Why do heterosexual men dislike quintillus?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2021
We could. It is just in this instance that her and our goals align, that is all. Besides, there are a lot of past events where we could do stuff that our companions disapprove off. In case of Brienne, her mind broken state makes her physically and mentally incapable of going against our will. She says as much when discussing our engagement with Kass. If we were suddenly to turn to the demonic side, she could not raise her arms against us. So what is fucking her bombshell of a sister compared to that?
When do you discuss this engagement?
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
Oh my god, right? I saw so much bitching on here about Azzy/Lia stuff being girl only, but like 5 characters in TiTS are exclusively heterosexual women and it's never mentioned.

Yup. I knew it was going to happen as soon as it was added too, because they always fucking do.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
It’s called 36 years of being subjected to heteronormative films, television, & literature. Bitches talk about the dastardly gays rubbing it in their faces over the smallest things, but jeeeeeeezus, the hypocrisy goes right over their heads.
My condolences. While I can not associate my experience entirely with your own, I do understand a lot of your frustrations. For I do have plenty of my own, especially when it comes to relation of male beauty and how the hetoronormative notions of it just messes it up for everyone.

Oh my god, right? I saw so much bitching on here about Azzy/Lia stuff being girl only, but like 5 characters in TiTS are exclusively heterosexual women and it's never mentioned.
I did have slight problem with it when it was not optional, but as it stands now, I think it is more then fine.

When do you discuss this engagement?
I think you need to be on romantic path with Kas, have brienne with you during the storming of winter pallace, hug Kass, and maybe fuck her, then an one time option will open for Brienne where you and her discuss you and Kass.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2021
My condolences. While I can not associate my experience entirely with your own, I do understand a lot of your frustrations. For I do have plenty of my own, especially when it comes to relation of male beauty and how the hetoronormative notions of it just messes it up for everyone.

I did have slight problem with it when it was not optional, but as it stands now, I think it is more then fine.

I think you need to be on romantic path with Kas, have brienne with you during the storming of winter pallace, hug Kass, and maybe fuck her, then an one time option will open for Brienne where you and her discuss you and Kass.
thank you I'll take brienne with me next time


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2016
Yeah, that is how it seems to me also. But at the same time, he is more willing to brag about how he is going to bed any other of our companions, except Brint (heh) and maybe Ryn. Which makes his reservations about champion seem just that more perplexing.

What makes you think so?

He says that she is not his type, not that Ryn is not into him.
Sorry I can't multi quote, I am way too tired after work lol. But I'll address each point:

1. That, to me, seems like part of the fuel of "the playboy likes you, you're the special one" trope. Anyone else wants to bang and bam, he's in. Someone he likes wants to bang and he's like "Woah hey heh heh are you sure you want to go that way with me? I'm a bad guy." As far as banging other companions- he says he does bang Cait, and it is helping them get along slightly better. He's just hoping that she'll realize he genuinely hates the cult. With Kiyoko, he says he trusts her, but he thinks kitsunes as a whole are hiding something. He goes on to say that he doesn't judge her because he came from the cult, so he doesn't think she has ulterior motives. And that he feels a kinship with her because they were both "trapped." And he makes no sexual remarks about her. With Arona he says that he is impressed by her dick and that she visits him to use his magic on her to make her cum harder. And with Atugia he just says he wants to throat fuck her a lot lol. So really he just lewds hard on Cait and Atugia. So I wonder if maybe his dialogue changes a lot after getting his second set. Tbh I didn't pay super close attention to him before then because he was a pretty bad combat companion so I never brought him along for stuff.

2. Cait and Atugia aside, he makes shallow, sexual observations about companions at first, and then explains why he likes our companions outside of that. And they all seem reasonable; it at least sounds like he is learning about everyone and is part of the party with us, not just an outsider who only wants to bang everyone.

3. "Don't worry, I'm joking; as cute as she is, Etheryn isn't really my type. It's about the challenge when you find a good flame. The classic give-and-take romance is the only kind I want. Though, I suppose we get along well enough; her bird is rather magnificent and her ability with a bow is impressive. From a martial standpoint, she impresses me enough to make that cute ass of hers good company." To me, that reads more like "Oh yeah she's not my type, and she wouldn't be into me anyways." Or it could mean that she's just too submissive for him, and he thinks it would be too easy.

