Your gripes with CoC II

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
It's way too late to gripe about this and it won't change anything, but I'm a bit disappointed that the level cap will be 10. I've bitched already in another thread, but it really doesn't feel balanced with that in mind. I realize it's early in act 2 and game balance can be changed but, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, the encounters in the Rift and Undermountain don't feel balanced with that in mind. The hobgoblins and new imps are a prime example. They're obscenely durable and feel a lot stronger than what their level says. I had less issue with fighting Sigrune underleveled than these new encounters I'm overleveled for on paper. I get it's not supposed to be a power fantasy but I think earning some power should be allowed, especially when we know Kas is twice the level cap. With every piece of equipment being viable, except the rusty knife, levels and stat boosts are extremely important so i feel overwhelmed even on easy mode.

Less serious but fuck the foothills. We got harpies who like throwing themselves against a metaphorical brick wall, mercenaries who are too easily forgiven, Grettel doing her thing even though i can't give her a kid, and worst of all Byvernia. That smug smirk and that damn second wind ability. Fuck the foothills. Shar's cool though and I get the spiraled sword so it's got that going for it, which is nice.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Cat-morph furry TF is plantigrade instead of digitigrade. And is missing claw descriptors. :T


New Member
Jul 23, 2021
Well, since you asked.

On a more subjective side - furries, traps, anal and insanely oversized body parts - I HATE all of those.
Now furries I can partially avoid (but only up to a point, since some are plot-centric)
Traps are harder to avoid.
Anal can me mostly avoided, except in a few cases where your only interaction with a character is anal or leave (even when she's female).
Insanely oversized body parts can't really be avoided.

What can (and should be done) is options to turn certain content on/off. A lot of games do that.
An option to turn all furries into non-furries.
Option to set a limit to body part size (for player and NPC's)

The biggest problem with these is that the writers of the OC Donut Steele get an anurysim if you don't like their character, and they might fight tooth and nail against that, forgetting that this is the game and thus, should serve the player.

Aside from that - flesh out existing character more before making new ones, more transformation options for NPCs.
That cursed paladin lady that's been in the game forever comes to mind. About time she gets a quest to fix her (revert to female, return her vag and make her futa or do nothing) and becomes a comapnion.
And what's even with that elf "princess"?

Aside from that, this game is definitly a lot better than TiTS (my opinion), but there's still a LOT of room for improvement.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
The biggest problem with these is that the writers of the OC Donut Steele get an anurysim if you don't like their character, and they might fight tooth and nail against that, forgetting that this is the game and thus, should serve the player.

Wut? No seriously, what are you talking about? I don't know of anyone who's gotten mad at the reception of their character.

And what's even with that elf "princess"?

There a reason you put princess in air quotes?

What can (and should be done) is options to turn certain content on/off. A lot of games do that.
An option to turn all furries into non-furries.
Option to set a limit to body part size (for player and NPC's)

Disabling certain kinks would be nice, but I'd imagine that if it were considered then it'd be far down the priority list at this point. While I'm not a fan of furries, disabling them is different from changing them. There would have to rewrites to scenes for new versions, new artwork, and the question of where to put all that on the sliding scale of furry stuff.

Anal can me mostly avoided, except in a few cases where your only interaction with a character is anal or leave (even when she's female).

Poor butt bunny Sariel.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
What can (and should be done) is options to turn certain content on/off. A lot of games do that.
An option to turn all furries into non-furries.
Option to set a limit to body part size (for player and NPC's)
The characters exist and aren't going to be changed.

You don't have to sex them, though. View the smut content that you think you'll enjoy, and avoid the smut content that you think you won't. Nobody's making your character lewd the furries, buttsluts, hyper characters, etc. There is a toggle, and it's "don't pick the sex options". :)

