
  1. Nextgener

    My CoC 2 Partner Rankings!

    So when I get an idea in my head and it sticks around long enough, I just decide “Fuck it” and I’m gonna try it and see where it goes. Since I’ve been getting back into CoC 2, I decided to see how each character holed up in my personal enjoyment scale so far. I’ve broken each one down to 3...
  2. T

    Will Cait gain anal esque scene for vagina champs, or at least one that is available to all?

    Hi. Just as title says: with recent inquiry about Cait and her relationship with the champ, I feel like it would be nice if female/cboy champions could get something that is as romantic as how that anal scene is presented. While I understand that this is a game made for straight men where...
  3. T

    Why do heterosexual men dislike quintillus?

    Hey , new here first question, ive noticed something while surfing up the forum and tumblr,twitter etc, Okay so, first: Quintillus is my fav character. He´s always been my main parter along the game, ive done all his scenes in the game and i want more content of him I personally just find...
  4. Animalistic

    Does Cait post-thickening dialogue change after sucking on cowgirl milk compared to her blowing minotaurs?

    So I never really liked how Cait was so dick focused on the idea of getting pregnant in her Mallach path. Or how it felt like she was disappointed that champion could not get her more thick by getting her pregnant if they lacked dick in her non temple path. I am speaking from a perspective of...
  5. G

    Is there a way to get cait to stop going to the gym?

    I misread the options when she asked about it and now she's started working out, I really like my chubby kitty..... Is there a way to get her to stop?
  6. R

    Cait's Berwyn Scene Hasn't Been Removed/Reconfigured

    This is leading with cait berywn 3some, this should be either removed or updated. I have changed Berwyn to Wynne with huge tits and no cock, so this could also be part of the reason, but a lot of the Berwyn stuff probably needs edited or adjusted or something. version: 0.5.7 TypeError: Cannot...
  7. M

    Vari's Village

    So I'm trying to follow the events to get Leo Cait but the two half breeds aren't showing up when I find Vari. Vari just keeps taking me away for one on one time. I met her once already and got her pregnant which I'm thinking is the cause but I'm not sure. The wiki has very little to go on for...
  8. pinkcaitgang

    Party Member Combat Viability

    Sorry if this has been posted before. I'm the type of person who's more interested in the story (and the sex) than the combat, so I'm wondering if anyone has gotten deep into the combat and ranked party members based on viability and usefulness? For instance, Cait and Brint both seem super...