I just see Quin as like, stereotypically macho. He'll brag about his conquests and have tons of casual sex but if he is confronted with feelings, he loses all confidence. The type of guy who likes to be perceived as an emotionless sex machine when really he's just never had an emotional connection so casual sex is all he knows. To quote his scene asking how he's doing, "Although the taeleer hears your question, it seems he isn't entirely sure how to answer. For one of the rarer moments he shows it, Quin flashes a genuine and small grin. "Admittedly, I would say I'm enjoying myself. I always have to put on that I'm some hyper-intelligent guy to avoid the stereotypes folks love to throw on us taeleer. But when I'm traveling around with you, I can rest a bit more easily and pull back all the seriousness. I mean, how often do you think I'll get the chance to just enjoy some room and board with good company?" Is the mighty Quin really admitting that you're good company? Things have felt touch-and-go — albeit improving — with a lot of his baggage constantly nagging him. Quin rolls his eyes. "Alright, joker, I get it. I'll try to be a bit more enthusiastic." His ears sway side-to-side with his tail before the taeleer grabs his mug. "As long as I'm nice and drunk." And tbh even if he is sleeping around in the party, idc, I'd be just as much of a ho as Quin if we had more men in the party.

Or if we could gay it up with Garret. Or Takahiro. Or Vitruvius. Or Taldahs.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
Well, I've already talked about Quin before but I'll throw my 2 cents in. I'm bi, but I have always leaned toward preferring men rather than women (that's why I'm rlly picky with female npcs). So Quin, a male who does not fall into a femboy trope that's common in porn games/media that solely exists to stroke pc's dick ego was nice. Also men in this game either a super feminine guys like Sugo or masculine guys like Brint so having someone like Quin who's in between was plus. He's also a rare character that vag-only champ can top in this game (there's not a lot of femdom in general but esp so in domming content for vag-only champ) and few sires that actually recognize and show some care for pc that's pregnant with his kids instead of millions of pump and dumps.

That's why I leaned toward liking Quin initially.

But then I started to read his other stuff and honestly, all the criticism of him in this thread has been valid. I re-read his stuff and yeah I have forgotten how sleazy he comes off. I still like him somewhat and want to defend him his lack of content is severely hurting him. He seriously needs some HUGE redemption arc like Arona. I initially really disliked Arona for the same fuckboy/sleazy/rapey vibe in the beginning and her certain talks about companion (like her old talk about brienne) put me off but having her "redemption," character development helped her a lot. So I'm repeating myself but I really hope that even if a lot of ppl dislike Quin BubbleLord continues to write and improve him. Cause I do like him to an extent and see his potential. Perhaps it would help if his talk about the companions changed just like how certain companions' opinions of him (like Brienne, Cait, etc.) changed after his armor quest.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Well, I've already talked about Quin before but I'll throw my 2 cents in. I'm bi, but I have always leaned toward preferring men rather than women (that's why I'm rlly picky with female npcs). So Quin, a male who does not fall into a femboy trope that's common in porn games/media that solely exists to stroke pc's dick ego was nice. Also men in this game either a super feminine guys like Sugo or masculine guys like Brint so having someone like Quin who's in between was plus.
You know, I will the game credit that we have some femboys that do not fall into that stereotype of "Oh, look at you player, you are so manly for fucking a girly guy and not gay at all."

Although I would like to correct you a little. The guys inbetween are numerous. It just happens that most of them are bad (takahiro, Keros, Darius, Imad), are not fuckable (River, Hitoshi, Nakano) or are part of combat encounter (Kitsunes, the Incubus). Obviously the first list is subjective, but I genuenly believe that they miss the mark in being actually desirable as sexual partners.

The only sex-able ones I actually like are Elyon, Yon and Quin (despite it all.)

