Your gripes with CoC II

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Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Hey! I was never anal!

I just like to probe those butts.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Remember when anal was evil?
Sir Please enjoy the privilege to joke
When I was a gentleman in his salad days such an action was punishable with a Life sentence of penal rectitude [normally served away from the general population for your own safety]
Be thankful that you do not live in one of the 71 countries homosexuality is a criminal offence or worse the 8 countries where it is punishable by death.

Not trying to poop the party just remind you of things to be thankful for and things we may have to fight for


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2018
Sir Please enjoy the privilege to joke
When I was a gentleman in his salad days such an action was punishable with a Life sentence of penal rectitude [normally served away from the general population for your own safety]
Be thankful that you do not live in one of the 71 countries homosexuality is a criminal offence or worse the 8 countries where it is punishable by death.

Not trying to poop the party just remind you of things to be thankful for and things we may have to fight for


Sep 25, 2020
My biggest gripe is how often the horny elf in the Old Forest shows up. I've fucked him at 9 AM game time and had him reappear at 3 PM, begging me to fuck him again. Even Ryn isn't that needy. Have some dignity and find an effigy or something if you're that desperate.

Also, not really a gripe, but it's a little odd to me how eggs you've laid and the contents thereof are still referred to as "your" children despite the champion only acting as an incubator. Those driders are no relation of mine. I actually want them as far away from me as possible, but releasing them into the wild is irresponsible and killing them would make Gwyn cry.


Oct 15, 2019
Keep in mind i really love the game and that these are just minor gripes/annoyances i have with the game.

The Appearance tab. It feels very inconsistent and sometimes just leaves out information altogether. For example when starting out as an orc it only says the nipples are black, but not the lips or pussy. And later when transforming or expanding those body parts it sometimes shows up and other times it doesn't say anything about the color. Or when my character gets a bovine/cow pussy it barely shows any information compared to an equine, sometimes referring to it as "alien" or "exotic".

There is no option to switch between imperial and metric units, and just feels like a weird mix between the two.

Would have liked more accurate status effect icons outside of combat, would be nice to be able to just glance over and see what affects the different party members instead of just a red or green star.

And maybe some form of penalty when vaginally/anally stuffed, or even when in your later stages of pregnancy? Seems weird you can just walk around normally when stuffed with eggs and/or 15k ml of fluids with no consequences.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2020
The Appearance tab. It feels very inconsistent and sometimes just leaves out information altogether. For example when starting out as an orc it only says the nipples are black, but not the lips or pussy. And later when transforming or expanding those body parts it sometimes shows up and other times it doesn't say anything about the color.
That one's by design because there's a table of descriptors that the game can draw on so it's not the same thing every time, which would get dull and possibly look very clinical.

And maybe some form of penalty when vaginally/anally stuffed, or even when in your later stages of pregnancy? Seems weird you can just walk around normally when stuffed with eggs and/or 15k ml of fluids with no consequences.
I actually do wonder about the *Filled tags myself, since I can't recall any scene that changes if you're already filled before starting it and if they affect gameplay it's so subtle I've never noticed. The Cum Covered effect does affect Tease attacks though (per the combat math doc) and late-stage pregnancy does reduce Agility. But yeah, the only thing that the Filled effects seem to do is give you an indicator of just how stuffed you just got and how quickly it's leaking out of you.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
And maybe some form of penalty when vaginally/anally stuffed, or even when in your later stages of pregnancy? Seems weird you can just walk around normally when stuffed with eggs and/or 15k ml of fluids with no consequences.

There is already a debuff in the form of overburdened for the latter, and even then I do not like it and want it either being able to be circumvented or gone.

Punishing players for engaging in their sexual fetishes is completely backwards in this kind of game IMO and gameplay enjoyment takes precedence over any attempt at so-called realism in this regard.


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2016
There is already a debuff in the form of overburdened for the latter, and even then I do not like it and want it either being able to be circumvented or gone.

Punishing players for engaging in their sexual fetishes is completely backwards in this kind of game IMO and gameplay enjoyment takes precedence over any attempt at so-called realism in this regard.
God yes, I end up switching to magic for whenever I want to indulge the preg fetish since the agi debuff hurts so much. Removing it or at least, making a perk that you can obtain to cancel it out would be great.


