Why do heterosexual men dislike quintillus?

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Hey , new here first question, ive noticed something while surfing up the forum and tumblr,twitter etc,

Okay so, first: Quintillus is my fav character.

He´s always been my main parter along the game, ive done all his scenes in the game and i want more content of him

I personally just find him very hot and lovable, that sass, the trashy devil may care attitude, the horny, the dick, hes a bunny i dont know, i just wanna wipe that smug grin out of that face i love it.

But for some reason heterosexual men dislike quintillus? why? im curious , ive seen a lot of people want him deleted as a companion and almost always its heterorexual men

Like i know there are exceptions of this but at least to me, a queer person , everyone who i see who likes CoC2 and its not cic/hetero jusT LOVES the bunny man, myself included, gay men , hetero women, trans folk, envy etc etc etc hes smoking hot to almost everyone, a hot commodity, even when not their fave they tend to have a positive opinion of him.

But not to hetero men, what up? is there something im not seeing im baffled, if you dont like him that fine i dont mind you talking trash about him feel free , hes free real state hes not real , but i wonder what is it that makes him so disliked like, sure youre not going for a dude if you dont like men, but they dont like the character in itself being there , like as friend or just an occasional character of the story.

Like, i like Cait? Shes on my party since the start and i got her that witch outfit whith the bomb ass art, but ive fucked with her like 5 times only i think? and most with Brint or another character , she feels like my bestie, this is m/m w/w solidarity folks , i dont care about her as a romantic option but i dont want her deleted from the game, same with a lot of the fully female sex options, i normally dont care but i dont mind they being there, i love my bee maids , my tsundere dragon and sleepy nap pal naga.

So whats up? whats am i not seeing? like 100% im interested


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Hey , new here first question, ive noticed something while surfing up the forum and tumblr,twitter etc,

Okay so, first: Quintillus is my fav character.

He´s always been my main parter along the game, ive done all his scenes in the game and i want more content of him

I personally just find him very hot and lovable, that sass, the trashy devil may care attitude, the horny, the dick, hes a bunny i dont know, i just wanna wipe that smug grin out of that face i love it.

But for some reason heterosexual men dislike quintillus? why? im curious , ive seen a lot of people want him deleted as a companion and almost always its heterorexual men

Like i know there are exceptions of this but at least to me, a queer person , everyone who i see who likes CoC2 and its not cic/hetero jusT LOVES the bunny man, myself included, gay men , hetero women, trans folk, envy etc etc etc hes smoking hot to almost everyone, a hot commodity, even when not their fave they tend to have a positive opinion of him.

But not to hetero men, what up? is there something im not seeing im baffled, if you dont like him that fine i dont mind you talking trash about him feel free , hes free real state hes not real , but i wonder what is it that makes him so disliked like, sure youre not going for a dude if you dont like men, but they dont like the character in itself being there , like as friend or just an occasional character of the story.

Like, i like Cait? Shes on my party since the start and i got her that witch outfit whith the bomb ass art, but ive fucked with her like 5 times only i think? and most with Brint or another character , she feels like my bestie, this is m/m w/w solidarity folks , i dont care about her as a romantic option but i dont want her deleted from the game, same with a lot of the fully female sex options, i normally dont care but i dont mind they being there, i love my bee maids , my tsundere dragon and sleepy nap pal naga.

So whats up? whats am i not seeing? like 100% im interested
There are a variety of reasons.

He's the companion I interact with less, but that's because I prefer female and feminine characters. Being a porn game, plenty if not all of the content available is sexual in nature, so I don't go to Quin for that.

But I don't dislike him.

The vocal parts that do... Well, some don't really read and make wrong assumptions about him. I've come across a few that have said that Quin wants to I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN the PC, when all he said was that some companions are hot and he'd like to fuck them.

Being a porn game, people are going to be immature and irrational about many things.

So it's just people being people.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2016
Personally, I'm a dirty min-maxer, so my party is 100% based around the enemies I'm fighting, and what kit I've been doing.

As most of the time I'm a theify spellblade, in looking for supports to keep me alive, give me viable targets for TtK, or to be scary meatshields. And while he has a new tank set, I prefer Azzy, Tui, Kiyoko, or Brint/Brienne for the aforementioned reasons.

I also really don't like his penis. I like getting split in two when I'm being bred. Ryn is the exception because Ryn, but everyone else adheres to that rule for me, because of my fantasy preferences.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Well, most people that are not into men are obviously not going to like him or, at least, care for him. He is also playboy a playboy and says how much he wants to like your girls straight to your face. If he was a girl, most would not have problem with him.

