Lilith's Throne (Early Alpha)


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Be very careful about making sex scenes random or causing transformations on loss. The more mandatory kinks you have in the game and the more you mix and match kinks the harder it is for players to enjoy the game. For example, someone might like submitting but not like transformations. The player should also always know what to expect if they lose a fight with a given enemy, surprising your players is one of the worst things you can do in a porn game.

I agree about the TF part, Flexible Survival very quickly turned you into a disfigured abomination if you dont cheat/savescum, hence I was avoiding that game. However, that was only an issue due to permanent consequence. I am all for randomized sexual encounters with enemies who are into different things. If people see "oh I dont want sex with this person", you can just add a skip button and have the scene conclude at that point imo.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
I agree about the TF part, Flexible Survival very quickly turned you into a disfigured abomination if you dont cheat/savescum, hence I was avoiding that game. However, that was only an issue due to permanent consequence. I am all for randomized sexual encounters with enemies who are into different things. If people see "oh I dont want sex with this person", you can just add a skip button and have the scene conclude at that point imo.
Yep, having random stuff is fine if the player knows what the scene would entail and can choose to both not lose the fight and not to have sex after the fight.


Jan 29, 2017
Looking good, really enjoying this game. Glad I found it.

I don't mind mandatory sex scenes provided there are no permanent consequences but forced or unreversible transformations are annoying. I had to put in a fair amount of effort to work around them with Flexible Survival and CoC.

Things like making my character too strong, or going researcher with iron stomach and editing saves.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
First off:
Also I don't know if the is the right place to say this but, it crashed on me while spamming the direction keys through an alleyway
Thanks, I've added this to my bug tracker, and I'll try to figure out and fix the cause of the problem as soon as possible!

Thank you all for your feedback on the 'forced TF' idea!

I'm still quite new to all of this, so I really appreciate all of your feedback. I'll definitely make sure to add a way to avoid any forced TF content, as well as making an action's consequences very clear to the player.

Not all enemies will try to forcefully TF you, but for those that do (which will only happen after losing a fight to them), I'll probably add a couple of options like "Knock away" or "Accept drink", to make sure that players are never forced into a TF they don't want.


New Member
Mar 4, 2017
I agree about the TF part, Flexible Survival very quickly turned you into a disfigured abomination if you dont cheat/savescum, hence I was avoiding that game.
One nice feature of the game, is there is an optional game mode you can choose at the start called "researcher mode" that practically gives you immunity to changes unless you deliberately choose to infect yourself. It doesn't really change the game in any other way.

I'm still quite new to all of this, so I really appreciate all of your feedback. I'll definitely make sure to add a way to avoid any forced TF content, as well as making an action's consequences very clear to the player.

Not all enemies will try to forcefully TF you, but for those that do (which will only happen after losing a fight to them), I'll probably add a couple of options like "Knock away" or "Accept drink", to make sure that players are never forced into a TF they don't want.

If I may make a suggestion, as it seems you are going for fetish "perks" you could make a "transformation fetish" or perhaps a bonus perk that would allow informed consent to such content for players who particularly enjoy forced transformation such content, without worrying about forcing players who don't like such content into anything they don't want to do.

balitz Method

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2016
The main issue when weighing the idea of forced content, especially transformations, is the severity. If you're suddenly forced into a major transformation by a rando encounter then it could end up being incredibly frustrating if you haven't saved recently. On the other hand if they do something relatively minor and easily reversible like give the PC new ears or something it's not as big a deal and can play into the danger of it. While you don't want to annoy players there's also a sort of immersion-breaking level you can reach where there's always some convenient option to avoid consequences - once you get there you can end up ruining the atmosphere you're trying to build.

But you do want to avoid simply blindsiding people with it so the first decision to make is whether you want that to be a major mechanic or not. If common enemies may randomly decide to induce minor transformations and bosses will always induce a major one on loss then it's something you'll want to telegraph as part of the game (good places to do this are in the intro - the first group the player runs into could explicitly toss around the idea of transforming them to introduce the idea that this can happen - and the secretary before the fight with Brax with a mention that she didn't feel like drinking his wolf bitch cocktail just to keep fucking him); if it's just a minor idea that shows up here and there as pure RNG it might not be worth it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2015
I just tried the game and I have to say... I'm quite impressed. There is very little content in it yet but what you do have is pretty darn good. Keep up the good work!