Oct 15, 2019
That one's by design because there's a table of descriptors that the game can draw on so it's not the same thing every time, which would get dull and possibly look very clinical.
If it's by design then i can live with it, but i just wish it didn't leave out as much text as it sometimes does.
God yes, I end up switching to magic for whenever I want to indulge the preg fetish since the agi debuff hurts so much. Removing it or at least, making a perk that you can obtain to cancel it out would be great.
Didn't even know that was a thing, but yeah i agree that if it still were to be in the game, a perk to nullify or reduce the penalty for pregnancy, or even give positive effects depending on the level of pregnancy could be a great addition.

When on the topic of pregnancy, maybe add a status effect or something that shows if you are pregnant? Been a couple of times were i opened an older save or just hopped back in after a while, forgetting a character was pregnant and didn't really know if the text was indicating the pc was pregnant or just stuffed/fat, then suddenly be transported back to Hawkethorne to give birth. I know it's not that hard to check, but don't think there is anything displaying the stage of pregnancy and it would be really nice if it were a bit clearer and not having to go through several menus to find out.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
When on the topic of pregnancy, maybe add a status effect or something that shows if you are pregnant? Been a couple of times were i opened an older save or just hopped back in after a while, forgetting a character was pregnant and didn't really know if the text was indicating the pc was pregnant or just stuffed/fat, then suddenly be transported back to Hawkethorne to give birth. I know it's not that hard to check, but don't think there is anything displaying the stage of pregnancy and it would be really nice if it were a bit clearer and not having to go through several menus to find out.
I don't know if there's anything to display a specific stage or how much time until it comes, but you can tell if the PC is pregnant from the appearance tab, since the midriff/belly will be in a separate paragraph from the rest of the torso if the PC is pregnant.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
I guess this is a gripe. I am getting annoyed with how eating a raw transformative item continuously is targeting one area even with other areas open for it to transform. My Orc character has done the Valentines day event a while back so she gained the demonic eyes. I am now deciding to eat more Brute Beets to get up her tone, hips and bust size without getting rid of her thickness. I figure to save it just in case I need to roll it back if I dislike the transformation. Every time my character eats a Brute Beet it goes straight for the eyes. I am going to guess that the coding makes it that eating a Raw transformation item goes for one of the area transformations (Face, Body, Limb, etc) over any of its raw transformations. I am just ranting to cool off some steam, If anyone knows how to up my characters Tone without getting rid of thickness I would be happy as without the event or rolling the die on a Belharan stew, I won't be able to get the Demon eyes back yet.

Edit: God I sound Whiny here.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I am just ranting to cool off some steam, If anyone knows how to up my characters Tone without getting rid of thickness I would be happy as without the event or rolling the die on a Belharan stew, I won't be able to get the Demon eyes back yet.
Use the rack at the gym.

Also, even if you lose thickness (to reiterate, though: you shouldn't lose thickness with the rack), you can get it back very easily with the Pupperidge food.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
So something I have noticed and I am wondering if I am just bad at leveling my character. Why do my Companions have better ability scores than the Champion? By level 5 I have been getting at best a 15 in my main Abilities unless I want to power game by dumping all my creation choices into one stat (Orc, Fighter, Barbarian = +3 Toughness) but when I compare to my companions, I notice many have an 18 in one of theirs. I can understand that your character is not meant to be a godlike character who can smack down gods and demons with a wave of their hand but having worse scores than your companions does feel like you can't really measure up to your title of "Champion".

Upcast Drake

Well-Known Member
May 27, 2017
Southeast USA
So something I have noticed and I am wondering if I am just bad at leveling my character. Why do my Companions have better ability scores than the Champion? By level 5 I have been getting at best a 15 in my main Abilities unless I want to power game by dumping all my creation choices into one stat (Orc, Fighter, Barbarian = +3 Toughness) but when I compare to my companions, I notice many have an 18 in one of theirs. I can understand that your character is not meant to be a godlike character who can smack down gods and demons with a wave of their hand but having worse scores than your companions does feel like you can't really measure up to your title of "Champion".
Your companions also have starting bonuses from class/race/background. They also have a few extra miscellaneous stat points. This is mostly a relic from when you couldn't control them manually; they had slightly higher stats as a handicap for them being AI controlled.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
Your companions also have starting bonuses from class/race/background. They also have a few extra miscellaneous stat points. This is mostly a relic from when you couldn't control them manually; they had slightly higher stats as a handicap for them being AI controlled.

