I feel like I was led to believe that Berwyn would stay as a companion. I don't remember a single instance, at least in the forums and blogposts, where it was mentioned that Berry would just stop being with us.
Based on the lack of such mentions, I'm gonna hazard a guess that it was the result of a behind the scenes discussion and whenever that decision was made, they decided not to mention it in advance because we'd find out whenever BerryQuest finally dropped and nobody directly asked about it, so it just didn't come up. Given Savin's repeated comments on the folly of trying to support
three companions, I can definitely see why making Berwyn a feature-rich NPC would be an attractive option since he has very little relevance outside his previous quest and Frost Hound interactions (being the only companion to not get content in the Abyssal Depths for example) and it lets B focus more on the companion
he wanted to write instead of having to juggle two. Plus, y'know, all the madness of trying to account for all those variables he added, in every scene Berwyn would need to be in for the rest of the game.
But yeah, I can't say I saw the change coming either, just that it makes sense in retrospect.
Even if the other sentient races were somehow more tolerant than humans, humans are still human. If you’re going to show all of these races coexisting (and in relative close proximity too!) There needs to be context given as to why and how they’re coexisting. You can hand-wave it away in CoC 1 because that world is on the brink of literal collapse with the advent of multidimensional threats and demons destroying the very fabric of reality.
Ahem, did you miss the elephant in the room that is the
Godswar? You know, the apocalyptic struggle against an extradimensional threat that almost destroyed the world,
did bring the single largest empire to ruin and has left virtually everybody picking up the pieces and struggling to just survive for the last few centuries? You might wanna consider that.
Also, there are hints that tensions between different races
have been a factor (particularly in Kitsuhon and Not!China) but they're, y'know, not nearly as big a deal any more in the face of the goddamned apocalypse. Also, this ls literally fantasy with porn and very little is going to kill players' horni more than reading all about ethnic tensions. Deal with it.
On the subject of kingdoms - where are the kings? Oh don’t get me wrong; I love MILFs, royalty, amazons, and royal Amazonian MILFs. But isn’t it a bit strange that all of these kingdoms, cities, tribes, etc that have been encountered by The Champion in The Frost Marches have been more or less ruled by large-breasted and thunderously-thighed women?
Do you think that maybe the fact that the lead developer/writer for the game has a thing for muscle (dick)girls
might be a factor here? Again, this is fantasy, not a tract about systems of government, gender norms or race.
Also if you want to be pedantic, Khor'minos and its king say hi, and before the Godswar the lupines had Jarls and Belhar had Emperors. Probably Empresses too but I think we've only been told about male rulers there.
Even the few male chieftains that we encounter like Taldahs and Argoth can be supplanted by Amazonian women.
Taldahs can't be supplanted, he can be purified and remain in charge or you kill him and then
nobody is in charge.
It makes sense for the vesparans to have a queen (they are big sentient hornets after all) but most everyone else too? Why? Is Savarra a world where matriarchies have supplanted patriarchies somehow? If so, that’s a big enough change that it should require some more context.
Again, not a tract on gender norms or politics. Don't like it? Learn to live with it.
She’s ostensibly this beautifully be-winged demon from another world. And because CoC 1 and 2 are in the same universe, we (the player) know demons to be cruel and malevolent super-beings who care about nothing but fulfilling their desires. See: Ceraph, Vapula, and Lethice.
And Kasyrra considers them to be small-minded while she has ambitions. Whether you agree with them or not (to say nothing of her methods) is another matter entirely, but she's demonstrated a good deal more of an interest in long-term goals than they did. Also, something something CoC2's writers are (largely) not the same as CoC1's and the writing of the earlier game isn't on nearly the same level.
Why is this soulless demon well… not acting like a demon?
Not acting like a rape-beast =/= not acting like a demon. See above, and Kas is clearly more goal-oriented and has a better handle on her lusts. Which isn't to say she doesn't
have them, but she does sense something special about the Champ which means she's being especially careful around them. Can't fuck the soul out of them before it's strong enough.
And more importantly, why is the player opposing her at all?
Think about it: You’re Joe Average-Adventurer living in Savarra. And you live in a world where you’re likely to die in your 30s due to dysentery or some other pox or disease. Your dwellings are dirty, people have sex because it’s the only fun thing to do, and there’s no such thing as a toilet. Things aren’t great, even for nobility or the educated.