Jan 4, 2016
I tried the game, it's really promising and I'm looking forward to seeing what it will become. The only thing that seems to be a problem is that I can't save, the save button doesn't work at all even if my version of Java is up to date :/


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
If I may make a suggestion, as it seems you are going for fetish "perks" you could make a "transformation fetish" or perhaps a bonus perk that would allow informed consent to such content for players who particularly enjoy forced transformation such content, without worrying about forcing players who don't like such content into anything they don't want to do.
I like that idea! I think I'll probably add that as the requirement for getting minor enemies to randomly transform you. That way, it will only happen to players who specifically like 'forced TF' content.

The main issue when weighing the idea of forced content, especially transformations, is the severity. If you're suddenly forced into a major transformation by a rando encounter then it could end up being incredibly frustrating if you haven't saved recently. On the other hand if they do something relatively minor and easily reversible like give the PC new ears or something it's not as big a deal and can play into the danger of it. While you don't want to annoy players there's also a sort of immersion-breaking level you can reach where there's always some convenient option to avoid consequences - once you get there you can end up ruining the atmosphere you're trying to build.

But you do want to avoid simply blindsiding people with it so the first decision to make is whether you want that to be a major mechanic or not. If common enemies may randomly decide to induce minor transformations and bosses will always induce a major one on loss then it's something you'll want to telegraph as part of the game (good places to do this are in the intro - the first group the player runs into could explicitly toss around the idea of transforming them to introduce the idea that this can happen - and the secretary before the fight with Brax with a mention that she didn't feel like drinking his wolf bitch cocktail just to keep fucking him); if it's just a minor idea that shows up here and there as pure RNG it might not be worth it.
Thanks for your feedback and ideas! I'm trying to make some of the choices/fights in the game have big consequences, and I want to avoid a scenario where every action is relatively easy to undo.
That being said, I agree with your point that I need to be careful not to blindside people with a sudden, major TF encounter. I'll try and write in some more warning before those sorts of things happen (I like your idea about the secretary mentioning Brax's cocktail).

Any fun way on top of adding the option to enable/disable forced TF to counter the forced transformation is to add items that can be applied like lotion to wanted areas(the legs/genitals/chest/arms/etc), my guess is with how this game works would be something like

Use item> Options to apply to a certain area for increased effect or all over for a lesser effect> Affected area transforms to match items effects

this could replace the snack store or even add another store in a lower/upper level, just in case some players want to go full TF(wolf/cat/dog/horse/etc)
Thanks for the idea, and this is sort of how I've already planned out the TF rework (which will come in version 0.1.71). I don't want to go into too much detail just yet, as I'm still planning out some of the mechanics, but in general, it's going to be the sort of system where you'll be able to specifically choose areas of your body to TF.

I just tried the game and I have to say... I'm quite impressed. There is very little content in it yet but what you do have is pretty darn good. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! ^^

I tried the game, it's really promising and I'm looking forward to seeing what it will become. The only thing that seems to be a problem is that I can't save, the save button doesn't work at all even if my version of Java is up to date :/
Oh no, that sounds like a pretty major bug...
I'll investigate this and try to find out what's going wrong as soon as possible. If you're around, would you mind letting me know if you're on a Windows/Mac/Linux machine? (I might have ended up doing something Windows-specific with the save-game file detection.)

Sorry it took me so long to respond to all of your posts, I got really caught up in trying to get the latest version done, and didn't get much time for anything else...

Speaking of which, I just released a new version (
You can find a post about it on my blog, or if you just want the direct download link, here it is on MEGA.

Thanks for all your feedback and ideas, and I'll try to respond to your posts a little quicker in future!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Found a bug I was fighting a male cat-boy and he used scratch but the text below was a seduce attempt then there was text for the scratch attack but it was my character's name instead of the cat-boy.


Jan 4, 2016
I'm on Windows 10, btw I found a way to "fix" this bug, I don't know why but when I used quicksave feature the save button started to work properly. I don't have troubles anymore with it but I think it's safer to make sure that the save/load option works correctly for everyone.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
Found a bug I was fighting a male cat-boy and he used scratch but the text below was a seduce attempt then there was text for the scratch attack but it was my character's name instead of the cat-boy.
Thanks for the bug report, I'll get it fixed ASAP!

I'm on Windows 10, btw I found a way to "fix" this bug, I don't know why but when I used quicksave feature the save button started to work properly. I don't have troubles anymore with it but I think it's safer to make sure that the save/load option works correctly for everyone.
Thank you so much for this! By telling me how you managed to fix that bug, I realised what the problem was (and it will be fixed for the next version)!

Basically, the game is trying to look in a 'data/saves' folder (in the same location as the .jar file), but I forgot to tell the game to create such a folder on startup. Instead, it automatically creates it when you autosave, so that's why autosaving fixed the bug.