Still, I get your general sentiment in how lacking we are in pretty boys/hunks.
He's also a rare character that vag-only champ can top in this game (there's not a lot of femdom in general but esp so in domming content for vag-only champ) and few sires that actually recognize and show some care for pc that's pregnant with his kids instead of millions of pump and dumps.
I agree on femdom/power bottoming front but I do have to ask, did his latest expansion add to his pregnancy talks? Since last time I tried it, only time he mentioned it was at the end when we give birth. Which is nice but he also gives the same treatment to Elthara, a girl that he knocks up on a whim and is truly meant to be a pump and dump girl for him.

If it did, nice, I will try it out.


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2015
Bit of a loaded question. Personally, I almost like Quinn. He has his most interesting moments when you are confronting the cult and giving background on what it actually was like and how it has changed. For example the quest getting out of the closet and Winter wolf part 2. However these moments feel sporadic and far between. I really want the game to lean more into Quinn's cult past but it seems to keep it relegated in the background. Additionally, his past with the Talons is almost never brought up again. Frankly, I was baffled when Quinn's new armor set seems completely out of left field.

The companions I find interesting have stories and arcs that progress and evolve over time. Cait's quest for her sister runs in parallel to your quest, but she can also change a bit over time. She can reunite with her father and therefore have some progress towards recusing Calla. She can either find comfort in her faith or find that it abandoned her. Ryn conflict shadows act 1 of the story. She starts out as the abandoned afterthought of her sister. Has a naïve plan to take her down. Finds out that the plan doesn't work and then put in the hard work to actually overthrow her sister. However, she finds out that she wasn't just her sister's plaything, but also her tormentor. Now Ryn has to pick up the pieces of her sister's folly and starts to view her sister as both an ideal as a ruler and as a cautionary tale.

The issue I have with Quinn is that he only has the beginnings of a character.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2021
You know, I will the game credit that we have some femboys that do not fall into that stereotype of "Oh, look at you player, you are so manly for fucking a girly guy and not gay at all."

Although I would like to correct you a little. The guys inbetween are numerous. It just happens that most of them are bad (takahiro, Keros, Darius, Imad), are not fuckable (River, Hitoshi, Nakano) or are part of combat encounter (Kitsunes, the Incubus). Obviously the first list is subjective, but I genuenly believe that they miss the mark in being actually desirable as sexual partners.

The only sex-able ones I actually like are Elyon, Yon and Quin (despite it all.)

Still, I get your general sentiment in how lacking we are in pretty boys/hunks.
Oh right. There's not much guys in general but all those characters are so forgettable. Doesn't help since as you said many are unfuckable and also not much content. Just wish for more guys and variations in general.
I agree on femdom/power bottoming front but I do have to ask, did his latest expansion add to his pregnancy talks? Since last time I tried it, only time he mentioned it was at the end when we give birth. Which is nice but he also gives the same treatment to Elthara, a girl that he knocks up on a whim and is truly meant to be a pump and dump girl for him.

If it did, nice, I will try it out.
Unfortunately no :( still the bare minimum recognition but still slightly better than most pump and dump. I'm kind of hoping if I talk about it enough (complain more like) there's some expansion. I mean there is a new scene, "get bred" thar kind of talks ? about it kind of.
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I really didn't expect that many people to answer, hi everyone!

I read all the comments, and the criticism seems to boil down, in very simple, non nuanced terms, to:

"He's sleazy, he was in a sex cult, he's an ass, he doesn't respect women, he talks like he's hot shit when he's not, and he's a mess of a person, you can't top him, he's bad at combat, has shaky morals, and is a playboy (slut)."

Which, half of these seem very weird to me, being that hes, a character in a text sex game? with a lot of dubious morals across the whole game? But, I suppose, you do you?

I'm happy to see that there are others who like him! I still think hes the best! I agree hes very undeveloped, but i dont really mind , hes fun even now, and I'm excited for more stuff!

I dont really choose characters based on how useful they are, i just pick the ones i like and try to buff them as much as the game will allow me to. So even though Cait and Quin probably arent the best in the game, they are the best in my heart, and thats enough for me haha.

