Myrellion Content Discussion (GENERAL)


Oct 15, 2016
Myrellion is sort-of my favorite planet in the bunch, but then I've been known to play a lot of darker themed visual novels. I've read a big chunk of this thread and would rather not restart arguments from last year, but I noticed talk about gold resolution paths potentially relying on genocide. Instead, couldn't the Reds be politically destabilized over issues such as trench wives in order to buy the golds a generation or two to restore a working semblance of a balance of power? As I recall, Anzhela isn't exactly keen on the practice and can't be the only one with that point of view. That would give the golds ample opportunity to counter-attack when the enemy is in no position to resist the offensive. I doubt the fleet in orbit would care so long as genetic resources aren't existentially threatened.

The rationale for a strategem centered around internal red strife stems primarily from the discussions people have had about the inconsistencies between the stated cultural values of reds in regard to their venom and their actions during the war. That could indicate a deeper political divide and growing fears amongst the less venom-happy reds, fears of being enslaved beneath an increasingly powerful dictatorship with what will soon be a lack of external enemies. It would also give an avenue that frees the trench wives, which a lot of players seem to want for whatever reason. So, civil war in the reds, rebels free the trench wives and agree to peace with the golds in exchange for military support.

With that attempt at constructive participation out of the way... Reds are #1. :p

Now I just need to get back to finishing the planet... I hate hitting the end of content in games undergoing development but I hate not knowing what's already written just as bad.


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
I said as much in the necro thread but as I imagine it is for a lot of people it's the red's and trench wives that really hurt the planet for me. There is nothing comfortable or fun about golds enslaved by drugs and exploited for sexual abuse. 

Exactly. And have you talked to the doctor in Kressia yet? She confirms what you can deduce from the whole set up. Those whp are not pretty enough get a bullet or sent to the camps, but since they have made it very clear the camps are no longer an option because of overcrowding.......... Along with news about the abuse she sees those "lucky" enough to be taken as trench wives enduring and the concept is even more morally repulsive. 

Instead, couldn't the Reds be politically destabilized over issues such as trench wives in order to buy the golds a generation or two to restore a working semblance of a balance of power? As I recall, Anzhela isn't exactly keen on the practice and can't be the only one with that point of view. That would give the golds ample opportunity to counter-attack when the enemy is in no position to resist the offensive. I doubt the fleet in orbit would care so long as genetic resources aren't existentially threatened.

The rationale for a strategem centered around internal red strife stems primarily from the discussions people have had about the inconsistencies between the stated cultural values of reds in regard to their venom and their actions during the war. That could indicate a deeper political divide and growing fears amongst the less venom-happy reds, fears of being enslaved beneath an increasingly powerful dictatorship with what will soon be a lack of external enemies.

I think it would be great to have the gold path be centered around turning thectrench wife situation into a weapon. Its one of the biggest issues people have with them. And it makes a certain amount of sense. Trench wifes are all over the place and if Leive is any indication they are not watched super carefully, relying on venom addiction to keep them in line. Plus they have direct access to even high level military personel. If the suddenly turned it would be a huge blow to the reds. Not only because they are in house with the military but because they outnumber the reds pretty significantly it seems. Add in what you said about red sympathisers who are upset with the direction their governmentvand military are going and it becomes even better. Maybe a bunch of them had trench wives of their own and grew to actually be uncomfortable with it once they got to know their charges. Then once they help the golds stage a revolt they take over power and are better off at keeping relations with the golds. Hell, people who are pro trench wife even get the caveot that the trench wife situation actually helped understanding form between the golds and reds in its own twisted way. It was suppose to make the reds feel protective right? Plus, one of the gold queens flat out said that apart from genocide the reds would need a change in leadership for true peace to ever be obtained. Perfect forshadowing for this specific ending. Also, the red master chick said the resistance in Kressia was lead by someone who was really tactically smart and knew about supplies or something. Maybe thats because they are a red not a gold leading the resistance. 

