Your gripes with CoC II

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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
... He just said "No." That's not aggressive, that's just short and to the point.
I explained it in another thread, but I still think we should have a talk before just saying no.

I don't see why we HAVE to have sex with Alraune to spare her, thought. Can't we have another option to just be a purist pacifist alongside the others we have? There is only "spare and fuck" or "kill". No inbetween. Also another fun option would be "fuck and kill". An extreme backstab for Alraune, to show her that there is no Queen or King to live for.

Also, isn't she corrupted? Shouldn't sex with her give off corruption? The corruption gains in CoC 2 are meager and very, VERY far inbetween. It honestly seems like you will never gain corruption unless you go out of your way to do it.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
I've had that talk like 10 times already.
But you don't expect me to know that, do you? I searched for questions and other posts relatings my suggestion, and so far I have found no one talking about the "spare and sex" thing at all, they are only discussing about possible story consecuences, which isn't related to my post at all (Sparing without sex at that moment would be the same as sparing with sex, except that you would get to keep your virginity and not kill her). I don't see why there is no third option for sparing without sex, and just giving her a harsh warning.
(And I am also really, really liking the idea of fucking Alraune and then killing her for massive corruption gains)

Maybe I will make a thread and see what others think then. I still think more options = Better.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
If you want to waste your time, go ahead. I said "No" and I meant "No." In case that's not clear, let me repeat myself: It's not happening, ever.

Is it there any particular reason why this is a hard no? I don't think it would change the interactions much.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2016
Is it there any particular reason why this is a hard no? I don't think it would change the interactions much.
Dude, you keep pushing after being told no a dozen times in both threads. One would think you'd get the memo by now.
Savin's being "harsh" because you won't drop it and if this WAS brought up before, it was more than likely in Discord anyways, so you not seeing anything on this doesn't mean nobody at all asked. You're just not looking elsewhere in the Fengame community.

Just fuck the plant girl in the initial scene and never touch her again afterwards. The only real "issue" (If you can call it that) I can see is that virgin runners who have qualms about killing can't get past her without sexing without also putting a deathcount in their file, but virgin runs are pretty dumb in a game like this anyhow.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
Dude, you keep pushing after being told no a dozen times in both threads. One would think you'd get the memo by now.
Savin's being "harsh" because you won't drop it and if this WAS brought up before, it was more than likely in Discord anyways, so you not seeing anything on this doesn't mean nobody at all asked. You're just not looking elsewhere in the Fengame community.

Just fuck the plant girl in the initial scene and never touch her again afterwards. The only real "issue" (If you can call it that) I can see is that virgin runners who have qualms about killing can't get past her without sexing without also putting a deathcount in their file, but virgin runs are pretty dumb in a game like this anyhow.

I just wanted to know why because this one does not seem like an unreasonable suggestion. Why is it such a hot button.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
The only real "issue" (If you can call it that) I can see is that virgin runners who have qualms about killing can't get past her without sexing without also putting a deathcount in their file, but virgin runs are pretty dumb in a game like this anyhow.
I actually checked that because I am doing virgin runs for two of my champions (one's saving herself for Ryn, the other is waiting to see if any Carmen content plays on it) and while breeding her counts as sex for virginity purposes, taking her tentacles in whatever hole is available does not as far as the game is concerned. So you can dominate the Alraune and still do a virgin run if that's your thing.


Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
I am mostly wondering why we cannot spare her without sex. Why the spare option must include sex, and why sex is not just an added bonus.
Instead of the two options we have, we could have one more of simply sparing her, and walking away. She will still treat you as if you were the "dominant", but you will not have the sex encounter with her (I faintly recall you could do that with Izma in CoC I, you could be her Alpha without having sex with her at all).
It's just one small little thing. Like, it's okay if it isn't implemented lol, but I just don't get why it is such a hard no unless I misrepresented something or couldn't explain myself well.

