Your gripes with CoC II

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Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2018
I want enemy's to be on the same playing field as the player, what I mean by this? I want all powers that use recharge to be changed from recharging using turns to using rounds, because of the current system enemy's with two or more action points seem to have barely any cooldown on recharge powers. As enemy's with two action points can use powers like cleave almost every other round while you have to wait the full three rounds, and those with three action points can use it every round.

Now this is not an attack on the main action point system but an attack on a secondary part of it, that being as stated above the more action points you have the faster recharge powers cooldown. Most multi action point enemy's I have seen have other powers, attacks, and or status type moves to use other then the move they just used and don't need to spam the same move every other round or every round, and this problem does not effect powers that are encounter or at-wills as they are balanced to be use as often or as little as possible such as at-wills having "low damage", not many modifiers if any, or being special effects or stances and encounter powers being usable only once per combat encounter.

Though not my main point I still want to get this thought also in my head across. The secondary effect of action points giving extra cooldown rate is also greatly damaging the power of status effect because any enemy with more then one action point loses statuses twice or thrice as fast, which in turn gimp things such as aroused, blinded, and other nondamaging statuses. I think these non damaging effects should last round lengths and not turn lengths as to effect the enemy's just as much as they effect the player. Statuses such as stun and others will most likely need to stay with the turn system as they are never going to be the same power as an ultimate such as banishment.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
I agree on statuses staying per-round being much better, it makes things like lategame thieves terrible since statuses are impossible to reliably keep up, but I think enemies being able to recharge powers quicker is perfectly reasonable.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2022
I want enemy's to be on the same playing field as the player, what I mean by this? I want all powers that use recharge to be changed from recharging using turns to using rounds, because of the current system enemy's with two or more action points seem to have barely any cooldown on recharge powers. As enemy's with two action points can use powers like cleave almost every other round while you have to wait the full three rounds, and those with three action points can use it every round.

Now this is not an attack on the main action point system but an attack on a secondary part of it, that being as stated above the more action points you have the faster recharge powers cooldown. Most multi action point enemy's I have seen have other powers, attacks, and or status type moves to use other then the move they just used and don't need to spam the same move every other round or every round, and this problem does not effect powers that are encounter or at-wills as they are balanced to be use as often or as little as possible such as at-wills having "low damage", not many modifiers if any, or being special effects or stances and encounter powers being usable only once per combat encounter.

Though not my main point I still want to get this thought also in my head across. The secondary effect of action points giving extra cooldown rate is also greatly damaging the power of status effect because any enemy with more then one action point loses statuses twice or thrice as fast, which in turn gimp things such as aroused, blinded, and other nondamaging statuses. I think these non damaging effects should last round lengths and not turn lengths as to effect the enemy's just as much as they effect the player. Statuses such as stun and others will most likely need to stay with the turn system as they are never going to be the same power as an ultimate such as banishment.
This is why blessing is so overpowered compared to similar damage increasing options. For example blessing fireball versus Grease fireball. You would think 50% fire vulnerability would be just as valid as an increase buff from blessing, but it isn't because multi-action enemies just shake off the vulnerability before you can even use fireball.


Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Enemy powers recharging per action instead of round is entirely by design to compensate for the fact that enemies who get multiple actions per turn tend to be outnumbered three to one. This applies to enemies recovering from debuffs as well.
Feel like a system that means pretty much all debuffs wear off before you can take advantage of them could use some re-thinking.


Well-Known Member
Sep 2, 2015
Feel like a system that means pretty much all debuffs wear off before you can take advantage of them could use some re-thinking.

well in theory since there's three of you you'd have teammates who can inflict debuffs and you take advantage of them in that same round. you know making use of the fact you have 3v1. This is also assuming we later don't get an ability to get more than one action point ourselves through either leveling or some ultimate.

From what I remember statuses and then twisting the knife with some certain moves was basically super op anyways this could just be a form of balancing they're doing to specifically counter that being so easy most of the time. But, that part I'm not as sure about.


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2021
Feel like a system that means pretty much all debuffs wear off before you can take advantage of them could use some re-thinking.
On the other hand, being able to Shell Cracker a boss and then have your full party take swings on them for two full rounds would be so powerful something would need to be reversed in the other direction. And that would probably be enemies getting buffs like Blessing, which for them could now last for three full attacks. And by that time the cooldown would have gone, so they could put up Blessing again. And then if they need to nerf that and power up other things and is it really worth it at this point?