It was the Misc stats that always threw me off as I was accounting for their C/R/B bonuses.
Oct 2, 2020
First of all, I would like to say that I think CoC2 is a huge improvement over CoC1 as a game in many significant ways. The character portraits, the general aesthetics of the GUI, the exploration, the questing, the combat, etc etc are all significantly improved in meaningful ways. Pretty much every aspect of the game on a technical and presentation side are better. Second of all, I haven't found all the content in the game, and there seem to be enough branching paths in quests that it's likely I'm missing some key details, which not even double-checking on the wiki will help me discover. So it's possibly my complaint here is actually unfounded, though it doesn't feel like it. Third of all, I replayed CoC1 for the sake of this post, but it's impossible to deny the possibility that I was nevertheless looking at it with enough bias that I was giving it too much credit.

Okay. With that preamble out of the way, my gripe with CoC2: I think the "Corruption" in the title is entirely vestigial and no longer reflects the content of the game. CoC2 feels less like the Corruption of Champions, and much more like Horndog Champions.

For context, the kind of character I like to play is a girl who gets corrupted from pure to slutty. I also like to see other girls get corrupted from pure to slutty. Men going from pure to slutty I appreciate on an intellectual level. In general I like H content that leans towards non-consensual, and I think corruption really needs this tone of non-consensuality to feel like corruption - there needs to be at least *some* internal conflict, or the character isn't being corrupted at all, they're just embracing their already slutty nature. It would follow that a game called "Corruption of Champions" would be my exact kind of shit: start out as a pure champion, get corrupted into a slutty champion. And in CoC1 this was indeed the case. I think CoC1 really captrued the vibe of a world corrupted by demons well, with cities like Tel'Adre existing specifically to fight off sexual corruption, and "party members" like Jojo who are pure-hearted and have to be quite forcibly corrupted before they fall to sexual depravity. There's characters like Kent early on, who wear the player down into being submissive. There's Marae the goddess who is fighting against the corruption. etc etc. The game really does feel like a pure champion facing a corrupted world, and risking corruption themselves. Pure being turned into corrupted beings. Etc.

CoC2, I feel, does not capture this feeling at all. I've been playing for about 20 hours and my character (thicc, pure female) is still a virgin because I haven't encountered a single scenario that felt like corruption to me. It feels like the tone of the game has completely abandoned the concept of corruption, despite the plot of the game being a demon from CoC1 land corrupting a previously untainted world. It seems much, much, much more to me that the "intended" way to play the game is entirely in opposition of how I want to play, and the kind of content I want to see. I could be misreading the situation, but it feels like the developers/writers (no offense intended btw) are much more into consensual sex and everyone being excitedly slutty from the start. It feels like the intended way to play is to just play as a chad (or chadette) and go on a murder path while fucking everything that moves, no corruption involved whatsoever. Everyone is willing from the start and everyone has deeply embraced sex in their lives.

Let me explain. Your first companion in CoC2 is Cait. Let me say that I like Cait, she's a nice character and she's very attractive. However, she worships a sex god, and she is basically itching to have sex at all times. The second companion you meet is Brint, a minotaur who is always ready to have sex. They're so into sex that they start fucking behind your back unprompted, and sex is so normalized that it's not even something they mention unless you ask. I haven't fullcomped every companion tree but so far it seems this is a trend that continues for every companion - they already love sex, they have sex with little to no prompting, and basically, they're horndogs. It doesn't feel at all like you're in a world fighting against an invasion of sexed up demons, resisting getting corrupting. It feels like you're in a world that had embraced rampant free love from the start. It feels like there's just a binary option presented to the player which is "engage in the sexual debauchery that literally everyone already is" or "don't". CoC1 had Tel'Adre, a city forced to hide itself with magic in a desert to avoid all the sexed-up horndogs outside it. In CoC2, that idea would be ridiculous, because every single person is already a sexed-up horndog. The corrupted enemies like the bees in the forest just feel like standard affair, not out of the norm for this world at all.

