Your gripes with CoC II

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2022
Corruption gripes aside, but what if I just want my muscular cow trad wife? I honestly thought the dream demon version of brieanne was a possible corruption path.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2023
In my head I just assumed Brint wasn't too attached to his gender and sex to care completely. My only gripe is that the Mad Cow quest doesn't really go in-depth into the hows and whys of the armor, but I think the armor doesn't change what Brint or Brienne fundamentally is: a strong minotaur who keeps a level head on the battlefield. Even though Brienne is more submissive, her stats don't really change. She's still a formidable warrior and statistically stronger than even the strongest of champions (which could change in the future, but her stats are damn high.) Maybe I wished there was more variation in how they act during sex scenes, like Brienne trying a domme role, or Brint submitting to a vag champ. That would be pretty nice I have to admit.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
If Brint was anything like Brienne, he would instantly become one of my favorites characters in the game: an 8 and half foot tall minotaur with big dick that is obsessed with you, is submissive and is monogamous to boot? Sign me up. It would also make Brienne better by extension since we would not have this conversation to begin with.
Unfortunately, he is not.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2021
I am curious to see what excuse the game will come up with when it comes to brainwashing off Brint into a domesticated housewife. It seems like a to much of a hurdle for a reasonable justification considering that the armor:
Altered his appearance, character, values, sexual orientation, family relation and so on and so on.
Well for one thing, cry about it and two, its a cursed armour, so its a curse.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2023
I feel like this has been talked about quite a bit, just from a quick search Bri, Quin, Azzy and Liaden, and Berwyn are topics that have popped up for a while.
Well for one thing, cry about it and two, its a cursed armour, so its a curse.

It's the gripes thread, people air their grievances here and critique the game. It's to gripe. Also, curses just make it sound way worse -- so Brint was cursed and we just stood by doing nothing hoping it would make him a woman? He needed our help to get the armor off because it was already taking root?

I justify it by saying, well, there's metagaming involved and my champion is a drifter kind of character, so it makes sense for her. But I don't think the game explains it all too well.

It's valid to have some ruffled feathers if you want Brint to be more submissive as a man. Let people critique how they want to critique and ask for content that they want to see in the game.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2021
There are failsafes in the game to make sure that you never accidentally turn Brint into Brienne, namely never progressing past a certain point in the transformation until you exit and then re-enter the Frosthound I believe but that's a game contrivance, given the time between stages it should be possible for you to end up with Brienne simply by taking too long in Harvest Valley.

As it is, in order to end up with Brienne without Champ coming off as neglectful or dumb in game, I have to contrive a series of events which consists of arriving back in front of the Frosthound right as Atugia shows up and I believe it also skips some time, which helps with making sure it's too late at night to see Sanders. Helping Ahmri, Zo, and the farm also helps. Atugia's intro in front of the Frosthound brings you inside without Garth mentioning Garret, and then upon waking up results in Garth immediately starting Dog Days, which considering he's your benefactor asking you to save his son, it'd be really fucked of you to put off.

That's an intricate series of events though, and the time on the armor is long so you really do need every single one of them to blow off the what, 10 days? of the armor's time. But that's just in world, in game I don't even remember if you also have to sleep on top of exiting and entering the Frosthound on top of the time, you really cannot end up with her by accident which is a good thing so good on the devs for that.
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It's the gripes thread, people air their grievances here and critique the game.
I think you're mistaken.

This is clearly the grapes thread you blind fool. We come here to talk about fruit. Why on god's green earth would we even need a gripes thread?

Criticisms? Critique? How dare you people have opinions.

Well for one thing, cry about it and two
If complaining is the mark of someone who is about to cry, do you wish to talk about it? Because I've seen you post all of a single time since I've been here that's not just been you flying out of the woodwork to complain about someone.

And I'll give Animalistic this, at least when they do it there's genuinely some sort of point behind what they're saying, something that actually validates them participating in the discussion. Just telling people to mindlessly consume is asinine and leads to the stagnation of ideas and progress, and goes against the very point of this thread in the first place.

