female'.
Fixed being able to upgrade spells even if upgrade points were 0.
Fixed incorrect NPC eye colour transformation descriptions.
Fixed elementals in your party being available at the stocks.
Fixed companions instantly regeneration 100% of energy and aura after fights.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2017
Can't wait to play this new version. I do have a question about the addictive trait you can get. Are there any plans for it than what I currently see it for? I see it as an easy way to play on the harder difficulties since you make someone addicted to your whatever and their health is super low compared to what it was originally. Please tell me that there are plans for integrating it into like the slavery mechanic where your slaves become obedient faster and love you more the more of your love juices they get.


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2016
A couple of balance comments

* Arcane Essences are much too low-priced. Lily mentions that any demon can easily support themselves by extracting and selling Essences, but in-game this gives a tiny income compared to selling the clothes of people who mug you. And buying essences is far easier than obtaining them yourself.
* It appears that there's supposed to be two paths, Arcane and Physical, but Arcane is currently far superior. This might change when weapons become a thing?
* Succubi are extremely valuable for sale compared to the effort it takes to catch them


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
A couple of balance comments

* Succubi are extremely valuable for sale compared to the effort it takes to catch them

The fact that demons are valuable is intended, in Dominion, it's extremely taboo for non-demons to own demon slaves, making those last ones rare and valuable. And demons are supposed to be tough to fight, if you find it too easy, maybe put the game in Lilin or Lilith difficulty? :catte:


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2016
A couple of balance comments

* Arcane Essences are much too low-priced. Lily mentions that any demon can easily support themselves by extracting and selling Essences, but in-game this gives a tiny income compared to selling the clothes of people who mug you. And buying essences is far easier than obtaining them yourself.
* It appears that there's supposed to be two paths, Arcane and Physical, but Arcane is currently far superior. This might change when weapons become a thing?
* Succubi are extremely valuable for sale compared to the effort it takes to catch them

Not sure if this applies to you, but many don't realize that earth crystals do physical damage, rather than magic. That said, they're the only source of physical damage in the game, or so it was a couple versions ago. I do agree about the oddity of essences being super cheap considering that the supply is limited to what the Lilin choose to sell, and those sales are how they amass their fabulous wealth. They should really be (at a minimum) considerably expensive.


Apr 29, 2018
This may be frowned upon given that it's been stated explicitly that there's no guarantee that the game will work on any OS besides Windows 7, but I thought I'd try my luck anyway. I played this game a bit a while ago on Windows 10 and enjoyed it pretty well, but in the meantime I've switched to Ubuntu due to unwillingness to pay for another copy of Windows because I changed my motherboard to support a CPU upgrade. Then I found this game again and decided to give it a whirl, which I've been... almost successful in.

The game works now; everything runs as it should despite it being on Linux, except one thing: the game simply will not recognize the "res" folder; in previous versions I could just tell from the absence of text here and there, but since updating, an error message informs me that: "Could not find the 'res' folder. This might cause errors and present sections of missing text..."
It's in the same folder as the .jar file, as instructed, and I'm somewhat at a loss as to why it's having trouble locating it. If anyone has experienced something similar or have any ideas, I'd welcome some ideas.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
This may be frowned upon given that it's been stated explicitly that there's no guarantee that the game will work on any OS besides Windows 7, but I thought I'd try my luck anyway. I played this game a bit a while ago on Windows 10 and enjoyed it pretty well, but in the meantime I've switched to Ubuntu due to unwillingness to pay for another copy of Windows because I changed my motherboard to support a CPU upgrade. Then I found this game again and decided to give it a whirl, which I've been... almost successful in.

The game works now; everything runs as it should despite it being on Linux, except one thing: the game simply will not recognize the "res" folder; in previous versions I could just tell from the absence of text here and there, but since updating, an error message informs me that: "Could not find the 'res' folder. This might cause errors and present sections of missing text..."
It's in the same folder as the .jar file, as instructed, and I'm somewhat at a loss as to why it's having trouble locating it. If anyone has experienced something similar or have any ideas, I'd welcome some ideas.

Please tell us what the "error.log" says, there used to be an error with the res folder on Linux distribution where the path had been hardcoded with a backslash, thus being the incorrect path separator for Linux, but it should have been fixed.