I don't mean to phrase this as an objectively bad thing or a flaw. I think the writers/developers are writing what they like, and I think a lot of people like what they like, so it's fine. I just felt increasingly sad as I played CoC2. Like I said, I've played 20 hours and my character is still a virgin. I've experimentally saved/loaded to check out some H-scenes, and they're all uber consensual without a trace of corruption or anything. It feels like the game is meant to be played as a male or futa, winning every battle and then claiming your spoils by fucking them. Companions aren't pure beings you can corrupt for fun, they're just horndogs who are always up for casual sex with nothing more to it than that. The Champion is not getting corrupted in CoC2. The world isn't even getting corrupted in CoC2. It's just a horndog going on a horndog quest to fuck a lot of bitches. That's fine. Everyone likes fucking hot bitches. If there's a problem, it's just that the word corruption is still in the title, and people who played CoC1 like me might be disappointed.


As an aside, I would like to briefly discuss gender disparity. The fact that the vast majority of NPCs are girls/futas instead of men show the implicit bias the authors have for male-orientated sex (that is, sex involving the banging of girls). It seems to me that the dream world of the developers is every single person in the world being a big-titted futa engaging in a massive orgy with no gender barriers whatsoever. This is not a problem, and I support their dreams. However, in terms of CoC2's content being balanced for various genders, and in terms of comparing to CoC1, I don't necessarily think it's a universally good thing. Like I said, I like female characters being corrupted by male characters the most, so there's almost nothing in this game that I can truly bring myself to love. I have to settle for futas, and the vast majority of men in the game (that I encountered, to be clear!) only engage in consensual sex. No corruption. Like sure, Brint and Garret are alright dudes, I've got no intention of saying there's no FxM content out there. But it really does not fit the theme of corruption whatsoever. You just have to go to the bar/camp and ask for casual sex. So the little FxM content available is pretty unremarkable in my opinion. It's fine that the devs like futas so much more than men, but it's a little overwhelming at times. I can't believe that there's a character like Hirrud, basically this game's Kent, and there's no H with him at all (did I just miss it in the quest somehow??). Maybe this is a problem(?) that will be solved with time, but the preferences of the developers seem pretty clear, so I expect this trend to continue. Which won't be a problem for everyone, but it certainly makes me disappointed, on top of already being disappointed by the lack of corruption.

Also, as one *final* aside, I will certainly play the complete game of CoC2. I think the lore is genuinely well-written and the quests have enough roleplaying to be satisfying. However, I will almost certainly remain a virgin until the end of the game, not due to intentionally trying to do a virgin run, but just because I expect to encounter zero content I find sexually appealing. It's a good game outside of that. (Er, well, I guess you can trivialize most encounters in the game by opening up with double cleave, but 99% of JRPGs have trivially easy combat systems so I can't really hold it against CoC2).
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Well-Known Member
Okay. With that preamble out of the way, my gripe with CoC2: I think the "Corruption" in the title is entirely vestigial and no longer reflects the content of the game. CoC2 feels less like the Corruption of Champions, and much more like Horndog Champions.

{plus a lot of other stuff}
Corruption isn't about being a horndog, it's more about being concerned with doing what you want regardless of the effects on others. It's also not an established part of Savarra like it was for Mareth, so CoC2's content is naturally going to be lighter than CoC's because of that. The Dark Knight personality seems to be the closest CoC2 has to what you're looking for; getting that requires reaching 75 Corruption, and you're almost certainly going to have to have sex with corrupted beings in order to do so (since that's the most common way to gain Corruption).

Also, I don't think you'll ever find hard non-consent in CoC2 (or TiTS); the closest would be soft non-consent from losing battles.
Oct 2, 2020
Corruption isn't about being a horndog, it's more about being concerned with doing what you want regardless of the effects on others.