But hey, you act like you've got room to talk down to people, live that best life.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Well for one thing, cry about it and two, its a cursed armour, so its a curse.
Doesn't that sound slightly corrupt? A curse that takes an innocent man and twists him into something that he is not, all for a benefit of another individual? Seems like an evil curse to me.

There are failsafes in the game to make sure that you never accidentally turn Brint into Brienne, namely never progressing past a certain point in the transformation until you exit and then re-enter the Frosthound I believe but that's a game contrivance, given the time between stages it should be possible for you to end up with Brienne simply by taking too long in Harvest Valley.
So I am not here arguing if what champion did is evil, neglectful or nothing of sorts. What I am trying to convey is that I really can not think of a way for the game to put a positive spin on what happened to Brint. Sure, Brienne says that she is just as happy as a submissive house-wife as when she was this prime breeding-bull.

But how much of that is old him (now her) talking and how much of it is stepfords curse talking? On my end, as someone who fucked both, it seems very much in the ballpark of brainwashing.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018
It's been damn near 5 years, it's not even beating a dead horse anymore. Poor thing is more terrible than I can describe. I mean when the original creator came out and flat out told ya'll you're overthinking it, they just wanted a loophole to write a cowgirl. It ain't even disagreement nomore, both sides are just shouting at a wall believing whatever they want. You can have your theories that's fine but the back and forth ain't helping none, just wait it out you'll get your answers soon enough.

But, hell what do I know I'm just a giant spider with a keyboard, wondering why those blind fellas over there keep touching up on that elephant like that. Honestly, fuck it, if you ain't stop yet you ain't stopping now. So, here's to another 5 yrs ladies n gents.


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2022
It's been damn near 5 years, it's not even beating a dead horse anymore. Poor thing is more terrible than I can describe. I mean when the original creator came out and flat out told ya'll you're overthinking it, they just wanted a loophole to write a cowgirl. It ain't even disagreement nomore, both sides are just shouting at a wall believing whatever they want. You can have your theories that's fine but the back and forth ain't helping none, just wait it out you'll get your answers soon enough.

But, hell what do I know I'm just a giant spider with a keyboard, wondering why those blind fellas over there keep touching up on that elephant like that. Honestly, fuck it, if you ain't stop yet you ain't stopping now. So, here's to another 5 yrs ladies n gents.
I read this all in my head in benders voice it made it better
It's been damn near 5 years,
It could of been a decade and I really wouldn't care to be honest, if it's a topic people feel strongly about they're going to bring it up now and again. This is a thread specifically for venting frustrations and giving critique, not everyone has been around the community for 5 years, and some of those that were clearly have not gotten a satisfying resolution to this topic, so I do not see the harm in it.

And to be honest, "You're over thinking it" is a bit of an ass-backwards response from the author with how extensively detailed this whole twisted little process is. Why did they even write all of this if I'm not supposed to read it?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2021
I like Etheryn's old art better and I'm bummed that we can't change back to it with other characters' arts when she has a high confidence level. Etheryn's new art doesn't look believable to me, especially around the boots and her nude art. Her nude art looks like she's wearing chastity panties, not a chastity cage. Another reason why like her old art more, I especially like the boots as an added touch.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2023
I just assumed there was an elastic hole in the panties. shrug I was confused at first though

I like Etheryn's old art better and I'm bummed that we can't change back to it with other characters' arts when she has a high confidence level. Etheryn's new art doesn't look believable to me, especially around the boots and her nude art. Her nude art looks like she's wearing chastity panties, not a chastity cage. Another reason why like her old art more, I especially like the boots as an added touch.

