
  1. T

    Why do heterosexual men dislike quintillus?

    Hey , new here first question, ive noticed something while surfing up the forum and tumblr,twitter etc, Okay so, first: Quintillus is my fav character. He´s always been my main parter along the game, ive done all his scenes in the game and i want more content of him I personally just find...
  2. R

    CoC2 Quin in Glacial Rift

    Not entirely sure it's Quin's fault, but it did occur when I had him and Cait in the party. I was heading toward Gweyr's camp. Here's the error report.There's two pics because of length. Sorry it overlaps a bit. Almost forgot I've gone to Glacial Rift plenty of times before no problem. This is...