I think corruption can pretty firmly be established as a transition from one state to another state. A demon doing whatever it wants regardless of its effect on others is just being evil/selfish/etc. It's not necessarily corrupted. A benevolent angel being turned into a demon that does all that *is* corruption, because it's a transition from one state to another. A selfish individual doing what they want without concern for others is just a bad person doing bad things, it's not reflective of corruption. A horndog going on a fuck quest with no holds barred is not reflective of corruption, it's reflective of a horny person doing horny things. I'm not trying to be a puritan or gatekeeper here, these are just objectively different things. A Champion unsheathing their (potentially futa) dick and going on a sex quest is fine, good roleplaying at times, yada yada, but it's just got nothing to do with corruption.

Also, I feel like I kind of gave off the wrong idea, so let me clarify. What I'm asking for here isn't explicitly a lot of hard non-consent (i.e. hard rape). The reason I bring up consensuality / non-consensuality is because if someone is fully eager to engage in the dicking, they aren't being corrupted. Corruption implies going from one state to another, and generally this will be against your will - a pure angel won't tend to want to be turned into an evil sex demon, so there will be resistance there. Non-consensuality. Corruption doesn't have to be hard rape, but there's generally always a thread of unwillingness being overcomed by desire.

The Champion, Cait, Brint, etc all jumping at the chance to have sex at the drop of a hat means that there is no sexual corruption which can occur in the game. There can be some moral corruption (and hopefully at some point there will be a way to turn Cait into Demon Cait or something, just for fun) but in terms of sexuality, they're already at the lewd end-state from the start. There's no sexual corruption that can occur. There's always a binary switch between flatly refusing sex, or whole-heartedly engaging it in. There's no middle ground, no slow corruption from one end to the other. You're either fucking Cait or you're not. You're either fucking Brint or you're not. The scene's are opt-in with no weight beyond the sex as it happens. I'm not complaining about consensual sex with Brint/Garret because I dislike consensual sex, I'm complaining in the sense that by having nothing but flat consensual and optional sex, there's no corruption. No going from one state to the other. No moral/sexual degradation. Non-consensuality is (often!) important in corruption because "non-consensual" to "consensual" is a very easy corruptive arc to express. Non-consent establishes the pure state of refusing sex, consent establishes the now corrupted state of accepting sex. In a way it's kind of a crutch in how easy it is, but we can see that without it, the game lacks any corruption at all.

Well, perhaps "lacks any corruption at all" is an overstatement. It seems that the lack of sexual corruption has been largely masked over by physical corruption - body changing, that is. Maybe that's what people wanted all along? The corrupted monsters are nice too, but they feel less like "corrupted beings" and more like the dev giving themselves an excuse to draw/write super thicc and pervy girls. Which is fine, but for this to really hold weight, I think we would need to see the corruption happen firsthand (perhaps cause it) like Marae from CoC1. There needs to be a clear and direct process. If all we're shown is the end-state, and the end-state is just thicc and pervy girls, it comes off as less "corruption" and more just "this game has girls with huge tits and dicks". I think if you removed "Corruption" from the title and named the game Sex Champion's Adventurers in Thiccland it wouldn't seem out of place at all. That said, maybe I've missed stuff like this.

I guess I'll say that since sexual corruption is my main fetish I've spent most of my life deeply invested in consuming media about it, so I'm probably more sensitive to this issue than most. The lack of it in CoC2 sticks out more to me than most, and maybe people don't even want actual corruption (or even understand what it is really is). CoC1 did it pretty well at times which is why I had high hopes for CoC2, and why the complete change in direction is so disappointing to me. Maybe I wouldn't have even written this post if Corruption wasn't in the title of the game. Oh well.
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The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
And in CoC1 this was indeed the case. I think CoC1 really captrued the vibe of a world corrupted by demons well, with cities like Tel'Adre existing specifically to fight off sexual corruption,

CoC1 had Tel'Adre, a city forced to hide itself with magic in a desert to avoid all the sexed-up horndogs outside it.

Ah, Tel'adre. That glorious bastion of sexual purity... with Urta, Edryn, Dominika, Rubi, Kathrine et al in it...

That city which has a minotaur baker who cums into his eclairs before serving them up to the public...

That shining city upon the hill that has a cum-sucking, impregnating dildo machine out in the open right smack in the middle of the gym and the membership is all busy boning each other in the showers.