I would say the system at present encourages you to collaborate with your party. If you can't set up a Grease for yourself, you can still set up Grease for Pyro Brienne or Agni. If you can't debuff + Twist The Knife yourself, have a teammate debuff for you. It's a party-based game, use the party.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
If you're having trouble with Whisper, you're either failing to notice that he has a crippling weakness that you can take advantage of, you're playing a build that's too dependent on Powers with the Weapon and/or Spell tags that you don't have any options when you're hit with his debuffs (note that a Remedy will clear those up), or some combination of both.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Wait he has a blatant weakness? Only thing I noticed was you can cheese him by looking at the turn order and seeing who goes twice, I guess that counts but it's not on the same level as something like using fire to daze Lucina, its more metagaming. I guess carrying remedies around makes sense, although now I'm wondering why those cure you dropping your weapon, good to know though.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
Wait he has a blatant weakness? Only thing I noticed was you can cheese him by looking at the turn order and seeing who goes twice. I guess carrying remedies around makes sense, although now I'm wondering why those cure you dropping your weapon.
that's the weakness


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Spying on the turn order is an effective trick but not what I meant. Whisper is insanely weak to Tease attacks


New Member
Oct 28, 2022
If you're having trouble with Whisper, you're either failing to notice that he has a crippling weakness that you can take advantage of, you're playing a build that's too dependent on Powers with the Weapon and/or Spell tags that you don't have any options when you're hit with his debuffs (note that a Remedy will clear those up), or some combination of both.
Well when 95% of the game is generally fine with that loadout (including the abyssal depths) it still doesn't go against my point being an absurd spike in difficulty and a bit of overcompensation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 8, 2021
To be fair whisper copies another strategy that you've definitely seen at least once; kura uses the same strat, albeit she's much easier since she doesn't disarm you at every opportunity.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
It's true you could find that out by just using sense, but Whisper's damage is pretty high, if he focus fires you you might just die turn one before you can even make use of that sense info. Although post combat rework, I think we have a bit more hp so that might not be the case anymore.
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Well-Known Member
May 19, 2020
I mean, if you are fully doing "my name is Iñigo Montoya, you made my soul something multiple beings want, prepare to die." you will not ever even use sense


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Well when 95% of the game is generally fine with that loadout (including the abyssal depths) it still doesn't go against my point being an absurd spike in difficulty and a bit of overcompensation.
Yes, and you ran into the edge case where your preferred setup apparently doesn't work as well as it normally does. It happens, just the same as characters who play Tease-centric builds have to deal with when they run into the limited number of encounters that can completely no-sell their attacks. It happens, deal with it.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2015
It'd be nice if Evasion was listed on the right column of the stats screen, alongside the other attack evasion stats. It's also infortunate that, for example, Physical Resist and Crushing Resist share the word "Resist", but one is an evasion stat while the other is a damage mitigation stat.



New Member
Oct 28, 2022
Yes, and you ran into the edge case where your preferred setup apparently doesn't work as well as it normally does. It happens, just the same as characters who play Tease-centric builds have to deal with when they run into the limited number of encounters that can completely no-sell their attacks. It happens, deal with it.
hey if you think being locked out of 2/3 general playstyles and giving them out of place high difficulty in a mandatory fight midway into a dungeon is a great idea then I don't know what to tell you. agree to disagree I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
hey if you think being locked out of 2/3 general playstyles and giving them out of place high difficulty in a mandatory fight midway into a dungeon is a great idea then I don't know what to tell you. agree to disagree I suppose.
I play an entirely physical loadout and have never lost to Whisper. It's a hard fight, but with a competent build most characters should be able to beat him. It's not that every build that doesn't do tease damage loses to him, its that a very small subset of pure physical builds loses to him most of the time. Very different problem.


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
I have also been frustrated with the combat system, but I have found my peace.

I play a lust/tease focused "non-lethal build" for my own headcanon and have been frustrated many times with bossfights in the past. Whenever I would speak up about it, the answer seemed to be a polite "git gud".

Some weeks ago, I finally played the Khorminos quests and got curbstomped in that smuggler fight against
multiple waves of imps and that female demon.

After multiple attempts, I just took the loss and let Kas save my champion's ass.
(Since I was romancing Kas I got a nice scene with her, that also kinda took the edge off my frustration, admittedly.)

Maybe it wasn't supposed to be winnable, I thought to myself.

In the second part of the quest I won easily aginst
the demon pair.

"Hey, maybe this isn't so ba-"

Hard cut to the faceless blade appearing behind my party.

The fight starts with my champion at half health, Calise and two corpses on the floor, which were previously my party members.

That faceless boss overpowered half my team before I could even see the combat screen. I won that fight purely because Calise is broken beyond belief. While my champion just healed herself, Calise did the actual healing, all the damage to the faceless, tied my shoelaces, picked up my dead party members and carried everyone out of that quest. How was that balanced?

I don't know what it is.