If you download the game, you can change the names of the busts in its respective folder for the old bust to show when she's high confidence.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2022
I like Etheryn's old art better and I'm bummed that we can't change back to it with other characters' arts when she has a high confidence level. Etheryn's new art doesn't look believable to me, especially around the boots and her nude art. Her nude art looks like she's wearing chastity panties, not a chastity cage. Another reason why like her old art more, I especially like the boots as an added touch.
Yeah, the original artwork should be available in every instance, it appears that it's an oversight when DCL did the newer art - seems that the dev team forgot to create separate instances of the art for Etheryn for her "high confidence" mode (or stipulate in the code for it to still allow for the original artwork to be used when Ryn is "high confidence"), and thus it defaults to the new art.
Weird, since they seemed to remember for Arona.
So first off, with the new Arona art by Moira, DCL went back and added pregnancy versions for Arona, although didn't change the face - however the devs included the original artwork twice for both the "arona_preg_nude" and "arona_preg_nude_dom" - so that the artwork didn't default to the newer version (which was Moira's newer version).
That's unlike what is observed with Ryn when she becomes "high confidence", because there's no equivalent high confidence artwork from the original DCL Ryn artwork. That would be easy to implement, as was seen in the Arona case, they could literally just copy paste the artwork twice and rename the file type - or just make sure to stipulate in the code that the original artwork is still to be an option even if Ryn is high confidence (the easier approach)...

arona_preg_nude.DCL.0.png arona_preg_nude_dom.DCL.0.png
"arona_preg_nude.DCL.0.png" (Sub Arona) & "arona_preg_nude_dom.DCL.0.png" (Dom Arona)

arona_preg_nude.Moira.0.png arona_preg_nude_dom.Moira.0.png
"arona_preg_nude.Moira.0.png" (Sub Arona) & "arona_preg_nude_dom.Moira.0.png" (Dom Arona)

Now when comparing with Ryn:

etheryn.DCL.1.png etheryn_nude.DCL.1.png
"etheryn.DCL.1.png" & "etheryn_nude.DCL.1.png" - Original DCL Ryn artwork

These have equivalents with the new artwork DCL did for Ryn when she's low confidence

etheryn.DCL.0.png etheryn_nude.DCL.0.png
"etheryn.DCL.0.png" & "etheryn_nude.DCL.0.png" - New DCL Ryn artwork

However, with the confident versions, there's no alternative file-type, like with Arona.

etheryn_confident.DCL.0.png etheryn_confident_nude.DCL.0.png

"etheryn_confident.DCL.0.png" & "etheryn_confident_nude.DCL.0.png" - with no alternatives for the original artwork.

Yeah the panties are weird, I actually like the new art better overall, but the chastity panties seem like a bit of a misunderstanding at play there with the artist...
The funny thing is both sets of art were done by DCLzexon, who actually used to be the main artist for the game... not sure what exactly transpired, but Moira is now the main artist for the game, with DCL doing art semi-infrequently for the game now.
The newer art for Ryn does look better in some instances, but kind of misses a bit of the charm from the original imo (although that could just be nostalgia, because I largely prefer the original artwork in most cases, Brienne being the exception) - although Ryn's breast size definitely doesn't seem to match the description in the Appearance (as in seems larger than A-cups) - hmm, actually, Atugia's (larger than B-cups) as well (which was also a revamp done by DCLzexon from his original artwork).

Some more recent artwork that DCL has done that seems slightly off to me (imo) is the Berwyn artwork and variations (which Moira actually had to edit the head, because the originals DCL did seemingly looked too "chibi-eqsue"), and the Zo pregnancy artwork.

I just assumed there was an elastic hole in the panties. shrug I was confused at first though

If you download the game, you can change the names of the busts in its respective folder for the old bust to show when she's high confidence.
To your latter point, yeah, while that is true, kind of unfortunate that that puts the onus on the player to do so each patch - it's not exactly like it's a difficult change for the dev team to implement... not sure how they've missed it for nearly 2 years at this point (17 July 2021).
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Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2023
This is an extremely minor gripe, mostly a question, but what's with the codex? I noticed that The Old Country quotes a character that doesn't exist in my game, Kinu, and she's not even a character that can be without my sperm... All the other codices I've picked up have characters that either exist in Savarra itself or have. I think this is intentional, but it's just a nitpick I have because it feels weird to quote an entity that won't be born
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Wasn't for the newer folk, granted you're right, there ain't enough hours in the day to catch up on all that drama. Just assume the opener works like a boolean and you'll be fine. If you've been here for a while it applies. If not disregard, carry on, enjoy your stay. The rest of it is for the old timers who know who they are, know this has been beaten into the ground to hell and back and continue to carry on.