That Tel'adre?

We've had some bad cases of nostalgia goggles before, but this is pretty high up.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020

I do wish there were more corruptive actions in the game even if those actions only give a +1 or +2 to Purity/Corruption. In the same manner, I wish there were more purity options as well giving the dialogue options and game choices more weight. Like the Quest to save The Loggers from Hrenthia. I would love the fact you settled the manner peacefully with no fighting shows your characters purity while fighting her may be a sign of slight moral corruption and if you defeat her you could add a sex scene that adds more corruption, let her go for no +/- to corruptuon, or after freeing the loggers having a talk with her to gain some Purity (that may offset the corruption you gained from attacking, sounds pointless but it shows a measure to your actions). Maybe that is too much work haha considering the creators would have to measure practically every choice they create.

Ah, Tel'adre. That glorious bastion of sexual purity... with Urta, Edryn, Dominika, Rubi, Kathrine et al in it...

That city which has a minotaur baker who cums into his eclairs before serving them up to the public...

That shining city upon the hill that had a cum-sucking, impregnating dildo machine out in the open right smack in the middle of the gym.

That Tel'adre?

Sounds like an Oasis of White in the Dark Desert of Rape... fucking Sand Traps I hate them with a Passion.


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2017
Sounds like an Oasis of White in the Dark Desert of Rape... fucking Sand Traps I hate them with a Passion.

Tease, if you start to fall into the pit, use wait (which actually makes you climb up lol) then tease some more. Or use long range attacks.
Oct 2, 2020
We've had some bad cases of nostalgia goggles before, but this is pretty high up.

Woah woah, I didn't mean to imply the city was successful or pure. The important thing about it was what it symbolically stood for, and its *failure* to uphold the values is exactly where the corruption lies. It's thesis and antithesis. Tel'Adre attempted to be the thesis of purity, but ends up largely becoming the antithesis to its own values - it's within this dichotomy and struggle where the corruption is born. If there is no Tel'Aldre to be hypocritical and fall, there's no yin to the yang, no purity from which to be corrupted. Which brings us to CoC2. In CoC2, I say that there would be no such thing as Tel'Adre, not in the sense that "There is no shining city of purity that upholds strict morals!", but in the sense that the world is written such that the idea of purity is laughable to begin with. Everyone in the world is already sex-obsessed. There is no thesis to form an antithesis against. There's no yin to contrast with the yang. Nothing like Tel'Adre (a supposed bastion of purity fighting against sexual corruption, hypocritical thought it was) can exist, because in reality there's no sexual corruption going on: everyone's already an extreme pervert. That's my point, not that Tel'Adre was successful.

Also, just to clarify, I definitely am not intending to dunk on CoC2 here. I know I'm coming off as criticizing the game here or calling it worse than CoC1 or something, but that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm purely just stating my own issues with it in this gripe thread, partly because I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way, partly because I was wondering if it was even a conscious thing on the writer's side. As mentioned, I fully support the futa-dream, and I think CoC2 in its current state is a pretty solid game which many people do indeed like. I read all the lore pages, even! It's just a departure from what I liked most in CoC1. (Which, to say again, I did actually play before making this post to try and be unbiased). It's really just the kind of unfortunate thing about making sequels, I guess, where even if your design philosophy and interests change, the baggage the last game and its players will remain, with even the title of the game (Corruption of Champions) moreso reflecting CoC1's goals than CoC2's goals. If this weren't a sequel, I wonder what the title would be? Well, maybe CoC again just to make the "CoCk" pun, but putting that aside. I think if the title were based purely on the content and design philosophy of CoC2, without hangover from CoC1, the word "corruption" wouldn't be in it.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
For context, the kind of character I like to play is a girl who gets corrupted from pure to slutty. I also like to see other girls get corrupted from pure to slutty. Men going from pure to slutty I appreciate on an intellectual level. In general I like H content that leans towards non-consensual, and I think corruption really needs this tone of non-consensuality to feel like corruption - there needs to be at least *some* internal conflict, or the character isn't being corrupted at all, they're just embracing their already slutty nature. It would follow that a game called "Corruption of Champions" would be my exact kind of shit: start out as a pure champion, get corrupted into a slutty champion. And in CoC1 this was indeed the case. I think CoC1 really captrued the vibe of a world corrupted by demons well, with cities like Tel'Adre existing specifically to fight off sexual corruption, and "party members" like Jojo who are pure-hearted and have to be quite forcibly corrupted before they fall to sexual depravity. There's characters like Kent early on, who wear the player down into being submissive. There's Marae the goddess who is fighting against the corruption. etc etc. The game really does feel like a pure champion facing a corrupted world, and risking corruption themselves. Pure being turned into corrupted beings. Etc.