I have played the whole game mostly blind so i dont know a lot about some other characters, i just follow my gut and it has been very enjoyable! Most of the bad stuff you guys talk about didnt happen in my run (Im on day 397) or i didnt notice. The townspeople mostly respect him, and from my observations, a lot of people like him now. He talks a lot of hot air but hes all bark and no bite; all the banter he has in him is fun to me.

I'm just going to gush about him because apparently, not everyone likes him as much as I do, so I need to spread some bunny love around the world!

i did think he was a jock playboy who talks shit and is very vocal about who he find sexualy atractive but jokes on yall cause im into that trash talk attitude of his, i love when hes being a nasty bitch.

I was dating Clint before i meet Quin and i dropped him like a dirty rag the moment i first saw my bunny man, it was line hook and sinker for me haha.

I love his dick! It's very pretty and looks good for a comfy fuck! i love that he likes to top as i love to bottom, and ive been fingerblasting daddy till he cries wayyyy to much for way to long, his macho facade is in shambles on the floor by now.

I'm sure they'll add a scene at some point where I can plow him and baby; I'm so excited for that day; I'll throw a big ass party and the entire Frost Marches and Wayfort will know.

I like that hes androginous! Thats hes not a manly man or a femboy! Hes pretty, and i like his new scene with armor! I think he looks very cool! I love how he transforms into pink fire!I love that he has a degradation kink ! I love his sass! and that he talks back! If there was a scene where i catch him telling someone he cant wait to pound me i would propose on the fucking spot.

I wish i could cuddle with him in the Wayfort too!, like, the best bed in the whole game and youre telling me i cant cuddle him there? Blasphemy

I believe that completing him for the sake of completing him and actually spending the game with him may result in a very different game experience; he isn't mean to Cait, and they are pretty chummy to me,

Cait says "He's a bit hard to get a read on and he keeps secrets. But if you think about it, don't all of us have secrets?" "It's like he isn't the worst but actually is... good, you know?""
Brint "Aaah, he's okay. Don't take him too serious, whether he's being broody or playful. He's chill "Think we get along pretty well,."
Atugia "Quintillus ain't so bad," Atugia laughs.
"I realize I mighta' been overthinking it. He doesn't get in your head but makes it do funny things... like feel really good with a special someone." "I can't ask for a better workout partner and drinking buddy"
Arona "So does having Quin around bother you?" She shrugs. "Nah. You and Cait're the ones with a beef against the weird fuck-cult. Won't suck my dick, though, so don't care that much."

They either like him or dont think much about him, the beef in my game with him is gone allmost fully but its because i decided to give the dude a chance and i think that what makes the whole thing change. If you treat him like hes awful , the dude stays awful.

I also dont mind if he was in a sex cult, or that he thinks about sex in a very detached manner. I really dont mind his emotional baggage or that he isn't perfect, the game lets you slowly work on that with him, and there is progress! and the fact that its so slow is more realistic to me and feels even more fulfilling! Like im really doing good for him ! I want him to feel supported and loved!

He has a lot of walls up emotionally, and i always felt like i have to be very careful with him or i will break his little glass heart, but i 100% trust this dude to have my back at the worst times and his dialogue is so much more relaxed as you grow closer to him, hes a softie it just takes time and persistence.

I really like that Quin is complicated! Sometimes characters are too direct in their pursuits, and Quin has no idea what the fuck he's doing, so he feels more real to me.

This is the type of guy who says things like "Heh," the ex-cultist laughs. "Yeah... the kind of sleeping together without sex. This is what couples do, you know." as i hold the baby he just literally breed into me.

the kind of dude who would ask "would you love me if i was a worm" full-on dead serious like the dumb fuck he is

We have about 20 kids, we sleep together every night, all my friends refer to him as my "daddy bunny," we share finances (I'm his sugar, let's be honest), and I haven't fucked anyone else in months; neither has he.

He wants you to love him if he was a worm.

Hes my babygirl, my pathetic man, my dumbass trainwreck

Yes, i would love him if he was a worm.
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Active Member
Sep 17, 2022
As a person who has no interest in content in male sexual scenes unless it includes humiliation tell him that I personally find Quintillu boring and frustrating even so.

Leaving out the sexual content I can still be interested in other men's interactions.