Also, while I can not say that anyone that is into twinks really hates him, he does have couple of elements that do make him a little undersible as a partner.

He comes of that he is more interested in fucking everyone else, while he only sexes the champion because everyone else doesn't trust him. I do not need him to propose his love or anything, but he could ask personally if we want to hangout or buy me a bear. Because, as it stands, it feels like his relationship progression is more defined with Cait, Rune and Atugia.

And, as a bi guy, Quin gayness to me feels like it is byproduct of him being a companion and the fact that female champions exist. Like, when I play as a dude, I do not feel like he is aimed at me, especially with how insecure he can come off as. "Yeah dude, I bang chicks , and, no, I do not bottom because only bitches bottom. For I am a man!"
Which is no fun.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
I'm a gay woman, and I really don't like him for exactly the same reasons as Shep right above. Dude is constantly really quite disrespectful to women. Even if you compare his dialogue options on other companions, to, say, Cait or Arona, two horny women, they at least comment on the actual story, life, and challenges of the people in question, whereas literally all he mentions is that he wants to fuck them and how he wants to fuck them. I also/additionally feel that rather than having an issue with the cult, his only issue is that he wasn't in control, and he's perfectly and happily aligned with much of their morals.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
While this doesn't disqualify how you feel, it does seem like those comments are mostly his first impressions of the companions. Like how Arona goes from being all excited for prospect of having Brienne in the party to calling her a racist.
And like with Arona, I do think that the plan is to update them further you progress with his character.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2015
i know this question isn't aimed at me, but as a bi-woman i'd share my opinion anyway.
i dont necessarily "dislike" Quin. But i definitely dont trust him.
like other people said, his lack of respect towards females is... disturbing. considering his affiliation with the cult.
but that doesn't mean i hate his character, i think its a good addition to the game. It would be unrealistic if every single person was likeable.

that being said after reading some of the comments here i had a sudden realization that he probably only f*cks my character cus we're the only one "interested". Other than Rune from the temple. Or they just hold hands or something? cant remember.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
Yeah, gay guy chiming in here, and I’m definitely not a fan either. Between his sneering attitude towards guys who bottom and the rather misogynistic behavior he displays towards women, Quinn is rather problematic IMO. Honestly, the only reason I bother recruiting him is that I’m a bit of a completionist.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2018
I leave him in Harvest Valley cause I just don't have any reason to interact with him. I didn't even read a single bit of his dialogue, I can do just fine in combat without him and I have no interest in his erotic content. I certainly don't like him but that's cause I dont think about him at all.

Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
I am also not the target of this question, as a bi trans woman, but I personally like him. However, I used to dislike him. He was my definitively least favorite companion for a while, and honestly he still kinda is because most of the companions are still more likeable, but that gap has shrunk down primarily because of stuff after the first impressions.

The stuff about the other companions are very much off-putting. While he does mention things about companions aside from sex, he focuses a bit too hard on just their sexual aspects. A lot of people see this as creepy, but also some straight guys, the sort who really hate him, may see him wanting to fuck them and view him as competition to potential "conquests" of theirs. That is conjecture, though.

Still, a major part of why he's so sex focused is because he just got out of a sex cult. He's grown to have grudges against them, and the interactions he has when you bring him on cult-related quests actually help flesh out his character quite a bit and give insight into his past. The insight, his interactions, and a lot of stuff in just the Getting Into The Closet quest really endeared me to his character, potentially because of how it reflects his more unsavory aspects.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
But for some reason heterosexual men dislike quintillus? why? im curious , ive seen a lot of people want him deleted as a companion and almost always its heterorexual men

Like i know there are exceptions of this but at least to me, a queer person , everyone who i see who likes CoC2 and its not cic/hetero jusT LOVES the bunny man, myself included, gay men , hetero women, trans folk, envy etc etc etc hes smoking hot to almost everyone, a hot commodity, even when not their fave they tend to have a positive opinion of him.
Not really the target audience, and not the identity being asked. Just stay here long enough, and you see some really interesting norms come out. 'Specially about heterosexuality and manlyness.

Like, why can you remove the "Horse Boy" encounter in the forests? Because the "next" button becomes the "Get Fucked" button, and men were complaining how it forced their champ to "be gay".

