Are you serious? Gender fluidity and incest are two completely different things
Well I'm never choosing Kaithrit again x(
Dead serious. They are completely separate things that are nonetheless shaped by the culture which is shaped by great actors and simple physical constraints of society. Part of that would be that this brand of incest have it's stigma culutrally eroded into oblivion. We already have couple getting together fucking and having kids only to trace their family and realize their rolling stone dad was the same.
With the extension of life, hyper commodization of sex , the hyper prolific would be Genghis Khan playboys, frequent gene modding, as well wild spread crossbreeding keeping track family and genetic lines is a new kind of fresh hell.
Genemodding even eliminate the bio squick and risk and inbreeding risks. By sheer practicality giving a damn about blood should become meaningless without close interaction prompting westermack alikes. It's become a literal meaningless concern. Actual bonds are now what matter. It's like there being a hyper concern about relationships in Queendoms on Myrellions writ large.
For steele considering his dads age and promiscuity and sheer travel times he probably has more neices nephew, grand neices and nephews, and cousins than a a red venom pumper has orgasms in a year long save. This is only considering direct tab a to Tab b insertions with people and not considering Nyrea alikes, or New texas style milker events.
It is only narratively problematic that literally even Single NPC on Tavros without a well define lineage of not being related to you is somehow related to you, PC fertility and lack of condom usage being what it is. This maybe a fair amount of overstatement but these sort of things can happen, and do happen and society changes in response to that kinda of pressure.
Sorta like how the Cotton Gin was one of the greatest evils done to black people ever.
Through the systematic elimination of every physical reason behind the taboo the only reason that remains is interpersonal and for all intents and purpose Shade and PC are strangers, for physical purposes it's irrelevant if Victor is their dad or great great great grandad. He could be both. More Salient to their relationship is if they fuck under false premises. Steele's stance with pirates and if they enjoyed themselves and respect each other.
And that's what I have to say about that.