Brint: Maybe a little stereotypical but it can have some funny scenes, they should have more bro moments

Berwyn: Because of his situation and his puppy face I sympathize and it makes me want to help him.

Garrett: My alcoholic character necessarily always participates in his drinking contest, it's a pity that in this game there is no Bro Brew as in 1.

Garth: Respectable man who led a village and its cubs forward almost single-handedly.

The plotline Quin turns into seems to be about redemption but frankly it drives me crazy, maybe because it reminds me of someone close to me who is an idiot. Frankly, if it wasn't for the fact that it would go against my instincts as a player or in the future be important to the plot, I'd leave it. to his luck when they give me the decision to meet him for the first time.

My point of view

Quin: "Hey I'll join this band of weirdos and problematic people with somewhat radical ideas that is obviously a cult" (some time passes)

"Oh no!!! The obvious cult finally got radical, even more... and I don't like it anymore, help me! I AM A POOR VICTIM OF MY FOOLISH DECISIONS"

"Look PC look how the people of Hawkethorne look at me badly for having been a member of a group that has done so much harm poor me... by the way you give me money for more mead?"

Cait: "Champion, remind me why we still keep it"

Champions "I'm saving it as a wild card maybe we need a sacrifice for the open portal and rescue your sister"


Active Member
Aug 28, 2015
But for some reason heterosexual men dislike quintillus? why? im curious , ive seen a lot of people want him deleted as a companion and almost always its heterorexual men

Like i know there are exceptions of this but at least to me, a queer person , everyone who i see who likes CoC2 and its not cic/hetero jusT LOVES the bunny man, myself included, gay men , hetero women, trans folk, envy etc etc etc hes smoking hot to almost everyone, a hot commodity, even when not their fave they tend to have a positive opinion of him.

But not to hetero men, what up? is there something im not seeing im baffled, if you dont like him that fine i dont mind you talking trash about him feel free , hes free real state hes not real , but i wonder what is it that makes him so disliked like, sure youre not going for a dude if you dont like men, but they dont like the character in itself being there , like as friend or just an occasional character of the story.
Honestly speaking, you could have phrased all of this with a little less...everything? And with more genuine, non-judgemental, non-biased curiosity.

However, speaking as a hetero (I guess, since that's what you asked for) I don't like Quintillus because he rubs me the wrong way in a way that I just can't describe or pin down. I haven't even interacted with him all that much either, but he still repulses me for some reason, to the point where I no longer even bother intervening in his introductory scene. That's just how it is really, nothing more, nothing less.

Sometimes you just don't like a character.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
Yeah, if I remember him right, Quin can be kinda douchey. Which is absolutely fine from a story perspective. He can grow. But I remember him as being douchey and liking it that way.

Arona is a dick. But I can fix her. She has a willingness to improve herself. Quin in the early content did not have that. Okay fine, I'm gonna check out Quin again, see where it goes.

This is absolutely false. We removed the elf boy because he was a two-scene wonder that was clogging up the encounter table for things that people actually wanted. Normally we wouldn't have let something that barebones in the game, but Hugs was in one of his moods back then and we were trying to help him get back on his feet.
Fair enough. But the general point still stands. I remember the thread spiralling into more than just 'a repetitive encounter which was too niche for the audience'. I remember people specifically talking about their straight Champ becoming gay. All while we had stories in the news of how straight men were not-guilty for murdering their trans woman partner, because the trans woman would have made them gay... yeah I took a break from the forums.

I don’t even wanna go back and see if I misremember it. The world has gotten worse in the meantime. If I wanna argue heterosexuality is threatened by the mere presence of purple hair, I can just point to the news.

"No sir, I am not a devil-worshipper. I am a demon. Yes, there is a vital distinction, let me pull out my 100 page flipchart..."


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
I read all the comments, and the criticism seems to boil down, in very simple, non nuanced terms, to:

"He's sleazy, he was in a sex cult, he's an ass, he doesn't respect women, he talks like he's hot shit when he's not, and he's a mess of a person, you can't top him, he's bad at combat, has shaky morals, and is a playboy (slut)."