Admirable, but mistaken on pointless speculation quashed by the writer's participation, alas time's a wastin, allow one a moment of pointless enunciation.

A bit of context: while back, someone somewhere had to go and over complicate things for shits and giggles like you do, instead of walking it back afterwards. They just left it in the air for a very vocal minority of Brint fans to cling to it like it was gospel. They in turn started blowing the whole situation out of proportion, turning a slight contrivance into a master study in corruption, and making it everyone else's problem. It's people looking for meaning where there is none or to put it simply, you're overthinking it.

Now paraphrasing for the boss-man, but if you want gospel, people who work on this game ain't hard to find.

- Brint/enne is the result of the writer circumventing the 1 child policy that's the simplest answer. That's it, that's all there to it, a means to an end no more no less.

- Did the armor change the cowboy: No shit Sherlock, but nothing as malicious or insidious as gaslighting leading to character death or corruption incarnate like some folks like to believe or lead others to believe.

-Why the personality shift: in general men and women have different priorities, wants, needs, focuses, desires and so on and so forth, the change in personality is the author's interpretation of those changes to an extent and to the best of their abilities.

-Take this one with a grain of salt, plans change and I haven't heard hide nor hair of armor quest for a while: Will your relationship w/ Brienne change ? You'll be able to double down on the current relationship or break your bond and reforge it into something new together during or after armor quest.

-Now point 4 doesn't negate point 2. A change did occur, but all the brain washing, cursing, corruption, manipulation, character death bs, it's wrong, let it go, let it die. If you wanna go and figure out what the armor actually did. Go for it, the sky's the limit.

-All the extra bits when the cowboy is transforming: just signposting because for a supposed "adult " fan base playing a text game, most of you motherfuckers can't read i.e. the Hornet Ring.

Now the harm comes from A. mob mentality B. too many great story lines and characters fall to the wayside because of vocal fans who kept shouting what they thought was right and how things should have been handled instead of just agreeing to disagree then going on with their lives. Its how we end up getting nothing at best or a spite project at worst, the real crux of the issue is when you take away all the ad hominems et ad nauseam.

When you advertise one character as the corruption of another and keep encouraging folks to actively avoid engaging in that content. Content that they're actually interested in, if not for constant reminder from the peanut gallery that you're corrupting your best bro and you're making the "wrong" choice or the evil choice or however you want to put it. When there isn't one in this situation, hell even if there was. We're all degenerates here. I digress. It's a sad sentiment I've seen pop up more often than not on here and other spheres. People who are interested, but don't go for it because they've been sold a false bill of goods that they're a terrible person for hurting a bunch of 1s and 0s allegedly.

I'll ya what tho, a few folks want to vent about flawed but decent game, couldn't give a fuck. Ya'll wanna theorize or hypothesize, don't mean shit to me. My issue is when the same lie is being told, by the same people after it's been refuted, rebutted and rejected time after time. But eh, what do i know . Ya'll are big boys and girls, you're going to do whatever you think is "right" regardless of what I have to say or anything else for that matter besides that's all I got. If ya made it this far, congrats and thanks for coming to my TED talk if you can actually read that is, anyway pip pip da doodly doo

Don't forget Papa Nurgle loves you.

Tl;dr: It's just words, a lot of words. Did i spoil the surprise for ya?
Whilst I admire the effort, the format makes it a chore to keep track of how the text is supposed to be flowing.

If you actually want me to read that, you're going to have to rearrange it into something less ungodly. Even a demented antler fetishist has to hold onto some standards now and again.

Ria Brew

Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2020
Idunno I followed it pretty well

I'm probably the only one but it sorta appealed to my disjointed train of thought.
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Active Member
Jan 28, 2023
I really, really wish I had time to write Carmen but my attention keeps getting pulled elsewhere. :negativeman:
We understand...just also horny for the vamprix :p


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018
Whilst I admire the effort, the format makes it a chore to keep track of how the text is supposed to be flowing.