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
The biggest problem with these is that the writers of the OC Donut Steele get an anurysim if you don't like their character, and they might fight tooth and nail against that, forgetting that this is the game and thus, should serve the player.
I don't know if any of the writers get upset about poor receptions, and frankly, it doesn't matter. I don't think that the fact that this is a game means that things should be changed for specific players. Games have audiences that they're intended for. There are things which devs/writers may be flexible on, allowing for variance based on the wants of certain players. As Alypia said, though, aside from certain variance for some characters, all the options you really need are "I don't particularly want to fuck you." Of course some characters are going to show up and be more persistent than others. Ryn is important for the plot, but now that a dildo has been added to allow Ryn to fight without being handicapped if you aren't fucking her, you can pretty much just avoid all sexual interactions with her. She was pretty much all the only character where it ever seems you need to fuck them, and even then only because she's mandatory for the Winter City/Ice Palace. Unless you're defeated in a fight, you can pretty much just say no to any and all sex if you want. That is how you're served.
Aside from that - flesh out existing character more before making new ones, more transformation options for NPCs.
That cursed paladin lady that's been in the game forever comes to mind. About time she gets a quest to fix her (revert to female, return her vag and make her futa or do nothing) and becomes a comapnion.
And what's even with that elf "princess"?
1: Yeah, it's probably better to make characters more fleshed out, but while transformation options are nice, every transformation adds a new variable, so either characters need to be written with future transformations in mind, or scenes must be generic enough that a character fits in, regardless of body parts. This also presents an issue of someone were to go with your suggestion of options that make wide, sweeping changes, like "all furries are not furry" or things like that. That means a lot of extra work to rewrite characters, perhaps even into ways that simply don't make sense for who they are. That, or turning all of their scenes into generic mush. Also the time and money to commission alternate artwork to represent their changed state. To make the changes satisfying, a lot of work must be done, and that work, these new features, may still simply not suit the character.

2: Eryka. That's the paladin. Of course, it would be neat to get to do something to help fix the corruption, but she's not going to be a companion. Companions need the most work out of any character in the game, because they follow you around. So of course, they need the ability to comment on things. Eryka was never intended to be a companion, so she'd need a ton of dialogue to be written up to insert herself into the companion circle. Hell, Shar was originally supposed to be a companion, but that idea was abandoned because of the workload. If an existing character were to end up becoming a companion now, I'd expect it to be Shar because she was intended to be one, but even so I'm certain it won't be done.

3: As Wint3r said. Why did you put that in quotes?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
What can (and should be done) is options to turn certain content on/off. A lot of games do that.
An option to turn all furries into non-furries.
'Make it a toggle' is really not an option. You aren't the first person to come here with a list of demands and you won't be the last, but you aren't getting what you want so you might as well get used to that. See this post by Savin and this one by The Observer for some past examples and reasons why toggles Are Not Happening, especially for stuff as ridiculously extensive as you're demanding.
The biggest problem with these is that the writers of the OC Donut Steele get an anurysim if you don't like their character, and they might fight tooth and nail against that, forgetting that this is the game and thus, should serve the player.
The characters are, y'know, characters. They are the way they are because that's what their authors wanted to write and they have backstories and personalities to match. Nobody is going to throw out a character with several years worth of development and rewrite them because Random Internet Person #42 doesn't like them. Or even a character who's only a few months old, it's how they're conceived and that's how they're gonna be. This is even more the case with companion characters because of how integrated they're meant to be with the story and setting.
Aside from that - flesh out existing character more before making new ones, more transformation options for NPCs.
Characters are fleshed out as their writers have the time and inclination to do so and not all characters necessarily will get additional content. The writers have no obligation to work on any particular schedule, except insofar as the paid staff have priorities based on upcoming content.

TFing for NPCs is another of those things I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for, it's all bespoke content. See here for why it will remain that way.
And what's even with that elf "princess"?
She is a princess and one day she will make a fine queen. Unless you really enjoy salt, I'd suggest you avoid misgendering her or saying anything about changing her genitals.


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2020
The dunk parade on this guy belongs on a Things we love thread.
It's always funny to watch discussions when there is someone who is like: a) i dont like x , remove it from the game b) i like z and there is none/not enough of it make more , peasants c) i am (insert sexuality here) and i dont like that the champ / cpt Steele doesn't act the way i do


New Member
Jul 23, 2021
Unapologetic transphobia
'Make it a toggle' is really not an option. You aren't the first person to come here with a list of demands and you won't be the last, but you aren't getting what you want so you might as well get used to that.
Suggestions, not demands.
I have no dellusions that anything I say will have 0 impact, and my posting here is more out of boredom than any real hope anything would change.