I actually checked that because I am doing virgin runs for two of my champions (one's saving herself for Ryn, the other is waiting to see if any Carmen content plays on it) and while breeding her counts as sex for virginity purposes, taking her tentacles in whatever hole is available does not as far as the game is concerned. So you can dominate the Alraune and still do a virgin run if that's your thing.

Well, I mean, if we are finnicky there are lots of ways to get around the whole "virginity" clause, haha. That's why giving handjobs and orals is the best. But that's not really my point.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2020
Somehow I think the horse has been beat to paste.

FWIW I had an issue with with something specific and learned to rewrite some text so I didn't have to see it rather than natter about it.

Anyhow, current gripe is a small writing one, we should be able to talk to Garth before mashing the uglies with Gwyn. Maybe have him be in a better or worse mood depending on
If you've saved Garret or gotten the medallion.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Would it be possible to have it so say the third time you explore a tile, after you have found all the pathways, that it can be marked as fully explored?
Maybe give it a bolder boarder or something?

So you retain the exploration mechanic without losing too much time in dead ends.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
Would it be possible to have it so say the third time you explore a tile, after you have found all the pathways, that it can be marked as fully explored?
Maybe give it a bolder boarder or something?

So you retain the exploration mechanic without losing too much time in dead ends.
I spent two ingame days exploring the area north of the centaur village because I was too dumb to fully read the flavor text, that the bridge was up. maybe give that "you've explored everything here" some bold text to idiotproof it :V


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
It shouldn't take more than five to unlock a linked tile as I believe there was a cap on the rng for exploring before an unlock is guaranteed. Remember the rule of five. If you explore more than five times and get nothing, that tile is done.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I would very likely be skipping the tutorial every time, just like I do in TiTS, but I can't. Not literally can't, there is a skip tutorial button, but if you go through the tutorial and beat each of the fights, you get two potions (one of which is technically unique, though it's essentially just a blue egg with a turgid infusion) which allow you to turn any character into a hermaphrodite, which is useful because I almost always do, and it gives you the Blade Staff, which is unironically in my opinion one of the best pieces of spellcaster equipment available to you primarily because you get it so early and it has the stats which it does. It is better for split-casters, of course, as it has better melee damage than most staves, and the other two catalysts which are built for a split fighter have much weaker penetration and power in exchange for their higher melee damage. It's also a direct upgrade to the quarterstaff even for pure casters due to catalyst equipment giving their crit to the spells which are cast.

Basically my gripe is that I can't get the Bladed Staff and the two early transformatives (Along with the other item drops from battles) without playing through the tutorial dungeon again, since skipping the tutorial does not give you any items, only Electrum.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
I mean, if you don't want to do the work to actually beat Tollus (since you can lose and the story still progresses) you shouldn't expect the game to give you his stabby staff for free...

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I mean, if you don't want to do the work to actually beat Tollus (since you can lose and the story still progresses) you shouldn't expect the game to give you his stabby staff for free...
You can lose, but that's pretty much only if you set the combat flow to auto or pc only. With manual control of all the characters, it's practically impossible to lose. He's a pushover, given that his at-will inflicts bleed, which is automatically healed by Heal, Lustful Images deals resolve damage which places it at odds with the rest of his kit, Blight Orb has a cooldown of 4 and is single-target, and his encounter ability heavily damages his resolve for very little benefit. Unless the ai is controlling Cait, Tollus can not win.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
The point is that you can lose. With that factor, expecting the game to pretend that you won and rewarding you for being too lazy to spend five minutes doing the tutorial content is pretty silly.

Now, adding comment in the tooltip that warns new players that skipping the tutorial might have consequences wouldn't be a bad thing, but as it stands the game is rewarding you in multiple ways for putting in the effort and penalizing you if you're lazy.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
The point is that you can lose. With that factor, expecting the game to pretend that you won and rewarding you for being too lazy to spend five minutes doing the tutorial content is pretty silly.

Now, adding comment in the tooltip that warns new players that skipping the tutorial might have consequences wouldn't be a bad thing, but as it stands the game is rewarding you in multiple ways for putting in the effort and penalizing you if you're lazy.
Even aside from if you are expected to lose every fight if you don't do the tutorial yourself, wouldn't you at least get the two potions?


