Wsan writing

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Jan 8, 2016
Did a loss scene for the SecOp kitties where they strap you into VR and you "serve" four centaur girls at a restaurant. 4k words in a day is pretty gud though I'll probably slow down a little in the next couple of days as doing one 4k comm is easier than 3 1k-1k-2k comms. Should be able to knock them out in the next couple of days anyway. After that it's a 3k comm and then the rest of the month'll be dedicated to Siegwulfe, a CoC2 snek for Savin, and the ausar capital ship commission.

The Krispiness

Well-Known Member
May 7, 2018
Under your bed.
@Wsan I noticed in the snekwaifu doc that your character leaves a session on shakey legs. I remember a specific variation for the Frostwyrm where your character would do the same after a session UNLESS they were treated, in which case they said "fine, but I'm good for more". Any chance you could add the same check to the snekwaifu or is 6 hours with a horny snake more strenuous than 6 hours with a horny 20-ft tall dragon? That stood out to me, but otherwise, I really enjoyed it and I'm not even into the whole Naga thing.

Dryad is still true waifu tho.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
Did a loss scene for the SecOp kitties where they strap you into VR and you "serve" four centaur girls at a restaurant. 4k words in a day is pretty gud though I'll probably slow down a little in the next couple of days as doing one 4k comm is easier than 3 1k-1k-2k comms. Should be able to knock them out in the next couple of days anyway. After that it's a 3k comm and then the rest of the month'll be dedicated to Siegwulfe, a CoC2 snek for Savin, and the ausar capital ship commission.

Holy shit that sounds hot... But I don't want to lose to see it... This is such a difficult choice D:

Also definetly looking forward to snekwaifu!


Jan 8, 2016
@Wsan I noticed in the snekwaifu doc that your character leaves a session on shakey legs. I remember a specific variation for the Frostwyrm where your character would do the same after a session UNLESS they were treated, in which case they said "fine, but I'm good for more". Any chance you could add the same check to the snekwaifu or is 6 hours with a horny snake more strenuous than 6 hours with a horny 20-ft tall dragon? That stood out to me, but otherwise, I really enjoyed it and I'm not even into the whole Naga thing.

I actually thought about this but there's a big reason I don't want to: practicality, on two fronts.
1) If anyone's fapping to the scene, their dick is going to be leather by the time they get to the "true TRUE payoff" of going through 3 fuck scenes, especially when they don't know if it's coming.
2) This entire encounter is "forced" when you get her onto the ship. It's a lot of clicking through dialogue and the longer it goes the more the potential risk for boredom - especially if, again, they fap to the first or second scene and then have to skip through a third or fourth.

It's mostly the second. TiTS isn't a visual novel (even though sometimes I wish it was). Remember, this is just her INITIAL scene where you get her onboard. There'll be repeatable scenes with 'fuck me longer and harder' variants and prompts, but not this one. Also the longer I make it the stronger the sense of regret I have over it being a one-time scene.
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Jan 8, 2016
so wsan does this capital royal ship mean we get to fuck another royal family
Yes, actually! If that's not your thing though there are other rewards available.

....the only loss I see in this is that they're VR centaur girls.
I'm just waiting for people to inevitably ask when we get to meet them and I get to tell them "they're not real. I mean even in-game."
Or maybe they are. Who knows?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2016
I'm just waiting for people to inevitably ask when we get to meet them and I get to tell them "they're not real. I mean even in-game."
Or maybe they are. Who knows?

The scene is not even out yet and I'm getting a mighty urge to set aside some money to commission meeting the four actresses who did that scene...


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2016
I'm just waiting for people to inevitably ask when we get to meet them and I get to tell them "they're not real. I mean even in-game."
Or maybe they are. Who knows?
it'll probably be the same people that get confused when the discover a nuked planet or have a hissy fit about content only they have a problem with on the forum in the non-existing hope of getting it removed or changed


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
You have a lot of nerve to make real fake Taurs. I thought you made a vow to supply the game with real real Taurs?

I think we should demand more taurs and tiny taur content from Wsan, if he doesn't give we riot. Jk wsan keep up the good taur work man.


Jan 8, 2016
You have a lot of nerve to make real fake Taurs. I thought you made a vow to supply the game with real real Taurs?
The real fake taurs are cute, which still counts.

While we're on taurs, Wsan! What's your ideal species of taur? Centaur? Bovitaur? Leithan? Something else? At this stage, I'm dying to know.
Centaurs! I still hate that I can't put them in game but leithans are good too.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2015
I mean like a race of centaurs. Aina's just TFed. It's not the same!

*Claps hands*

Dragon taurs. Lizard faces lizard hands 4 strong legs and a pair of powerful wings to soar through the sky and rain death upon enemies.

Or just like idk a sub species of Lethians that glow in the dark or something. I'm joking about the glow in the dark part.

Or what about steef?

Or maybe even scorpion taurs.

I won't steal these ideas they were given to me from another member here.


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
You guys keep saying fake-taurs, I keep imagining pantomime horses without the head...


Well-Known Member
Jul 18, 2017
Nah, just two.
I mean, three humans would be a pantomime Lethian.


Well-Known Member
Jan 6, 2017
Sylvie a qt. Was fun writing that expansion for her.
And I'm glad you did! She's the main reason I keep letting my Steele commute between Tavros (Aina), New Texas (Ellie) and Canadia. Now all I need is to be able to start a family with the first and the last and I'm perfectly happy

Newtaurs are cool but I'm not super interested in them tbh. Leithans and TFed NPCs handle most of the "I want cool taur things!" scenario.
What do you mean TFed NPCs? Aina and Dryad aside, I thought Hailey and Sylvie were born that way? My Steele's lovelife is a lie
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