Wsan CoC2 content


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2020
I mean, I don't feel like there is anything stopping you guys from doing this? I enjoy both of your distinct styles in sex and non sex but you could just write the parts for each other that you don't want to.

I mean... seconded? It sounds like you guys would unironically enjoy and benefit from an arrangement like that. Just kiss and make it official.


Jan 8, 2016
Snek is done and ready to be coded. So is a new Brint sex scene as well as an updated Cait companion talk for him which probably won't affect 99% of players. It just fixes a few quirks about it. I tried to make a cool Brienne armor set but it's not working because it's getting harder and harder to make cool things with so many companions and sets already. Brint's set is coming along better. After this it'll be 2 Brienne scenes, possibly another Brint scene, and then different stuff.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
I tried to make a cool Brienne armor set but it's not working because it's getting harder and harder to make cool things with so many companions and sets already. Brint's set is coming along better.
Oh gosh wait so they are getting different sets than one another? So like Brint gets Pyromancy and Brienne gets Cryomancy? Or visa versa?


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
I tried to make a cool Brienne armor set but it's not working because it's getting harder and harder to make cool things with so many companions and sets already

Is it the pyro set? you don't have to worry about it taking over an already existing thing cause Berwynn is the only easily attainable "black mage" companion and he doesnt even really work as a black mage since his kit is "summon elemental/heal party+elemental/buff elemental" and then he has charm person for some reason. So you definitely have WIDE OPEN space to make damage mages.


Resident Coke Addict
Aug 5, 2018
Zandar, did you just completely forget that Quin and Kiyoko exist? Neither are particularly hard to obtain—roughly the same difficulty of acquisition as Berwyn, imo—and both are damage mages with fire motifs in one form or another...
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Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2018
i'd say kiyoko's the hardest to get, since you have to do kitsune den, unless you count summoning her. Quin isn't hard either, probably just the waiting a week and equipment makes it annoying. Berry is a pretty good starter b mage to say the least. though the other two, being nukes, are also really good as well.

That aside however, NEW BRINT SEX SCENE, FUCK YEAH!! and Brint's new set is definitely gonna be fun to work with.


Jan 8, 2016
Chekov's gun; will we ever be able to fuck Orlaith as opposed to fucked by?
Yeah, she's got a whole expansion for it I didn't manage to get into the game the first time around. You'll be able to break her and probably even do The Forbidden Thing to her because it's my fetish.

I heard you where working on sleepy snake will she fully wake up?
Sure will.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
Who's Orlaith? I couldn't find anything on the wiki, is she new? Also what's the Forbidden Thing?


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2017
Who's Orlaith? I couldn't find anything on the wiki, is she new? Also what's the Forbidden Thing?
I'd be willing to bet it's knock her up, lol.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
Probably not! It's something people on the forums always ask for and I've only seen happen once, and that was in TiTS. And it was like 2 or 3 years ago now.
Is........ Is it.... Hmm.... Is it something like Brint becoming Brienne?


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
I'm guessing dedicking may be what he's saying or preg content. I'm shooting up hoping for pheasant though so don't expect me to right.


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2020
I'm guessing dedicking may be what he's saying or preg content. I'm shooting up hoping for pheasant though so don't expect me to right.
Well he said it was something that only happened once, and only in TiTs, so I doubt dedicking or pregnancy, just cause those have happened more


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2015
Zandar, did you just completely forget that Quin and Kiyoko exist?

I didn't, I just disagree with you completely on Kiyoko being easy to obtain. For her you have to do a bunch of (easy) puzzles to get her locket, then you have to fuck her while you are in your dream and only if you have a dick, then have a child with her in said dream, then you have to go the full length of 2 regions north after getting a quest from Evergreen. Then you have to do some steps after getting into kitsune den to ACTUALLY free her.

Berwynn is a guy you beat up a couple times and then he asks you to help him win a level 2-3 boss fight and then joins you.

Also Quinn is a charmer who has one ability that does aoe fire damage for some reason. Everything else is resolve damage unless im a moron.


Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2019
I think it might be making the dominant character into a submissive one, like Sera when you buy out her contract in TiTs. That's my best guess because I think that's the only time it occurs, at least from what I remember. The closest i can think of is Arona but it's not the same thing.

Shadow Dancer

Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2020
It's probably dedicking, because you can only do it too Sera in TITS, i would remember if there's another one because breaking a dom and dedicking them is one of my biggest fetishes(looks at Evelyn through the Door).soon_honey_beer_bottle.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2018
It's probably didicking, because you can only do it too Sera in TITS, i would remember if there's another one because breaking a dom and didicking them is one of my biggest fetishes(looks at Evelyn through the Door).View attachment 14245
Same, although it does tend to feel like something awkward to mention sometimes. For all the rules against shaming it does feel like something folks really like to enthusiastically shame, so I am wary of even mentioning it unless the writer or someone else says it first.

Didnt even know that was a possibility for Evelyn, color me intrigued...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2017
It's probably didicking, because you can only do it too Sera in TITS, i would remember if there's another one because breaking a dom and didicking them is one of my biggest fetishes(looks at Evelyn through the Door).View attachment 14245
This is literally my dream. It will take a long while to happen, but as far as i'm aware, Wsan already confirmed it'll happen.

Edit: actually, now that i paid more attention, just the breaking part is my dream. dicks are great and i don't want it to go away. If breaking Orlaith is really what Wsan is talking about, hopefully there will be an option for not dedicking her it, like there was with Sera. Of course i will most definitely respect whaetever it is he's going to do, because i love his work unconditionally, but just wanted to throw that out there.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
Sera was actually the only futa I would and did dedick. Morning ambushes are all fun and games till you get sodomized.