I'd be all for that, honestly tired with the RNG transforms when u want to get specific stuff

thank god for COCed/TITSed
Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of RNG TFs either, I only added them in as it seemed like the quickest and easiest way to get the basics of TF mechanics into the game.

I think RNG TFs just end up with people quickloading over and over until they get the TF they want, which isn't really very fun. (Well, that's what I do anyway...)

But, just in case some people like the random aspect of TFs, there will still be a way to craft a 'random' TF drink in the new TF system.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
Hi, I thought I'd leave a comment to say that I've just updated Lilith's Throne to version!

There have been quite a few changes since my last post here, so I hope you don't mind me bumping the thread for this new version...

If you wanted to check the game out, there's a lot more detail on my blog, or if you simply wanted the download link for this latest version, here it is: Mega

(I edited this post to update the Mega link, as I applied a mini hotfix to address a bug where you could get stuck in never-ending sex scenes.)

Patch notes for version
Attempted to fix the memory leak problems (I didn't manage to fix it yet, but I have a good idea of what's going wrong).
Added: Parsing engine. You can access and try this out in the debug menu. (If you don't know the debug code, read the bottom of the readme!)
Added: Clothing 'sealed' mechanics. The underlying system that detects clothing removal got quite complex with this addition, and took up a lot of time this week...

Added: The start of NPC persistence. When you encounter an enemy, their home tile is marked on the map with a little mark. When you visit that tile, you will re-encounter that enemy there.
(Only applies to enemies encountered in alleyways at the moment, and there are no special scenes written for a repeat encounter just yet.)
After defeating them in combat, you can choose "remove character" to remove this character from the persistent character pool. (Thereby freeing up their home tile for someone else to move into.)
Please note: You can't get random NPCs pregnant just yet. I have to write some special scenes/pregnant variants for that!
Added: 'sealed clothing', with an associated side quest that triggers when you equip a piece of jinxed clothing.
Removed the requirement of having the 'observant' perk in order to see enemy's combat stats. (I didn't want to lock critical gameplay information behind a perk.)
Moved weather icon into related status effects.
Slightly increased pregnancy chances.
Removed the requirement of having a penis in order to have sex with Kate.

Added: Old java version warning to the main menu. Versions of java that are older than may cause some UI elements to not render correctly.

Improved: Moved Kate's sex scene into an expanded 'chair-sex' position. (PLayer's actions for bottom position aren't written yet.)
Added: A lot more 'self' options for both you and your partner. (Anal/Nipple fingering, Vagina/ass/nipple self-penetration with tail.)
Added: 'Stop sex' action, which is only available when you're the dom or are in consensual sex. (It may be a little buggy in some sex scenes at the moment.)
Added mutual orgasms to generic positions.
Added a lot of options to chair-sex positions (anal, tail-fucking, getting tail-fucked, riding cock, riding cock anally, fucking nipples).

Finally fixed the piercing bugs that have been present since I put Kate into the game. (It turns out it was bugging out due to some unfinished masochist descriptions.)
Fixed incorrect race identification bug at lower transformation levels.
Fixed a lot of bugs in the clothing system.

Minor typo fixes and small edits to some descriptions.

Additions to preview version:

Added: Pregnancy for the persistent NPCs. (I still need to improve all the descriptions for when you re-encounter these NPCs.)
Added a status effect pop-up for when an arcane storm starts.
Added 'Wearing a condom' status effect, for when you're wearing a condom. (Duh!)
Drawn combat (both you and your opponent being defeated on the same turn) now awards victory to you instead of your opponent.

Temporarily disabled the main menu's 'Load Game' option until I can switch it to using the in-game save/load dialogue. (I didn't want to leave it active, as it was using an old FileChooser system that was broken on a lot of people's systems.)
Added descriptions of sex and pregnancies to NPC's appearance (viewed using the 'characters present' button).