I mean, if that’s what you want to take from it, sure I guess? :rolleyes:

Kinda missed the bits where multiple people complained about him being a misogynistic fuckboy, and more than a bit rapey, all of which happens regardless of how you treat him, the game just treats it like NBD. That said, you’re allowed to like what you like.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2019
"It's so weird to dislike him for being "sleezy" (literally a rapist) and "disrespectful to women" (literally sees them as only sex objects)."

Like okay. I guess I have some very weird opinions then, cause I hate those. Idk what your fucking point here is. You love your little rapist meow meow, I get it. Idk why you made this thread if you're gonna ignore any critiques to just babble about how great he is more.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
"It's so weird to dislike him for being "sleezy" (literally a rapist) and "disrespectful to women" (literally sees them as only sex objects)."

Like okay. I guess I have some very weird opinions then, cause I hate those. Idk what your fucking point here is. You love your little rapist meow meow, I get it. Idk why you made this thread if you're gonna ignore any critiques to just babble about how great he is more.

Ah, but he’s OP’s husbando, and husbandos are incapable of doing wrong. Clearly it‘s we who are mistaken.

It’s not like the little fucker is slinging around the magical equivalent of roofies all over the place, or trying to forcibly alter peoples’ brain chemistry to get what he wants, or treating anyone around him like disposable, human-shaped Fleshlights. That would just be silly :rolleyes:
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Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2021
I would like Quin if Quin was a woman.. that and the whole cult thing. Kas is my only fucked up lover (if you dont inc Evergreen). Alissa too once if she comes sexable. Oh yeah I'm not a dude either..
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
The plotline Quin turns into seems to be about redemption but frankly it drives me crazy, maybe because it reminds me of someone close to me who is an idiot. Frankly, if it wasn't for the fact that it would go against my instincts as a player or in the future be important to the plot, I'd leave it. to his luck when they give me the decision to meet him for the first time.
Honestly, the new stuff is more of the same, the other NPCs just treat it as NBD at this point. If there was a non-corruption inducing option to boot him in the beginning or an option to punt him into the new Wayfort dungeon later on, I’d definitely take it.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2015
Yes, i would love him if he was a worm.
I now wonder if we could have a Dune's Leto II-esque or even Star Wars' hutt character (body frame wise in both cases) in the game. I take that quadruple amputee-esque characters would be a no-no.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Unfortunately no :( still the bare minimum recognition but still slightly better than most pump and dump.

My theory is that his future pregnancy talks or scenes are going to be tied to his relationship meter or to his marriage content. For as Bubs said, fucking him does not raise his relationship meter; being a good person torwards him does. So maybe the idea is that he will only truly give you a time of the day once he considers you a gf/bf material. Like Rune, apparently.
Or maybe it is just that the game forgot or doesn't see it as important.

I'm kind of hoping if I talk about it enough (complain more like) there's some expansion. I mean there is a new scene, "get bred" thar kind of talks ? about it kind of.
I respect your hustle for it is same as mine. Albeit with a slight divergence: where you complain about lack of maternal care, I complain about lack topping content... Yeah, I think yours should be much more of a priority.
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Tide Hunter

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2019
Quint's viewing of people as sex objects is not solely the realm of female characters. I have a download of CoC2 from before Berwyn was removed from the companion pool, and Quint's talk about Berwyn starts with him calling him "The buttslut wolf in denial," and while he talks about how he and Berwyn dislike each other, the two main points as to why he dislikes Berwyn is that Berry won't let him spend an entire night just fucking Berry's ass, and also Berry dislikes his magic.

Meanwhile, if you play through Getting into the Closet with Quint, you can also see him talk about Master Whisper, and pretty much the grand total of it is (paraphrased) "I really wanted to fuck him back when I was in the cult. Also he wasn't as scarred before."