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
Those potions are mainly there as a way to get your desired genital configuration for sexy times with Kas, in my opinion. If you're going to just skip anyway then just go buy the materials in town and just make them normally. The only benefit is saving like what 70ish electrum. Which is nothing.

Also I very much disagree with the idea of giving out optional stuff for not putting in the like maybe 5 minutes of effort.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2020
I have sent a suggestion about the tutorial thing in this thread here. Please, mention that skipping the tutorial will not give some extra goodies you do get when you do the tutorial! It would be really good to mention that!


Also my gripe. The "Leave" button should ALWAYS be on the lower-right side of the screen. Sometimes, it is moved. I think the default position of this button should the lower-right no matter what!


Oct 13, 2020
The lack of a monk playstyle for the champion while you can sort of get there with time by buying a few skills its just not the same
some of us just like being able to punch gods in the face


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
My biggest gripe is probably my inability to come up with something cogent to have a gripe about.:p

One thing I kind of love about CoC2, which seems to be present in even greater spades than TiTS (which already has a ton of this) is a plethora of writers allowed to do whatever they want without any sort of obligation or mandate.

A game is at its best when different writers are just allowed to pursue their interests and the devs enable them to do it.

So I guess my biggest gripe is the rare folks that want to impose a specific mandate? Which seems theoretical since idk if I have actually seen someone like that fortunately. And a fairly exact method of trying to get specific things you want is asking the given's characters author, commissioning or backing and then voting in their polls if they have those options.

Heck, if all else fails, go to a writing workshop and then put in the time and effort to build up your profile as a writer here and then tackle writing what you want after earning the renown to have your (likely ambitious) desire taken serious. Which is not something that even exists as an option in most games.

Probably not the place for this but I kind of just wanted to issue a general compliment to the game.


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Chad Thundercock is nothing is not magnanimous, it is the OG characters best defining trait.

Anyhow, since I have yet to explore all of the game's content, my fully formed gripes so far are minor and gameplay related

1) You need both weapons to be considered light in order to dual-wield them and still at a pretty hefty penalty. I never liked it in D&D 5E either, and there you can at least mitigate somewhat with with feats and class features.

2) Outside of the Metal Wand, the only fully magical main weapons you get for now that aren't two-handed come from Kitsune, which can be pretty late in your campaign if you aren't specifically hunting for their content - and you have no way of knowing beforehand that weeb magic is apparently best magic. Even the Girthy Rod seems to be considered a staff for in-game purposes despite its name.

3) Crits seem to be a tad OP and so they make shields or painslut chocker almost mandatory. Powerful single enemies especially tend to have so much stats that if they crit you, you are toast.

4) Outside of the Cult Evangelist's bodyguards you can easily ignore the dedicated meatshield enemies and get to squishy damage dealers, as long as you manually control your full party. I sometimes start following the Threat meter with my attacks just so I don't have to feel too bad for the poor bastards. Even without it, getting some tanking powers that will make allies harder to hit would be neat, since the AI also doesn't adhere to the Threat levels 100% of the time.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Chad Thundercock is nothing is not magnanimous, it is the OG characters best defining trait.

Anyhow, since I have yet to explore all of the game's content, my fully formed gripes so far are minor and gameplay related

1) You need both weapons to be considered light in order to dual-wield them and still at a pretty hefty penalty. I never liked it in D&D 5E either, and there you can at least mitigate somewhat with with feats and class features.

2) Outside of the Metal Wand, the only fully magical main weapons you get for now that aren't two-handed come from Kitsune, which can be pretty late in your campaign if you aren't specifically hunting for their content - and you have no way of knowing beforehand that weeb magic is apparently best magic. Even the Girthy Rod seems to be considered a staff for in-game purposes despite its name.

3) Crits seem to be a tad OP and so they make shields or painslut chocker almost mandatory. Powerful single enemies especially tend to have so much stats that if they crit you, you are toast.