Added: Pix's reward sex scene. (I plan on adding another sex scene for Pix in the future, so if this one isn't quite what you expected, there will be a more 'normal' one coming later!)
Improved: Applied the new chair sex position to Lilaya as well as Kate.
Added: Mystery 'sex' scene for April fool's day. (Yes, I know it's April 7th, but I had this written up a while ago, and it felt a shame not to include it...)
Tidied up and fixed bugs in Ralph's and Brax's sex scenes. (Both Ralph's and Brax's scenes will be improved and polished for 0.1.7)
Improved all 'ongoing' sex descriptions.
Removed 'sex ends after X orgasms' mechanic. (Most NPCs will still choose to stop sex after they've orgasmed, but this paves the way for NPCs who will want multiple orgasms in the future.)
Did some minor fixes to generic orgasm scenes to take into account who's wearing a condom.
Replaced 'do nothing' with 'calm down'. (So now the only action you unlock from the denial fetish is 'Deny'.)
Improved NPC decision making during sex. (Fixing a lot of instances where the NPC wouldn't take an obvious choice for penetration.)
Your orifices now get lubricated by cum. (I'll add in partner-specific reactions to discovering creampied orifices at a later date.)
NPCs will now use condoms and pills that you provide.

Enabled nested parser commands in arguments. i.e. commands such as: [lilaya.speech(My name is []!)] now work.
Separated command 'moans' into 'moans' and 'moansVerb', to distinguish between the noun and verb form.
Added finger-related commands.

Ralph no longer refreshes his inventory after sex.
Fixed a bug in sex where some penetration actions wouldn't properly replace the previous penetration.
Fixed some weather effect descriptions saying it was daytime at night.
Correctly applied new parsing engine method to tooltip content.
Fixed bug where in places a demon pregnancy wouldn't say what race you'd birthed. (Demonic pregnancies always give birth to imps.)
Giving birth now takes into account your vaginas elasticity when calculating how much you were stretched out by.

Slightly improved text formatting in sex scenes.
Last edited:


Jan 20, 2017
Are you ever planning on making the game capable of running in something other than Java? Even with Java I get all sorts of errors trying to run it. I really have wanted to play but since it is Java haven't been able to and I believe it reduces your potential players by an exponential level especially since Java is widely known to have way too many security exploits.


Jun 24, 2016
If you're ever in need of scene help, I'd be up for it. The M/M possible content in the game was definitely a big bonus (though I'm still hoping to find more androgynous males, as that's more the fetish for me =3=b) and it seems like your plans are going to need more writers. No disrespect meant or anything, simply offering help since the game looks promising and is getting both frequent and meaningful updates.

I definitely recommend anyone looking for a good game to keep an eye on the project. So far it has impressed me as a game with tons of options... something the porn/XXX-game genre so unfortunately lacks beyond CoC and TiTS (that have finished. There are some games unlisted, but the point is that the category is very small).

Definitely looking forward to any NPC persistence that allows a catboy to end up bending over every time he sees my PC.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
Are you ever planning on making the game capable of running in something other than Java? Even with Java I get all sorts of errors trying to run it. I really have wanted to play but since it is Java haven't been able to and I believe it reduces your potential players by an exponential level especially since Java is widely known to have way too many security exploits.
Sorry, but I don't have any plans on making the game in anything other than Java. Every language has drawbacks and benefits, and Java seemed like a pretty good one for me to use. Development is already far too advanced to consider switching to another language now.
If you're getting errors when trying to run the game, all I can suggest is downloading the latest version of Java first. Sorry that I can't offer any more help than that, but Java is the language that I've chosen to use...

If you're ever in need of scene help, I'd be up for it. The M/M possible content in the game was definitely a big bonus (though I'm still hoping to find more androgynous males, as that's more the fetish for me =3=b) and it seems like your plans are going to need more writers. No disrespect meant or anything, simply offering help since the game looks promising and is getting both frequent and meaningful updates.

I definitely recommend anyone looking for a good game to keep an eye on the project. So far it has impressed me as a game with tons of options... something the porn/XXX-game genre so unfortunately lacks beyond CoC and TiTS (that have finished. There are some games unlisted, but the point is that the category is very small).

Definitely looking forward to any NPC persistence that allows a catboy to end up bending over every time he sees my PC.
I'm glad you like the game, and thank you very much for your offer of help!

I'm currently implementing a writer-friendly parsing system in the engine, which should be done by the time I release version 0.2.0 (which is when I'll put up the source code on github). At that point, I'll happily start accepting offers of help with the writing!

Also, I'll add some more variety to the femininity of random NPCs, to make androgynous catboys (and other races) a possibility. Although I need to sort some other issues out first, I'll definitely be adding some reactions for the NPCs that you encounter often, so a catboy that ends up willingly submitting to you (after being beaten too many times perhaps) will be a thing at some point!


Jun 24, 2016
Isn't .2 also including a new region? It's a lot to look forward to.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
Yeah, 0.2.0 will have the next region introduced, but content within it will be pretty scarce to start off with. I really need to make a roadmap on my blog to show what I'm planning for each version... I guess I'll do that this week!