I haven't fullcomped every companion tree but so far it seems this is a trend that continues for every companion - they already love sex, they have sex with little to no prompting, and basically, they're horndogs. It doesn't feel at all like you're in a world fighting against an invasion of sexed up demons, resisting getting corrupting.

I've experimentally saved/loaded to check out some H-scenes, and they're all uber consensual without a trace of corruption or anything. It feels like the game is meant to be played as a male or futa, winning every battle and then claiming your spoils by fucking them. Companions aren't pure beings you can corrupt for fun, they're just horndogs who are always up for casual sex with nothing more to it than that. The Champion is not getting corrupted in CoC2. The world isn't even getting corrupted in CoC2. It's just a horndog going on a horndog quest to fuck a lot of bitches. That's fine. Everyone likes fucking hot bitches. If there's a problem, it's just that the word corruption is still in the title, and people who played CoC1 like me might be disappointed.


As an aside, I would like to briefly discuss futas. I don't dislike futas at all, and I fully support the motto "Chicks with Dicks: Twice the Fun". However, the fact that the vast majority of NPCs are girls/futas instead of men show the implicit bias the authors have for male-orientated sex (that is, sex involving the banging of girls). It seems to me that the dream world of the developers is every single person in the world being a big-titted futa engaging in a massive orgy with no gender barriers whatsoever. This is not a problem, and I support their dreams. However, in terms of CoC2's content being balanced for various genders, and in terms of comparing to CoC1, I don't necessarily think it's a universally good thing. Like I said, I like female characters being corrupted by male characters the most, so there's almost nothing in this game that I can truly bring myself to love. I have to settle for futas, and the vast majority of men in the game (that I encountered, to be clear!) only engage in consensual sex. No corruption. Like sure, Brint and Garret are alright dudes, I've got no intention of saying there's no FxM content out there. But it really does not fit the theme of corruption whatsoever. You just have to go to the bar/camp and ask for casual sex. So the little FxM content available is pretty unremarkable in my opinion. It's fine that the devs like futas so much more than men, but it's a little overwhelming at times. I can't believe that there's a character like Hirrud, basically this game's Kent, and there's no H with him at all (did I just miss it in the quest somehow??). Maybe this is a problem(?) that will be solved with time, but the preferences of the developers seem pretty clear, so I expect this trend to continue. Which won't be a problem for everyone, but it certainly makes me disappointed, on top of already being disappointed by the lack of corruption.
You won't get your own character corrupted against your will (though playing as a strict virgin within the setting is rather odd). Rather, corruption is often your character giving in to choices that may be corrupt. But, the one choosing to have them "give in" to such urges is you. Nobody is going to come and forcefully fuck you with demon cum, unless you loose a fight (because if you do loose a fight, you usually get raped). You don't get a Kelt of your own, extorting you and slowly twisting you.

That said, if you want corrupting content, you could try Etheryn. She doesn't really want to fuck, it seems, she just accepts that she has to because of her physiology. And, if you have a cock more than 13 inches long when doing the assfuck, the game forces you to fuck her "monstrously" in which you can't fit and you basically just her her ass for herself. It's perhaps not the must corruptive of scenes, but it's still enough that I absolutely despise that it forces the player into doing a corrupting fuck (in that increases the player's corruption to do it) if you approach her for anal with a dick any larger than 13 inches. And supposedly there's a system for training her ass to take larger cocks but if there is I've never seen it in effect. And the baseline limit is 12 inches, so it's not like that really matters if you want a big-dicked PC who fucks Etheryn and isn't corrupt, because you'll still be limited to just 12 inches by and large. Sorry, I've hijacked your gripe for one that I have been complaining about for ages and I'm still stuck up about it.