I can go on to darker examples, but if there is one thing that is absolutely verboten as a hetero man is being the bottom. No, being a bottom of a woman is not normal, its a fetish. No, you cannot try it out. Its a one strike rule. If you do, you either "lose" your hetero or your manlyness.

You see it reflected in other weird shit, like asking gay couples who's "the man" or "the woman" in a relationship. They are asking: Who's the bottom? That's the woman.

It was a long time ago where I tried the bunny. The sex scenes did not click for me. Like I should be behind them in theory, I like the idea of a little sexual rivalry. But it did not jump over to me. I guess this makes bunny a bit more threatening to hetero manlyness. Brint has the "Bro storyline", where you can bang hot chicks together. Quint afaik does not. The only thing there was sexual, and about being a bottom.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2021
Edit: I should mention that I'm an asexual male.

Quintillius never really clicked with me. Though I have to admit, my interest in companions is directly linked to their combat performance. If they peform not good enough, I'm not intrested in the character. Another thing about him is that his artwork looks weird to me, but I don't no why.

That being said, I warmed up to him after his new set and bust. Now I actually like to use him from time to time.

For his personality: I don't mind his mostly sexual focused view on companions, since for me he is the "very horny bunny" trope. He felt a bit shallow, but the new interactions gave him more depth. I think that he has the potential to be a great companion.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Isome straight guys, the sort who really hate him, may see him wanting to fuck them and view him as competition to potential "conquests" of theirs. That is conjecture, though.
I was considering something like this, in a "double standard" way. I mean, what would happen if Quintillus was a woman who happened to be open about her sexual interests? That said, I take that "if it's a guy, it's a player, if it's a gal, it's a slut" would not be brought here.

As for the question, I can't really speak, being a straight female who likes to have someone whose background is intertwined with a sex cult :p
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Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2015
Bi- guy, the chat about companions bit is something I do in RL to gain insight into what another considers to be "the measure of a man". If he was a work colleague I would avoid ever working with him. He has no ethical center, I hope he has a possibility to betray you as that could make him interesting.
He is not a horny bunny he is someone who sees everybody else as the sum of their orifices.
As for the sex, the foot job is pretty much the only one where punching him would not be a serious consideration.
I recruit him as I always root for an underdog, I rarely take him out unless I know he has special dialog and I pray he gets some character growth

Arona starts out a complete dick but you can turn her round


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
as a straight guy my view of Quin is fairly positive he has a few interesting tidbits and interactions with certain dungeons and enemies (when I bother to use him) and he definitely has great potential for even better content in future. The charming playboy act doesn't really bother me so much from a porn game character. I don't really see him as competition or a threat to my masculinity or sexuality or whatever. That might come from guys who are more insecure about that sort of thing.

The Observer

FoE Mod
Aug 27, 2015
Like, why can you remove the "Horse Boy" encounter in the forests? Because the "next" button becomes the "Get Fucked" button, and men were complaining how it forced their champ to "be gay".
This is absolutely false. We removed the elf boy because he was a two-scene wonder that was clogging up the encounter table for things that people actually wanted. Normally we wouldn't have let something that barebones in the game, but Hugs was in one of his moods back then and we were trying to help him get back on his feet.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2020
Honestly, I don't interact with him outside of quests. I find him somewhat bland compared to the other companions and much like others here, I find his attitude and outlook less than desirable. I would've preferred keeping Berwyn as a companion, but I suppose being tied to the cult gives Quin a better connection to the main story than simply joining the party. If anything, I just want to see how many people he can turn into figurines XD


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2018
Seeing actual criticisms for Quin beyond "HE'S GONNA CVCK ME WITH ALL MY WAIFUS A BLOO BLOO BLOO" is pretty interesting. I hadn't actually considered the fact that he pretty much boils almost all his interactions with women (aside from Rune, Cait, and more recently Atugia) down to how badly he wants to fuck them. It really does make him kind of shallow and douchey, which works for a character like Arona, where she plays into it and acknowledges it and everyone shits on her accordingly (until she starts to develop further), but doesn't really work for Quin, who's supposedly trying to turn a new leaf and seems like he wants you to believe people are wrong for looking at him like just another asshole sex cultist, but hasn't actually developed enough to earn any of the sympathy BubbleLord is trying to push for him.

Up until now I had brushed aside most of the hate for him as just being grumblings from insecure nerds, but after this thread I do hold a lower opinion for him. IDK if BubbleLord even browses the forums any more but hopefully he'll either push Quin towards some more deserved positive development or just fully lean into him being a slimy sex cultist and maybe let us call him out for trying to play at our sympathies while not really trying to change.