The more I think about it the more this seems like the perfect gold ending route. Its satisfying in that it uses the trench wife system as a huge factor in the strategy and it even lines up with what one of the queens already says in the game. Plus no genocide needed and its perfectly plausable since we already know not every red is on board a nd it doesn't require the golds to make some kind of random jump in military strength nor does it require the reds to loose all the territory, it frees the trench wives and ends with a red side that is more sympathetic to peaceful relations going forward. It hits all the right notes as far as I can see. 

Way way way way better than kicking the golds off the planet and pretending it benefits them.

It would also give an avenue that frees the trench wives, which a lot of players seem to want for whatever reason.

Like having a moral compass that is at least 25 percent functional?  :smugdog:


Oct 15, 2016
Another thing is the way the reds are said to have recently unified under a new system of government. Those are always dangerous times for those in power. They have a lot of direct power and authority but very little political stability. They haven't had the time to form lasting alliances and traditions among the political factions within their own empire. Among humans at least, those in power have often schemed about how to become the absolute ruler without considering that their own closest allies will desire the same once the goal is accomplished. There's a vacuum of power, sweeping changes to society and those changes have not yet had time to change people's hearts. Even if the golds only flip about 30% of the red military at first, that's enough to be a decisive blow if backed by the gold military and freed trench wives. Orders to deploy strategic weapons against a faction in a civil war could result in those assets flipping on the spot.

I know it's cheesy, but one of the two books next to my computer right now is Sun Tzu.

"In general, the method for employing the military is this: Preserving the enemy's state capital is best, destroying their state capital is second best. Preserving their army is best, destroying their army is second best. Preserving their battalions is best, destroying their battalions is second best. Preserving their companies is best, destroying their companies is second best. Preserving their squads is best, destroying their squads is second best. For this reason attaining one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the pinnacle of excellence. Subjugating the enemy's army without fighting is the pinnacle of excellence.

Thus the highest realization of warfare is to attack the enemy's plans; next is to attack their alliances; next to attack their army; and the lowest to attack their fortified cities."

This kind of thinking is fairly common throughout human history but it may never occur to an uncontacted alien species. It could even explain why they never realized it until the off-worlder came to help them.


Oct 15, 2016
Exactly. And have you talked to the doctor in Kressia yet? She confirms what you can deduce from the whole set up. Those whp are not pretty enough get a bullet or sent to the camps, but since they have made it very clear the camps are no longer an option because of overcrowding.......... Along with news about the abuse she sees those "lucky" enough to be taken as trench wives enduring and the concept is even more morally repulsive. 

I have. I only picked it up from her that the whole system was sexual abuse and slavery. Silly thing is after getting out of town and exploring the depths things got that much more enjoyable. My main regret now? 

not being able to let dane and your cousin rot down there


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Yeah. I roll stomp my to victory and ignore them and he gets out anyway? And even my hard smuggler gunner can't shoot first my cousin in the back?


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2015
You cannot murder your cousin for the crime of being kind of a dick, no.

In some universes being mean to the protagonist is enough to receive a death sentence, thankfully TiTs isn't one of those. Instead its justification to rape them, much better amiright? /s

But no seriously, just killing your rival would be anticlimactic as fuck, why even have a rival if they get offed in the second act?


Aug 26, 2015
Only if you're going to write it.

Nonsense.  If people had to write things to put them in Ideas then Ideas would be empty.  It's where concepts nobody's going to do anything about go to die.
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Master Analmander
Staff member
Aug 26, 2015
Write what? The post? I'll write the post sure, assuming Jorik is fine with that. The red civil war aspect was his/her idea. 

No, the entire string of events and scenes leading up to this grand plan of yours, including the actual resolution paths, all for implementation in the game.

Otherwise, as Couch said, you're just posting there for your own amusement. The Ideas section is not the "Give the Devs your ideas" section, it's where you go to refine and get critique on something you are planning to write. 