Anyways, there's not really all that many futas? Like, there's several, but the way you talked about it made it sound like the majority of the NPCs are futas, which I'm fairly certain is not the case. Like, having your pc be futa is optimal, but most characters I've seen have either been strictly male or female. Though in regards to the majority engaging in consensual sex, yeah. Most do. Most of all of the NPCs are consensual to fuck, because the world isn't really all that corrupt, despite the presence of corrupt enemies. That's pretty much the backbone of why you complained, because the world is currently in the early stages of being corrupted. Your PC isn't going to likely get corrupted by interacting with the residents of the world, because, unlike Mareth, what you're fighting to do is prevent corruption from happening, rather than overthrowing the one who initially did the corruption.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2020
Woah woah, I didn't mean to imply the city was successful or pure. The important thing about it was what it symbolically stood for, and its *failure* to uphold the values is exactly where the corruption lies. It's thesis and antithesis. Tel'Adre attempted to be the thesis of purity, but ends up largely becoming the antithesis to its own values - it's within this dichotomy and struggle where the corruption is born. If there is no Tel'Aldre to be hypocritical and fall, there's no yin to the yang, no purity from which to be corrupted. Which brings us to CoC2. In CoC2, I say that there would be no such thing as Tel'Adre, not in the sense that "There is no shining city of purity that upholds strict morals!", but in the sense that the world is written such that the idea of purity is laughable to begin with. Everyone in the world is already sex-obsessed. There is no thesis to form an antithesis against. There's no yin to contrast with the yang. Nothing like Tel'Adre (a supposed bastion of purity fighting against sexual corruption, hypocritical thought it was) can exist, because in reality there's no sexual corruption going on: everyone's already an extreme pervert. That's my point, not that Tel'Adre was successful.

Also, just to clarify, I definitely am not intending to dunk on CoC2 here. I know I'm coming off as criticizing the game here or calling it worse than CoC1 or something, but that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm purely just stating my own issues with it in this gripe thread, partly because I was wondering if anyone else felt the same way, partly because I was wondering if it was even a conscious thing on the writer's side. As mentioned, I fully support the futa-dream, and I think CoC2 in its current state is a pretty solid game which many people do indeed like. I read all the lore pages, even! It's just a departure from what I liked most in CoC1. (Which, to say again, I did actually play before making this post to try and be unbiased). It's really just the kind of unfortunate thing about making sequels, I guess, where even if your design philosophy and interests change, the baggage the last game and its players will remain, with even the title of the game (Corruption of Champions) moreso reflecting CoC1's goals than CoC2's goals. If this weren't a sequel, I wonder what the title would be? Well, maybe CoC again just to make the "CoCk" pun, but putting that aside. I think if the title were based purely on the content and design philosophy of CoC2, without hangover from CoC1, the word "corruption" wouldn't be in it.

Corruption is a... weird system in on itself as it only exists with Demonic magic. Most Orc's act exactly like Demons but they are not corrupted because Kassyra didn't touch them (bit weird, she would have gotten an instant army of Demons from those dicks.) Sex in itself is not a Corruptive influence in the CoC2 setting, it is only when one acts on selfish desires in the presence of Demonic energy as it is Selfish desires that feed Demonic energy and allows it to grow and this allows people to be willingly Corrupted. The PC can be Corrupted without a Demon nearby because they are Saturated in Demonic energy from the Portal explosion. The reason people in the CoC1 universe could be corrupted without demons fucking them is that their entire realm is saturated in the Demonic Energy, so just like the CoC2 protag, they can be corrupted by just living like Hedonists.

like yourself, I tried to make an Innocent character who would be corrupted as time went on but at this point, it doesn't really work unless you create a reason. I am hoping with the inclusion of certain characters at the Wayfort that corruption will become a more accessible path that could give your character a reason to fall in-game as by this time Corruption is pretty much a Player-driven choice over a Character-driven choice.

Sex on Savarra is just another way for their people to express themselves, whether it be Love, Friendship or power.

Edit: I may have just been talking out my arse, but it's what I have been able to gather from playing the 2 games.
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