Am I still incompetent in RPG combat systems after years of video gaming? Should I do all the quests I am still missing out on to get powerful unique equipment and min max optimal stats? Should I follow guides on each individual bossfight? Should I read what the META builds are and only stick to those?

I know what I did, though.

I slammed the difficulty to "Story" and I don't regret a thing. Haven't enjoyed the game as much since the early days after the first public releases.

It's a good idea to remind oneself every now and then, that you play the game for your personal enjoyment. You don't get a grade on it. If you don't enjoy a part of it, you can try to leave it aside. Like the combat.

It's like a buffet. You don't need to eat everything.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
I play an entirely physical loadout and have never lost to Whisper. It's a hard fight, but with a competent build most characters should be able to beat him. It's not that every build that doesn't do tease damage loses to him, its that a very small subset of pure physical builds loses to him most of the time. Very different problem.
That's true, it's not like he's impossible to beat even with a squishier build. I run agility willpower strength and back when I used to insist on having companions on auto, I just reset until I could kill one of the enemies. Once one of them is dead the remainders aren't so scary, the danger is getting focus fired or disarmed+silenced, and remedies can fix the latter as I've learned (I still don't know how a remedy cures you dropping your weapon, but RPG logic is just like that sometimes, I understand). I imagine someone who actually built toughness could more easily survive the first few turns, and if you have companion control it's probably no big deal even without turn peeking. Sometimes you take an L once in a while and reset, it's the nature of games.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
That's true, it's not like he's impossible to beat even with a squishier build. I run agility willpower strength and back when I used to insist on having companions on auto, I just reset until I could kill one of the enemies. Once one of them is dead the remainders aren't so scary, the danger is getting focus fired or disarmed+silenced, and remedies can fix the latter as I've learned (I still don't know how a remedy cures you dropping your weapon, but RPG logic is just like that sometimes, I understand). I imagine someone who actually built toughness could more easily survive the first few turns, and if you have companion control it's probably no big deal even without turn peeking. Sometimes you take an L once in a while and reset, it's the nature of games.
I have a low-toughness max-leadership build with a fairly even mix of all the defensive stats, focused on keeping my companions max buffed and drawing maximum aggro via use of vanguard and shielded stance, so I can approach every fight with the exact same pattern of moves, and Whisper goes down just as easy as almost any other - the only tough ones are if I get unlucky about initiative order and get like triple crit before cait can heal me, so I go down before healing up. I play with companions on auto, standard difficulty. Here's the full build.1667087784432.png
It works great - with the amount of leadership I have, Cait and Ryn become extremely powerful, and meanwhile I'm just there to absorb hits and cast blessing. This build was okay before the change to remove resolve, but it really shines after that, because all damage gets normalized into hp, meaning that you don't have to invest super super hard into focus because resolve is hard to recover, and can instead just heal your damage from tease the same way you heal your damage from being smacked. It's great. I don't think I've ever failed with Whisper, not even close. The only hard fights are ones that have massive self-healing or that have a time limit, like the slime in that quest for watercatslimegirl, because the dps isn't amazing, but even then, between a 20 presence/80 leadership flame dancer and an 80 leadership boosted ryn, you do pretty fucking good damage.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
Yeah more defensive builds can totally handle this. I had a hard time because up to that point I played a squishy hyper offense character focused on nuking stuff out of existence in 1-2 turns, which was losing efficacy in Glacial Rift and then basically wasn't viable for Undermountain. It was especially hurt by disarm/silence because I was without a doubt the main source of damage. If I were to try and approach this again with companions on auto, but with the same squishy stats and build, I'd probably bring a summon encounter and great heal, then let the summon pull some damage away from me.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
Yeah more defensive builds can totally handle this. I had a hard time because up to that point I played a squishy hyper offense character focused on nuking stuff out of existence in 1-2 turns, which was losing efficacy in Glacial Rift and then basically wasn't viable for Undermountain. It was especially hurt by disarm/silence because I was without a doubt the main source of damage. If I were to try and approach this again with companions on auto, but with the same squishy stats and build, I'd probably bring a summon encounter and great heal, then let the summon pull some damage away from me.
That makes sense - I've tried to do a rogue playthrough and found it amazing in midgame but absolutely garbage lategame. Everything has too many resistances, it becomes way too inconsistent to rely on your own physical damage, which is unfortunate.
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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2018
the only tough ones are if I get unlucky about initiative order and get like triple crit before cait can heal me, so I go down before healing up. I play with companions on auto, standard difficulty. Here's the full build.
How would that even be possible with your build? Wearing a shield makes it impossible to be critically hit.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
How would that even be possible with your build? Wearing a shield makes it impossible to make critically hit.
I guess highrolled?, idk, I honestly don't pay attention to combat dialogue, that's a good point lmao. Didn't think about that
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