She is a princess and one day she will make a fine queen. Unless you really enjoy salt, I'd suggest you avoid misgendering her or saying anything about changing her genitals.
Oh no, I "misgendered"(not) a fictional character that doesn't exist. Crime of the century.
What you gonna do? Flay me alive with your sharp tounge?


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Oh no, I "misgendered"(not) a fictional character that doesn't exist. Crime of the century.
What you gonna do? Flay me alive with your sharp tounge?
and my posting here is more out of boredom than any real hope anything would change.

So you're just trolling and being a close minded ass because you have nothing else to do. Good to know. Which means I won't miss out on anything of substance if I disregard you completely.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2020
Does anyone else think that the Exertion power from Zoe is too punishing in its use?
The Silver Mask does reduce the recoil by a fair bit but you still end up taking 60% of the damage you deal to the opponent. That's still quite a bit.


New Member
Jul 23, 2021
So you're just trolling and being a close minded ass because you have nothing else to do. Good to know. Which means I won't miss out on anything of substance if I disregard you completely.

Just because I don't think my suggestions will amount to anything doesn't mean I'm trolling. My visit is basically a Hail Mary... a shot in the dark (in mroe ways than one).

Close-minded... who can say? No one is following definitions of words these days anymore so it can mean anything. But if you're asking me if I'm "woke" or anything like a modern "progressive". No, not really. But don't worry, I don't intend to stick around.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2020
But don't worry, I don't intend to stick around.
Good. No one's demanding you be "woke" or "progressive", but "respectful" would be a nice start. Now go kick rocks.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 15, 2016
Just because I don't think my suggestions will amount to anything doesn't mean I'm trolling.
The trolling comment is specifically to your nonsense transphobic microaggressions, but go off, I guess.

Oh no, I "misgendered"(not) a fictional character that doesn't exist. Crime of the century.
What you gonna do? Flay me alive with your sharp tounge?
Don't need the scare quotes around misgendering either, given that's exactly what you did. If you gave a fuck, you'd realize there are a lot of trans people on this forum who are not amused, but I'm guessing you'd chalk that up as a win against the libs or something.


Oct 1, 2020
I just wish we had the option to un-futa, and shrink down the privates/proportions of certain characters (here and TITS). All the hyper stuff just ruins many of the character interactions for it's just too much 90% of the time.
As many people have said before, it's really up to the writers because accounting for the variants will oftentimes double or triple the workload of writing for a character. Honestly, the only way to deal with it just avoid content you don't like. Either that, or try shrinking it in your mind's eye. I know a lot of people do that and it's far simpler than re-writing every scene with different variants.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
Suggestions, not demands.
Your intro post to this community amounted to 'I HATE [things that the game's title screen warns you are present] and the developers should make it all toggleable so I don't have to see it'. But if you prefer, I can restate my earlier comment as 'You aren't the first person to come here with a list of "suggestions" and you won't be the last, but you aren't getting what you want so you might as well get used to that' if that will make you feel better. See what I did there?
Oh no, I "misgendered"(not) a fictional character that doesn't exist. Crime of the century.
You're being a transphobic ass (if that's not redundant) with your attitude.
No, not really. But don't worry, I don't intend to stick around.
The door is that way, don't let it hit your ass on the way out.
Ryn is pretty spoopy though.
Is she though? Spectre of the Wyld's pretty spoopy but while she's got the 'cute' part handled I'm not sure Ryn could do the 'spooky' part of the equation if she tried. Maybe Demon!Ryn if/when that becomes a thing...


Jul 17, 2020
Truth be told I kind of like the idea of running with Hethia's mistake/insult and having the option to refer to Ryn as 'princeling'.
But anything that makes Ryn unhappy is alright in my book.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Truth be told I kind of like the idea of running with Hethia's mistake/insult and having the option to refer to Ryn as 'princeling'.
But anything that makes Ryn unhappy is alright in my book.
Except Hethia is an asshole during that whole thing (Is intended to be) and was misgendering Ryn I'm pretty very sure on purpose.
The game doesn't need more of that in it.

Real talk tho what's with the onslaught of people shitting on Ryn like... what did she do to you outside have an annoying mechanic and be half-sexed? .-.'''
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