Apr 29, 2018
Please tell us what the "error.log" says, there used to be an error with the res folder on Linux distribution where the path had been hardcoded with a backslash, thus being the incorrect path separator for Linux, but it should have been fixed.
It doesn't appear to create an "error.log", possibly because the game executes successfully and runs flawlessly, albeit without contributions from the "res" folder. The only log I've managed to get the game to generate (named "hs_err_pid53.log") was when I experimentally tried running the .exe, and from looking at it that one doesn't seem to have anything to do with the "res" folder.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
There should be an "error.log" in the data folder, even if it's empty. If there are any error while trying to retrieve the content of the res folder, it will be logged in it.


Apr 29, 2018
There should be an "error.log" in the data folder, even if it's empty. If there are any error while trying to retrieve the content of the res folder, it will be logged in it.
Really? Now that's interesting... there's no error.log file in the data folder, not even an empty one, no. There's one in the .exe version (ironically empty), but none in the .jar version. Even after copying the empty one from the .exe folder there it still doesn't write anything in it when I run the game. Now I'm even more confused than I was before I asked, heh.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2018
Pretty much played out the version I dl'd - that bug where you can fight a weak opponent and they automatically put on new clothes is the fast way to funds.
Glad the blog said it was on the too fix list.
Have tried various ways, but how does one get Angel wings instead of harpy wings? does one need succubi wings first? Enchanting angel tears or the other angel drop doesn't allow for that change. Removal yes. Also angel products don't allow for removal of corruption. You'd think they would. But the Lillith potion? If you do a major drain you can remove a few points if you have the arcane. Best I managed was buying out inventory of Arcane essences from the wolfette and cruising the harpy nest during an arcane storm and sexing up everything that moved with nympho active... managed to make 3 potions with max drain corruption which was 5 pts each. //
Suggestion that if angel tears or he lillin potion get used to remove arcane that there is some damage from same? Cleansing one's soul should be painful at least. reflected in lose of energy or arcane total power too.
But later it might be an option to go "Holy" if you have to fight the major demons and Demon Mom herself.

Also anyone suggest a list of TFs to make my male human into a Golden Eagle? (harpy legs, and face sure...then visit salon for coloration that's easy.) But how to get wings on back vs armwings like an eagle or angel?


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
You'll need to use the debug menu to give yourself angel body parts, the enchantable consumable is not in the game yet.
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Reactions: TheDwarf


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2017
I've been unable to open the game recently. I've had no issues with it until about a few days ago with the version before the new one and now the current version. It seems to be Java related but I honestly don't know what could have changed with it. I've updated, reinstalled, etc. I've also tried the 32 bit pre zip download which did work when the problem occurred with the former version until that too would no longer open. I tried it with the current version and nothing either. I'll C&P the whole error log below. I'm a bit clueless when it comes to this but it seems something went missing? Is it something on your side of things to do or something I need to fix? :oops:

Exception in Application start method
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplicationWithArgs(
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.launcher.LauncherHelper$FXHelper.main(Unknown Source)
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception in Application start method
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.launchApplication1(
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.lambda$launchApplication$154(
at Source)
Caused by: javafx.fxml.LoadException:

at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.constructLoadException(
at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.loadImpl(
at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.loadImpl(
at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.load(
at com.lilithsthrone.main.Main.start(
at com.sun.javafx.application.LauncherImpl.lambda$launchApplication1$161(
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$runAndWait$174(
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$null$172(
at Method)
at com.sun.javafx.application.PlatformImpl.lambda$runLater$173(
at Method)
... 1 more
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at javafx.fxml.JavaFXBuilder$
at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader$ValueElement.processEndElement(
at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.processEndElement(
at javafx.fxml.FXMLLoader.loadImpl(
... 12 more
Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.misc.Trampoline.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor1.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.misc.MethodUtil.invoke(Unknown Source)
at javafx.fxml.JavaFXBuilder$
... 15 more
Caused by: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_171\bin\jfxwebkit.dll: The specified procedure could not be found
at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadLibrary(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.Runtime.load0(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.System.load(Unknown Source)
at com.sun.webkit.WebPage.lambda$static$39(
at Method)
at com.sun.webkit.WebPage.<clinit>(
at javafx.scene.web.WebEngine.<init>(
at javafx.scene.web.WebEngine.<init>(
at javafx.scene.web.WebView.<init>(
... 25 more
Exception running application com.lilithsthrone.main.Main