Also, the filter for cuckhold, while hilarious, does make talking about that specific fetish kind of difficult on this forum where we talk about our fetishes.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
@HugLife yeah, there is a fair amount of criticism for him beyond just insecure straight boys not wanting to get cucked :rolleyes: Honestly, from what I’ve seen across various threads, I’m actually a bit surprised to see what amounts to an appreciation thread for him from the OP, since the dislike for him seems to be pretty wide spread, in regards to posters‘ sexuality & gender.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
I was considering something like this, in a "double standard" way. I mean, what would happen if Quintillus was a woman who happened to be open about her sexual interests? That said, I take that "if it's a guy, it's a player, if it's a gal, it's a slut" would not be brought here.

As for the question, I can't really speak, being a straight female who likes to have someone whose background is intertwined with a sex cult :p
That's exactly the thing though - the women people claim do exactly the same thing in this game don't do quite the same thing. Go through Cait's companion dialogues or Aronas, and then Quin's right after - Cait, despite being sex-obsessed and happy to fuck (almost, she hates Quin because she has good taste too) any of your companions, talks about who they are as people, their struggles, and the storyline they're dealing with in the game. She talks about Ryn's mistreatment at the hands of her sister and her lack of confidence, and about wanting to hug her, and only mentions the possibility of sex with her in passing. Arona talks about her mistreatment by Alissa and her apparent age, and only mentions sex at the end. Quin immediately talks about making her a "proper wife" (which is also a fucking disgusting sentiment imo, but I might be in the minority there), and then when the champion responds, only then gets into her non-sexual attributes - while still mostly only talking about the possibility of having sex with her, and throwing in a comment about her ass. It comes across really differently, especially, imo, as a woman who has had to deal with my fair share of dudes talking about women in fetishizing ways in front of me (since they thought I was one of them, y'know), "locker room talk" so to speak. It's the same for every companion, in many cases more evidently even. And this is all made worse by the thing that comes up sometimes of your female companions not liking him themselves - so not only does he ignore their aspects as people, largely, not just potential holes, he does so in a way that many of them can tell and resent him for. I've known plenty of dudes like that irl, and they're vile vile people, it's a very... realistic sorta shittiness.

That's my take on Quin, that's why I really don't like him. He just feels like every misogynist sleezebag I've had the displeasure of needing to know who thinks about all the women around him as only what they can do for him or whether or not he can fuck them.

@HugLife yeah, there is a fair amount of criticism for him beyond just insecure straight boys not wanting to get cucked :rolleyes: Honestly, from what I’ve seen across various threads, I’m actually a bit surprised to see what amounts to an appreciation thread for him from the OP, since the dislike for him seems to be pretty wide spread, in regards to posters‘ sexuality & gender.

The OP’s bit about all these non hetero male people liking him was definitely news to me, since everything I’ve seen indicates entirely the opposite.
If I had to guess, OP saw critique of him and just kinda assumed it came from cishet dudes, because OP's own friend group, which it sounds like is very into this game and not primarily made up of cishet dudes, did like him. I bet a lot of people on this forum assume many of the active posters are more cis, more het, and more male then they may actually be.

Edit: And one extra, Atugia outright states that he keeps trying to use lewd mental magic on her without her consent that she has to resist. What the fuck is he doing to people who have weaker mental defenses then? and why is that presented as nbd? that's horrifying.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
And one extra, Atugia outright states that he keeps trying to use lewd mental magic on her without her consent that she has to resist. What the fuck is he doing to people who have weaker mental defenses then? and why is that presented as nbd? that's horrifying.

Well… Bunny Boy just won himself a place in my “fireball straight to face” category of characters, seeing as how that kind of mind-fuckery is tantamount to rape.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
I was considering something like this, in a "double standard" way. I mean, what would happen if Quintillus was a woman who happened to be open about her sexual interests? That said, I take that "if it's a guy, it's a player, if it's a gal, it's a slut" would not be brought here.
Well, unless the game hypothetically does the mind break route with Quin like it does with Brint into Brienne, I think (s)he would be in a similar boat as Cait. Not the most liked companion but still having her fans .