Quint's viewing of others as sex objects seems less misogyny and more just that he's way too horny. Which, still isn't that great, but I think the main reason why he's viewed as misogynistic is largely just because of his companion talk scenes, and unfortunately, the only male companion left for him to talk about probably doesn't fit Quint's tastes.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
Quint's viewing of people as sex objects is not solely the realm of female characters. I have a download of CoC2 from before Berwyn was removed from the companion pool, and Quint's talk about Berwyn starts with him calling him "The buttslut wolf in denial," and while he talks about how he and Berwyn dislike each other, the two main points as to why he dislikes Berwyn is that Berry won't let him spend an entire night just fucking Berry's ass, and also Berry dislikes his magic.
That was part of what I was referring to when I talked about his sneering attitude towards guys who bottom. He still retains a similar line in his rimming scene, targeted at said guys in general.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2019
Quint's viewing of people as sex objects is not solely the realm of female characters. I have a download of CoC2 from before Berwyn was removed from the companion pool, and Quint's talk about Berwyn starts with him calling him "The buttslut wolf in denial," and while he talks about how he and Berwyn dislike each other, the two main points as to why he dislikes Berwyn is that Berry won't let him spend an entire night just fucking Berry's ass, and also Berry dislikes his magic.

Meanwhile, if you play through Getting into the Closet with Quint, you can also see him talk about Master Whisper, and pretty much the grand total of it is (paraphrased) "I really wanted to fuck him back when I was in the cult. Also he wasn't as scarred before."

Quint's viewing of others as sex objects seems less misogyny and more just that he's way too horny. Which, still isn't that great, but I think the main reason why he's viewed as misogynistic is largely just because of his companion talk scenes, and unfortunately, the only male companion left for him to talk about probably doesn't fit Quint's tastes.
Now, in some ways this is more fault of the game, as you said, for lacking in male companions and guys in general. And so from what little we can deduce is that Quin usually goes for guys on a more softer/feminine side of the spectrum. And there is nothing wrong with that.

It is just the way he presents it that is the problem. He whines that Berry did not just bend over and the way he puts it makes it sound that the reason that he should do it because he is the one more girly of the two. Combine that with his own lack of bottoming content (and some of his comments during sex scenes), it does make him come of as pretty insecure, or at least as someone with a not the most healthy view of sexual dynamics. Like a frat bro.

Besides, a bisexual/pansexual guy can still be Misogynistic; lusting after guys does not make that other facet any less relevent. And it is not the fact that Quin wants to fuck our companions that makes him come of that way. It is the way he expresses it. Which many have pointed out, including HK-47.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
I now wonder if we could have a Dune's Leto II-esque or even Star Wars' hutt character (body frame wise in both cases) in the game. I take that quadruple amputee-esque characters would be a no-no.
A Hutt-like character with a Hutt-like reproductive cycle, even.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2017
A Hutt-like character with a Hutt-like reproductive cycle, even.
Are we talking EU based Hutts where they’re a mix of gastropods & marsupials, or the Disney!Canon Hutts where that was tossed out?


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2017
I'm not hetero , however i don't think he's that hot and I can't rail him. I love twinks, and I wish you could marry bee boy. But quint is just kinda lame


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2020
As an hetero; or whatever name people use today for guys liking girls; I can say with certainty that I don't hate him.

I never tried any sexual interaction with him, just because I don't swing that way.

Sure, he can be kinda blunt, and is definitely thinking with his lower head most of the time, but as long as he is not trying to get in my pants, he is allowed to stay with me.

It's the same thing with Brint, really. A male companion I'm never interacting sexually with, but he's my bro. And because he is my bro, I cannot bring myself to turn him into Brienne, even though she covers most of my fetishes.

Another male ex-companion I really liked was Berwyn. I did have some interactions with him, namely gently jerking him off, but no penetration.

If there is a companion I don't like, is Arona. Having a dick seems to be a very important part of her character, and although you can completely avoid touching it, it's always there. I'm sorry, but if there is going to be a dick involved, it better be only mine.

Etheryn falls in a weird spot, so I'm not even going to talk about that Pandora's box.


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
this has been an interesting thread. Of the handful of hetero men who bothered to answer the question the general consensus seems to be 'we don't hate Quin we just don't care about him' yet everyone else in the LGBT spectrum seems to strongly dislike Quin for various reasons. I have to wonder if OP and others were maybe just assuming that it was just straight guys bitching about Quin, cause in my experience I haven't noticed ANY straight men that have serious problems with him beyond his ineffectiveness in combat.
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