Jan 20, 2017
Sorry, but I don't have any plans on making the game in anything other than Java. Every language has drawbacks and benefits, and Java seemed like a pretty good one for me to use. Development is already far too advanced to consider switching to another language now.
If you're getting errors when trying to run the game, all I can suggest is downloading the latest version of Java first. Sorry that I can't offer any more help than that, but Java is the language that I've chosen to use...

I have latest Java it is just a pain in the butt and seems to not work correctly with your game, it was just a suggestion in order to increase accessibility which will greatly increase the backing you receive. If I remember correctly there are a couple ways to simply convert a .jar into a workable .exe or even an android program. I would just think about it since multi-platform gives you a much larger audience.


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2016
Have encountered a bug, of some sorts.
After defeating Brax and then submitting to him for the sex and getting fucked by him, on the orgasmn scene the game talked about my "pussy" although I played as a male.

I do like the persistent charakters so far.
Are there ever going to be incubi demon attackers? Succubi are all well and good but I would rather encounter Incubi at some point :D
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Jun 24, 2016
Have encountered a bug, of some sorts.
After defeating Brax and then submitting to him for the sex and getting fucked by him, on the orgasmn scene the game talked about my "pussy" although I played as a male.

I do like the persistent charakters so far.
Are there ever going to be incubi demon attackers? Succubi are all well and good but I would rather encounter Incubi at some point :D
Doesn't he make you into a breeding bitch?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
I have latest Java it is just a pain in the butt and seems to not work correctly with your game, it was just a suggestion in order to increase accessibility which will greatly increase the backing you receive. If I remember correctly there are a couple ways to simply convert a .jar into a workable .exe or even an android program. I would just think about it since multi-platform gives you a much larger audience.
Multi-Platform is definitely far away from being a "simple" thing to do, even if it does give you a larger audience.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
I have latest Java it is just a pain in the butt and seems to not work correctly with your game, it was just a suggestion in order to increase accessibility which will greatly increase the backing you receive. If I remember correctly there are a couple ways to simply convert a .jar into a workable .exe or even an android program. I would just think about it since multi-platform gives you a much larger audience.
Thanks for the feedback again!
I'll definitely look into packaging the .jar as an .exe or an android program, but I can't make any promises that I'll be able to get it working in that format. I've added it to my todo list, and I'll try and look into it as soon as possible.

Have encountered a bug, of some sorts.
After defeating Brax and then submitting to him for the sex and getting fucked by him, on the orgasmn scene the game talked about my "pussy" although I played as a male.

I do like the persistent charakters so far.
Are there ever going to be incubi demon attackers? Succubi are all well and good but I would rather encounter Incubi at some point :D
Thanks for the bug report, I'll get that fixed asap!
I will definitely add incubi opponents to the game at some point, but it may be a couple more versions until I get around to doing that. (I still need to do a lot of polishing to the current succubus scenes first. ^^)


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2015
Makes me really sad; Java is being phased out on Chrome and Firefox - and Windows 10 isn't playing nice with Java either. I'm sore out of luck if I wanna play :(


Apr 13, 2017
It is a great and very promising game. However, currently I get a game stopping bug with Brax as well. When you play as a male, speak the truth to him, defeat him in combat and then try to dominate him, it unlocks the domination text, but the controls below stay the same (Resist / Dominate / Submit) and are no longer reactive.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2015
Um, this is probably a stupid question, but how do I unlock fetishes? I have sucked so much cock, and done dirty talk like 500 times and still haven't gotten the submissive fetish :(
They're level up perks across the bottom of the perk tree.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2017
Makes me really sad; Java is being phased out on Chrome and Firefox - and Windows 10 isn't playing nice with Java either. I'm sore out of luck if I wanna play :(
I'll do my best to try packaging the game as an .exe or something for the next version! Sorry that it's not working for you at the moment.

It is a great and very promising game. However, currently I get a game stopping bug with Brax as well. When you play as a male, speak the truth to him, defeat him in combat and then try to dominate him, it unlocks the domination text, but the controls below stay the same (Resist / Dominate / Submit) and are no longer reactive.
I'm glad you like the game, and thanks for that bug report, I'll get it fixed as soon as possible!

Um, this is probably a stupid question, but how do I unlock fetishes? I have sucked so much cock, and done dirty talk like 500 times and still haven't gotten the submissive fetish :(
Sorry it took me a little while to respond, but thankfully TheDarkMaster was able to help you out. ^^
I'm planning on changing the way you unlock fetishes soon (so that they'll be unlocked by gaining sex experience), but that's still probably still one or two versions away.