If you actually want me to read that, you're going to have to rearrange it into something less ungodly. Even a demented antler fetishist has to hold onto some standards now and again.
That was the point, short version Briennebros stay winning
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That was the point, short version Briennebros stay winning
I'm not quite sure I see the wisdom in making something as obnoxiously annoying to read as possible, and then bragging about 'winning' when you've intentionally made it difficult for the other participant of a conversation to respond properly.

That's like tying cinderblocks to someone's legs and then acting like it's some impressive shit that you beat them in a foot race.


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2018
Does this clear it up and that's a waste of good rock.

How boring this world would be, if everyone thought like me, to enjoy an activity so similarly without the same degree of lunacy.

To the point now, the original comment, just the inane rambling of an irritated arachnid drunk on insanity that has been here far too long. At this point I should either start writing psychological horrors or rush off to greener pastures. Now is the information in said post valid, credible, and backed by testimony, yes, to the best of my limited knowledge. Which raises the question: if it's meant to be informative, why make it so obtusive. Simple, it was fun that and if you lurk for any amount of time and you'll notice there's a handful of folks here always eager to play the moral adjudicator, always with something to add but rarely anything of substance. I find them particularly irksome.

However, if you put in a little work into your ramblings, not much mind you. Often they don't bother to give it a cautionary glance or even acknowledge it, except the particularly loquacious ones, but they serve to further prove my point, in a way only someone who's socially tone deaf can. Honestly if all it takes is a few extra button presses to break your train of thought and give up before the gettings good. Did you really care what the other person had to say to begin with?

The other post, I'm just eager for things to come. It has nothing to do with being a braggart, On one side Brienne’s family content is coming back sooner rather then later, what's not to love about that. On the flip side if you know you know and if not, well that's unfortunate. But to those who do, of all the circles I've swam in and of all the sycophants and sociopaths I've seen. You were my favorites and I want you to know, wherever you are.

Now I've wasted enough of these good people's time and my own respectively, I'm sure someone's probably eager to gripe about Cait's grooming temple or lia n azzy's relationship or how quinn's an unapologetic rapist or why titties big or how armor bad or how Kas doesn't really love you or how Kinu hates you now or how cats and foxes are actually the same thing or what have you, the list goes on and on, but ya'll have a good day now.

Honestly it's just me venting on the venting thread, imagine that. Nothing to take seriously besides, there's no winning not here on the furry porn forum. Now could I go back and edit what I wrote, sure, try to make it cohesive, coherent, and concise without a doubt. I could but I won't. People ain't gon read it, they've already made up their minds. We got some smart cookies here, they'll figure it out on their own one way or another. If I can do it anybody can just gotta be willing to look.

Besides it's just a shit post and a bad one at that. One you've read far too into it seems, if you've even read it at all, either way I love ya for it. So, if I owe anyone the gist of it, it's you. Thing is some people like Brint, others Brienne and sometimes some jackass for some reason likes to stir the pot and gets on their high horse, to preach to the rest of us. How if you like one you're a monster and if you like the other you're a cu ck. (See what I mean, you can't even write the whole word anymore that's how bad it was) So, if nothing else fuck that guy, don't be that guy. You do you, I'll do me and we won't do each other probably.
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You do you, I'll do me and we won't do each other probably.
Imply there's even a remote possibility of us fornicating again and I'll find the means to shove a cheese grater through this screen and straight into your groin.

I don't care if it's a shitty joke, I am personally not alright with that sort of thing.

As for the rest of it, you soured my mood nice and early with:
Often they don't bother to give it a cautionary glance or even acknowledge it, except the particularly loquacious ones, but they serve to further prove my point, in a way only someone who's socially tone deaf can. Honestly if all it takes is a few extra button presses to break your train of thought and give up before the gettings good. Did you really care what the other person had to say to begin with?
I have a neurological disorder that makes certain things hard to follow or retain, but I appreciate this and you editing the previous post to make it seem like I'm some idiot who doesn't like to read.

As it turns out, I would of been all the better off for just not reading anything you've said in the first place, right you were.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2015
"So, yeah... I know that this was meant to be a date, and we haven't actually done any touchy-feely stuff like what someone might expect out of a date..."
Pointing out that it wasn't really much of a date doesn't make up for the fact we didn't get to do an actual date.
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