4) Outside of the Cult Evangelist's bodyguards you can easily ignore the dedicated meatshield enemies and get to squishy damage dealers, as long as you manually control your full party. I sometimes start following the Threat meter with my attacks just so I don't have to feel too bad for the poor bastards. Even without it, getting some tanking powers that will make allies harder to hit would be neat, since the AI also doesn't adhere to the Threat levels 100% of the time.
1: I never use dual-wielding for normal weapons in this aside from early-on dual-knives for a ranged-focused Thief, largely because both there's very few weapons eligible for dual-wielding and because those that are don't feel very good to dual-wield.

2: The Metal Wand is, I believe, the best one-hand primary catalyst, which I'm personally dual-wielding with the Mage Wand for 15 in both Spellpower and Spellpenetration. The three primary one-handed catalysts Kitsune have provide no bonuses to those two stats, and though Divine Blossom's accuracy and crit bonus are good, I prefer the spell stat bonuses. The Kitsune one-handed magic stuff is more good for the off-handed ones, as they let you have 20 spellpower and 15 spellpenetration, which equals that of the Spiraled Staff. Though admittedly, in doing so (if your off-hand is the Blank Scroll), you won't have the crit bonus of the Spiraled Staff, in exchange for not having a ranged magical normal attack, which, while not mattering if you have an at-will blast, would matter if your at-will is something like Heal or Mirror Stance.

3: Crits are ludicrously strong, though I've never used shields or the choker. I don't really remember enemies critting against me. Pretty much any crit that's happened, I've been the cause of it. If you do get crit, then yeah, that sucks, but they generally aren't an issue.

4: Yeah, threat on the enemy's team is generally completely pointless, but if you're a summoner (like the mage character I have), it does impact your summons' targeting priority. But also, it's annoying how threat seems to sometimes do nothing, like that fight where my character had done literally nothing that generates threat (summoning and then Grease), while I had Atugia in her Guarded Stance and with the encounter power used and her heal used, and Etheryn using Entropic Winds and two arrow attacks, so they both had Red threat at points in the encounter, and the enemies just focused their attacks on my squishy Black Mage who was at no threat whatsoever and bursted her health down.
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New Member
Jul 1, 2016
This is maybe kind of silly, but I'm honestly kind of sad about how companion equipment works. I love them having their own special stuff, but there are so many interesting items that I may never use for my character that go to waste. I'd love to at least be able to equip accessories on them or something. I like giving presents dammit.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
3) Crits seem to be a tad OP and so they make shields or painslut chocker almost mandatory. Powerful single enemies especially tend to have so much stats that if they crit you, you are toast.
This is the first time I've heard this complaint :p I've heard shields are useless many times before, though.


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2016
This is the first time I've heard this complaint :p I've heard shields are useless many times before, though.
I did filed a similar complaint about critical damage for CoC2 combat. As fun as it is to occasionally land some crits, it can be frustrating to be one-shotted especially during dungeon encounters. (TF2 Random Crits LULW ) My suggestions were either tone down the critical damages or ramp up the hitpoint/resolve for all entities in-game (friendly or not) or both. Obviously I don't know if it will worked out as intended but here is my two cent.

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
Critical damage is already lowered for not-the-player-character and the scaling is also based off of the base damages, not multiplicative with attack power and spellpower scalings. Chances are that the big crits that fuck you up would fuck you up either way.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2020
Critical damage is already lowered for not-the-player-character and the scaling is also based off of the base damages, not multiplicative with attack power and spellpower scalings. Chances are that the big crits that fuck you up would fuck you up either way.
Good to know that the team monitors things like that and addresses the issue to the degree they consider appropriate. And as I said, all of my complaints above, save for maybe #4 are minor and all of them definitely don't damp my enjoyment of the game. Even with my mind gob!ins loving the story, the setting, the characters and the smut comes before any perceived balance issues.

I am curious, though, is it already too late in the game's devlopment to consider having a crit mitigation secondary stat that would directly oppose the crit efficiency stat you get from Cunning? Equipment and maybe Toughness would be good choices for raising it.
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