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2016
No, the entire string of events and scenes leading up to this grand plan of yours, including the actual resolution paths, all for implementation in the game.

Otherwise, as Couch said, you're just posting there for your own amusement. The Ideas section is not the "Give the Devs your ideas" section, it's where you go to refine and get critique on something you are planning to write. 

Oh, really? Well then I suppose there wouldn't be much point putting it there. I doubt any major story section would be allowed to be handled by a random forum member.

Still... It would be nice to have it all condensed into one area focusing on it so more people can easily see it and chime in rather than a disjointed couple of posts in the back end of a trillion page thread people probably dont check that often anymore and will be buried before too long.

Maybe just in the general area?


Oct 15, 2016
You cannot murder your cousin for the crime of being kind of a dick, no.

Well I never said murder.. fun as it would be I'd just rather leave her down there to work her own way out- where the tables reversed she'd leave you in a cage. Whereas I've got no problem with the idea of killing her jacked up enforcer. she'll just buy another and after the first fight dane did kinda loose hard to my level 4 wasp-steele

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
I am again reminded of how we on Team Tsunderjill are in the minority.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
Or at least made up from less vocal individuals than "Team MurderBoner"...

Isn't it that some of Team TsunderJill are also members of Team MurderBoner?

Anyway where is Team WeLoveGolds or Team RedforMyrelionRulers?

Plus we should think if we got Team O(range) ^^


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Agreed, the point of tsundere are to get them to eventually open up for a moment of cute before they bop you on the head out of embarrassment anger. Killing them sorta completely ruins all of that.

Tsundejill just doesn't know how to cope with her feelings and so lashes out, right? Right!? I really should get around to reading Mysty's Jill writings...


Oct 15, 2016
Actually, I might look into writing some of that once my wife gets back from vacation. I'd want her help anyway, since she has a higher level of literary skill than I do. I'm more into code. Is there some kind of standard API people can rely on when writing idea submissions for anything that requires function calls to determine such as gender, race, body part info, etc? I don't have a problem with pseudo-code and basic control flow logic but that obviously raises the workload for any possible integration into the game.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
You cannot murder your cousin for the crime of being kind of a dick, no.

Can we tase them and leave them with the dictator we're fucking into the ground and still their ship? 

And don't we get to decide his fare if we lose there anyway?

Noob Salad

Captain Shitpost
Aug 26, 2015
No, Savin won't write your murderboners, out of spite of course.

This is why having contempt for your audience is important; they're often cringy.
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Actually, I might look into writing some of that once my wife gets back from vacation. I'd want her help anyway, since she has a higher level of literary skill than I do. I'm more into code. Is there some kind of standard API people can rely on when writing idea submissions for anything that requires function calls to determine such as gender, race, body part info, etc? I don't have a problem with pseudo-code and basic control flow logic but that obviously raises the workload for any possible integration into the game.

The TiTS Parser information reference. 


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2015
En...for understand how one can be at once in Team TsunderJill and Team MurderBoner one shall cease their sanity ;)

Like TiTS is so damn ogic to begin without any suspend of belive and etc.

At least I see Savin is amuzed now. We should now get reward for unlocking achiev of making Savin Amused :D


Active Member
Sep 7, 2016
Actually, I might look into writing some of that once my wife gets back from vacation. I'd want her help anyway, since she has a higher level of literary skill than I do. I'm more into code. Is there some kind of standard API people can rely on when writing idea submissions for anything that requires function calls to determine such as gender, race, body part info, etc? I don't have a problem with pseudo-code and basic control flow logic but that obviously raises the workload for any possible integration into the game.

What exactly are you going to write? What about pregnancy related tags?


Oct 20, 2016
@Couch, I'm extremely new to the game, and Myrellion seems to be a bit of a hot topic right now. It sounds interesting, but it would help if I knew a few things. I hear a few things about the planet possible being nuked, and the hint at possible peace, could you please explain/elaborate? Thanks!