I suggest you pay more attention and leave the Dung Ages stereotypes at the door. I'd suggest in particular that you pay attention to the detail put into Khor'minos, which is modeled after ancient Rome and has
indoor plumbing.
Is Savarra utopian? Hell no, but it's not nearly as grimdark as you seem to think it is.
This must be incredible to the average person, so why would anyone say: “Nah you know what I’m good with slumming it out in dirt and squalor, that barmaid with the peg-leg gave me a wink the other day.” Unless you’re roleplaying as a puritanical paladin who unironically shouts “Deus Vault!” at every opportunity. And if you’re doing that, then why even play this game? By not having sex, or only pursuing chaste relationships, you’re cutting out a huge portion of the game.
As someone who
does play a Champ who doesn't have a great deal of sex and is chaste with everyone but her beloved, I'll thank you to not tell me that I'm Doing It Wrong.
No, she’s just going from place-to-place making people feel better and empowering them while looking for a way to make babies. “Ah!” But you exclaim. “She said that she’s going to steal your soul!”
So what? What does that even mean, really?
Well, a complete lack of empathy for starts...
Either naturally or through some accident, there seems to be a preponderance of women with penises. Again, this isn’t so much a complaint about them being in the world, as it is a complaint about their sheer numbers not being explained properly.
First off, as Aly has noted the numbers aren't as imbalanced as you think. Also, it's what the writers tend to like and it's what the majority of the fanbase likes to see. This is, again, a fucking fantasy game, it doesn't have to be 'realistic'. It just has to be realistic enough that it doesn't break the majority of players' suspension of disbelief.
And this is explained if you pay attention. Alchemy
exists in this setting and one thing that can be done with it is to affect genitalia. Hence, you get ladies who might not have been born with a penis but who wanted one, so they went and got one. There are others who had it applied to them and aren't happy about it (Eryka) or who were transformed involuntarily and don't mind it (Evelyn). And then there are a number of people who are simply born intersex because that's how their race works in the setting. Elves of all stripes can be born that way, as a fact of life in Savarra.
A couple of dog-girl sisters? One of them has a penis. Unexplained. Dryad sisters? You bet one of them has a huge horse-knob.
Anna and Morwen both do actually, and Orlaith can be explained both by 'It's Wsan, that's what he wanted to write' and 'They're literally made of magic'.
2) Kassyra: An all-powerful demon with the ability to corrupt and dominate anything she comes in contact with suddenly appears in Savarra and immediately starts causing havoc. She doesn’t even bother to hide herself or her intentions - she doesn’t need to. And what do the enlightened denizens of The Frost Marches do? “Well, we’ll send someone who’s keen to check things out. We’ll give them a fancy title like CHAMPION and wish them good luck. That should do the trick. It’s not like we had a problem with soul-sucking Wraiths who threatened our world only a few centuries prior. It’s perfectly acceptable and reasonable to under-prepare here and do little to combat this existential threat. This'll be fine!” Spoiler alert: It wasn’t fine.
Have you actually
done the conversation where Carmen asks you to become the Champion of Hawkthorne? Or paid any attention to the setting? The Frost Marches is not a well-organized state with a strong government, it's a large town with no permanent military and its nominal ruler has very little actual power to call upon. There is no army to muster and no government to organize one. The Winter City has been isolationist for centuries and the events of the game drain the bulk of its upper crust before we're able to stabilize things, so they don't have vast armies to mobilize to send beyond the borders when they haven't even been able to maintain a wayfort that used to represent the southern edge of their domains for several
centuries. Khor'minos is the one regional power that really has its collective shit together (probably because they hunkered down during the Godswar after Fort Marrok fell and waited until it all blew over) and they've focused on defending what they have rather than trying to launch an expedition against Kasyrra. That her forces lay siege to the city and keep them in a defensive posture doesn't help either.
3) For a game that calls itself Corruption of Champions, there isn’t a whole lot of corruption going on.
I literally just typed up a bunch about this earlier today, scroll up a bit.
4) Why is everyone so damned attractive?
Because this is a porn game. Are you
really asking why a game whose main draw is sex would write all its sexable characters to be attractive in their own ways?
I know this sounds a bit nit-picky
A bit?
5) While I do like having consequences to my actions, I really don’t like forced transformations. It’s annoying to me to make my perfect character and then suddenly have it ruined because I accidentally clicked on the wrong choice while I was trying to dick-down a hot racoon lady.
If you clicked the wrong option, that's not a forced transformation; it's you
not paying attention. PEBKAC is not a problem the devs can solve.