Although, that said, "if it's a guy, it's a player, if it's a gal, it's a slut" does seem kind of prevent in game, at least when it comes to companions. Brint fucks about as much as Cait, yet he is considered a playboy. Same with Arona. But I guess you can chalk that up to the preconception that being a receiver somehow makes it more sluty/lesser thing to be proud off. Although, in context of the game, being a slut is not something to be ashamed off, despite how some of the dialogue can come off.

that being said after reading some of the comments here i had a sudden realization that he probably only f*cks my character cus we're the only one "interested". Other than Rune from the temple. Or they just hold hands or something? cant remember.
He pays for her "Girlfriend experience". The whole thing does feel kind of like the game is shipping them. Which does add to the feeling you described.

Also, someone may correct me, but doesn't he fuck Rune even when you do not recruit him?

Edit: And one extra, Atugia outright states that he keeps trying to use lewd mental magic on her without her consent that she has to resist. What the fuck is he doing to people who have weaker mental defenses then? and why is that presented as nbd? that's horrifying.
I am not sure. It is same with his sex scenes where he uses magic without champion prompting him into doing so. If it was optional, I would not mind much, but the way he confidentiality says how he can mind break me into vegetable like sex crazed state does make me uncomfortable.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
I am not sure. It is same with his sex scenes where he uses magic without champion prompting him into doing so. If it was optional, I would not mind much, but the way he confidentiality says how he can mind break me into vegetable like sex crazed state does make me uncomfortable.

Like I said. Fireball. Straight. To. The. Face.


Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2022
Well… Bunny Boy just won himself a place in my “fireball straight to face” category of characters, seeing as how that kind of mind-fuckery is tantamount to rape.
Yep, felt actual anger well up in me heart again, thanks to Arch99's "discovery."

Haven't felt this much bloodlust towards anything in a while. Quintillus just got booted to the second highest position in 'never interacting with list.'

Orange Juice Jones

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2017
I wasn't a huge fan of Quint at first because frankly he didn't have much shit going on when he was first added so I found him pretty trite.
I think he's a better character now but that bun is still the bottom boy on my list
Plus you fuck him once and never hear the end of it


queer nb person here

personally i do like quint, but i wouldn't say that i'm too majorly invested in him because as it is his content is kind of lacking in many aspects... i would like it if his character got fleshed out more and we figured out more about him, but as it is he's pretty shallow. the recent content he's got is pretty nice, but i would still like more, yknow? otherwise i don't really have a problem with him; i love characters who are the fuckboys/fuckgirls type.

beyond the "omg quint might I AM A BIG STINKY BRAIN me" kind of 'criticism', i do think the rest of the criticisms here are very much valid! quint really does come off as another misogynistic asshole and it's completely understandable to me why people don't like him because of it. for me, i don't really care all that much.. it's fiction at the end of the day to me, and i even enjoy misogynistic/homophobic attitudes in fiction because i like the humilation aspects of it lol. but i've always liked darker content anyway.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
I feel bad for OP, but they did start a thread asking people to tell them why their favourite character is shit.

Same though.

Still, I’m quite baffled by the claim that it’s just cishet guys kvetching about him, cuz… uh, even the most casual perusal of threads where he comes up shows that’s decidedly not the case.

If you’re into being treated like a disposable collection of holes by the CoC equivalent of a rapey, closeted frat bro in your porn, that’s your business. My gay ass, however, will definitely pass.

Edit: I mean, shit, just look at those of us who self-identified on this thread, and you’ll you get a good picture of who actually doesn’t like him.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
I'm not the target demographic for this question, but-

I actually do like Quin. He's not my favorite, but right now he's in this weird tsundere/playboy stage where he hasn't admitted he actually likes you. And the only reason why I say he does is because he's actually super affectionate and respects boundaries if you choose to keep him as your bed mate. He uses his magic fire to keep you warm and wakes you up with spankings when you use his chest as a pillow. Right now he's just kind of like... Tony Stark before he realized what a douche he is? He's really lewd about Atugia but everyone else he lewds on just seems like hot air. He doesn't say anything untoward about Kiyoko, he says he wants to make Ryn a "prim and proper Taelian wife," but then also says she's obviously not into him so he won't try anything with her. And then goes on that her bird and marksmanship are so great that it makes her good company. So I guess I don't really get strong creeper vibes from him, just extreme overcompensation that he doesn't want to admit that he has a soft side. Though I think his dialogue changes with the new set and sticking up for him when talking to the townsfolk in that quest.

Then again, I have been told that I get the wrong vibe for thinking that Brint is a sweetheart in his m/m romance path so maybe I'm just off. :p
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